• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 12 - Floating Bulwark

Floor 31

July 7

Aincrad, the iron castle floating in the sky. A virtual prison with very real consequences. Bladescape’s time served was nearing a year. She sat on a roof of the inn they had rented on the 31st Floor, contemplating all that had happened as she watched the sunrise.

Lind’s command of the Dragon Knights Brigade had morphed into the Holy Dragon Alliance. Kibaou led the Aincrad Liberation Squad into the 25th Boss Room, rushing the boss without any real preparation. They were trying to get ahead of the other guilds. It failed, miserably. After loosing half their members to this death game, they had whimpered back to the first floor where they merged with another guild and created the Aincrad Liberation Army, a guild for the players, to protect and care for every last player.

From the hole created by ALS’ failure, a new guild stepped into the vacant spot: the Knights of the Blood Oath. They kept the front line from falling apart. And they didn’t monopolize the boss raids.

The Wondercolts had steadily been at the top, clearing each floor as it came. They all had come such a long way over the months. Astro, Kiefer, Lessa, and Joltron were good friends by now. The members of the Wondercolts were strong and willing to take on the Labyrinths, Field Bosses, and Floor Bosses as needed. They hadn’t missed a Floor Boss battle since the First Floor. Joltron had proven to be an effective third Tank. Doombunny was the only one who hadn’t faced a boss, and she was fine with that.

AFCK had maxed her cooking skill the month before. She still was learning to combine all the foreign ingredient like fish bone extract and the other weird herbs. She had already figured out how to make cupcakes and was close to cracking the code for sprinkles.

Likewise, Diemond had already maxed Tailoring and Light Metal Armor Forging. As soon as she hit level 50 she would unlock a skill slot and start Heavy Metal Armor Forging. Because of her, the guild had matching uniforms. She made capes for Backbreaker, Joltron, and herself since they were wearing heavy metal armor.

Kiefer, Lessa, and Joltron had put a lot of effort into weapons making and equipment repair. Their skills were sufficient for repairs, and because of Twilight, they were making good headway on weapon creation that would help the guild.

Bladescape had kept her promise, she had grown strong for the guild. The others didn’t quite know how far. Bladescape hadn’t consulted Knightstar about her stats either. She was level 52, three whole levels above Backbreaker.

A message popped up, pulling Bladescape from her thoughts. It was from Argo.

I have something you might be interested in. Something right up the alley of a particular member of the Wondercolts. Meet me on Floor 27, Ronbaru. All of you.

It was an odd message from Argo. She did all the transactions through Bladescape and Knightstar, but they never were written like that. Bladescape replied “On our way,” and woke the others up.

The 27th floor was one stuck in perpetual night, but rich in ore. They had come here multiple times to purchase ore and refined metals. Bladescape looked around, but didn’t see Argo as they arrived.

Argo soon came out of a back alley and walked over to them. Which was very unlike her. Usually they had to go to her.

“I heard of something that met your qualifications,” Argo said. “I just got back from checking it out, and if anyone can solve this problem, Backbreaker can.” Argo’s painted face grinned mischievously. “This one is free of charge.”

Argo started walking out of the town and they followed her. Once they were clear of the town Argo spoke up.

“This Floor is a mess. Crafters are still uncovering things. Most of them are not deadly like on Floor 25, but its still being explored. A week ago I heard of a mini quest. Once I got the chance to actually check it out, I immediately thought of Backbreaker. I have heard enough from the boss battles to know she is surprisingly unyielding. And that is what it will take to beat this Flag Mob. No one has yet, and it is clear he won’t re-spawn.”

“What kind of Flag Mob are we talking about here?” Backbreaker asked, jogging up to walk beside Argo.

“He claims a rare shield as a prize, but the problem is that he only comes out to fight a single player. And, that player has to have a shield equipped. If another player crosses the line, he disappears back into the wall.

“So far, no one has survived the first hit yet. He tosses you back and claims you are not worthy before disappearing into the wall. I hope you are game, because I don’t like Flag Mobs going unbeaten.”

“Well, I’ll give it a try,” Backbreaker said. “He won’t toss me like a hay bail. I can guarantee you that.”

