• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 6,282 Views, 758 Comments

Then Everyone was an Alicorn - CluelessBrony

A botched spell turns everypony in Equestria into Alicorns

  • ...

But I'm Normal!


The scream echoed throughout the halls of Canterlot castle. The ponies in the hallways all looked up at the same time, startled by the sudden noise. Shrugging it off, the ponies of Canterlot continued to babble on to their friends about how great it was being an Alicorn.

Back at Celestia's quarters, a frightened princess of the sun desperately tried covering herself with blankets. "Luna! Don't barge into my room! Get out, get out, get out!" she cried from underneath her cloak of blankets.

Luna didn't know what to say to her. The sight before her was so horrible, so terrifying, so unnatural that she felt like she wanted to throw up.

Celestia was an Earth Pony.

Suppressing the urge to hurl, the dark mare stuttered out a question. "W-What happened to y-you?" she asked, horrified. Her sister got out from underneath her fort of blankets and glared at Luna.

"You happened!" she shouted. "You did this to me! Give me back my wings! My horn! How could you make me normal? Do you know what you've done to the kingdom, Luna?"

Luna tried and failed to hold in her anger. She had had nothing to do with this! Now her sister, who she had been trying so hard to connect with, who she had loved with all her heart, was blaming all of this on her?!

"What about the sun, Luna? We can't lower the sun!"

Oh. She had forgotten about that. I suppose that is a problem, she thought. She needed to prove her innocence before this got out of hoof. "Sister," she started, "If I had a spell that could take away your wings, your horn even, don't you think I would have used it against you all those years ago as Nightmare Moon?"

Celestia looked conflicted. "I... I don't..."

"Furthermore," she continued, "If you would just glance outside, you would notice that you are not the only one affected by... Whatever happened to do this to you." She pointed towards the window.

"You mean, everypony else has lost their horns? Their wings?" she asked, tentatively walking towards the window. Luna looked at the ground.

"Er, not exactly..."

For the second time that day, a high pitched scream was heard emanating from Canterlot Castle.


The crowd of ponies outside the library was steadily growing larger. Twilight gulped, unsure of how to deal with the situation. She couldn't just reverse the spell, she didn't have her horn anymore!

Think, Twilight... Who out there is as good as or better than me at magic?

A light bulb appeared above the mare's head. She swatted it away, sending it flying into a wall and smashing into small, glittering shards of glass. "SPPIIKKEE!", she shouted, "I need you to take a letter! Oh, and can you clean up that glass?"

Twilight looked towards the kitchen, waiting for the familiar purple dragon to step foot into the library. After a few moments, a purple appendage did cross the threshold, but not one they were expecting.

"Uh, Twi, I don't think your spell only affected ponies..."

Spike the Alicorn walked into the room, looking sheepish. The mares in the room looked on with shocked looks adorning their faces. Rarity blushed.

"Er, I can fix this!", shouted Twilight. "Spike! Take a letter!" she said, holding out a piece of parchment and a quill.

"Um... How?" Spike waggled a hoof in front of Twilight's face. "I don't exactly have hands anymore, y'know..."

"Uhh..." Twilight looked around the room. Her face lit up when she spotted Rarity. "Rarity! You're used to using magic! Can you take a letter?" she asked.

"How come you ask her, but you order me?"

"Be quiet, Spike."

Rarity smiled. "Of course I'll help you, dear." she said, accepting the offered parchment. Twilight cleared her throat and began to dictate.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

There has been a terrible, (or according to some ponies, wonderful) accident here in Ponyville..."


Luna and Celestia sat on the elder sister's bed. The night princess was rubbing the back of her now much smaller sister, whispering comforting words into her ear. "It'll be alright..." she said. "We'll find a way to fix this..."

Celestia sniffled, tears running out of her eyes. "B-but what i-if we c-can't?" she asked. "T-the s-sun will be s-stuck in the s-sky forever!"

Luna continued to rub her sister's back, unsure of what to say. A knock was heard on the window. Surprised, both mares looked towards the window and saw a grey Alicorn hovering there, mailbag wrapped hanging from her hooves, eyes facing different directions. "Letter for one Princess Celestia!" she called.

"Er... come in?"

The mailmare opened up the window and flew in, landing on front of the bed, seemingly oblivious to the crying princess. She dug into her mailbag and withdrew a rolled up piece of parchment, tossing it to Celestia and flying out the window again.

Celestia unrolled the scroll and read it aloud.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

There has been a terrible, (or according to some ponies, wonderful) accident here in Ponyville. After a spell gone wrong, (Which was totally not my fault, by the way), everypony in town appears to have been turned into... Alicorns. I'm sending this letter through the mail because apparently, every sapient creature in Ponyville has been affected, and this includes Spike.

Due to an...unfortunate side effect of the spell, I have been left incapable of reversing the spell. Please, Princess, come here and reverse the spell! I anxiously await your reply.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle"

New tears started to form in Celestia's eyes.

"What am I supposed to do about this!?!"