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New Ride, Old Tide

*Nyriel’s POV*

Donnie called us over because he wanted to show us something.

A ghostly gryphon was hovering near Donnie but he and the others couldn't see her.

Spotlights shined on Donnie.

Donnie spoke "Brethren and allies, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my myriad skills united in one glorious enterprise! Everyone, behold the-"

Leo asks "Ooh, is it the drill? Is it that drill you made when we were fighting those silverfish?"

Donnie spoke "Uh, no, no, no, no, that-that’s still in beta."

Raph spoke "Lame!"

The ghostly gryphon laughs.

Donnie spoke "But this is better, much, much better. I give you the-"

Mikey asks "Is it an even cooler, even bigger drill?"

Donnie spoke "No, not a drill! This is the big surprise."

Donnie pulled a rope, opening the curtains, revealing…

Donnie spoke "Ta-stinkin’-da!"


Mikey spoke "Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing!"

Donnie asks "Huh?"

Mikey spoke "I’m so proud of you."

I ask "D-did anyone hear a gh-ghostly laugh?"

Raph spoke "Nope."

Leo asks "You okay, Nyrie?"

I spoke "I th-thought I heard a laugh... But it wasn't any of us though."

Donnie gasps "What? Where did it go? I built us an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy. Who stole our Turtle Tank?!"

A voice spoke "Definitely wasn’t me."

I ask "Wait... Aren't you that half ghost half hedgehog Mobian known as Danny?"

The voice spoke "Nah, that’s the boy who has goth girl as a girlfriend."

The Gryphon ghost appeared.

The half rabbit half alicorn girl, Sam, pops up.

Sam growls "Watch it Ghostfeather, that's MY boyfriend you're talking about!"

Donnie asks "Huh?"

I spoke "That's Sam, she's a half rabbit half alicorn hybrid since her dad's a rabbit and her mom's an alicorn pony. I heard rumors that her boyfriend's half ghost half hedgehog due to an accident."

Donnie spoke "That is scientifically impossible."

I spoke "Don't get me started on my adopted great uncle though."

We headed up into the rooftops later, ready to find Donnie’s Turtle Tank.

Raph spoke "Hey, this is a real problem, Donnie. Not only did they steal your tank thing…"

Mikey spoke "Now you can finish the drill."

Raph spoke "But they also must know where our lair is. It must be somebody who’s penetrated our inner circle."

Donnie spoke "Maybe even someone we’ve known for years."

Us girls were confused at that though.

Sam shot fire at whoever had taken the tank, forcing them out.

A Mobian fox with dark orange fur yelps "OW!!!"

Sam asks "Tucker?"

Tucker spoke "I was trying to find out what’s goin’ on around here."

Donnie spoke "That’s a real tank, not the Turtle Tank."

Soon, we found ourselves at April’s room as Donnie broke down her door as the boys entered.

Donnie asks "All right, you! Where’s our Turtle Tank?"

April spoke "*Holding Mayhem who had hair curlers* Hi, Donnie. You have nine seconds to tell me why you just broke my door."

Leo spoke "Someone stole Donnie’s Turtle Tank."

April spoke "Oho, I see. So as your best friend, you naturally suspect me."

Wait, what?

Mikey spoke "She gets it."

Donnie spoke "Ho-ho, don’t give me that. You’re the only one who could’ve taken it!"

April spoke "*Wielding a wooden bat* Three, two, one."

Pow! The boys were hit!

Mikey yelps "Oh!"

Donnie whines "Why?"

The boys were kicked out onto the streets as us girls jumped to them, unharmed.

Donnie spoke "Okay, good news, our inner circle is secure."

Mikey asks "Sorry, April! Movie night with us later?"

April spoke "Your treat."

April closed her window as we were back to square one.

I whack the four turtles on the heads.

I snap "You four should NEVER walk in on a girl when she's doing something! What if it was either of my grandmothers? You'd be set on fire!"

Donnie asks "All right, fellas, who’s our next suspect?"

Raph spoke "It’s gotta be someone who knows we exist."