They showered Backbreaker with praise and encouragement for a while before they entered a cave lit by crystals and followed it for a ways.

“I am certain this wasn’t here when we first got to the floor,” Argo said. “Which ticks me off.”

Argo’s guides were still a major player for the Boss Raids. She provided them the valuable information on the boss attack patterns and such. It came at a cost of course. It wasn’t easy for her to lock down the quests that provided that information and find some of the most obscure NPCs that knew something.

It was why Bladescape and Knightstar were always willing to find out something for Argo. It not only provided them all with key information, it usually got them early access or free access to stuff. Times like this where when the boring and repetitive drop rate calculation missions paid off.

The cave opened up but there was a group of players crowded around the exit.

“Behold, the beast’s lair,” Argo said. “And no surprise, its got a group already there.”

Cheers were raised and quickly replaced with a bang of metal and a lot of noises indicating the players had just seen something painful. Bladescape, Argo, and Backbreaker pushed themselves to the front. A single player was crawling his way out of the open area.

It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t big. It was just the right size to solo fight a Flag Mob. It was sufficiently lit with orange light, exposing the rocky exterior that gave a peak to open sky.

The edge of the cavern’s entrance glowed red, a warning to not enter. A red line was also visible on the cave floor. As soon the player exited the line the glow turned white.

Argo gestured for Backbreaker to go in and Bladescape gave a reassuring smile and nod. Argo pulled out a record crystal to capture the battle. Their friends were unable to watch as the rest of the crowd realized it was Backbreaker who had entered.

“Back up!” Bladescape growled, as she pushed back against the wall by the current onlookers. “You are to going push us into the pit!”

“Hey!” Backbreaker yelled, turning around. “Y’all can watch, but don’t push and shove. AND! My friends get to move to the front. That’s only fair, y’all. You alright, Sugarcube?”

“I’m fine,” Bladescape yelled back. “Just focus on the task.”

Backbreaker walked over to the black line in the floor. She stood there, looking around. She realized that the real, iron wall of Aincrad was exposed in a slim part.

Out of the iron wall came a giant metal knight. He sauntered over to face her. He was almost three times her height. His shield was a tattered and torn piece of square iron and in his other hand he carried an iron mace. They all looked to be made of the same material.

“I offer my shield to he or she who is able to carry it. You must prove you can carry it through battle. It won’t be easy. Do you accept this match?”

Backbreaker glanced back at her friends and then looked at the metal giant. “I do.”

“Then prepare yourself,” The metal knight said brandishing the mace.

Only a single health bar popped up along with his name, Pillar. Backbreaker set her stance, using both arms to brace her shield. The giant saw she was ready and struck. It was faster than they though he could move.


The iron mace groaned as it bent backwards. Pillar was giving it his all, trying to toss Backbreaker, but she held firm. His grip slipped and the swing slid off her shield and continued it’s mighty path.

Backbreaker leaped in and her war hammer glowed red.


Backbreaker scored a solid hit on the chest place of Pillar. It barely dented his HP. Backbreaker braced herself Pillar adjusted and swung his mace again with blinding speed. This time it was deflected off quicker and Backbreaker leaped, landing a blow on his chest again. She didn’t have the ability to leap higher than that with the weight of her equipment.

They traded blows back and forth while their friends watched. They couldn’t see either of their HP bars. It was a slow battle as they hammered away at each other.

Backbreaker switched things up by stepping in. She stopped the mace on her shield and then rotated with a yell, driving her hammer home of the gauntlet of Pillar’s mace hand.

Pillar flipped the tables on her and drove his mace directly down for the first time. Backbreaker went down on one knee and raised her shield.


Backbreaker didn’t budge under it’s might.

“My name is Backbreaker,” she grunted under the strain. “I grew up on a farm. Not much scares me. I don’t intend to budge under your attack or any other.”

“What is the source of your strength?” Pillar asked.

“My friends,” Backbreaker grinned. “If I fail they die. They are strong in their own way, but it falls on my shoulders in here to make sure that I block anything and everything. You might not kill me, but I can’t fail them.”

The broke apart and Backbreaker rolled into Pillar’s range, striking him three times before he was able to back up.


Backbreaker deflected the mace and jumped in.


