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The Truth about Zira

*Danyelle's POV*

I was relaxing on a hammock when I get jumped on by a Mobian lioness.

I yelp "God dammit Zira! I thought I told you about this already!"

Zira spoke "Well, now you know how I felt from that headache after the corruption mess."

I giggle "That's what, the third time I saved your sorry tail?"

Zira spoke "You came down to Hell and healed my wounds."

I spoke "Okay, fourth time."

Zira spoke "Still… I can’t thank you enough…"

I ask "Do you recall hearing a loud boom back before you drowned?"

Zira asks "How could I forget?"

*Flashback, 254 years ago,*

*Canyon outside the pride lands*

*No pov*

Shortly after Kiara failed to save Zira, a loud boom followed by a splash was heard as a blue furred lioness with wings flew into the water at a speed that Simba and the other lions couldn't see what it was.

Danyelle grabs onto the scruff of Zira's neck, keeping the lioness' head above the water as the two drift away.

Danyelle spoke "*muffled voice* Keep your head above the water lioness!"

Zira was too weak to swim due to getting battered by the logs.

Danyelle used her magic to put webbing between the toes on her paws as she got the injured lioness onto her back while swimming to shore.

After removing Zira off her back and shaking the water off her fur, Danyelle rolls Zira over before pushing on the lioness' stomach to get the extra water out.

Zira sprays water out her mouth before coughing.

Danyelle asks "You okay?"

Zira growls "What do you want with me?"

Danyelle growls "Look lioness! I just saved your life!"

Zira growls "I didn’t need your help! Because of Simba, they’ve all been corrupted and Nuka is gone."

Danyelle spoke "Don't let anger cloud your mind lioness or you'll go down the path of darkness and you'll never get back out."

Zira scoffs "Hmph! And why should I listen to you after everything that’s happened to me?"

Danyelle spoke "Where I'm from, folks call me the Nekomata of Redemption. I give folks a second chance at being a better person. In fact, the first one I helped change for the better was a gryphon named Gilda. I understood her on an emotional level since I knew what it was like to lose contact with a friend. Plus I can tell that you're hurting on the inside."

Zira growled at that. “What makes you think you know anything about me?”

Danyelle spoke "I can tell that you were devastated when Scar died. And I can sense that your mate went missing but you haven't found him."

Zira tackled Danyelle and pinned her down in fury. “Shut your mouth! Or I’ll claw out your throat myself!”

Danyelle growls "Oi, get the hell off me lioness! I got a child on the way! And my mate would not be happy if I got killed!"

Danyelle kicked Zira off her.

A masculine roar rang loud and clear, the sound was familiar to Zira.

Zira gasps "W-What?! It couldn’t be…"

A lion with the same mane and body color as Kovu pins Zira down.

Zira spoke "N-No! Get off me! Now!"

The lion chuckles "That's no way to talk to your long lost mate."

Zira spoke "B-But it couldn’t be! I-I thought you were killed!"

The lion spoke "I left because Scar would have killed me."

Zira asks "Wh-What?!"

Danyelle spoke "Sunce's flaming eye.... It's because of pride law..."

Then Danyelle started contacting Sumarda via telepathy. {Sumarda, you there?}

Sumarda spoke "{Hear ya loud and clear, Dany.}"

Danyelle asks "{Is there a feral savanna suite available?}"

Sumarda spoke "{That’s specific, but yeah. Feral types of suites allow beings originally having at least four legs and no arms allow them to stay that way.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Well, ya might want to get one ready. I'm sending a pair of lions your way.}"

Sumarda asks "{Thanks for the heads up. How long are they gonna stay?}"

Danyelle spoke "{I'll ask them first.}"

*After the connection was cut,*

Danyelle asks "Okay you two, I got a room reserved for you but how long do yo want to be there for?"

Zira asks "R-Room?"

Danyelle asks "Well, since we know you two will wanna lay low for a while, how long are you gonna stay?"

Zira spoke "…As long as we need to."

Vithu spoke "I think Zira meant as long as we want and need to."

Zira nodded at that.

Danyelle spoke "And besides, Simba thinks you're dead so it's best we keep it that way."

Danyelle mentally added to herself, “At least until Zira’s reformed.

*end flashback*

*Danyelle's POV*

I giggle "And remember when you got corrupted twice?"

Zira spoke "I can’t believe I let that happen to me…"

I spoke "The second time was because of the corruption, that third time was when I had beat the tar out of you but you somehow survived that."

Zira spoke "I know, I was surprised too."

I laugh "And before that whole limbo crap, I was able to reform you."

Zira spoke "*Light laughter* I still find that hard to believe, but I can’t help but feel you’re right about that."

I fire a bolt of fire magic into the sky, calling over a trio of earth ponies. One was female and the other two were male.

Zira looked closely before giving a gasp of shock. “Nuka? Vitani? …Kovu?”

