This story is a sequel to [EAW] Twilight's Arrival in Hellquill
After her meeting with Wingfried von Katerinburg, Twilight Sparkle has decided to go to her chambers, with the hopes of dreamless sleeping, having no idea what she is about to witness.
She will soon learn that there's much she didn't know about the current state of affairs of the world.
Cover art by me
Twilight Reformisten path?
And thus, Twilight Maar’d like no griffin or pony ever Maar’d before. She Maar’d so hard as to join the god in laughter, before Maar’ing hard once again.
This was a disjointed and wild ride, and I’m glad that I caught sight of it while it was being written.
Maarite River Swirl when?
Thanks, glad that someone had fun reading this highway pileup crash accident
That's one way of putting it I guess
Maar demands sacrifice, Twilight
Eh, I think that it would be more fun (and make me feel less bad) if Götterdämmerung was hostile to Maar, as I originally surmised from the illustrations. A similar sort to Rosa Maledicta, in a way, but less (or more?) well-intentioned.
I actually considered the same as she could come to the realization that she is being puppetted by Maar during the game, through the actions of the player. But also keep it in mind that this is a mod concept rather than a fully fleshed-out story.
Twilight has finally taken the Red Flood pills and has gone full Artaud with Maarite Characteristics. This is just pure cursed, and it makes me experience a slight tinge of joy (except for the part that the child yeeter merely breathes)
If she ruled Equestria, Equestria would have abolished itself
Intriguing, let's see what's in the next chapter
Footage of Archon Eros calling the Emergency Meeting (colorized):
I wonder how this would go...
Twilight: "Chrysalis! Stop the war with Equestria!"
Chrysalis: "And why would I do that? I'm winning right now!"
Twilight: "You are being manipulated by Maar!"
Chrysalis: "Ah, why didn't you just say so. Everyling, stop the war and go back home!"
Wouldn't it be easier to involve Luna and let her lead Equestria?
She would have better chances of being accepted.
What's the chance for that being actually the case?
I mean it's not as if they are already fighting against shapeshifters or something like that...
Okay the last one actually made me laugh out loud
How Grimdark do you want to make this?
Author: Yes