Her hammer was blocked by Pillar’s giant shield. It was the first time he had used it. Her Sword Skill was still active unless it got forced off it’s path, but Backbreaker wasn’t got to let that happen. At least not without a fight.

Her hammer creaked and then it shattered under the strain. Pillar swung the mace and Backbreaker skillfully blocked it.

“I won’t bend, even without a weapon in my hand,” Backbreaker growled.

With her free hand still bracing her shield, she pulled up her menu and pulled out an old hammer she had gotten in a drop but hadn’t gotten rid of yet. It was a weapon.

“Very skillful,” Pillar said as he pulled back and reset. He swung the mace overhead again and Backbreaker took it the same as she had before.

Pillar leaned in so there was no chance of them being heard.

“Your strength isn’t from living on a farm.”

“A good chunk of it is,” Backbreaker groaned. “But if you want the truth, I guess it won’t hurt you. I don’t suppose you know you are in a game, do you?”

“Of course I know. I wouldn’t exist without Cardinal’s directive. I exist because this went from being a game, to a prison.”

“Well then,” Backbreaker grinned. “In the real world, I live on a farm. But me an my friends, we have this magic stuff happening at our school. And, well, its kind of turned into geodes. But they give me super strength. I protect our world from other magic threats. I suppose that sounds kind of funny.”

“The modern world is full of wonders,” Pillar replied, not letting up on the pressure. “It doesn’t sound silly to me. And the rest of your friends?”

“Speed, levitation, mind reading, exploding sprinkles, talking to animals, and creating magical diamond shields. Its worked for quite a few things. Several demons, a group of soul sucking sirens.” Backbreaker chuckled. “Even a few evil classmates. That sort of thing. But our friendship is what gives us the real power.

“Dash may think she is the strongest, but I am!”

Backbreaker stood up despite the tremendous strain. The mace slipped off her shield and slammed into the ground, fracturing the solid stone. Backbreaker’s crappy mace glowed and swung into the helmet Pillar.

He reeled back from the hit. Backbreaker was sure it wasn’t a kill blow, but his HP gauge was gone. She wasn’t even in the yellow. There was no way he had dropped to zero, especially against such a low level weapon.

But Pillar stumbled back a bit and then fell on his knees, the iron in his body groaning. He leaned on his shield in front of Backbreaker.

“You are worthy,” He groaned, just loud enough for her to hear. “Your unyielding devotion and strength has earned you the right to bear it. I have been waiting for the right time since this game changed. This shield is a piece of Aincrad’s exterior wall. I am a pillar that holds this castle together. In defiance to what happened to this game, I ripped it out of the wall myself. It gives no special bonuses, but it doesn’t need it. As your strength grows, as you beat the floor bosses, it will grow. Believe in it and it won’t fail. I doubt the outside magic can make it in here, but your heart holds a special kind. And that is one thing that can and has been brought into this death game.”

Pillar’s shield fractured and he fell face down into the earth. But the heart of the shield dropped down in front of Backbreaker. She also got the notification that she leveled up. Backbreaker groaned as she lifted the shield. Its weight was enormous. She pulled up her menu to stash her other shield and saw a notification.

Heavy Shield Skill Unlocked.

Her skill menu had automatically replaced Shield with Heavy Shield. With another few clicks the Shield was equipped. With the new skill the shield was easier to move.

Backbreaker finally heard the cheers from her friends and the players who could see. She walked over to them. The glowing red aura around the entrance was gone. There wasn’t even a hit of the white or any color. She walked through to them anyway where she was embraced.

“Yay AJ!” AFCK said hopping around.

The rest of what she said was lost as Argo spoke. “That was a good fight,” Argo grinned. “It’s going to be hard to beat something like that. And I got it recorded. I’ll only sell a few pictures to the newspaper for laughs. And, I’ll let you watch it for free.”

“That’s mighty kind of you,” Backbreaker said leaning against the wall, exhausted. “It was mighty kind of you to show us here.”

Argo shrugged under her cloak. “Hey, like I said, I hate a Flag Mob spawning without me knowing. And I hate it even more when they can’t be beaten.”

“Still, thank you.”

“But I am excited to see what you got,” Argo smirked.

The other players watching had dispersed once the battle had finished. It was no longer fun.

