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when dreams come true

(warning this fanfic is quite depressing and not for the light hearted)

Chapter 1 prologue

The knife flashed in her eye as she wandered through the ever free forest the further she descended into the forest the blurrier it became. She then awoke in a pool of her own sweat, awaking from the nightmare she was experiencing, she look around all she could see was the blackness of the night, and a small dim glow coming from the corner of her bedroom, she finally got out of bed, put on her robe and slippers and trotted downstairs being careful not to wake sweetie belle who was soundly asleep at the time dreaming about getting her cutie mark.

She arrived in the kitchen and opened the fridge door and took out some cider she had been keeping for a few days, to make sure it was freezing cold, she grabbed a glass with her hoof and made her way to the living room where rarity switched on the light making the inky blackness into a thousand suns enveloping her in their glow she no longer felt afraid as the darkness shrank. Until it and her fear were both gone enveloped by the light.

She sat down mouth as dry as a desert, and drank the ice cold refreshment, like she hadn’t drunk anything in weeks. After she finished she got up on all four hooves, and turned the lights off and the blackness had returned as Rarity toiled up the stairs she noticed the silhouette of sweetie belle upon the light coming from the bathroom. "Strange what's sweetie belle doing up at this time of night?" Rarity simply shrugged to herself. "Probably trying to get her cutie mark" she guessed as she entered her room for what she hoped was the last time that night. Eventually getting comfy she tightly held her duvet hoping the dream that had poisoned her mind her poisoned her mind So much of late would not comeback at least not for this night.

Rarity then proceeded to her bedroom took off her robe, and got into bed throwing her robe and slippers into a heap in the corner off her room. Putting her blindfold on with her hooves and went to sleep again hoping not to have the same dream again but the moment she closed her eyes all she could see was a knife and a hoof in her face

She then awoke the next morning in a wet and sweaty bed with the stink of sweat to high cloudsdale she was in a little shock thinking why she was having the reoccurring dream every night for the last two weeks. She said to herself “the funny thing is the dream gets a little longer and a little more brutal every time it happens”. as she took her sweat soaked sheets and pillows downstairs to wash she noticed sweetie belle awake and eating a small piece of toast and drinking a glass of juice. As rarity walked past sweetie belle, politely asked her if she needed a hoof with her sheets and pillows, rarity kindly refused and said “run along dear you have a day of cutie mark crusading with applebloom and scootaloo don’t you” at this point sweetie belle nodded, and finished her breakfast and went out to find her friends.

Chapter 2 Outside the boutique

After sweetie belle had gone out for her adventures rarity found herself finally doing the washing, scrubbing away at the sheets like it was her job. After the sheets and pillows were clean she finally hung them out to dry which was a beautiful day to do so rainbow had got up early that morning to clear the sky of clouds she said to herself “not a single cloud in sight“. Then she heard a knock on the boutique door she rushed to it as she was a fair distance worrying that they might be gone by the time she got there as she opened the door in front of her stood flutter shy, and twilight looking deeply into raritys eyes twilight managed to put out of her lips “are you ok you haven’t been yourself for two weeks now, and we are starting to get worried about you” fluttershy nodded agreeably with twilights statement, and rarity simply said “I better tell you why twilight, it isn’t very pretty what is happening to me” twilight and fluttershy went inside the boutique, and sat down on her sofa while rarity sat in a recliner about to fall asleep from the lack of sleep. Twilight was the first to speak as she said “what’s wrong rarity” and like a bolt of lightning rarity perked up like she has drunken a lot of coffee. She started to explain “you see twilight about two weeks ago, I started to have nightmares a strange reoccurring nightmare were every night, I get further and further into the everfree forest and at the end before I awake I am shown with a knife and a hoof in my face isn’t very pretty to see over and over again”

as the white unicorn finished speaking fluttershy managed to say “that’s…… bad rarity…. I hope you will,….be.,…alright..” twilight was the next to speak saying “well we as your friends are going to help you to get through this together after all we have a special bond and if that were to break the whole of equestria would be sure to fall without the elements of harmony I mean what would we do without generosity”. after this rarity sitting on the recliner started to sob quietly affectionately, at how much her friends were trying to help her over come her critical mental state.