Mikey spoke "*Gasp!* Splinter! *Takes off a literal splinter off his head* Must be from April’s bat."

Leo spoke "It’s gotta be another mutant. And I know where we can find a mutant: the mutant pizza place!"

We went to the secret entrance to Run of the Mill Pizza.

“Stand back.” Raph said as he did the hand motion as his right hand glow with a blue flame, causing the NYC skull graffiti to transform into a portal. “Raph’s got this. Okay, Leo, do your thing.”

Leo spoke "Ah, the ol’ “smooth urban cop digging for info in a restaurant” routine. Watch and learn, babies."

We went into the restaurant as Leo went to talk to some others.

Leo asks "*To Hueso* Say, Bone Man, yo, you seem like you have your ear hole to the ground. What do you know about a certain missing Turtle Tank?"

Leo gave Hueso a coupon.

Hueso spoke "A Teddy Bear Town coupon? Well, I have no need for a Mayor Cuddlecakes. *Gives it back to Leo* Bye-bye."

Leo asks "*To a long-eyed mutant* Hey there, Green Eye, know anything about a… *Notices large body as the mutant roared* Okay. *To a cute baby mutant* Hey, wittle cutie, bet you know-"

The baby spat out its pacifier as its eyes widened and mouth opened with a hiss, making Leo back off.

Leo groans "Oh, come on!"

I put my hand on Leo’s shoulder and hugged him.

Sam sighs "Why do I have the feeling this will end in disaster?"

I spoke "Good thing I tagged the Turtle Tank with a tracking spell, I can track it down easily."

Donnie spoke "How could you when you’ve never seen it before? And enough with your stupid routine, Leo. I’m finding out which one of you wise guys took our tank, or I’m smashing everything in this dump!"

Donnie tried to break a table, but failed miserably.

Hueso spoke "Eh, pepino, your bad-cop routine leaves something to be desired."

Mikey spoke "Oh, no, no, no, no. *Chuckle* We’re not the police."

Hueso asks "You are the not the police, you say?"

The boys were kicked out as us girls walked out unscathed.

Leo groans "Aw, man, why can’t anyone throw us into a nice soft pile of trash?"

Raph spoke "Ugh! Hey, Donnie, why didn’t you just put a tracking device in the Turtle Tank? You put a tracking device in salami paper."

Donnie spoke "Oh, I was getting to that. But then he realized he did install the shopping cart protocol! Haha!"

“Wait… So I didn’t need to use a tracking spell in the first place?” I asked as my eye twitched.

Donnie spoke "*Presses a button* None whatsoever."


I grab Donnie by the throat and throw him into a wall.

Donnie spoke "Good thing I was wearing my shell armor."

Later, we were walking across the rooftops as Donnie was tracking the Turtle Tank that came to a stop thanks to the shopping cart protocol he activated.

Donnie spoke "Okay, we should find the tank if we just track the perimeter of the shopping card protocol’s limit."

Mikey asks "Whoa, are we gonna need a protractor?"

Donnie spoke "No."

Mikey asks "An abacus?"

Donnie spoke "Literally never."

Mikey asks "A bag full of sausages?"

Donnie spoke "Man, I don’t understand how your mind works."

I spoke "Mikey... For the love of, shut up!"

Aki spoke "Don’t worry, Mikey. I still care for you."

Donnie spoke "Hey, look, there the tank is."

Mikey spoke "Whoa! Donnie, nice work!"

We turned and saw the Turtle Tank, and it. Looks. AWESOME!

Raph spoke "*Chuckle* She’s big and beautiful! Not as beautiful as you Mist."

Mist spoke "Aww you!"

Leo spoke "We are gonna get a lot of parking tickets in that thing."

I laugh "I still remember the one time that my adopted grandmother pulled a prank on Erza and Mira!"

Leo asks "Uh, hey, guys? What’s Dad doing down there?"

We looked down to see Splinter, seeing him humming while walking away from the Turtle Tank.

Donnie spoke "Oh, I should’ve known he took it. You just can’t trust adults these days. You leave the keys to your brainchild lying around, and next thing you know-"

Raph asks "Meat Sweats?"

