• Published 28th Nov 2012
  • 1,058 Views, 6 Comments

The Night After & Before - AppleSeed454

A short story about the night after the events if "One Bad Apple" but before Babs leaves

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The NIght Before & After

The Night Before & After

The stars shown bright in the sky, the moon was full, and you could hear the wind blowing through the leaves, the howling of they timber-wolves *and Wynona* Yes, it was indeed a beautiful summer night, one of the prettiest Applejack had seen in a long time, she stared at the beauty of it all, inhaling the majesty, but then...

"Applejack I thought you said you were gonna read us a story!" Came a loud booming voice from behind her. Applejack turned around, there in AppleBloom's bed set two little fillies, with very unsatisfied looks on their faces.

Applejack blushed "Ahh, well er, yeah, sorry" she said with a nervous laugh "I just got abit distracted bah the stars, thats all!"

"Ugg" a low voice let out "can we get dis train rollin already, i'd like ta get muh beauty sleep outta dah way so I can wake up early enough to get some quality play time in wit my cousin and da gang before I have ta go tomorrow aftanoon!"

"Ahh sure thing Babs" Applejack replied. "Just ahh let me get this here book offa AB's shelf and i'll start!"

..... "And the Princess saved her prince from the dark clutches of the wizards control, and they all lived happlily ever after, THE END!"

" Ahh, its over already!?" Applebloom asked in a high pitch.

"Fraid so sport, sides *yawn* its getting late and like Babs said, y'all needa be up bright n early if yea wanna have enough time ta play and what not for Babs has ta go back to Manehatten, since yea wasted the past couple a weeks, well, you know."

The two fillies looked at each other & blushed, both were ashamed of how they had acted, even though Babs had apologized a dozen times, and even been made a cutie mark crusader, she still couldn't help but feel she had yet to truly redeem herself, and AppleBloom,well, she still felt horrible about almost embarrassing Babs in front of the whole town, especially after she had come so far to get away from such bullying.

"Well g'night you two, sweet dreams, and don't let the parasprites bite!" AJ said with a chuckle as she turned off the light.

The moonlight shown in brightly through the open window, the summer breeze helped keep the barn cool at night. The two filles just set there in the bed neither asleep, how could they sleep, so much regret, so many opportunities for fun and fond memories lost in a series of unfortunate events. then...

"Hey, AB, you awake?" Applebloom heard Babs ask in a loud whisper

"Yeah Babs, i'm awake, why, yea need somthin?" Applebloom asked

"Nah, I don't need anything its just that well..."

"Well what?" Applebloom inquired.

"I, I just wanted ta say that i'm sorry OK!" Babs said in a quick harsh tone.

"Ahh don't worry none bout that, you already pologized more then enough, sides I already told yea, I ain't mad at yea, and i'm just as sorry as you are fer the prank me & the gang tried to pull on yea" Applebloom said with a big glaring smile on her face.

Babs looked at her cousin with a stern serious look " I know but still, it don't make up for what I did, the pain I putz yea and yur friends thru, and all because I was scared of being bullied in Ponyville like I was back home." Babs said in a sad & somber tone

"Babs, if its not too much, would, would you like to talk about it: Applebloom asked "the bullyin that is, I mean, if its not to painful"

Babs Seed looked up at her cousin who was now standing up straight over her. "I, I don't want to trouble you with it, its not your scar to bare, its mine" Babs said turning over away from the innocent face of her beloved cousin. Then all of a sudden she felt a hoof on her arm, and she was turned her straight on her back, Applebloom was now right on top of her, Babs didn't know what to do.

"Now see here, don't say, that, don't you ever say something like that ever again!" Applebloom said with a serious look on her face. "Whatta yea mean" Babs said in a confused tone " Don't you ever say its not mah problem!" Applebloom said in a serious voice. "Were family Babs, you and me, were family! Not only that, but remember, your a fellow Cutie Mark Crusader now as well, so that makes you like...DOUBLE FAMILY!" AppleBloom exclaimed. "And I know a thing or two about bullies as well, I mean Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon may not be as bad as what you may havta put up with back home, but I can at least understand enough to know it hurts yea, and probably even more so considering your alone mosta the time in that big ol city a yours, so please Babs won't yea open up ta me."

Babs looked up at her cousin, she couldn't help but laugh "Double Family Huh, HAHA, OK, Fine, I, I'll tell yea, but don't blame me if yea don't like what yea hear."

