• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 12,228 Views, 222 Comments

Pinkie Pie Meets the Pyro - tatony

After being warned to not go to the Everfree Forest, Pinkie goes and makes a new friend

  • ...

Chapter 2

“I’m glad dat freak is gone, why do we need ‘im anyway, to scare little kids?” Scout said loudly. He was only one in the team base when the Engineer returned from the battlefield, and the only who knew that the Pyro was gone.

“Son, we’re a team, when everyone plays their part, that’s when we succeed.” Dell said to the young man.

“Whatevas hardhat, if they was eight of me, this team would neva lose.” The Engineer turned away from the fast talking Bostonian.

“You keep thinking that son. Why don’t you go play somewhere, I need to figure this out.” The Engineer said quietly, looking through a pile of documents on his desk.

“Don’t give me dat, you only miss him cos he looks after ya toys.” Scout said opening his locker. “Hey, dere’s my ball.” As he picked up his baseball, he noticed a short staff topped with an orange orb and black spikes. A gift from the Pyro, Scout called it the devil’s toilet plunger when he first saw it. “Um, so uh, what happened to ‘im anyways?” He asked as he picked up the mace and began swinging it.

“I don’t really know, a spy sapped the teleporter while he was in it, the travel’s near-instantaneous, but the nanosecond delay was just enough to send him to god knows where. I need to bring him back.” The Engineer began to look at the blueprints for the teleporter, maybe there was something in them that can explain what happened to the Pyro

“Wait hold up, what makes ya think he’s still alive.” Scout said, trying not to sound worried.

“I’m an optimist son.” Dell responded annoyed at the continued interruptions.

“Right, well I’m gonna go look for a shape-shifting rat, I’ll be back.” The scout said as he ran out of the base.


“I think I am feeling rather numb; I fear that Pinkie Pie’s time has come.” Zecora said to the five ponies. The six had heard Pinkie Pie’s screams when they reached the forest entrance. They all feared the worse.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re the fastest pony in Equestria, fly above the trees and see if you can find where that explosion came from, we’ll all be right behind you.” Twilight said to the pegasus.

“Right.” Rainbow Dash responded as she flew away at break neck speed. The five below ran as fast as they could, trying to keep up with their flying friend. They pushed themselves to their limits, their legs burning and their lungs ready to burst. “I found her!” Rainbow Dash yelled to the group below.

“Is … is … Pinkie Pie alright?” Rarity asked gasping for air.

“Um … you guys need to see this.” Rainbow Dash said as she landed next to her friend. “I think she made a new friend.” The six slowly crept up to see what Rainbow meant.

“Girls look,” Fluttershy said “All the trees are gone."

“Uh, Fluttershy, I think y'all should worry less about the trees and look at that.” Applejack said to the pink haired pegasus. Fluttershy looked out into the clearing and saw Pinkie Pie rolling and giggling in a stream of bubbles and rainbows coming from a tuba held by a large, strange looking creature. “Uh, what the heck are we looking at?” Applejack asked.

“Pinkie Pie is surrounded by rainbows and bubbles; I’m so happy she’s not in trouble.” Zecora said, as awestruck as the other ponies over what they were witnessing.

“I think that’s what Princess Celestia was trying to warn us about.” Twilight said to the rest of her friends. “Well, we can’t just stand here staring at her, we should see go what’s going on.” The six slowly moved forward toward Pinkie Pie and her new friend.

“Hi girls! What’s going on?” Pinkie Pie asked her friends as the Pyro stood next to her.

“Oh nothing” Rainbow Dash answered, “you know, WE WERE JUST SCARED OUT OF OUR MINDS, THINKING THAT YOU WERE DEAD!”

“Oh, Rainbow don’t be silly I’m fine and look, I made a new friend.” Pinkie Pie said as she gave the Pyro a big hug. “He came from a shooting star and look he has this tuba that shoots bubbles and rainbows, isn’t that awesome!”

“But Pinkie Pie, there was a huge explosion and we heard you screaming.” Rarity said glad that her friend was safe.

“Well duh, wouldn’t you scream for joy if you made a new friend and he had this awesome tuba that shoots bubbles and rainbows?” Pinkie said as she hopped around the Pyro. He looked at the newly arrived small horse; he had never seen anything so adorable. Pyro picked up his Rainblower and sprayed the rest of the group.

“Oh Pinkie I guess that is pretty neat.” Fluttershy said as she moved closer to the Pyro and began to nuzzle him. “Hello sir, what’s your name?” She asked him.

“Mmmrpgh crpyha drghya!" (My name isn’t important, but for the sake of convenience you miniature colorful horses may call me Pyro, that is how my colleagues refer to me.) The Pyro said as he put away his Rainblower.

“I think his name is Mumphy.” Pinkie Pie said smiling and hopping in place. “Is that right Mumphy?” She asked him.

“Mnmph” (No little pink horse, but I suspect that is how you are going to refer to me anyway ... it will do.) Pyro responded.

“I’m right, yay, I’m so good at guessing games.” Pinkie Pie announced

“Pinkie, his name probably isn’t Mumphy, regardless he is what Princess Celestia warned us about, and he could be dangerous.” Twilight said.

“Yeah watch out Twilight” Pinkie Pie giggled “his bubbles could pop and destroy us all.”
Rarity whispered to Fluttershy “I bet Derpy could find a way to hurt us with bubbles.” They both giggled.

"Mmphn frphha herrpha." (Only the blue pegasus would have anything to fear from me, but you are animals, not humans. I mean you no harm.) Pyro said as he took out his lollichop.

“CANDY! Twilight how could he be dangerous, he’s giving us candy.” Pinkie Pie said, she paused for a moment and added “Okay never mind about that, but don’t worry about it, he’s friendly, and nice, and he has a tuba that shoots bubbles and rainbows.”

“Alright sugarcube, we believe ya, truth be told he looks kinda peculiar, but he’s been nothin’ but friendly like to you. I think we should take him into town.” Applejack said to the group.

Twilight frowned “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Pinkie Pie gave Twilight a sad look. “But, I guess you’re right, he doesn’t seem dangerous. I’m still going to send a letter to Princess Celestia. She or Princess Luna must know something about him."

“Yay! C’mon Mumphy, you can stay in the Cake’s extra bedroom and you can show the twins your bubble blowing tuba, it’ll be great!” She squealed as the ponies began to walk away with their new friend.

“Mmmphya harrgh mrgha hrghgph!” (Would your Princess Celestia and Princess Luna be able to help me get back home, I too worry about my friends and would not want to leave them for too long.) Pyro said as he walked with ponies.

“You got that right Mumphy.” Pinkie said happily. Pyro put his palm on his forehead, there would appear to be some limitations when communicating to animals. He thought. Pyro brushed it off and walked on, content to be with his new friends for the time being.