• Published 3rd Jan 2012
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Stairway to Equestria - AlexUk

After a bad decision he goes through Death's grip and ends up in Equestria.

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Epilogue: Letters to Equestria

A large part of this this chapter has background music. Watch out for the blue words linking to a YouTube video (or play the embedded video directly when you see it)


Letters to Equestria

The stallion grunted as he jutted in his seat. The safety harness was indeed tight and secure. He raised a hoof towards the upper part of his suit, pressing on a small button. “Control, cabin procedures over. Ready for mission start.”

“Roger that, cabin crew. Verifying launch checklist,” a feminine voice came from his ear piece.

“Cabin crew? Is that what I am to you, Twilight?” the stallion asked with a smirk as the rest of the crew members inside the small cabin chuckled.

“Bright Nebula, this is an official communications channel; the whole control room is listening in as well as the Pri-”

“Well, good thing I didn’t start babbling about last night then,” Nebula muttered innocently, drawing a long pause in the radio channel and suppressed laughter from the other crew members.

“You’re lucky you’re leaving this planet, but you will get back eventually,” Twilight’s rather menacing voice was heard again through the ear pieces.

“How’s that checklist going, Control?” the stallion asked, trying to contain his laugh for his own sake.

“Approved. Starting launch procedures,” a flat reply came.

The cabin shook as several of the ship’s engines ignited. Nebula shifted through several digital HUD projections with his magic, checking the system’s status and various other measurements and sensors.

“All looking good here. Countdown to main ignition when you please, Miss Twilight.”

“Main engines start in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1-”

The cabin shook and trembled violently as the solid fuel jets kicked in. The four ponies inside were pressed against their seats, subjected to huge G-forces.

“And liftoff!” came Twilight’s voice in the intercom, almost drowned by a wave of hoof stomps and cheers in the background.

“Beginning ship rotation to minimize external hull drag,” a crew pony announced from behind the pilot’s seat after a few seconds of flight.

“Be ready to trigger the atmosphere-breaching teleporter,” the voice in the headpiece announced.

Nebula used his magic to un-lid a box-shaped area on his flight panel. “Twi’, I hope this works. Hold on tight, guys; I’m starting the Sparkle Drive right . . . now!”

He pressed his hoof into the red button, and an even deeper sound than the one of the engines propelling them at Mach 1 speeds was heard. The interior of the cabin was invaded by sparks of magic and after a few moments, the entire ship exploded in a storm of magic bursts.

*** *** ***

From a great distance, Celestia and Luna watched the sky with attention from a large balcony at the Royal Castle in Canterlot.

The spaceship they were following exploded in a cloud of magic, and both Princesses’ hearts were relieved when they noticed the trails left by its engines forming again somewhere far above the planet’s atmosphere.

On a small screen floating nearby, Celestia could see a video feed of both the spaceship’s cabin and the Control Center on the ground. The alicorn smiled at the sight of a celebrating, bouncing mare that had dedicated her entire life to reaching out towards the stars.

“Does she not remind you of someone?” Luna asked, peering at the video feed over her sister’s shoulder.

“She does indeed. She looks so much like her as well,” Celestia said with a sigh.

“Well, she is a Sparkle. Thou can see a bit of her in all its family’s members.”

“You are right, sister. Still, it’s amazing to see what her descendants have achieved three generations down the line.” She turned off the floating screen, which folded back into a small device the size of a coin. Celestia then put it back into the golden royal jewelry hanging around her neck. “The world has changed greatly, Luna,” she said while heading back inside.

“Indeed it has, dearest sister.” The younger alicorn then turned her attention up in the sky after noticing a large shadow traveling across the balcony. “Celestia, we have a guest.”

The white alicorn came back outside on the large balcony, right on time to spot the approaching guest. Her face lit up as she recognized their old friend.

A dragon the size of a house faced them mid-air, his strong wing beats creating powerful currents that made the Princesses’ manes flutter wildly. He landed on the balcony, his hind legs touching the surface before being joined by the other two. He lowered his head, bowing in front of the two alicorns.