Babs went on for at least an hour telling AppleBloom all the horrid things the other young fillies & colts at her school had done to her, some of these things Applebloom had never even heard of before, and when Babs explained them to her, the young filly almost found herself shedding as many tears as she knew Babs must have been holding back. Babs also told her how her parents never had time for her, how they were always to busy tending to all the flower, farm & garden shops they owned, how alone she felt, and how she had foolishly ignored and denied her big sister, the only one who had offered to help her, the very one who was wise enough to send her to Ponyville in the first place to help her get away from it all.

After it all All Applebloom could do was stare at her cousin and say "I, I'm soo sorry!" Babs looked at her, confused "Sorry!? Whadda You sorry for ain't nonna dis your fault!" Babs exclaimed "I, I know but, its all just so sad, and, and if i'd known I woulda.." "YOU WOULDA WHAT!?" Babs exclaimed in a now angry tone. "There ain't nothin yea coulda done, your over here hundrads o miles away, not ta mention you can barely handle your own bullies, ain't nothin yea coulda done" Babs said, tears now running down her eyes.

"Oh Babs" Applebloom sighed as she embraced her cousin in a hug "But, yea know, I do gotta say, I wanna thank yea" Babs said as the two embraced. "Thank me, for what?" Applebloom asked "Well, you know, fer bein mah Princess and savin me and what not" Applebloom unlocked the hug, and looked at Babs in an odd face. Babs blushed " I didn't mean that in a messed up way or notin yea roob, I just mean, thanks for savin me from dat mean old witch Diamond Tiara, and from myself." Applebloom blinked "Oh you mean like in that story Applejack read us, I'm the brave Princess, and your the prince that was possesed by her evil mind control" AppleBloom replied "ahh get it now!" "wow, you sure are a sharp one" Babs said sarcastically. Applebloom blushed, embarrassed.

"But yeah, I just wanted to thank yea, you know you and the CMC are the first real friends i've ever had, and, well after all I been thru, it, it feels good yea know." Babs looked at her cousin, smiling the biggest smile AppleBloom had seen from her yet. "Oh I know" Applebloom said. "Friendship is one of the most wonderful things in the world, and everpony deserves a friend, and you know what else everpony deserves?" AB asked Babs. "What" Babs aked in return. "A B.C.F.F.!" AppleBloom exclaimed with a smile on her face.

...AppleBloom, what the buck is a B.C.F.F.!?" Babs asked with a confused look on her face. "Why, well, its a BEST COUSINS FRIENDS FOREVER!" "Get it!?" B.C.F.F!" "Oh I see" Babs said blushing yet again "And you want me to be your B.C. Whatevers" "B.C.F.F!" AppleBloom said again, "And yes, yes I do, with us being B.C.F.F.'s it means i'll always be there for yea no matter what, no matter how far apart we are, if you need me just send a letter through the pony express and i'll hope on the next train to Manehatten ta come to my cousins aide, and of course feel free ta come down to the farm any time you want as well!" Applebloom said with joy, looking at her cousin. Babs couldn't help but get abit teary eyed. "OK then I accept your offer, well be B.C.F.F.'s or whateverz you said." "Good " Applebloom replied. She put her hoof up to her face and spat on it, and motioned for Babs to do the same, she complied and the two smacked their hoofs together. "With this" Applebloom exclaimed. "You and I are B.C.F.F's, no matter how far apart we are, we'll always be tagather in each others hearts."

"Hmm" Babs smirked "Thanks AB, this makes me feel a lot better, but *yawn* you know, your sister was right, its late, and we bettah get tah sleep if we wanna wake up early enough ta get some play time in." Babs stated. "Your right Babs" Applebloom said in agreement, slowly moving over back to her side of the bed. "Well Night B.C.F.F." Applebloom said in a whisper. "Back at yea B.C.F.F." Babs replied. Then as the moonlight drowned out behind a passing cloud and the crickets played their most relaxing ballad yet, the two young fillies closed their eyes, and entered a a good nights sleep, both dreaming of the adventures they would share tomorrow.


Comments ( 4 )

Good story my friend I liked it alot well done.

Very nice work.

Small thing:
"the crickets played their most relaxing balled yet"
- should be ballad.

>> @Knight Whoops your right, shoulda triple checked for typos before posting *Blushes* Have to fix that later.

Also Thanks DBZ, its actually my first time attempting to write a fanfic, so I tried my best. Glad you enjoyed it, I was hoping that at the very least it would turn out readable .

Grammer issues need fixing, particularly spacing out speech. Otherwise, I liked it. :applejackunsure:

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