• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,542 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

Oh son of a-

Spinel kept her eye on the Pink pony as it ran circles around her, asking an abundance of questions so fast that by the time Spinel had answered the first one Pinkie had moved on to welcoming her to Ponyville, the question had been two in one, what and who are you?

"I'm Spinel and I guess I'm a Gem Golem," before Spinel could even try and remember what the next question had been Pinkie moved on and somehow managed to remove her from the snug craters that her feet were in.

"So this is the main street," Pinkie said as she began dragging Spinel around "It has sugar cube corner on it, the best sweet shop in the world,"

"I don't think I actually need to eat," Spinel said, immediately Pinkie switched from dragging her down the street to dragging her towards the pre-mentioned sweet shop.

"So you don't need to eat but one taste of Sugar cube corners food will make you want to eat every day!" Spinel was unable to make a suitable argument as the Pink pony pulled her into the Store, almost as soon as they had entered Applejack and Rarity turned the corner and made their way down the street,

"Alright, she can't be that hard to-ack!" Applejack was interrupted as she stepped in one of Spinel's feet craters and fell face-first on the ground. "I think I found her landing spot," she said as Rarity helped her back up, the two looked at the holes and looked around.

"Oh darn it," Rarity said as she looked around "She must have run down a side alley or something, we better get Twilight, maybe she has a tracking spell or something we can use," the duo b-lined it to the castle, meanwhile inside Sugar Cube Corner Spinel was standing in front of the counter while Pinkie made her the sweetest Cupcakes she could, Pinkie took this time to ask Spinel her question list much slower.

"So, have any friends in Ponyville? Moving here? Passing through?"

"I might have friends here, Dunno I was kind of in too much of a panic over the possibility of being eaten to really figure out properly assess the situation, and I guess if the Apple tree ponies are my friends I'm living in their barn now?" Pinkie popped out from behind with a huge smile.

"Oh one of my bestest friends Applejack is an Apple tree pony, do you know her?"

"Yeah...she murdered me on accident earlier," Pinkie cocked her head in confusion and Spinel added.

"I can come back from that kind of stuff so long as this-" Spinel lightly tapped the upside-down heart on her chest "-is not cracked or shattered,"

"What happens if it is cracked or shattered?" Pinkie gasped "Will there be a bunch of tiny yous running around?"

"Oh no, I'd just be erased from existence," Spinel said simply, Pinkie frowned.

"Note to self, don't touch the gem," Pinkie smiled again and presented the Pink Cupcake in the shape of a heart, she offered it to Spinel so that from her view it was an upside-down heart. "It's the little things that count," Pinkie said with a smile as Spinel took a bite out of the cupcake and almost choked on it.

"Oh wow," She said as she held back tears.

"What's wrong?" Pinkie asked as Spinel handed the Cupcake back.

"I think your Sugar's been replaced with salt," Spinel said in between coughed.

"WHAT!" Pinkie demanded, she licked the cupcake and had a similar reaction to Spinels.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash is so getting a Surprise party at the worst possible moment!" Pinkie said as she ran back into the kitchen. "A getting out of the shower party, a bad mane day party, a you have a zit party!" as Pinkie listed off ideas for her revenge Spinel pulled her tongue out of her mouth and started scrapping at it, the salty taste burning a little.

"...and then she ran off screaming that we'd never get her alive," Applejack and Rarity looked at Twilight expectedly, she meanwhile looked dumbfounded.

"A Golem that only needs a single component to function?" Twilight asked in disbelief, "With Intelligence equal to or greater than a ponies?" Twilight shook her head "That can reform its body if damaged?"

"Can you help us find her or not?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe," Twilight said, her mind still rushing at the idea of such advanced magic. "Did it have free will?" She asked.

"Nopony asked or told her to throw herself to Ponyville," Applejack replied "And she's certainly a snappy one that's for sure," Twilight tapped her chin before shaking her head.