Celestia sighed, approaching the dragon’s head. “Spike, how many times I told you not to do that,” she said, nuzzling the side of his lower jaw.

“Old habits die hard, I guess,” Spike said with a mile-wide grin.

“How art thou?” Luna asked, gently hugging the dragon as well.

“Same old, same old.”

“Have you watched the spaceship launch?” Celestia asked him rather excitedly.

“I did. In fact, I flew around the rocket’s path and saw it up close. Amazing work from Twilight as usual.” His face then dropped a little. “It’s like seeing her again when finishing one of her inventions or projects. Having the same name helps quite a bit as well.”

“But thou art seeing the first Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said, touching the dragon’s snout with a hoof. “She lives through them. They both do. Thou should know best, you’ve watched over their descendants for almost a couple of centuries now.”

“You’re right, Luna.”

“Forgive my sister, Spike; she does this all the time. And somehow, I’m the softer ruler of us two,” Celestia quipped.

“Technically, you’re honorific Princesses now,” Spike corrected them. “The council and parliament rule Eque-”

“Silence thyself!” Luna boomed in her commanding voice. The dragon instantly went quiet, his fins and stature dropping in front of a creature that seemed so small compared to him.

The young alicorn burst into laughter, and even Celestia couldn’t stop herself from chuckling. “See? We still rule,” Luna said, poking her tongue out.

“Your humor always catches me off-guard, Luna,” Spike said, managing a weak smile.

“So, how are things in Ponyville?” Celestia asked.

“Busy and stressful, as always. Wife and kids are- Ughh, my mate and hatchlings are okay as well,” he corrected himself.

The Princesses each raised an eyebrow.

“The Old One prefers that I use the appropriate terms when I go and visit their lands. I’m just trying to get used to them,” he explained.

“I see. Beg your forgiveness however, I must leave to attend another tiresome meeting with our head of parliament,” Luna excused herself. “It has been nice conversing with you again, Spike.”

“Same, Luna. Enjoy your meeting!” he added with a grin.

While the Princess of the Night left with a roll of her eyes, Spike turned to Celestia. “I must go as well. The . . . hatchlings must have caused quite a stir by now since Ruby is still gone to her old territory.”

“Don’t let me hold you then. You look like quite the busy father,” Celestia said with a warm smile.

“There is one thing, however,” Spike added right before turning to leave. He leaned his head forward and spat a small stream of flames. From the green fire materialized a large pile of scrolls. “Remember that book we wrote together a couple of decades back?” the dragon asked.

“Stairway to Equestria?”

“Yes, that one. We never got to add an epilogue to it because we didn’t know what to write in it. After all these years, I think I came up with an idea.”

“Are those what I think they are?” Celestia asked, her eyes widened at the sight of the old, yet still familiar red royal seals on them.

“Yes. All of the letters Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Blink ever sent or received. Even mine are somewhere in that pile.”

“That’s . . . a great idea, Spike! Thank you so much. I can’t believe you kept them all this time. I remember you asking me a century ago about the ones Twilight sent to me,” Celestia said, sorting through the numerous letters with great care.

“How could I throw them away? Please take care of them, Princess.”

“No doubt that I will. Rest assured, Spike of Ponyville, for the letters are safe with me.”

“Why do you call me like that?”

“Why do you address me as ‘Princess’?” she asked with a smirk.

Spike rolled his eyes while turning his massive body on the balcony. “I will see you later, Celestia. Good day!”

“Good day, Spike.”

The dragon walked over the edge of the balcony, extending his large wings and jumping off the edge into a freefall. Taking flight a moment later, his large shape was seen heading towards the city of Ponyville. Celestia grabbed all the letters with her magic and went inside the castle.

Reaching her private study, she cleared a desk and placed all the letters on it. Although eager to read through them, she took a deep breath first. The Princess knew that re-living those small pieces of memory wouldn’t be too kind on her heart, but she carried on nevertheless.

Celestia unraveled the first letter, and her eyes immediately filled with tears as they went over her old student’s writing.


Dear Princess Celestia,

I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful.

