• Published 1st Jun 2022
  • 1,206 Views, 6 Comments

Earth and Space - FriendsForever

The royal sisters experiencing romance with other stallions may be unlikely but not impossible.

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The Sun & the Meadow

Two days later, Messis opened his eyes to the rising sun that shone through the windows of his room. Departing from his bed, they then trotted through the hallway.

On a castle balcony, Messis found Celestia raising the sun. He trotted over to her. "Morning, Cel," said Messis.

"Morning," replied Celestia.

"How long have you been raising the sun up for?"

"Centuries, although I have to admit, I never had anypony closer to me. I know that I have a closer relationship with the sun, but that is nonsense."

Messis nodded as he hung on every word, working up the courage to admit something. He broke his silence, "Recently, something feels different about me."

As Celestia finished raising the sun, she turned to Messis and spoke, "What do you mean, Messis? Something is bothering you?"

"No, it's just..," Messis stopped in the middle of his sentence as he was lost in words, then blurted out, "Would you ever have somepony closer to you in life, I could be that."

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked confused by the vagueness of her friend’s words.

Blushing profusely, Messis ducked his head and cleared his throat. “I was thinking, maybe you and I could go out on a date,” he blurted out.

Celestia blushed brightly, her white muzzle was now the shade of an apple and she started to feel warm, her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to form her words. After a few deep breaths, Celestia smiled. "What made you ask that now?" Celestia asked.

Blushing brightly himself, Messis cleared his throat to answer. "I didn't know if you were taken, but since you said otherwise, I thought I’d ask," he answered.

Smiling from ear to ear, Celestia nodded and spoke, "Well, I'm glad you talked to me about this. Yes, we can go on a date together." Celestia said as she started walking, Messis followed from behind.

"Cel, even though you have not dated before, are you good at dating?" Messis asked.

"Yes, but it varies depending on the pony," Celestia answered.

Taking a chance to breathe, Messis proposed that he and Celestia could start with a stroll around Canterlot. Celestia liked the idea but wanted his wings to be covered for his own personal protection.

"Cel, is this necessary?" Messis asked as he received a blue cloak from Celestia.

"Throughout my reign, ponies still do not know if alicorn stallions exist, we may reveal you two as a surprise when the time is right," said Celestia with a wink.

Donning the cloak, Messis covered his body, excluding his face with the blue garment, the two then approached the main doors.

With guards on their side, they trotted to the city, looking around. Whenever ponies see the two, they kneel, after that, ponies exchanged questions between themselves.

As the two trotted on the streets of Canterlot, Messis had no words to describe its present. "Things have changed around here, right?" Messis asked with a plain feeling on his face.

"Yeah, society is like that, life changes constantly throughout my reign, ponies came and went, the changes in food, the list goes on," Celestia replied with a smile on her face.

"Since I'm not very familiar with this time, could you guide me on this?" Messis asked.

"Sure, just follow me, and you will understand," Celestia replied.

“Wow, so this is what modern Equestria looks like, the buildings look so different, Messis exclaimed with shock.”

As the two trotted down the streets away from the castle, they came across a bakery named Fine Hooves Bakery. The two smelled the toasty scent wafting through the air as Messis pushed open the wooden door as the two of them entered. The princess was greeted upon entry while Messis went ahead and sat down at a table.

“Why, good morning, your highness, I did not expect you to be here and who is this?” said a baker as he saw Celestia and Messis.

“I did not have breakfast this morning and I wanted to show somepony around the city, I do not want to mention his name yet. Anyways, I would like to have a raisin pastry, a croissant, and two small coffees please,” answered Celestia with both worry and enthusiasm.

“Would that be all, your highness?” asked the baker.

“Yes, thank you,” said Celestia as she paid the bits required.

The baker proceeded to get the pastries she ordered, moved them into a paper bag with his magic, then prepared the coffee. After that, Celestia uses her magic and hovers the bag and the two coffees, while walking to the table where she gingerly places them down in front of Messis. She sat down and began to break the ice.

“So this is how ponies today spend their mornings?” asked Messis as he looked around the establishment and the baked goods with curiosity.

“Yes, I suppose, but not all ponies do this, there are some that prefer to eat at their residence and some that prefer to go to these places on some days depending on their schedules,” Celestia replied. “Enjoy the pastries,” Celestia said with glee.

Messis took one from the bag, the first one he got was a raisin pastry, shaped like a swirl, flakey, and with raisins between the layers. He then took a bite off of the pastry, crumbs fell, and he felt the texture, followed by its richness, sweetness, and acidity hitting his tongue. The pupils in his eyes shrunk.

“Uh, are you okay?” Celestia asked.

Messis then shook his head side-to-side to get back to reality. “Yes, Just admiring the flavor,” Messis answered as he continued to eat and shoot the breeze with Celestia.

After wrapping up their time in the bakery, Messis gave the baker a compliment and asked him if he could take a tour of the bakery, the baker accepted. The baker showed Messis the process of making their pastries and breads, showed the equipment they have, and answered any questions Messis asked. The baker gave Messis two loaves of bread for free as a thank you.

"You are quite the curious one when it comes to baking, like a colt standing near the oven looking at and waiting for the finished product," said Celestia.

"Yes, I am curious, but my true passions lie in sorcery and knighthood," said Messis, revealing something about himself that Celestia didn't know.

"Everypony has their own talents and personalities that define themselves, they don't have just one, " replied Celestia.

"What do you like to do then, Cel?" Messis asked.

"Well, I like to cook when at the castle because I prefer not to have servants cook for me. Occasionally I may sing in the shower or at karaoke night in some clubs or bars, but when I’m not handling any political affairs I make the time to come out of the castle and socialize with the rest of my subjects."

"Really, Cel, I did not know you like doing these things," said Messis with a chuckle.

As they finished their date, they returned to the castle with their hearts filled with happiness.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I had a vacation, I hope I could update this as soon as possible.

Comments ( 3 )

Is there anyone continuing this story?

It's on hiatus because I'm struggling to find an editor

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