• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 1,784 Views, 97 Comments

Mistress (Adagio's Big Comeback) - SizeofMT

A scientifically brilliant but antisocial former student of Canterlot High seeks out Adagio Dazzle, now alone and down on life. He promises to restore her powers in return for help with a massive scientific breakthrough.

Comments ( 14 )

Now that was great.
Really love to see that the Dazzlings have a good ending for one, even Adagio having her own muse.
Love the work you did there.

And the ride comes to an end at last. It's sad that it's over, but it was one hell of a story! :heart:

Radian being sensitive to Adagio's malaise about living in the human world was sweet, though in hindsight it seems obvious. On Earth, she's a superstar, with all of the issues that brings; not just creepy paparazzi and psycho fans, but the simple disconnect that comes between celebrities and normal people. It's no coincidence that she didn't have anyone she could just hang and with on Earth, whereas in Equestria she's just an ordinary (well, not quite so ordinary) pony who can go to the spa with Applejack and Rarity. Now that she's sensitive to friendship, it's clear which world has more to offer her.

That said, while it's entirely in keeping with the theme of the story, it struck me as a bit sad that Radian admitted to loving Aria and Sonata, but not being in love with them. That's practically asking for them to become discontent and eventually find someone else; Radian clearly needs to get his harem-maintenance skills up to par. I recommend that he watch more anime.

All joking aside, my one serious criticism of this chapter is that the scene at the end, where we found out that Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie inadvertently spied on Radian and Adagio having sex, wasn't milked for as much comedy as it could have been. Or any comedy at all, really. That should have been a mess of awkward comments, unintentional displays of arousal, embarrassed glances, etc. Especially on Twilight's part. But instead, the entire thing was just...sort of ignored. Not even "elephant in the room" ignored, just the girls explaining why they were there and everyone acting like that was that. More than one opportunity was missed.

But that discordant note aside (see what I did there?), this was still a nice "happily ever after"-style ending. Fame and fortune on one world, a fulfilling life on another, and an easy way between them. It's nice that everyone got what they deserved.

Though honestly, the fact that the Sirens (and Twilight) will live forever, while Radian will grow old and die (I suspect fairly quickly, from their perspective), is kind of the fly in that ointment. I mean, Adagio's waited a long time for her life to get better, and it seems kind of crappy that she's only going to have a few decades before Radian starts breaking down as senescence creeps in. Loads of foals are well and good, but at what point does she find herself cuddling with Twilight, remembering the stallion who so excited both of them?

Oh well, I suppose that can be what the sequels deal with! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed the story.


Not even "elephant in the room" ignored, just the girls explaining why they were there and everyone acting like that was that. More than one opportunity was missed.

I can understand the frustrations but, to be honest, I both kind of ran out of time and, with this final chapter being longer than any other, I could have just kept going on and on, and I had to stop at some point. For running out of time, I wanted to prove to myself I could stick to a schedule. I'm not a fast writer, hence my earlier mentions of having a chapter buffer to begin with that whittled down too quickly to keep ahead of, which was why I dropped to two chapters a week, and I literally finished writing this last night and spent today editing it.

This is one of the reasons I've asked about "B side" chapters in the authors note at the end of Coda. It would give me a chance to add moments and extensions to scenes, albeit ones told from Adagio's perspective. These are something I'll look into (if people get behind the idea) a bit nearer to the sequel time.

That said, while it's entirely in keeping with the theme of the story, it struck me as a bit sad that Radian admitted to loving Aria and Sonata, but not being in love with them.

I'm mostly undecided on this, but that's yet another reason for the sequel shorter stories. Mistress spent plenty of time building Ray and Adagio's relationship up that I didn't want to just wholesale drop Aria and Sonata in his lap when, realistically (and by his own admission in terms of not spending enough time with Adagio during the timeskip), he didn't really have time to have any heart-to-hearts with the other sirens due to his business stuff and the Mistress tour.

As for the aging thing? There are certain topics that will always come about when dealing with alicorns and the other more powerful beings in the world. Maybe there'll come a point I'll want to address it, but let's not deprive the characters a chance to live their lives and enjoy their adventures.
And a personal thanks for both reading and providing constant feedback. I hope you'll let me know what you think of that authors note in terms of some of the ideas I had when it comes to writing the sequel, because I wouldn't mind making changes if people want some tweaks to the format.
The sequel?


I hope you'll let me know what you think of that authors note in terms of some of the ideas I had when it comes to writing the sequel

I wouldn't mind a sequel actually.
Then we get to see how well Adagio and Radian try to balance their lives in both Equestria and in the human world.
Should be interesting.