So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Inside that letter were six old, golden tickets, with a small note next to them:

My faithful student Twilight,

Why didn't you just say so in the first place?

Celestia placed them on the side and grabbed the next letter while floating a tissue and wiping away the tears in her eyes.

Dear Princess Celestia,

When you first sent me to Ponyville, I didn't know anything about friendship. I met somepony tonight who was having the same problem - your sister, Princess Luna! She taught me that one of the best things you can do with friendship is to give it to others, and help them find it themselves!

And I'm happy to report that all of Ponyville has learned that even though somepony seems a little intimidating, even scary, when you offer them your friendship, you'll discover a whole new pony underneath. And even if my Star Swirl the Bearded costume didn't go over, this still turned out to be the best Nightmare Night ever!

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

After reading several others letters, Celestia noticed the ones on top were newer. As she continued reading them, Twilight had undergone a life-changing journey, learning more and more about friendship while taking part in wondrous adventures with her friends. Eventually, she reached one that mentioned a familiar pony, yet no name was given at that point.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I apologize for this early-morning letter. Last night, however, a distressed filly whose family lives further down the library came to my door in the middle of the night and asked for help. When I got to her farm, her father, Kazooie, told me that he had found a pony lying unconscious in the field.

He then took me to his barn where he moved the pony. He is a deep blue unicorn colt with a very strange cutie mark. He wasn’t well at all, and had quite a high fever, so I decided to take him back to the library. There, I put him in an unused room and gave him some fever medicine.

I feel that I should have done more than that, and I don’t really know what to do from this point on. Should I take him to the hospital today when he wakes up, or continue to take care of him here? He seems perfectly okay, but I’m just not sure.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

My dearest student Twilight,

I have full confidence that you can take great care of another injured pony. The only advice I can give you is to follow your reasoning. If you believe he needs more help, I am sure you will reach out. Trust your instincts, my faithful student.

Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

Thank you for your encouragement. I’m happy to report that he is feeling great now, almost two days after finding him. He doesn’t remember where he came from and who exactly he is, but I at least know his name: Midnight Blink.

I have started investigating the meaning of his off cutie mark, since his magic has been giving me a very odd feeling when it manifested. Regardless of that, he’s asked me about tutoring him in magic. I have no idea how good of a teacher I would make, but I’m really excited about passing my knowledge of magic to somepony else.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I am glad to hear he is all right. As you probably found out, I visited Ponyville today and met him personally alongside my sister. You were probably gone, and we couldn’t stay for long, but he made a good impression on both of us.

Again, I am confident in you, Twilight. Not only you are a good learner, but I am sure you will make a great teacher. Please do keep in mind, however, that he will need to become independent from your help in the near future. You can’t keep the poor colt in your house forever.

Also, as he’s to become your student, I expect a strictly professional teacher-pupil relationship between the two of you for now. Despite the appearances, we do not know a lot about him, and sometimes it is best to leave room for caution.

Princess Celestia

The Princess’s heart sunk as she read those lines. She remembered the off-putting sensation she had towards Blink in those years, and it hurt even more to see it expressed in words. As she shifted through letters which described the events that happened afterwards, she reached one she had never seen before:

Dear Twilight,

As you know by now, I have left Ponyville. I met with Blink on the train I took right after my talk with Rarity. I don’t want to go into details, but I really feel like I should be away for a while.

I decided to go to the Gryphon Kingdom with Blink. I know you cannot send letters back, so I don’t expect a response, but I will continue sending them to you.

Best wishes,

Spike and Blink

PS: Please don’t be mad on her. It’s not her fault.

Dear Twilight,

It’s been a while since I wrote to you. We are fine, currently camped out in the Zebra Lands. I hope everything is okay back home and you haven’t gone on a journey to get to us or anything. I am sorry again for leaving without telling anyone, but I just needed to be away from that place.

Anyway, Blink hurt his leg today but it’s nothing serious. I helped him take care of it. We’ll be reaching dragon territories soon, and then it’s a few days trip over the ocean from Port Issac. I don’t want you to worry too much, Twilight. I will make sure nothing bad happens to him. He’s also writing you a letter as I’m writing this, and I’ll send both of them together.