Chapter 3 an early night

It was 7.30 at night rarity had finished having dinner, sweetie belle was having a sleepover at fluttershys cottage, with scootaloo and applebloom. She said to her self “well I am really tired I got designs to do in the morning, so I better hit the hay” she said yawning so she turned off the lights being in the middle of summer wasn’t really much help as it still broad daylight outside.
She stumbled upstairs barely able to keep straight, and got into her bed putting on her blindfold, she mumbled as she closed her eyes “goodbye blue sky” and went to sleep. As she slept she was sleeping nicely until the clock hit twelve with a BONG! sound of the grandfather clock in the hall she didn’t awake no matter how hard she wanted too, because she was in a deep sleep reliving the horrible nightmare again, this time the hoof became more clear it was the hoof of a blue pegusi, catching a glimpse of a feathered wing,. She didn’t awake that night in fact she didn’t awake until two a clock, in the afternoon the next day when she was awoken by the equestrian royal guards breaking down her door, followed by twilight who called for them to make sure she was ok mental state, and taking her to ponyville hospital because of her mental state. sweetie belle was told to stay at a friends house for the next few weeks and rarity was placed in the mental wing of ponyville hospital

She awoke in the hospital bed still in shock, from what she saw she was convinced it was rainbow dash, but then she quickly mumbled to herself “rainbow dash really come on rarity that’s why I was put in here” but then after a few days in the hospital the dreaded paranoia was starting to sink in, and she was no longer in any state to speak share stories or even eat nurse redheart was injecting her with serum, that would make her eat.


The next morning pinkie pie and applejack came to visit, rarity in the mental wing of ponyville hospital. They were warned not to go on in by nurse redheart due to her becoming frequently violent, and out of control mood swings, they kindly refused this offer and walked in on the white unicorn who was sleeping soundly, on here bed pinkie pie then, proceeded to shake raritys hoof and she awoke very quickly, and kicking her head leaving a nasty blue mark on her pink head, to show that she didn’t want anypony to be there because of her mental breakdown, she started to hiss at her friends as they stood upon a spongy ground to prevent rarity from causing self damage upon herself again because when she was in the standard wing in the hospital she would break pieces glass and eat them to cause self harm upon herself. Applejack said in a southern accent “now ya’ll listen here sugarcube you need to stop all, this your friends are worried about your health I’m worried about you we are all worried, about you. you need to pull through. Pinkie pie then got up from rarity kicking her her head still blue, and her smile wasn’t there like it should be instead her smile was replaced by a saddening veil of sadness upon her eyes as she started to cry like a little filly, as she grabbed her party cannon from the corner of the room that was going to try and cheer up rarity, and left the room and the hospital in a rush like she didn’t want to be associated with rarity, anymore. Applejack quickly realised that this was tearing, her friends apart and was going to need fixing. Applejack, then left the room quickly and went back to sweet apple acres.

Chapter 5 rainbows appearance

During the next few days rarity was cursing rainbow dashies name saying “YOU WHERE THE ONE WHO, PUT HERE IN THIS BUCKING SHITHOLE, YOU BITCH I WILL KILL YOU” when ever rarity got into this state nurse redheart would come and sedate rarity nurse red heart had asked that rarinbow come over and speak to rarity in her state, and talk to rarity about what she has been saying. Even though that’s all she said since she’s been there her pony, emotions explained the rest but then since that dream she has lost a lot of friends, and companions however when rainbow arrived, at the hospital she was heavily warned by nurse redheart not to go in but she remorsefully said “NO I must try and help her she has upset pinkie, and I haven’t seen AJ in days something is going on.

As rainbow hovered into the hospital room she gulped and was immediately regretted it, when she went around the corner she saw rarity sitting on her bed rocking backwards and forwards in total mental depression. The moment she saw rainbow she looked at her with a sadistic smile, and spoke gently “why did YOU! come here YOU! would leave if YOU! knew what was good for YOU! Rainbow sat down and began to speak, about what had been happening rainbow started by saying in a professional tone “so you’re here because keep cursing my name and twi tells me that you keep having nightmares” still rocking backwards and forth rarity, shook her head and saying
“YOUR GOING TO….KILL….ME….ITS….WHAT ….THE DREAM….SAYS…” before being cut of by rainbow “you really are paranoid aren’t you why are you like this because, of a stupid dream I heard from twilight that you made pinkie cry why would you do that what about sweetie belle.