The sequel is fairly set in stone. I both want to write one and already have around ten smaller plots I want to cover (ranging from silly, to serious, to heartfelt). More than anything, and to bring some of that author note here, I'm curious whether people wanted to change perspectives, because I know most people who use second person do so for 'Anon' characters, whereas I went with an OC with his own backstory and personality. I imagine that choice wasn't especially popular with some. I could make the sequel all third person, or first person for everyone and just make sure they each have a different 'tone' in their minds to give things more flavour.

Likewise I'm already inclined to have some 'episodes' of said sequel have Adagio front and centre, using first person perspective to help differentiate her sections with Ray's, but also whether people want first person moments as Aria and Sonata as a protagonist for certain moments.
Again, it won't be happening any time soon (I write elsewhere and this story has been a major undertaking, so I need to get back to some old projects), but building the main planning stages is something I can start doing now in the background.

Nice. Looking forward to it. Keep up the great work.

That was an enjoyable ride. I know a lot of people on this site usually see the whole fetish tag and just immediately cast it out without second thought, but I'm glad I stuck around.

The story itself is a comfy redemption tale and it was nice to see that it wasn't just The Dazzlings who needed to change. It made the main character, Radian Wave, be much less of a blank slate than in other fetish stories. Which, just makes reading it much more enjoyable as one can enjoy the character growth and the "ACTUAL growth" at the same time. To add to all of that as well are the introduction of the songs you made which, call me a broken record at this point, make the story more enjoyable. I'd say a healthy balance of story and kink.

Also, that pony life joke at the end got a good chuckle out of me. If there was any pony in Equestria that could make drugs that strong it would be Pinkie Pie.

I'm grateful for both the kind words and for you giving the story a shot.
Everyone has kinks, and obviously we can't blame people for wanting to make stories about them combined with their favourite characters. I like to try and make a story first and work these details in, and use them as well as I can, but in a measured way.
Obviously, as you pointed out, just having the fetish tag there was going to turn people away, but you have to admit these things up-front or it might make people more bitter when they find the moments. I can't blame them, either, as not everyone wants to deal with these things. I just find it more interesting to try and work with the kinks to make them interesting and even fit the narrative.

And yeah, I'm glad Ray was an enjoyed character. It's so easy to just put characters in situations for smut and funsies and just leave it at that, but the characters make the story in my eyes; I'm the sort of person who enjoys it more when nothing happening if there are good characters to banter about things, rather than a good story but the characters are weak.

I just wish I could give 'voice' (or at least a tune) to the music I write. I have the music in my head, but no way to demonstrate it since I'm far too shy to sing. That you enjoyed the songs all the same is always deeply appreciated, as I know for many it can be seen as just flavour and of little actual substance.

11235512 Looking back at the author's notes, the first thing that comes to mind is that I had no problem with the second-person format of the story. While I would imagine that can be hard to pull off, you have the chops that I don't think it was ever an issue; changing that for future stories might serve to differentiate how we're seeing things through a different character's perspective, but it's not something that needs to be done in order to make them readable.

As for whose perspective to make future chapters from...that one I'm having a hard time with, simply because that's more of an issue with what they'd bring to the overall narrative than anything else. Sonata and Aria are very much side-characters here, so I'm not sure what sort of greater insights they'd provide (the major exception being if you want to tell the story of them falling in love with Radian, instead of just tolerating/liking him the way they do now). Adagio, by contrast, I have a harder time with; a chapter or two from her point of view might get us in her head more, but I feel like you already developed her character very well throughout this, so unless there's some unseen plot thread that needs to be followed, I'm not sure how much more she has to say.

Ironically enough, I suspect that the one character who'd offer some intriguing new insights to how things developed would be Sunset Shimmer, she's just important enough to the story, and appears often enough, that I feel like she'd have quite a few interesting perspectives to share. But that's just an off-the-cuff thought, and I'm not sure about any specifics (beyond the ubiquitous guilt that she feels toward Radian until the end of the story).

Thanks, it's good to know you felt the format overall worked.

Adagio, by contrast, I have a harder time with; a chapter or two from her point of view might get us in her head more, but I feel like you already developed her character very well throughout this, so unless there's some unseen plot thread that needs to be followed, I'm not sure how much more she has to say.

Adagio having a couple of chapters in the sequel episodes is predominantly because there are one or two stories I'm thinking of in which Ray might not even appear. The same with one or two of the B-side ideas being from her perspective, like her time spent with the mane six more than anything if people wanted to see that, but that's far less important than the sequel stuff and I'd only do if there was any major interest.
Either way, these would be in first person exclusively because of how it would make the reader immediately aware of who's the focus. If an episode needs to follow Ray and Adagio, then having little scene breaks and that perspetive flip should hopefully allow some dynamic storytelling, or such is my hope.