Your number one assistant,


PS: Almost forgot about it, but that nincompoop bought a gun! An actual revolver from a traveling merchant, and he thinks it’s 'cool'. I honestly don't know what you see in him.

Hey Twilight,

I bought a gun today! You have no idea how cool this thing is.

Yeah, I’m not very good at writing letters, but I’m learning and Spike’s helping me out with some tips. I don’t really know what to say other than I already miss you, and I want you to know that I’m absolutely fine. I’ll be back to you in no time.

Spike’s fine too. He’s still a bit down about what happened between him and Rarity, but I am sure he’ll get over it eventually. I didn’t want him to come with me on this stupid journey but he insisted, and to be fair, I am kinda glad he came. It’s pretty tough travelling all this distance. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to do it alone.

Anyway, that’s all from me. It’s getting dark, and we’re pretty tired from today. Good night, Twilight.

Patiently yours,

Midnight Blink


We’re on our way back. Currently camping in the forests between the Zebra Lands and dragon territories. Blink’s ‘trial’ took place in the Griffin capital, and he was sentenced to fight a manticore in an arena for their own amusement. I wish I could rip their wings off for what they did.

He was great though and managed to defeat it. He got injured, but a local pony doctor here told us he will be fine after he gets some help back home. We made a few new friends on our way here, and it’s much better traveling now. We’ll be home in a week. I miss you guys. Blink can’t write you right now, but he wants to let you know he misses you too.

Spike and Blink

My dearest student Twilight,

I’m writing this letter with the deepest regret, but I wanted to let you know nevertheless: I will be abdicating my throne very soon and will be leaving Equestria for an indefinite period of time shortly after.

My recent failures have showed that I can no longer rule this kingdom, when I cannot even stay impartial towards my subjects. From the terrible decision to send Blink away to the Griffin Kingdom to the findings of my old subjects’ wandering souls in the Everfree forest, trapped there because of the way they died to protect me over a thousand years ago.

I cannot tell you how deeply sorry I am for what I did to you and Blink. You have been my student for years now, and I’ve let that cloud my better judgment when I needed it most. I will be away for some time – I cannot possibly say how long – and my sister will take my place as High Ruler of Equestria.

If I never get another chance to talk to you, I want you to know that you’ve been a great student and you’ve learned so much about the magic of friendship, more so that I did in centuries.

I wish you the best, my dear Twilight,

Princess Celestia

Dear Twilight,

Training is going great; tiring as hell, but great. I’m not even a year into it and my superior officer decided to send me to do night guard shift at the Castle. They’re sending Chaser with me as well, so at least I’ll have someone to talk to all night long. Best thing is: I sleep during most of the day so I don’t even have to worry about the sun so much!

My personal lessons with Luna are also going pretty well. There’s a lot I’ve been learning about harnessing my magic better and faster. As expected, she’s not the patient teacher you were to me, but then again, she is running a kingdom at the same time.

How are things in Ponyville? I’ll be getting my next leave in a week, so I’ll come and visit then. Love and miss you so much.

Yours truly,


Dearest Twilight Sparkle,

I am to inform you that my sister, Celestia, hath returned home. Please come to Canterlot at your earliest convenience.

Princess Luna

To: Royal Guard units 1 to 18, day and night shifts

Subject: Changes in hierarchy taking effect immediately

Following the attack last night on the Grand Galloping Gala, I no longer occupy the position of Captain of the Royal Guard. That has been taken over by Midnight Blink effective immediately. All guards are to be combat ready at all times.

I know it may seem odd to start following the orders of a stallion you know little of, especially in times like these, but I have been re-assigned as General of the Armies, a position in which I can be more of serve to the kingdom. Rest assured, I trust Midnight Blink will fulfill his duties accordingly.

Shining Armor

General of the Equestrian Armies

Dear Chaser,

I have arranged your re-assignment from pegasus air forces to Royal Guard unit number 5. You hath also been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

I am sorry if this is something you do not wish, but I would feel much better coordinating this war while knowing that you are safe along my side.

