• Published 24th Dec 2022
  • 287 Views, 12 Comments

Origin Of The Creature - TyriusTheVA

A pony walking home from work gets kidnapped by three insane cultist. The cultist try to summon a demon named Typhon, but something goes wrong and they awaken a creature with a taste for pony flesh.

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The Origin...

Author's Note:

Here's the origin story from 2020. Sorry, once again, if it's badly formatted. :twilightsheepish:

It was a warm night as a young colt named Flame Burst was walking home from work. He had been working all day and was quite tired. “Damn, this overtime is killing me…” He said, then yawned. He kept walking for a while until he heard a noise, catching his attention. He stopped and looked over in the direction the noise came from. “What was that?” He asked, looking into the forest. He couldn’t see much due to how dark it was. After looking for a minute or two, he shrugged, then kept walking. He couldn’t wait to get home and get in bed. Suddenly, he heard hoof steps from behind him, making him stop in his tracks. He quickly turned around, but was surprised to see that no one was there. “What the hell?” He asked, looking around, but he didn’t see any pony or anything. He started to feel uneasy, but then he took a deep breath. “It’s okay, Flame Burst. There’s nothing to be afraid of out here.” He said to himself, then he turned around and kept walking.

An owl started hooting, but he ignored it and kept moving forward. Suddenly, he heard hoof steps behind him again. He quickly stopped and turned around. Once again, there wasn’t anything nor any pony there. He started to frown, thinking he was being pranked or some asshole was just trying to scare him for fun. “Okay asshole, I’ve had enough! Come out!” He yelled, but there was no response and it was eerily quiet. Flame Burst began to feel uneasy again due to how quiet it was. He sighed and rubbed his face. “Maybe I’m just hearing things…” He said, shaking his head, then turned around to continue his walk home. Before he could step forward, his eyes widened when he saw three ponies in hooded, white cloaks.

The three ponies head’s were lowered, but Flame Burst could tell they were looking at him. However, he couldn’t see their faces. “W-Who the hell are you guys?!” He asked them, but they didn’t answer him. “Yes, he will make a great sacrifice for Typhon…” The pony in the middle said and the other two ponies beside him agreed. Flame Burst’s eyes widened when he heard that. He wasted no time and ran in the other direction. Suddenly, one of the ponies appeared in front of him, then stabbed him with something. “Aah!” He yelled, stopping in his tracks. He looked down to see it was a needle filled with something. His vision began to blur and he felt dizzy. Seconds later, he fell to the ground and went unconscious.

Hours later, Flame Burst regained consciousness. His vision was blurry, but he could tell he was no longer on the road. “Ngh... where am I?” He asked, then he tried to move, but for some reason he couldn’t. He felt something tight around his arms and legs. “What the hell….?” He said, then his vision refocused. He could see that his arms and legs were tied up and his eyes widened. “W-What is--” He was interrupted when the three cloaked ponies approached him. “You’re finally awake. Good.” The leader of the three cloaked ponies said. “Who the hell are you?!” Flame Burst asked, trying to break free. The three ponies let down their hoods. Flame Burst’s eyes widened when he saw they all had a pentagram branded on their heads. They also looked crazed with creepy smiles. “I am Zuris.” The leader said. “And these two are Scarla and Helena.” He said, introducing the other two.

“What do you want?! Why am I here?!” Flame Burst asked. “It’s not about what we want. It’s about what our master wants.” Zuris said with a creepy smile. “And who is your...master?!” Flame Burst asked with a frown. “His name is Typhon. He’s been speaking to us for years now.” Scarla said, with a crazed smile. “And today, he’s coming. We want to welcome him with a gift.” Helena said, then giggled like an insane pony. Flame Burst’s eyes widened when he remembered the leader, Zuris said something about a sacrifice. “Oh fuck…” He said, then he quickly tried to use his magic. However, nothing happened, surprising him. “What the hell?! Why--” He went silent when he saw a metal device on his horn. “Sorry, but we just simply couldn’t take any risks. But don’t worry, this will all be over soon.” Zuris said, smiling creepily. Flame Burst’s eyes widened more.

“Scarla, if you’d please...” Zuris said, giving the signal. “Yes, Zuris.” Scarla said, then her horn glowed. Suddenly, something wrapped in a cloth levitated to Zuris. He held out his hoof and the cloth landed on his hoof. He unwrapped what was in the cloth and it turned out to be a knife. Flame Burst’s eyes widened and he tried to get away. He couldn’t get up and run, but he could wiggle his body to move. “Ah, ah, ah…” Helena said and used her magic to hold him in place. “Let me go!” Flame Burst yelled, but the three ponies only looked at him and smiled. Zuris approached him with a sadistic smile on his face. Flame Burst frantically tried to get away, but he couldn’t move with Helena’s magic holding him. “You’re all fucking insane!” He yelled, his eyes widened. “We’ve been waiting years for this moment. And now, it’s finally happening. We have the perfect sacrifice. Typhon will be pleased.” Zuris said. Flame Burst looked down and realized that he was in the center of a pentagram. “Oh no…” He said, then he was suddenly grabbed. Zuris looked into his eyes with a sadistic smile and readied the knife. Before Flame Burst could react, Zuris slit his throat. “Graaah!” Flame Burst yelled, blood running down his neck. The three ponies smiled sadistically, then Zuris dropped Flame Burst. He stepped back, still holding the knife. Flame Burst soon died from losing a lot of blood in his neck.