Sonata and Aria chapters will likely be those focusing on Ray and Adagio (so as above in that case with the first person perspective episodes), so handling their relationship with their new human Dazzlings member would probably be better off from Ray's perspective, and ones more crucial about the classic team dynamic will be more Adagio's episodes.

As for Sunset having some B side chapters, that's not a bad idea. I'll have to have a think about that.

No hablo inglés lo siento así que dejó el comentario en mi lengua materna español
Déjame decirte pocos fics no me dejaron dormir por la curiosidad (el tuyo es de los pocos)
Nosé que será pero me gustó la parte de la tecnología y la ciencia
Oye pero donde esta el trío con twilight (si con las hermanas pero no twilight muy mal xD)
Mira tu fic incluso si no tenía contenido para adultos, igual lo leo (pero meter a Adagio como principal es difícil no encontrar lo caliente )
Bueno en general diria más pero el traductor lo más seguro que lo distorsione todo

Please excuse my use of google translate! I hope I don't insult you by accident.
Gracias por leer. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado. Esperemos que no haya sido demasiado incómodo para disfrutar en su totalidad. Sé que el contexto a veces no se traduce bien.
Más por venir muy pronto.
Thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully it wasn't too awkward to enjoy in full. I know context sometimes doesn't translate well.
More to come quite soon.

Hi, you may not remember the conversation we had (or even read this), but I'm the person you linked this story to last month. Told you it would take a while for me to read through this due to my schedule.
Back then before I read it, I mentioned that I would likely enjoy your story despite the fetish stuff, and I was surprised on two accounts.
Firstly, I was expecting it to go down a far more extreme path (skyscraper-sized Adagio, chapters long BDSM scenes and more of that nature) but things stayed pleasantly mild in comparison. I was more than fine with the scenarios you presented, and the sex scenes were relatively tastefully done in comparison to some of the smut I've read, written and expected.
Secondly, I think you undersold the story and the improvements you made as it went on. I absolutely loved reading it.
I will fully admit that I am extremely biased in favor of anything which contains good Sunset Shimmer content, so I'm completely aware that I may be overrating 'Mistress' as a whole. Even accounting for my preferences, you do know how to write these characters well and what your audience wants out of them, otherwise my previous statement wouldn't be applicable. You mentioned in the last chapter that this is your love-letter to MLP and it really truly shows.
Despite my feelings on OCs, Radian Wave was also to my liking. He fulfilled his role as the protagonist well, and I quite liked how you framed his backstory and relationship with Sunset. Having him hold on to his grudge until that late in the story absolutely was the right move.
Don't have much to say in terms of negatives. Some of the early-to-mid chapters dragged on a bit and some references to the show were heavy-handed but not that different how the series itself would sometimes do it. Aside from some minor spelling/grammatical mistakes, there was also some clunky dialogue on occasion. As an example in part 1 of the B-Side chapters:

“On that topic, brace yourself. He gets pretty heated. I know you're still not used to human curse words.”
Twilight smirked but looked nervous. “Noted. I'm getting used to them.”

That "I'm getting used to them." part doesn't quite feel right to me. It only happened a handful of times and they were all very minor, so it's not exactly a big deal.

I can't offer you much for my closing words. You're a skilled writer and I hope that you'll continue writing and improving. May your current and future endeavors treat you well, MLP related or otherwise.

I do remember the posts, and I can't thank you enough for replying and coming through with reading my story. Just the fact alone that you read it and the side-tale is an immensely gratifying and makes it all worthwhile.
Your points about typos, awkward dialog and the like I totally get. For my writing elsewhere I have a friend who proofreads my material, but he had no interest in reading this story since he knows nothing about MLP as a whole and admitted he wouldn't be able to get into the story, so I was flying blind in a time when I still relied a great deal on his suggestions to catch and curtail some of my worst habits That sadly includes rambling and long-winded writing. Technical details aside, I do like to think I know how to tell a good story, and knowing people enjoy them drives me more than anything else. It's a blessing and a curse that makes me feel more like a performative writer than one that writes for its own sake sometimes.

I still have my notes jotted down and stored away for a sequel, or at least episode-style smaller stories with a building subplot with episode ideas following the changes to most featured character's lives and how they change to their new situations as said subplot slowly rises to prominence. I still think on them often, but frustratingly also the other six or so stories I've part written and posted in other places. I'll do my damndest to get back to this sometime, and hopefully make it something worth reading.
Immense thanks again.

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