With great love,


To: Royal Guard units 1 to 18, day and night shifts

Subject: Changes in hierarchy taking effect immediately

Following a conversation with Captain Midnight Blink, I am to announce all guard units that I, Lieutenant Star Chaser, am now the provisory Captain of The Royal Guard, as Midnight Blink was sent out on the front lines at Struthill. Prepare for combat and protection of the Princesses.

Star Chaser

To: Princess Luna

This report comes in response to the request you have placed at the communication services team, following our initial casualty report for Struthill and Canterlot. I was notified by ponies from the emergency operations in Canterlot regarding the whereabouts of Captain of the Royal Guard, Star Chaser.

I am sorry to inform you that Star Chaser’s body was identified this morning among the remains of a demolished house on 4th Cavalry Street. It has been picked up by a blue unicorn accompanied by a dragon and a white earth stallion. They are most likely en-route to the nearest emergency point, a military tent located at the crossroad between Cavalry and Haybarrel streets.


Loud Call,

Communications Officer of the Royal Guard

Dear Princess Luna and Celestia,

You are cordially invited to the wedding ceremony of Midnight Blink and Twilight Sparkle. The reception and official ceremony will take place two days before the next full moon, near the Golden Oaks library by the small lake.

Your subjects,

Blink and Twilight

PS: Sorry for the confetti explosion! Pinkie somehow manages to get them into the letters after we send them . . .

Dear Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity, AJ, Dash, Pinkie,

Baltimare and Fillydephia were amazing! We’re now ‘sailing’ towards the coast near the Southern Planes for a few days of sun and water by the famous Golden Beaches.

I hope everything is fine back in Ponyville. I already miss all of you girls (you too, Spike), but these have been the most amazing couple of weeks of our lives! I still can’t believe Blink and I are married; the last two weeks have been like a dream.

HMS Harmony is a great zeppelin; please thank Pearl again from our behalf for the amazing gift. See you all in two weeks!

Twilight and Blink

PS: Blink here. Pearl, those bow-side cannons are a blast!

Dear Midnight Blink,

My plan is being put to vote in Canterlot. I know tomorrow is Spike’s home-warming party, but please try to get to the capital in the second half of the day. If everything goes well, we leave for the Changeling Hive in a month.


Shining Armor,

King of the Crystal Empire

Dear Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Blink,

I know it’s been a long time since Equestria needed your help, but I find myself forced to yet again ask for it.

I’m sure Midnight Blink has heard in recent reports that King Arnost is planning another invasion, almost nine years after the first one, and eight years after the eradication of the changeling threat.

My sister and I strongly believe that you two can, at this point, intervene and stop such an attack from even being launched. Twilight, ever since your reach, and therefore proof of the Magic Singularity manifesting in a unicorn, I knew for certain that you could handle such a mission effortlessly.

Blink, we think that your powers might also be needed, and we would advise the two of you to accept this mission together. Please travel to Canterlot at your earliest convenience, so we can further explain the details of this task. Your acceptance of this mission is not mandatory, but as Archmage of Equestria and General in reserve of the Equestrian Army, your presence to this meeting is.


Princess Luna

Princess Celestia

To: Royal Army High Commandment

From: General Midnight Blink

Following me and my wife’s mission in the Gryphon Kingdom last week and the events that took place there, I hereby immediately resign from my position as General, as well as from my title of Defense Researcher.

This decision is not to be subjected to military council review or approval.


Midnight Blink

To: Royal Army High Commandment Discipline Board

Forwarded message: Unauthorized Resignation from General Midnight Blink

In the wake of the attached letter received from Midnight Blink, I would like to convene the discipline council to discuss his decision. Also I would like him to be present at said meeting as defendant, for breaking article 4, paragraph 10 regarding relief from active duty.


Hard Buck, Lieutenant General in the Equestrian Army

To: Lieutenant General Hard Buck

Subject: re: Unauthorized Resignation from General Midnight Blink

Buck, are you insane? Did you not read the reports we got from the Gryphon Kingdom about what Blink did in just one day? For your own good, I’m telling you to stand down from this. The Princesses themselves seem to be approving of his decision. I am not risking my career to step on their hooves, or worse, Blink’s hooves.