We saw Splinter walking into a truck with Meat Sweats in it.

Raph spoke "Oh, that’s bad news. Hey, we gotta move, or Dad’ll be toast or spread on toast. Let’s go!"

Mist spoke "Right, slowly for a sneak attack."

A howl was heard from Belius, grabbing Splinter's attention.

I whisper to the others "That works too."

Mistybreeze meows "Yeah."

We slowly went up to the truck before it suddenly drove off, much to our shock.

Raph spoke "They’re getting away!"

Donnie spoke "Turtle Tank time!"

We got into the Turtle Tank and drove after the truck.

Donnie spoke "Now that autopilot is engaged, allow me to show you around my state-of-the-art Turtle Tank. Over there is navigation. Down here is a, wait for it, bowling ball launcher. Strike! And there is the-"

Mikey asks "*Sparkly eyes* Soft serve ice cream machine?"

There was indeed a soft serve ice cream machine here. Bonus!

Mikey spoke "Tell me there’s a sprinkles cannon."

Donnie spoke "Ooh, good one. Rainbow and chocolate."

“Awesome!” The girls and I cheered at that.

Belius was leaping across rooftops as she chased after Meat Sweats.

Mistybreeze meows "Count me out, I can't eat anything solid."

Mikey spoke "That’s the thing with soft serve, it’s not really solid."

There were some tight turns.

Raph spoke "Donnie, watch the road!"

Donnie spoke "I wouldn’t need to if you would just take your seat."

Raph asks "Huh?"

A drivers seat appeared.

Donnie spoke "It’s the giant red one with your name and your exact lumbar settings."

Raph spoke "*Chuckles while getting into the seat* That’s beautiful."

Mist giggles "*Jumping onto Raph’s lap* Don’t leave me out of that action!"

Donnie spoke "Captains, the con is yours."

Raph and Donnie fistbumped as the red turned put the pedal to the metal, catching up to the truck.

Donnie spoke "I’m know you’re in there! Dad, I can see your tail! Oh, Papa, if you surrender now, there shan’t be any consequences."

Okay, I knew that was a lie.

I spoke "most NetNavis can't eat actual food."

Raph spoke "You’re with a very dangerous mutant, Pop! Meat Sweats just wants to eat you!"

Splinter asks "Hmm. Your name is Meat Sweats?"

Meat Sweats spoke "Well, actually, it’s Rupert."

Splinter spoke "Oh, I would stay with Meat Sweats."

Raph spoke "We gotta stop that truck!"

Donnie spoke "I’ll blast it with the boom cannons!"

Leo spoke "Donnie, Dad’s in that thing!"

Donnie asks "Can I at least go semi-lethal?"

We glared at Donnie for that.

Donnie spoke "You never let me shine!"

A wall of ice stops Rupert's truck.

But the truck broke through the wall unscathed.

Donnie spoke "Harpoon hooks it is."

The Turtle Tank shot harpoon hooks at the back of the truck, hitting and sticking to it as Mikey, Aki, Leo and I got onto the chains.

Mikey spoke "Okay, Sweaty Spaghetti, give us our dad back!"

Donnie spoke "Yeah, hand over the fugitive."

Meat Sweats opened the back door. “I don’t think so. You all have a reservation in my stomach, a dinner rush, seating now.” Meat Sweats quipped as he pressed a button, opening most of the truck as we saw captured mutants.

Mikey asks "Ooh, is he finally gonna teach us how to make that pork risotto?"

Aki spoke "Uh, I don’t think so."

Meat Sweats spoke "*Takes off right hand as his right arm turned into tendrils* Since I assume you won’t go down without a fight, allow me to choose my weapon."

Meat Sweats grabbed a cell and brought out a snake mutant as his right arm siphoned its power.

Leo spoke "He’s getting the mutant snake’s power."

Meat Sweats dropped the snake before he spat lime-green glob at us as we dodged it, the projectile splattering on the Turtle Tank’s windshields.

Raph spoke "Hey, watch out! It’s a spitting cobra!"

Donnie spoke "Hey, watch the paint, bucko!"

