• Member Since 16th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


'British-ness! Words! Other stuff! Why the fuck you askin' me?!' - ReaderReads, on his priorities


Fraezen ponders on his journey to Eos. He is afraid. When the Wolf and its Nothingness take over, however, there is not enough Fraezen left to fear.

The process is unimaginably slow; it has taken so long that Fraezen could not possibly count the years, nor the decades, and he could only hazard a guess at the centuries. The process is still happening, and he is desperately afraid of such. Fraezen wants to live; he wants to have his soul back. He doesn't want to be nothing, or one with Nothing. He wishes he Was more often.

...he cursed himself. His own hubris has doomed him to the dark fate of total immortality.

This one-shot was based off of Via and her Of Gods and Monsters universe!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

This is - quite frankly - amazing. You've managed to perfectly capture what makes Frost so insane - a mortal soul forced to live over an eternity. I love it!

10873364 Thank you very much! I had to give it a thought since you have still yet to reveal so much of the canon, but I hope to encourage more of this universe from both you and others. It's good to know I hit something right, though! And thanks for the watch, by the way!


You deserve it - you did a truly lovely job. This is rather aggressively canon-friendly as well: so hats off to you for that.

I'm assuming the description means something. Who, goes where?, and then a wolf for a long time. But that ok, its still happening.


Via,s single sentence made me want to read this more than your entire description.

You've managed to perfectly capture what makes Frost so insane - a mortal soul forced to live over an eternity. I love it!


10873680 My goal with the description - and indeed with the story itself - was not to necessarily attract readers to myself. Such would be difficult without making people less aware of what this was. The goal was only to write something for her universe.

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