“It’s done…” Scarla giggled, then she stopped using her magic. “Not yet. Just one more step.” Zuris said, then the blood coming from Flame Burst’s neck hit the pentagram. It began glowing a golden color. “Yeeeees…” Zuris said as he and the other two ponies watched. “Get ready to meet our lord and master!” Zuris said with a sadistic smile, but suddenly, the pentagram stopped glowing. “W-What…?” Helena asked, her eyes widened. “This can’t be. We did everything right.” Zuris said, but suddenly, Flame Burst’s body moved. “What…?” Zuris said, his eyes widened a bit.

There was a sickening sound of cracking, which indicated that Flame Burst’s bones were being broken. His body started to jerk and his flesh began to tear. Blood began to gush everywhere. The three ponies kept watching, their eyes widened. A sharp nail bursted out of Flame Burst’s stomach, it slowly began slicing down it. More and more flesh began tearing as this was happening. Flame Burst’s eyes popped out of his eye sockets. His body began to expand. Something was growing inside of him. His organs began to slide out of him, then a white colored arm came out. It was covered in blood. Seconds later, another arm came out, then... Flame Burst’s body exploded when something emerged from him. Blood and guts splattered everywhere. Some got on Zuris, Helena, and Scarla. However, they didn’t care about that. Their eyes widened when they saw a large, white creature in front of them. It was covered in blood. It had no tail, mane, nor eyes. But it did have razor sharp teeth and sharp nails.

“What is that…?” Helena asked, taking a step back. Whatever that creature was, it wasn’t Typhon. The creature looked down at them, and tilted its head in confusion. It sniffed, then smiled at them. “Delicious...smelling...meat…” It said, then it grabbed Zuris, then licked its lips. Helena and Scarla watched, their eyes widened. “Release me at once, you--” Zuris was cut off when the creature brought him near his mouth. There was the sound of a crunch and bones popping. The creature had bitten Zuris’s head off. It chewed and swallowed his head. The creature thought Zuris tasted delicious and wanted to taste more of him. The creature lifted his body into the air and opened its mouth. Blood dripped from Zuris’s headless body into the creature’s mouth. Next it began feeding on the rest of Zuris’s body, bones popping and the sound of flesh tearing. Helena and Scarla could do nothing, but watch in horror, seeing their leader being eaten. After the creature was done, it turned to them and smiled. “More delicious meat…” It said, then moved towards them. Helena’s horn glowed and she aimed it at the creature.

“I don’t know what the hell you are, but you’d better stay--” She was cut off when the creature stabbed her in the mouth with its sharp nails. The nail went from her throat to sticking out of her torso. Her horn stopped glowing and blood trickled from her. The creature smiled, then retracted its nail from her. Helena’s body fell to the ground. The creature looked at its nail and saw the blood. It licked the blood off its finger, then turned to Scarla. It tilted its head and gave a twisted smile. Scarla wasted no time and ran like hell. She didn’t care where she was going. She just wanted to get away from that damn creature. “You can run, but I’ll find you…” The creature said, then began laughing. Scarla kept running, desperately hoping she would get away from that creature. As twisted as she was, all what she had just seen was too sickening, even for her. Suddenly, she had to come to a stop when something slid in front of her. Her eyes widened when the creature looked down at her. She quickly turned and ran in a different direction.

However, she didn’t get far because she felt something stab her in the back. “Aaaaah!!” She screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The creature had stabbed her with one of its nails. It twisted its nail, making her scream in pain even more. It chuckled, then grabbed her by the neck, lifting her into the air. Her eyes widened when she looked into its eyeless sockets. The creature smiled, then placed a hand on her head. Before she knew it, her head was twisted and there was a snap. Her body went limp, indicating that she was now dead. The creature used its finger and slid it down her body, cutting her open. Blood began gushing and it reached in and grabbed her intestine. It slurped it up, then began eating other parts of her body. It wasn’t long before many of her organs were gone. The creature dropped the remaining parts of her body, then turned and walked away into the night. Years passed and the legend of The Creature began spreading around. Some ponies claimed to have seen it, but other ponies weren’t so sure. Remember, if you’re ever out camping, be on the lookout for… The Creature...

Comments ( 12 )

I'm spooked senseless!!!! I didn't even know that there was a The Creature??? How frightening...

This is the most terrifying thing I've ever read! :fluttershbad:

When I Seth Standmore refract on the terribles of life and the mysteries of yore I reflect thinking often of the Creature who's nail and wide mouth consist of sharp razing, never did I know how empty my life was like how the Creatures eye suckettes were empty of eye but, now that I know of the Creature it feels like my Soul is Full of Quality like the Nail of the Creature in the body of the guy, I widen myself indicating love for the Creature

Bless you The Creature and be Strong in the face of INjustice

Sincerely Seth Standmore

Yes. The Creature is a scary creature. 😈

Not sure how to respond to this one. Lol.

Heh, hope I gave you a good scare. Lol.

I'm so glad to see you publishing these, Ty! I've mentioned on the audio reading how much I love Something Sweet to Bite :twilightsmile:

Here's the origin story from 2020. Sorry, once again, if it's badly formatted. :twilightsheepish:

the paragraphs are a little too long at times and characters share the same dialogue paragraphs but that doesn't matter because I'm just happy you're publishing

Yeah. Hopefully someone can help me format the story better one day lol.

A friend suggested it and I thought, "Sure, why not?". Then I made them available for other readers to see.

If this creature isn't Typhon, then what the hell is it, Also it seems like they were tricked into summoning something else.

The name of The Creature is unknown for the time being. As for being tricked, the spell went wrong and as you read in the story, they summoned something else.

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