General Golden Lance

Urgent letter to Royal Guard Commandment, Canterlot

The guards have reported even more strange activities on levels 3 and 4. We have ceased all patrols at those levels in fear that the security of the prison may have been compromised. Please send out help to aid in the containment of a possible high-security area breach.


Bright Torch,

Officer in command of Tartarus Prison Watch.

Dear Twilight,

I have received a new report regarding a possible breach in Tartarus. I know you are rather busy this week with your teaching classes at the University of Magic in Canterlot, but could you find some time to tend to that issue? I am sure it wouldn’t take more than a couple of hours for you to sort it out as you did several times in the past.

Also, we have not talked in quite a while, so I was wondering if you would like to get together at some point and catch-up on things.

Your proud former mentor,


To: Royal Castle, Canterlot

Your Royal Highnesses,

Our emergency team arriving at Tartarus have found the area around the prison to be in a total disaster state. A large, blue-hued cloud still rises from what once was the Tartarus prison. We have found a total of one hundred and seventy five prison guards alive and uninjured, with a dozen or so presenting slight burns or symptoms of temporary blindness supposedly caused by what is reported to be a ‘powerful explosion’.

Early reports from the field show that the entire inner subterranean structure of the secure prison has been completely obliterated out from the depths of the mountain. Absolutely all prisoners inside as well as the artefacts stored there are most likely destroyed. Remains of the ancient guardian of the prison, Cerberus, have also been found.

I regret to inform you that the body of a unicorn stallion was found near a prison outpost, next to an unknown vehicle on two wheels. The pony was initially identified as Midnight Blink, former General in the Equestrian Army. His body has been sent to Canterlot’s main hospital but we hadn’t notified the family yet. A letter was found in his hoof, which I have attached to this message.


Hoof Holder, Emergency Intervention Captain

Dear Twilight,

I don’t know what to say. I fucked up bad. Death is sitting at my side and telling me I only have moments to live. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe I’m never going to see you or the kids.

I love you so much, Twilight, and I love you too, Chaser and Bell. You are the best things that have happened in my life. I’m sorry for being such a fool and for dying here, away from you.

Twilight, take care of our kids, even though they are almost grown-up. I will always love you, Twi. No matter where I go. No matter what happens to me. Stay strong, Chaser; you carry the name of a great fighter and friend of mine. Bell, make sure you follow your heart, that’s all that matters.

I feel tired now. Tell all our friends I’ll miss them. I’m sorry. I love you so much. So much

Celestia dropped the blood-stained, two hundred year old letter on the desk. Her tears streamed down her face without hinder now, joining the old, dried out-tears on the paper. She quickly wiped her face with a hoof, not wanting to ruin Blink’s last message to his family.


Celestia was startled by the voice, quickly turning to Luna, who was standing in her study’s door.

“What hath happened, dear sister?” she asked, rushing to the white alicorn.

“Nothing, Luna. It’s just . . . some very old letters.”

Despite the fact that so much time had passed since Luna saw those red-sealed letters, she immediately realised who they were written by or addressed to.

“Those are their letters . . .”

Celestia stifled her nose, wiping away at her tear-filled eyes. “Yes. It’s like it all happened yesterday. Their entire lives . . . were just a passing moment in mine.”

Luna joined her, wrapping a protective wing around the saddened alicorn. “I left so many things behind, Lulu,” Celestia continued, “My old students, dear friends, loyal servants, lovers. I suppose in the end, life becomes an act of letting go. Yet what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” New tears began to stain her white, matter fur. “I’m afraid they will be forgotten, Lulu. It scares me so much . . .”

“My dear sister, don’t be saddened,” Luna said reassuringly. “A long time ago, I read somewhere that there are three deaths in this world. The first one is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when thine name is spoken for the last time.”

Luna smiled at her sister. “They will never die, Celly. For we will forever keep their memories in our minds and hearts. And we will always talk about them: Twilight Sparkle, Midnight Blink, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, Star Chaser . . . They, their friends, their heirs . . . they will always live on.”

