• Member Since 9th Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen September 9th


Never watched the show. I just make up stuff for the sake of stress relief. - Why do I have a feeling that doing this will bite me in the sides later on?


This is a simple and short rework of Wingfried von Katerinburg's backstory from Equestria at War Mod.

I always felt that Wingfried's backstory was lacking at best, especially so considering the fact that the mod itself doesn't even give us a reason why he started hating ponies, which is the entire point of his character.

Now I am not blaming the people who wrote the original backstory, considering that the writer in charge of it probably had to do a dozen other Bios and couldn't spare that much attention to a certain character's background.

So, instead of making him a cheap two-dimensional villian that was designed specifically to be an annoying loser who was needlessly evil for no reason at all, I instead decided to give him an actual tragic backstory that would give him a reason why he is doing what he is going right now.

Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

I wonder what Edler von Wingenburg's reworked backstory is

You don't need to fix what is already perfect


Have you ever considered maybe getting into a character who isn't in the SS?

Dude literally the only reason why I started getting into EaW was because of Reformisten, since how ridiculous of a concept this whole thing was.

Like think about it, cartoon animals committing genocide against each other in a high effort Hoi4 mod that takes itself seriously. Even after all the stuff I wrote I still don't take this whole thing seriously. Its a meme mod, and I love it for being so.

> giving Bird Hitler a backstory

Upvoted for not making Wingfried literally just "i am bird hitler i hate ponies"

Got me 6 dislikes in less than 2 hours tho, I never even had 6 votes in less than 2 hours before
I wonder if some people here actually think if I'm a nazi apologist or something

I believe some of the dislikes might stem from this not being an actual story, as it's just a biography instead. The fact that it's a biography of a SS-Analogue Griffon doesn't help that fact, I presume.

But like what is so horrendously terrible about this that you'd dislike it en masse? I just don't get it

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