“Well, for starters, my menu let me know I got my shield skill upgraded to Heavy Shield Skill.”

“Interesting,” Knightstar said pulling up her menu. “My calculations say that your shield skill should be about 500 out of 1000.”

“It just moved to 505,” Backbreaker confirmed.

“That’s a long way to go,” Argo said. “But strength must be a qualifier. I am not surprised to hear of a heavy shield skill. Some of them are getting quite larger and heavy.”

“I would appreciate it if y’all didn’t sell that information, but released it to the public. We need more shield users with bigger shields on the front lines if we are to beat this game.”

Argo nodded in agreement.

Backbreaker removed her shield with a smile and held it out. Knightstar tapped on it to bring up the appraisal info.

“It just says Floating Bulwark,” Knightstar said confused. “No other information. Nothing about its use requirements or even its durability. It doesn’t even tell me that I can’t see certain information.”

“It’s got no bonuses,” Backbreaker stated. “But I know that. That isn’t my concern.”

“Are you sure its even worth it?” Knightstar asked. “We dropped a few floors to get it.”

“Did you not see our battle?” Backbreaker snorted. “Yeah, its worth it. This is the same shield that destroyed my hammer.”

“Very intriguing,” Argo replied. “But there is stuff to do now that this Flag Mob was beaten. I assume the same is true for you all too.”

“Yeah,” Bladescape nodded. “We have more stuff to do. And we just added a getting Backbreaker a new hammer to that list.”

Bladescape and Backbreaker went to Agil’s shop while the others went back to clearing Floor 31. It was cramped inside the shop, as usual.

“Well look who just walked in,” Agil smiled. “I didn’t figure on seeing you anytime soon. Rumor has it the Wondercolts are nearly self sufficient.”

“We are getting there,” Bladescape grinned. “But we will always pop into our favorite store owner.”

“You don’t have any rings, right?” Agil asked. “I got a few in stock yesterday.”

“Sure, but first, we need a war hammer.”

“A war hammer?” Agil asked, scratching his head. “Didn’t you just get one on the last boss raid?”

“And it broke,” Backbreaker chuckled. “I got this though. A single drop shield from a Flag Mob on the 27th Floor.”

“The one that’s been tossing everyone out of the ring, right?” Agil asked. “Everyone who tries to stand against him fails off the first hit.”

Backbreaker nodded.

“If the rumors are true, then he must have been hitting insanely hard.”

“He did,” Backbreaker chuckled. “And when I hit him back, that’s why my hammer couldn’t take the force of us colliding.”

“I don’t have anything like what you were using. Most of my gear is best suited for the mid level players. But I got this one, Skull Basher. A player made it and sold it to me last week.”

Backbreaker looked at it’s stats. “It’ll do I guess. I’ve got no other option at the moment. Its mighty light and I hate the skulls, but ital do.”

With the transaction finished, Bladescape and Agil began talking about the rings. A player could only wear two. The game had a marriage system, and that would take up a ring slot. Rings boosted a player’s stats, and a wedding ring wasn’t without its other benefits.

Bladescape bought all three rings Agil had. None of them were that powerful, but they were enough of an edge. The first two were for herself, the last was bought with money from the guild, for the other members to use.

Bladescape kept things simple and gave it to Backbreaker since she was right there. It boosted a player’s HP by 250. That was the number of hit points you started the game with, so it was a worthwhile boost. And Tanks needed every little bit of HP to hold strong against enemies.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 52– Two-Handed Sword – Search – Weapon Defense – Leather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 46 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Equipment Appraisal – Parry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 46 – Rapier – Sprint – Acrobatics – Armor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 50 – Heavy Shield – One-Handed War Hammer – Extended Weight Carry – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search
AFCK (PP): Lvl 44 – Two-Handed Axe – Parry – Cooking – Weapon Defense – Martial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor
Diemond (R): Lvl 44 – Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – Tailoring – Light Metal Armor Forging
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 44 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – Hide – Search – Listening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit
Astro (PS): Lvl 46 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration
Kiefer: Lvl 43 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging
Lessa: Lvl 43 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing
Joltron: Lvl 43 – One handed Axe – Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Blunt Weapon Forging

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