"Do you know what kind of Gem she was using to function?"

"A Spinel," Rarity said simply.

"Do you have any laying around your Boutique?" Rarity raised an eyebrow at Twilight "Your right, that's a stupid question, Alright once I have a Spinel I should be able to find your friends using the Echo spell,"

"Echo spell?" Applejack asked in confusion "How will...?"

"It's like echolocation, use it on an item and any items not constructed from the outside world made of the same material can be found with ease, if that doesn't work then she's either in a building or underground and then it's just a waiting game," with a clear plan set in place the three headed out, running past Applebloom and Spike, who had only just caught up.

"Oh come on," They groaned in unison before running after them.

Pinkie smiled widely as she watched Spinel eat the cupcakes with wild abandon,

"So you're a living gem?" Pinkie asked, Spinel having told her story while Pinkie had hunted down the sugar.

"Purdy mush," Spinel said as she tried to swallow two cupcakes at once,

"So if your body like super-stretch rocky stuff?"

"My body is made of solid light," Spinel said once she managed to swallow her food, Pinkie opened her mouth to say something and Spinel added "Don't ask me what that means I can't explain it properly," Pinkie closed her mouth and watched as Spinel polished off the final cupcakes, Spinel had just swallowed her final treat when she Pinkie pushed her to her feet.

"Come on there are so many amazing places in Ponyville to show you!" Pinkie dragged Spinel out the door and looked around, "We can go to the castle and introduce you to Twilight, or we could go visit Fluttershy at her cot-" Pinkie was interrupted when a pink ring of magic flew through the town and, upon hitting Spinel's gem, let out an odd-sounding ringing, Pinkie covered her ear and the two looked at Spinel's now glowing gem.

"What just happened?" Spinel demanded looking around in a slight panic. "Why am I glowing?" Pinkie was about to rapid-fire theories at her when a voice sounded out.

"Found her!" Spinel and Pinkie looked over and saw Twilight, AJ, and Rarity. Pinkie smiled and Spinel went on guard.

"Hey Applejack!" Pinkie waved and pointed at Spinel "I met your friend, You didn't tell me you knew sentient gems! Maud's gonna flip when I tell her!" The other three ignored Pinkie as they looked at Spinel, who looked like she was about to bail at a moment's notice.

"Hey," Applejack said with a wave "I understand your freaking out over seeing Spike...eating Gems..." Pinkie cut her off with a gasp.

"What!?" Pinkie jumped up on Spinel and put her hooves on Spinels Pigtails, mistaking them for her ears "Applejack that sounds super traumatic and is not at all a good way to say hello,"

"I don't think those are my ears," Spinel said to Pinkie who looked at her and began moving her hooves around Spinel's head.

"Am I close?" she asked when Twilight walked forward.

"Listen, Spinel right?"

"Right," Spinel confirmed, Pinkie now on a mission to locate her ears,

"Listen, why don't you come with me to the castle and we talk this out in a nice calm-" Heavy breathing cut Twilight off as Spike and Applebloom caught up with them, Neither had time to say anything before Spinel began screaming again.

"It's Following me!" She once again attempted to bounce away but realized too late that Pinkie was still on her shoulder, the extra weight resulted in one of her legs springing up faster than the other, sending her up and sideways before the second one set off and shot her and Pinkie across the street and into a wall.

"Sorry," Pinkie said as she shot to her hooves and helped Spinel up, Spinel rubbed her head and was about to thank Pinkie when a very unpleasant feeling spread through her stomach, Spinel looked down and Pinkie followed her gaze and found a metal rod was now in Spinels stomach, the two looked up to see their crash had sent a crack up the wall and sent a piece of a fire escape down and into Spinel.

"Oh son of a-" Spinel exploded and her gem clattered to the ground.

"Oh no," Applejack managed to say before Pinkie began screaming.


Author's Note:

Not many people can say they censored a swear by having a character explode into dust....wait....DANG IT INFINITY WAR!