• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen February 10th

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Just a guy with a thing for romance. Feel free to shoot me a message any time!

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Accidents in Writing · 12:09pm Feb 11th, 2022

So I've stated in the past that I'm a "seat of the pants writer" which means I plan very little and just type what comes to me at the time of writing. I have major plot points to aim for but no real idea for how to get there, and that's problematic at times. When you have this style of writing you sometimes come to an impasse where you've backed yourself into a corner and can either A: Ignore the problem and hope it goes unnoticed, B: Revise the story so that you may continue, or C: Cancel the

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Comments ( 15 )
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I wanted to stop in and say thank you for reading Ranger, and finding something worthy of your fave bookshelf. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you so much for the watch! :rainbowkiss:

Thank you for adding At Your Service to your favorites! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for favoring my story, Twilight's World.
And thank you for your comment on my story page.

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