• Published 22nd May 2024
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Apple and The Lucky Horseshoe - ex2opps

A my little pony adaptation of the classic Cinderella story featuring Applejack.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm

“Consarn it… I told that Apple Bloom… She doesn’t ever listen to me!”

She mumbled incoherently to herself as she attempted to stitch her hat back together. But it was no use. Whenever she successfully stitched one piece back, another fell off. It was unsalvageable, ripped up into a bunch of miserable pieces.

It had been hours since they left, and the sun was going down. She wondered if they had already made it to Canterlot, if the Gala had already begun. She wondered what Aunt Orange was doing right then...

She wondered if Apple Bloom was okay.

I have the answers you seek… she heard a disembodied voice say.

“‘Ah-… Hello?! Is- Is someone there?!” she stood up. “‘Ah’m warnin’ ya!”

Just then, a cloud of pink dust magicked itself in front of her. It settled, and beyond it was a smiling pink pony. With adjacent giant pink hair to match. She was a… pegasus? Her wings were nontraditional of a pegasus, instead of being made of feathers they looked more delicate like silk. The light reflected off of them, creating hues of pinks and purples all over the walls.

Applejack shook her head, she was getting distracted. “What in the hay?! Git’ back! ‘Ah know self defense!“ she threw her hooves up in front of her in the boxing position.

“Ooooooohh… I’m the ghostttt of Heartswarming Passsttt oooooh…” The pink pony let out a giggle, waving a dismissive hoof.

“I’m just kidding! I’m your fairy godmother, silly!”

“Fairy who now?!”

“You called?” She flew over to the kitchen, going through its cabinets.

“‘Ah sure as hell did not.”

She flew to the pantry, picking up a package of cupcakes and swallowed it whole. Not even bothering to take them out of the container. She made a big gulping sound, then wiped her mouth. “Well of course you did! Why else would I be here?”

“Well ‘Ah sure as sugar don’t have no ‘fairy godmother’ that’s just ridiculous. This ain’t no fairy tale. It’s… quite the opposite-“

“Ooooohhh!” she said inquisitively, suddenly appearing next to Applejack wearing a big detective hat and a monocle. Jotting something down on a notepad she did not have before. “Tell me more about that…”

“‘Ah…” she gulped. “‘Ah’d really rather not.”

“Well then this is going to take forever! All I want is to help you! Not like I have anything better to do. So come on!”

“Well… ‘Ah… What do you wanna know, exactly?”

“Hmmm, well there’s obviously something bothering you, silly filly.” She pat her over the head. “Anything helps!”

Applejack sighed, and decided her Aunt actions had finally sent her off the deep end. But if it wasn’t real, then there was no harm in humoring the strange pony.

“Well… ‘Ah was s’posedt go to the Grand Gallopin’ Gala with my Aunt and little sister. But… my Aunt don’t like me all that much. We got tickets, but she got rid of mine.”

“No she didn’t!”

“And then- Wait, whaddya’ mean, ‘no she didn’t’?”

“I meannnn…” she said in her shrill voice, flying over to the living room and reaching underneath the couch. Pulling something out from under it.

“Hereee we go!” She handed it to Applejack and she inspected it, surely enough it was one ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala.

She was dumbfounded. “‘Ah- How did you… Why did she… What in the hay…”

“Shhhh, there’s no time for that! Now you’ve got your ticket! Get on out of here and let’s partayyyy!” she said, wiggling around midair and dancing strangely.

“But- But ‘Ah don’t even have anything to wear! It’s a highfalutin function! ‘Ah can’t just show up in some stupid get-up! And besides…” she said somberly. “What‘s stopping Auntie Orange from recognizing me?”

“Oh, well why didn’t you say so!”

The strange pony clapped her hooves, and whereas one second Applejack hadn’t been wearing anything at all, the next she was dressed up head to hoof in a… tuxedo! And when she ran a hoof through her mane, she felt that it was considerably shorter than it usually was.

She pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “‘Ah…” she got a good look at herself. “This is… ‘Ah look…”

“Kinda coltish, right? She’ll never recognize you now!”

But more noticeably, her hooves felt that much colder than they had moments ago. She lifted a hoof, and when she did so she was met with…

“Glass horseshoes?”

The party pony giggled. “Trust me.”

