• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


The most profound self-loathing on FIMFiction found only here. Profile picture done by Soulless_76 on furaffinity.

Comments ( 13 )

When we needed asked you delivered in spades thank you.

I don't know if I am just being weird or if it is just a coincidence but the amount of dislike you have for this story is the same as your other 2 stories. Either its the same 13 account or a different 13 accounts.

Long as its not 13,000 I suppose it's alright.

Dam didn't know I needed this until you delivered!
Absolutely loved it

Why are people hating???

Please continue to update

I have been summoned

God damn.

I re-read this again and still makes me blush madly

This comment makes me blush.

Very creative story. Well done.

"Giggling like a manic schoolgirl, Celestia runs up and crushes her sister in a six-limbed hug, levitating the pair around the room like a retarded crane operator." -Some Dickhead (No, that's the Authors name)

I loved the original story, steamy but very sweet. Not going to lie I cheered when I saw that there was a sequel. Please keep up the great work.

I really like this story, I hope you continue it

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