I giggle "Nuka was the first to reincarnate though but it took some time before the other two reincarnated."

Zira asks "Wait, remember when you checked on Vithu and I multiple times before the whole limbo thing happened?"

I spoke "Of course and that was when I took you two on a tour of Mobius, which caused a permanent change in your bodies and extending your lifespans. *laughing* And there was the one time when I scared the crap out of Nala!"

Zira giggles "Yeah, but you don’t know what happened in that suite, do you?"

I laugh "Water bucket prank. And I pinned the blame on that stupid hyena."

Zira giggles "I know, but do you remember?"

“Hmm…” I wondered as I tried to.

*Flashback 254 years ago*

*Feral Savanna Suite*

*No POV*

Danyelle was visiting Zira and Vithu in said suite as she was back in her lioness form.

Danyelle spoke "This so doesn't feel natural...."

Danyelle looked around, seeing the surroundings as the real deal. “Even though it looks like a real savanna. Sumarda must’ve been helping Zira and Vithu get used to the place before she attempts to help them walk on two back legs.”

Danyelle thought "{Explaining this to Kion and the others won't be easy...}"

Danyelle kept moving before she saw Vithu lying next to Zira, both relaxing.

Danyelle decided to pull a little prank by turning invisible before sneaking up on Zira from behind.

Danyelle pounces on Zira, making her roar in shock.

Danyelle laughs "Gotcha!"

Zira asks "Danyelle! Why did you do that?!"

Danyelle laughs "I wanted to prank you!"

Zira spoke "And here, Vithu and I wanted to surprise you!"

Danyelle spoke "You forget, I hate being snuck up on from behind. I've kicked that screaming hyena so many bloody times it's not funny anymore."

*End flashback*

*Danyelle's POV*

I ask "And remember the one time you threw a stick of dynamite at Zane but pinned the blame on Janja?"

Zira spoke "Yes, but the surprise I showed you back then wasn’t sneaking up from behind."

*Return to flashback*

*No POV*

Zira spoke "That’s not the surprise I had in mind."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle asks "You're expecting cubs?"

Zira spoke "*Giggles while showing her cub bump* Yes, Vithu and I are having another one, so we’re hoping to give Vitani a sister."

Danyelle places a paw on Zira's stomach before pulling it away in shock.

Danyelle gasps "Asra's teeth! You've got three cubs on the way!"

Zira gasps "*Shocked* What?"

Danyelle spoke "Three or four cubs is about the average for a non-Mobian lioness though. But without a broodmother to help, there is a chance the cubs could die before they reach adulthood."

Zira spoke "Oh..."

Danyelle spoke "Think of it like a babysitter."

*3 months later...*

Zira was giving birth at the moment as Vithu comforted her.

Soon, Zira birthed a female cub with chocolate brown fur, then a second one with light brown, and finally, a male cub with grayish-tan fur.

Danyelle nips the cords after each cub came out before drying the fur with a harmless flame to warm them up.

Vithu asks "Do you wanna know the names we've chosen?"

Danyelle spoke "The brown cub kinda looks like Rani though..."

Zira spoke "*Refers to the dark brown female cub* This is Siyanda. *Refers to the light brown female cub* This is Juji. *Refers to grayish-tan male cub* And this is Berta."

Danyelle asks "But isn't Berta a girl's name?"

Vithu spoke "*Chuckle* It's a gender-neutral name."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

*end flashback*

*Danyelle's POV*

I laugh "And I still remember the one time when Twilight blew a gasket at Sumarda!"

Zira asks "*Giggle!* That was amusing. Remember visiting us when Siyanda and Juji were learning to hunt?"

I laugh "Yeah, they thought I was a bird because of my wings."

Zira giggles "And you still couldn’t believe their appetites."

I spoke "Given that they were born in Sumarda's dimension and..."

I catch Kion with magic before he could attack Zira.

I spoke "Down Kion!"

Kion spoke "But-!"

I spoke "I was the one who gave Zira a second chance to change her ways for the better. And remember what Jasiri said? Sisi ni sawa."

Kion growled at that, knowing I was right as I let him down.

“Where are Vithu and the triplets anyway?” I asked.

Zira spoke "Vithu’s probably exploring, Juji’s going a great job as a florist, Berta’s still a boxing champ somewhere, and knowing Siyanda, she’s probably in an all-you-can-eat buffet, an eating contest, or still being a female wrestler champion."

I explained everything to Kion so that he understood what Zira had gone through.

Kion spoke "This… is a lot to take in."

I spoke "Yeah and if Simba doesn't want to get set on fire, he and Nala better come out of hiding right now."

Kion asks "Wait, what?"

A pair of Pegasus ponies step out of hiding, one had a red mane and the other had a blonde mane.

Simba spoke "Guess we got caught."

Nala spoke "Don’t worry, we weren’t planning on attacking after hearing that."

I spoke "ZIra had to lay low for a while until she had let go of her hatred."


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