Applejack shrugged. “It’s… It’s missin’ something.” A.J walked over to the pile of fabric that was once her Stetson, she pointed a hoof at it. “My hat… If it’s not too much to ask? Could ya’ fix it by any chance? It was… my Dad’s.”

To this, the pink pony actually smiled sadly. She nodded, and without saying anything magicked it back together.

Applejack was joyous.

“Yeehaw!” She hollered, kicking her hind legs in the air.

But her excitement was short lived, when she made a striking realization. “A-Ah’ve got no way to get there! And even if I did catch a cab, ‘Ah’d never make it in time…”

“Ohhhhhkie dokie lokie!” the pink pony said. Then out of thin air, Applejack was magicked in a cloud of pink and sparkles. And when she opened her eyes, she was in the middle of the woods!

“Sweet Celestia!”

The fairy godmother threw her hoof over Applejack’s mouth. “Shhhhh! You don’t want to get caught do you?! Now, you have your ticket, you’re dressed, and now you’re here!”

“‘Ah… ‘Ah can’t thank you enough, honest. How could ‘Ah ever repay you-“

“Wait! Before you say anything else, you have to remember this one, very, important, thing.” she put a hoof to Applejack’s chest, leaning in closer with every last word.

“My magic only lasts until midnight, so make sure you’re up and out of here before the clock strikes! I don’t want you to get caught,” she said weirdly seriously, contrary to her happy-go-lucky attitude the whole time they’d been talking.

“But more importantly, have fun! You deserve it!” She smiled.

“Oh, and bring me back any cake if there is any. Oh who am I kidding, of course there is! Anyway, bye now!”

“Hay, wait a minute-!”

Before Applejack could get in another word, she had already herself magicked away.

That left her all by herself. Part of her was debating whether or not it was worth it to even go in, that maybe she should just run until she can’t anymore. As far away as possible.

But she had a ticket, she was dressed, and she was here.

So she held onto her newly stitched Stetson, and made her way to the front gates.


As soon as she stepped inside, she realized far too late she was way out of her element.

The only thing more debilitating than going to the Grand Galloping Gala, was going to the Grand Galloping Gala alone. But it was a beautiful place, she had never been inside the Canterlot Castle before. It was by far the biggest building she had ever been in, which made her feel minuscule in comparison. It had undergone extensive decorating, there were authentic garments of flowers and leaves hanging off of the walls, and long sheets of draping purple silk over the windows. The floors were spotless, and her glass horseshoes beat against the hard tile when she walked. Which made her self conscious.

What perhaps frightened her most were the other attendants in question, they were so sophisticated. In their mannerisms and in their taste in wardrobe, Applejack’s attire was inoffensive. But she certainly didn’t stand out in a group.

Which was probably a good thing, because only after a few minutes after Applejack got there she saw them.

Aunt Orange and Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom was in the dress Aunt Orange had helped her pick out all those weeks ago, that familiar whirl of purples and blues. Her Aunt Orange was unfortunately stunning. While her dress was simplistic, a basic white with gold hem, she was pretty. Like a countess.

Which reminded her, she had completely forgotten about Rarity!

She was mad at herself that she was letting her down, but it’s not like Applejack wasn’t still going to be there. It was just in a… slightly different way.

She scanned her eyes all around the room for that familiar purple mane, and then she saw it.

Rarity was sitting at a table in the corner, looking extremely bored with her company. A white stallion with a golden yellow mane who was talking her ear off.

Applejack grabbed a glass of wine off the table she was standing next to, and looked both ways like there was anypony trying to stop her. Then she made her way over to their table, walking carefully with the glass.

Her presence caught the attention of the stallion and he stopped talking. Which made Rarity pick her head up.

“Well ‘Ah’ll-“ she quickly cleared her throat. “Well I’ll be. You two will never guess who decided to show up today…” she said in a lower voice than her usual one, reverting to her Manehattan accent.

The stallion rolled his eyes. “We are not interested in your petty gossip, we are far too refined for such casualties.”

Applejack nodded. “Believe me, usually I would be. But have you simply heard…”

She lazily set her glass down, which caused her to spill it all over the stallion out of shot of Rarity. He immediately jumped out of his seat, rubbing at his now wine soaked coat.