Celestia sighed in her sister’s embrace. “I wonder if . . . I wonder if we’ll ever get to see them again,” the alicorn pondered, her eyes staring at nothingness.

“I for one am certain we shall. I would go as far as to say that Twilight and Blink will make great Watchers one day, in a future Cycle.”

“Maybe you’re right, sister,” Celestia said, slowly getting up from her desk, making her way to a wall nearby. There, she stared at a framed letter she had been keeping for a long time. “Maybe you are right . . .”

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am sure you know that I am a very old pony. Despite the fact that almost eight decades have passed since we first met, you haven’t changed a bit. But ultimately, I have.

Even with the powers of a Lifebringer, I still feel sore in the morning when I get up from bed. What hurts most, however, is waking up without him next to me. It’s been forty two years since Blink’s passing, and not one day goes by without thinking about him.

I miss him, Celestia. I miss my friends as well; and my parents, and my brother. I never told you this, but I managed to finish project ‘Phoenix’ a while back. I have a lab rat that has lived ten times more than he should have, without even looking a day older.

He’s now happily munching on the research papers and the spell scrolls that were used to make him near-immortal. Blink was right; this is not a fate a normal pony should have. A pony shouldn’t have to bury his foals, his grandfoals, her best friend dragon. I’ve already outlived all my pony friends. I don’t want to go through more than that.

I’m also happy to report that I’ve managed to successfully and accurately predict a pony’s natural passing. As you’ve guessed, I’m the first and last test subject of this experiment. Owlowiscious is somehow linked to Life, that strange being I’ve only met once in the past. I know that He’s the one that gave me all these powers when I had my magic surge, back when I was a filly trying to get in your magic school. And now, my pet owl is telling me that I have to go. Isn’t that strange?

I’ve learned so much in my life, Princess. I’ve learned everything I could about friendship; the numerous reports I’ve written you stand proof of that. You’ve been a great mentor to me, and I want you to know that I don’t bear any grudge for your past actions. I know that you did everything just to keep me safe.

The magic of friendship and love is truly an amazing thing. It keeps friends united and loved ones close, no matter where they might be. Yet the time has come for me to move on. You will find the Elements of Harmony at my home. I am sure that they will find themselves great new Bearers.

Spike, you are at the start of a long and beautiful life. I know you will cry for me, like you did for my husband and all our friends in time. But please don’t cry for too long, Spike; you have so much ahead of you. The world is yours. I love you so much and you will always be my best friend and number one assistant.

Your faithful friend,

Twilight Sparkle

*** *** ***

The light was all gone. Her senses slowly returned to her. She pried open an eye. A dim light hung from a hook near a door. Her hoof twitched. The gentle touch of hay underneath tingled her coat.

Twilight opened both her eyes. Luscious strands of purple hung in front of them. She raised a hoof, brushing her mane away. The mare then craned her neck upwards.

What happened? Where was she? Was it all a dream?

As she got up, she noticed her muscles and bones didn’t hurt anymore. Looking down, the unicorn saw she had been laying on a patch of hay. She looked around. The memory of that place struck her head-on. It was the same barn where she had met Blink for the first time.

Twilight slowly stepped towards the barn doors. The small candle’s fire danced in its case next to them. Night veiled the sky outside. She was at Kazooie’s farm, close to home. But why? And how?

She wandered outside, her mind slightly dizzy. Next to the barn, a house had a few lights on. Voices were heard from inside. Twilight stared at the home, thinking about knocking at the door. Somehow, however, she felt that wouldn’t be the place for her to go.

She continued putting one hoof in front of the other as she headed towards her home. The library soon came into sight. The whole town was quiet, yet she felt its ponies were still in their homes.

She opened the small gate of her front yard, serenely staring at everything around her. She still couldn’t believe her eyes. It was even harder for her to do so when she noticed a stallion wearing a shining set of armor and a crown standing next to the treehouse’s door.

“Twilight? Is that really you?” he asked, a smile forming on his white face.

The mare approached him, her eyes wide. “Shining? Wh-What are you doing here?”

