• Published 26th Oct 2020
  • 1,102 Views, 7 Comments

Royals - Applejackisbest

Follow the journy of Shooting Comet as he makes his way across equestria for wealth and fame

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The journey up a mountain starts with a single step

The bright sun was blinding as the sun glared at Comet through the hole in the ceiling that was in his room. He groaned as he rolled to the side of his small and broken matrice that was laying flat on the eroded wooden floor of his room. He yawned and raised his head off of his old pillow. He raised his arms to the air and started to stretch his arms. Slowly his large black wings unfolded and with a small Woosh, he started to hover in the air.

As his feet hit the ground he bent over and grabbed the old shirt he had had since he was young. It had started out a pretty pearl white but you wouldn’t have been able to tell as it had been worn for so long that the color had started to shift to a sickly yellow. He pulled the shirt over his head and pulled on his messy blue jeans. He yawned and pushed a hand through his messy dark hair.

He walked over to the doorway and stepped into his old and worn boots. The color of the leather had long since faded to a much darker brown than the original light and soft brown the leather had originally been. He grabbed an old leather belt and strapped it through the old belt loops of his jeans. He groaned one last time and walked out of his small room. The floorboards creaked as Comet walked into the kitchen where an old woman with grey wings sat.

“Good morning mother,” Comet said with a soft smile as he looked at his beloved mother who made his life worth the daily struggle.

She looked over at him and nodded with a soft smile. She hadn’t spoken a word since his sister passed. It wasn’t unusual for someone to pass all of a sudden in the place where he had lived. It was part of the reason that respected his mother as much as he did, she had survived for over fifty years in this place that made Tartarus seem cozy and safe.

He walked over to a small and broken wooden cabinet that hung by one hinge and grabbed two pieces of bread and a small egg, He walked over to a stove that had long since been broken and placed a large pan on the barren heat conductor. He cracked his neck and rubbed his wings together until they glowed a light red before bringing them to his lips and blowing a large flame under the pan.

The burner glowed a faint red and the pan soon fizzled to life. Comet smiled and cracked the egg onto the pan, as the white yolk hit the pan it immediately started to cook. After about two minutes of cooking, he presented an egg sandwich to his mother. She looked at the food he had placed before her and shook her head before pushing the food back to her beloved son. They didn’t have a lot of money but what they lacked in money they made up for in their love for each other.

“I know it’s not a lot, but please eat mom. You’ve done so much for me that you deserve to be pampered for once,” He said pushing the food back to his mother. She smiled and took the sandwich and split it in half. Before she could give him the large piece of the torn meal he quickly grabbed the smaller piece. He smiled and kissed her on the head before saying that he was going to be late to work.
He smiled and opened the door to their small and cozy house. He started his walk down the road and tour his small piece of sandwich in half and ate a piece before putting the other piece in a small box for later. He knew that he would need to eat later so he had been tearing his small portions in half and eating half at lunch. He frowned for a little as he thought about how unfair it was that his mother had to live her life like this.

She had done so much for him and even after all she had gone through she was still the kindest woman that he had ever met. Before he could think of anything else he was bumped into by a blue blur as it raced down the well-beaten path. Comet rubbed his shoulder and growled under his breath. He had always been quick to anger and it had cost him many jobs and friendships. But the job he had gotten now was different.

He had been hired to fight in an arena by the owner of one of the major factions of the arena. He remembered the day he had approached him about his offer. That was the day that he had found people who may have a clue about where his sisters’ killers may have been. There had been fifteen of them, by the time he was done five of them were dead, seven were unconscious, and three had run away.

The man had approached him after he was done interrogating the leader of the crew. After he had killed the leader as a message he saw him. The man wore a black suit and a large tophat with a hole for the man’s large and sharp horn. The man’s eyes were all black except for a small blood-red dot in the center of both of them. His teeth were sharp razors and his mouth was extended in a large smile.

The man approached him with an offer. He said he had been looking for him after he heard the rumor of a pegasus who was slowly knocking down each crew in the area. The man said that he could find the people Comet was looking for but it would come at a cost.

“Nothing in life is free, if you come and work for me I will train you to tame your raw power and channel it to do something great. You will receive a good salary along with information,” The man had said to him. Comet immediately agreed and was told to arrive at the arena in two weeks. Thus leading him to where he is today.

Why did he say to arrive in two weeks rather than the next day? He thought as the beautiful and large building came into his view. He saw the blue blur (Or who he assumed it was) standing by the entrance to the arena. She was a rare sight to say the least, she has big light blue wings and long rainbow hair. She wore goggles on her forehead, Comet recognized what the goggles were immediately.

They were a special pair of flyer goggles that would counter the conditions of flying like the wind and rain. They were only worn by the privileged and wealthy as they cost quite a pretty bit. She was also wearing a light blue tank top and what looked like a pair of blue jeans cut into shorts. She looked as if she was waiting on someone and wasn’t very happy about it.

When she noticed the yellow haired man she motioned him over quickly while tapping her foot on the dirt that lined the entrance to the arena. He sighed and walked over to the rainbow haired menace that had rubley pushed past him without so much as flinching or slowing down to check on him. He wasn’t one to judge a person quickly based on one action alone, but she gave off an egotistical aura and it annoyed him quite a bit.

“Are you Comet,” She said with a very tomboyish voice. She made no attempt to hide the annoyance that dripped from her tone.

“Yes, I am, and who might you be,” He said with an equally annoyed tone. She had bumped into him, hadn’t made any attempt to check if he was okay, and had the audacity to be the one who was annoyed. She smiled, if only for a second, and reached into her pocket before handing him a letter.

Dear Shooting Comet,
Meet Rainbow dash. She is my crowning achievement and the champion of the pegusi of the arena. She is the fastest person I’ve met by far and is your ticket to making it to the top. I’ve trained her myself how to use her speed and agility to her advantage. She will be your teacher for now, only preceded by myself.

She shall train you to strengthen your wing but also show you how to use them for a better advantage. You surpass her in power by far but she has better technique and has had years to train herself to take down others with more power than herself. She will help train you to use that raw power and combine it with her technique and style of flying.

While she will be teaching you physical prospects, I will be working on your elemental energy and teaching you how to harness the power you have and have more control over your abilities. We will begin our training when you can land 3 hits on Rainbow dash in a fight. Have a good day and remember to train hard.

Sincerely, The man in black

I finished reading the crumpled letter and looked back up at the woman in front of me. There was no way he thought she was even close to a match for him, she was so tiny and fragile looking compared to Comet that it was laughable to even entertain the idea of a fight between the two. She was simply too small compared to him. His wings dwarfed her entire body let alone her wings.

She noticed him looking her up and down and huffed. “I know how I look but I’ll have you know that I can whoop you from here to Manehattan,”

He looked up at her and all was silent for a second before Comet burst out laughing. There was no way this pipsqueak thought she was a match for his superior strength and build. She would do better as a weight than an actual opponent. As he laughed she started to search and warm up.

“What are you doing,” Comet asked, looking at her as he wiped a tear away from his eye. She glared at him before smirking and leaning forward.

“We’re going to fight aren’t we,” She said as she got into a fighting stance. Comet's smirk had disappeared. They were really doing this weren’t they. Well if he had to do it then it couldn’t be helped. He got into his stance before sighing.

“Don’t blame me if you get hurt,” He said before the fight started

Author's Note:

Muhahahaha, a cliff hanger.

Yes I'm evil, come back later to see how the fight ends up

Comments ( 3 )

When will there be Suicide

It comes in later but it'll be there

I love that

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