“Oh, no! I’m sorry, please. Let me-“

“Oh no, you have done enough!”

He stormed off without so much as a goodbye to Rarity, mumbling nonsense to himself.

“Damned Earth ponies… I am refined… Oh why I ever…”

Applejack laughed to herself. “Whoo,” she said. “Sorry about that. He just looked like he was giving you a hard time.”

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, please. I have been dropping hints for half an hour now! It was long overdue, darling. Ehm…” she looked Applejack up and down.

“Sorry, but do I know you from somewhere? You seem… awfully familiar.”

“I… uh.” She wasn’t sure if outing herself to Rarity was the right move, so she bit her tongue. “‘Ah- Ahem.”her ear twitched. “I don’t think so, haha…”

“Hm…” she pondered. “Well, why don’t you sit down? Unless… you’re here with somepony.”

Applejack quickly shook her head. “No! I…uh, no. I’m not.”

Rarity pat the empty seat beside her, gesturing for Applejack to sit next to her.

She sat down, followed by an uncomfortable silence.

“Uhm… So what brings you to the Gala?” she asked finally.

“Oh, you know… Business and all.”


“Why, yes. You know, my reputation. At events such as this, my attendance is of high importance. I’m… a sponsor. So to speak.”

“So… More will come because you’re here?”

Rarity nodded. “Yep, that is exactly right.”

Applejack fidgeted with her suit collar. “Uhm, pardon my asking. But, why exactly?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Why what?”

“Are you… Like, famous or somethin’?”

Rarity simply stared at her, and Applejack was worried she had said something rude. That was until, she started to laugh.

“Oh, darling… Wherever are you from? What is your name?”

“My name? It’s uh… I’ll tell ya’ what,” she started, her accent slipping. With how quickly the events of the night had progressed, it had completely slipped her mind to come up with a fake name. “How about we don’t have names, just for tonight? I won’t ask you no more about your… business. For tonight, we’re both just regular old ponies. How does that sound?”

“Hmm…” Rarity hummed in thought.

She smiled.

“What an interesting proposition… I suppose, just for tonight.”

It seems that, without thinking about it. Applejack had placed her hoof over Rarity’s.

She pulled away. “Oh, my apologies-“

But Rarity pulled her back, inspecting the sole of her hoof. “Are you wearing… Glass horseshoes?”


“That’s… so unusual! So inquisitive, so impractical.”

Applejack laughed awkwardly. “Ha, yeah. It’s just for tonight so I didn’t really-“

“But such… a good idea!” She clapped her hoof with Applejack’s, with a smile reminiscent only of the purest filly-like joy. Applejack couldn’t help but smile herself.

“Oh I could imagine the discomfort, but wouldn’t glass heels look just absolutely divine with the rhinestones on my hem? I could even mend them with a design of some sort… Perhaps a pattern, flowers-! I… Oh.”

It was as if she realized whom she was talking to, and stopped herself.

She laughed nervously. “Pardon my enthusiasm.”

“I like your enthusiasm,” Applejack said in a heartbeat, with the goofiest smile on her face.

A faint blush lined Rarity’s porcelain cheeks, she fought back a smile. “It’s simply… I have a certain passion for the art of fashion. It’s my special talent, you see.”

Applejack nodded.

“It’s just that… Oh I’m so busy with my… business. That I haven’t the time for it.”

Applejack frowned. “Shouldn’t you… Make time? You seem really happy when you talk about it.”

“Perhaps. I actually have my own line, but it is not what it used to be. Whereas I owned the business locally, but now I have hired all these ponies that do all of the leg work for me. I am hardly involved in the process.”

“Of making your own clothes? That’s crazy talk!”

Rarity smiled woefully. “You are… different from other colts.”

Applejack blushed. “Well, it’s just… I know what it’s like. I’m so far from… Where I was born. Where I was meant to be. My “special talent” is back home, but life has other plans. I guess.”

As she finished talking, a soft humming of a cello began to play. Playing a fast, steady rhythm.

Rarity looked at her hopefully. “Well… I cannot take you home tonight. But, perhaps you’ll take this dance?”

She reached out her hoof to Applejack.

She smiled at the sentiment, and wholeheartedly obliged. Taking Rarity by the hoof.

Author's Note:

corpse bride reference bcos i fucking suck and i’m lame

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