Rarity then saw a tear seep down rainbows cheek and rarity just sat there staring at her with the same sadistic smile. “I don’t care what you think you are going to try and kill me, it said so in the dream a knife and a hoof and a blue feathered wing, who else has a blue feathered wing other then you” rainbow then proceeded to cry at her false accusations, then whilst rarity just sat there looking into her eyes of sorrow. Rainbow then got up and left. As she rushed down the hall, and out the doors she got her wings ready and flew, high into the clouds and laid down crying with all her heart, and soul into her hooves

CHAPTER 6 a shy entry

With the hospital running out of ideas to make rarity sane again. If fluttershy, twilight and applejack couldn’t help all together no one could, and they would have to terminate raritys life with a with a lethal injection. The three mares walked in to the room, as she was looking out the window they asked her to sit down but she still stood after gazing out the window for a few moments she said “Il stay here say what you want to say then GET OUT”

fluttershy then started to speak saying full of confidence, putting her shyness aside for now realising her friends consequence if not becoming sane again

“rarity you need to snap out of it the doctors are going to have to give you a lethal injection if you don’t” her eyes now streaming with tears like a waterfall. “I don’t want you to die, you are one of my best friends and if you dies I couldn’t live with myself and I don’t think that twilight, rainbow dash, or applejack or especially pinkie pie could as well you…..need…..too…..come…back….to…..us….rarity we need you” she then looked away from the clear blue sky and the green fields of the window view and turned to the others she was clearly not well her mane and tail was missing hair

the expression on her face meant that fluttershys talk had gotten somewhat to her heart, and she was a little more talkative about things such as why, she was doing the things she did and what caused her to do them. The discussion went on for about an hour, after the hour they had her talking they even had her eating properly again there was one more thing they needed to check, that if her own sister still loves and remembers her, nurse redheart pointed a hoof towards twilight to come out, and she said in a quiet tone “is it going well” at this point twilight nodded saying “very we got her eating a drinking and talking again nurse” a sigh of relieve swung across the nurses face. “thank celestia I don’t need to use that injection, but we still need to send in sweetie belle. Twilight agreed “sweetie belle your sister will see you now” nurse redheart said pointing a hoof at a nearby bench. sweetie belle got up on all four hooves, and trotted into the room where the three mares where.

“well howdy sugarcube I think your sis, wants to say something” when rarity first caught a glimpse of sweetie belle she was ecstatic to see her sister for the first time in weeks, she rushed to give the little filly a hug but before she got there sweetie belle was holding something “what have you got there sweetie”
sweetie belle kindly replied “a brush now get to work on your
mane” in a cheerful tone. the room then filled with smiles and laughter.

The next day nurse redheart trotted, into raritys room and said “rarity belle we are discharging you from ponyville hospital you have improved, greatly since we last saw you and we think you are fit enough to leave” this was music to raritys ears, as she got out of bed on all four hooves and wandered out for the first time down the hall past the reception and out the front door the smell of fresh air was divine


She wandered sown the path past the trees and the fresh grass wondering how to patch things up with rainbow dash and pinkie pie at the gates of the hospital stood applejack twilight and fluttershy.
All with a smile on there face. As they trotted into ponyville looking at everypony she found herself looking at her boutique it was not how she left it the door, was fixed it had been painted a rather beautiful diamond colour.

Apple jack then said “why don’t ya walk on in there sugarcube” rarity nodded and entered. When she opened the new door she saw that her boutique had been abandoned and that nopony was in there so was going to proceed up the stairs when all off a sudden “SURPRISE” about one hundred ponies, leaped up and dropped a banner saying WELCOME BACK RARITY. One of the pony’s who jump out was pinkie pie. Rarity immediately grabbed pinkie, sobbing “I’m so sorry pinkie I was” pinkie cut her off with “its ok rarity they explained everything” rarity then went to ask what about rainbow “lets go outside rarity” pinkie said with a large grin on her face rarity went outside with the party pony being followed by the rest of the ponies at the party

As they went outside a noise so distinctive was heard but rarity had trouble remembering it as she was gone for so long a rainbow, appeared from out of no where quickly spelling in the sky I FORGIVE YOU RARITY and at that point a bolt of rainbow lightning struck down the sky, creating the beautiful, and majestic sight of a sonic rainboom

As rainbow dash come down to hug rarity, she couldn’t believe how much she was missed, while she was gone she started crying, tears of joy. And the ponies went on to party, the day away with cider freshly, squeezed from sweet apple acres, and cake freshly baked from sugarcube corner, the ponies danced the night away until it was over.

The next morning she awoke feeling happiness she had never felt before and said to herself, “I have a wonderful life wonderful friends and wonderful family”,

Comments ( 3 )

umm good iguse you could do some inprovements and drama i mean its raity

What the fuck did I just read?

Honestly, this was really, really bad. You don't capitalize anything, use commas, or have any form of grammar whatsoever. Not to be rude, but how old are you?

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