A sudden Chaos Spear hits the engine of Meat's truck, shutting it down permanently.

Riding on the back of her Lugia, Danyelle spoke "Lugia! Don't let that damn pig get away!"

But then the truck started moving again.

Meat Sweats scoffs "You really didn’t think I had a backup?"

Raph asks "Donnie, what else you got in this thing?"

Donnie spoke "Ooh, I’ve been wanting to try this."

The hood of the yellow car on top of the Turtle Tank opened up, revealing something as a bowling ball appeared before it was launched and hit Meat Sweats in the face as we heard pins being knocked over. The ball fell off Meat Sweats as he spat acid at the four of us.

“Oh!” Leo and I gasped.

Mikey and Aki gasp "Omigosh!"

We were then dodging the globs as they hit the chains, weakening them.

“Oh, no!” The four of us gasped as the chains broke, sending us back to the Turtle Tank.

Leo spoke "Mikey, stop ‘em!"

“Power-Whip-Jitsu!” Mikey said as he used his weapon to reconnect the Turtle Tank with Meat Sweats’ truck as Leo, Aki and I were on Mikey.

Leo asks "Come on, Meat Sweats, are you even trying?"

Meat Sweats spat acid at us again as we dodged them while Leo tried to open a portal.

Leo spoke "Come on, portal. Come on, portal."

Mikey spoke "Come on, Leo! My armpits are getting tired!"

Leo slashed with his odachi katana, creating a portal as a glob flew into it.

Leo spoke "Got it."

A portal opened behind Meat Sweats as he turned around, only to get hit with his own acid on his eyes, stinging them.

Raph spoke "Let’s get him!"

Meat Sweats spoke "*Pressing a button* So long, dinner. I’ll just get takeaway."

The cells opened as the mutants jumped out of them and the truck onto the streets before Mikey disconnected with Raph stopping the truck, not hitting the small mutants.

I saw Meat Sweats grab Splinter and brought him to his face.

Meat Sweats spoke "I’m done with you, T.G.I. Parmesan. No meal is worth this!"

Meat Sweats threw Splinter out the truck as he drove away in defeat.

Splinter spoke "Wait! Wait! Don’t leave me!"

We got out of the Turtle Tank as Splinter chuckled nervously.

Donnie spoke "You! You reckless, irresponsible…! You are watching the Science of Chairs Channel for a month, young man! Followed by the Long Division Channel and the Memorizing Pi Channel! Spoiler alert: the 99th digit is 7!"

Most of us except the turtles were shocked at Donnie scolding Splinter like that.

Even Belius was scolding Splinter.

Danyelle and her Lugia had gone after Meat Sweats since the immortal human had snuck an invisible tracking device under the pig mutant's truck.

Later, Danyelle and Lugia came back in anger.

Danyelle gripes "I can’t believe we lost him! How did he find that tracking device anyway?!"

“Sense of smell?” I noted as Danyelle facepalmed at that realization.

Danyelle gripes "But it was scentless AND invisible!"

“Instinct?” I added.

Danyelle groans "Tch... and where the cuss did that ghostly gryphon go?"

Since she had no scent at all, Ghostfeather was on top of Meat's truck as the pig mutant was going somewhere.

Ghostfeather thinks "Wonder where he’s heading."

But after going through a dark tunnel, she wasn’t on the truck at all, it was completely gone.

Ghostfeather gripes "Oh come on! Better head back to the others."

Danyelle spoke "I have a gut feeling that Meat Sweats just vanished off the radar."

“Well, at least he won’t be back for a while.” I said in relief.

Danyelle spoke "True plus that groundhog mutant's been helping me out with the Pokémon sanctuary."

“And I hope those puppies are getting along with the Pokémon?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, they're a handful but GlaceAngemon and the other Digi-Pokémon are helping out."

I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “Hey Leo, what’s Donnie gonna do?”

Leo spoke ":Oh well, he’s gonna fry the TV for that all Splinter gets is educational shows."

“He’s done it before?” I asked.

Leo spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Serves the silly rat right for taking something without asking."