“It is you, Twily,” he said, hugging his little sister briefly. “It’s okay, Twilight. I’m glad you’re finally here.”

“What do you mean? Is this-”

“I don’t know, but it seems so.”

Voices resonated from inside. The lights were on. She darted her eyes from the door to her brother. “Why are you standing here?”

Shining Armor sighed. “I’m waiting for her. I can’t go in yet, but don’t worry. It just takes her a bit more time to get here.”

Twilight immediately realised what he meant. She tried to hold her tears. “Even after you died, she never stopped loving you. I missed you so much, big brother.”

“I know, Twily,” he said with a warm smile. A muffled wave of laughter came from inside. “Come on, little sis. Everyone’s been waiting for you.” She continued to stare at him with trembling eyes. “I’ll join you soon. Go.”

Twilight nodded, wiping away her tears. She took in a deep breath, her heart quivering in anticipation of what was beyond that door. She pushed it open.

They were all there. Talking, laughing, enjoying themselves, all around a couple of tables put together end to end. They all looked young again, and their eyes were filled with life and joy. Twilight’s breath caught up as her eyes laid on him. He was standing at the head of his favorite table, laughing next to his old friend Chaser.

Their eyes met and his smile widened. Twilight moved her hooves across the wooden floor in small steps, unable to believe what she was seeing. Fluttershy got up from her seat and wrapped her hooves around her. Tears resided in her eyes as well, but she confidently nodded as a few welcoming words left her lips.

Applejack got up and hugged her as well, and so did the rest of her best friends. Their life partners were there as well, all bearing reassuring smiles on their young, happy faces. After Rarity and Pearl’s hug, Twilight had reached the end of the table. She kept staring at him, unable to bring voice to her thoughts.

Blink wrapped his hooves around her, and she returned the gesture without hesitation. She tried to speak, but nothing came out, only sobs.

“It’s all right, Twi’. We missed you,” he whispered in her ear as they hugged. “And here I thought you were always the punctual one. You kept us waiting for a while there,” he said with a light chuckle.

“Is it really you?” Twilight finally managed. “Is all of this real?”

Blink laughed. “Yeah, it is me. I’m so sorry for leaving you so early. I know it was horrible for you all this time. But now we’re here, together again.” He kissed her and she kissed him back. “Have a seat, Twi’,” Blink said as their lips parted. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do before morning comes.”

Twilight sat next to him at the head of the table. “This is . . . This is unbelievable.”

“I know, sugarcube. It took me a while to get used to it too,” AJ said from across the table.

“Darling, we’ve missed you so much. Are you okay?” Rarity asked.

“I . . . think so.” Her eyes kept returning to Blink, as if they were to see him for the last time.

“Is your brother all right outside?” Fluttershy asked from next to Big Mac, who quietly stood at her side.

“He seemed fine, yes. Told me he’s waiting on . . . on Cadence.”

“Well, we have plenty of room left. I made sure we have enough chairs for everyone!” Pinkie chimed in. “Even for Spike when he eventually gets here!”

“Well, it’s nice to see you again, egghead!” Rainbow Dash added, raising a mug of cider towards her.

“What happens now, Blink?” Twilight asked, turning to her husband. It was the most curious she had ever been in her life. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the concept of their reunion, but having him there next to her made it all feel strangely okay.

“To be honest, Twi’. I don’t know. But I do know that the next day will bring something amazing. I’m just happy to see you again. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said, cradling herself in his embrace.

Everything was fine in the world now. She didn’t care anymore about the logic behind it, nor the explanation of where they were. Next to Blink and her best friends, everything felt normal. Everything felt all right.

The night went on as the close friends recalled their life adventures, laughing, joking, and talking about it all. Their souls found happiness and warmth in each other’s presence.

In the distance, the early shimmers of a late dawn marked the night’s end, and the beginning of a new day.

The End

Author's Note:

It's been a great journey. However, all good things must come to an end. I hope you all enjoyed the ride. I know I did.

Stairway to Equestria
First chapter published on January 2012
Finished on 31st August 2014

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