• Published 18th May 2019
  • 242 Views, 7 Comments

The Tragic Tale of Gloomy Dusk - DramakilzU

A pony struggling to make a living in the city of Detrot finds himself going down a path nopony would've ever imagined.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - You Are Everything

The clock struck 8:00 pm when Evening Star had left her afternoon class at Vanhoover State. She was met shortly down the hallway by her boyfriend, Teddy Bear.

“Ready for the finals coming up?” said Teddy.

“Ya, but if I’m honest...I’m still kinda nervous.”

“Don’t be. You’ve never missed a class, and you did great on the mid-term. You’ll pass.” Teddy reassured her with a smile and she let go of her tension as she smiled back.

“You’re so sweet sometimes, you know that?” They embraced in a kiss before heading to the front exit.

“So where you wanna eat tonight, Eve?”

“I was thinking we try Barley’s Bakery just a few blocks away. I’ve been dying to try their new hay cakes.”

“Mmmm. Sounds good. I’ve never been there before. What they got on the menu?”

“Mostly it’s foods like pot pies, sandwiches, and baked goods. But they have a pretty delicious carrot soup, and I know how much you like carrots.”

“Now we’re talkin’. Barley’s Bakery it is then.”

They both trotted down the outside stairs of the university leading to the sidewalk. As she was walking down, Evening looked up for a moment to see somepony across the street. She couldn’t make out the pony’s appearance on account of how dark it was outside, but she could tell he or she was wearing a black cloak with a hood that covered the pony’s head. She also noticed the pony wasn’t heading somewhere but just standing there, facing towards her while looking down at the floor. Her gaze was interrupted by tripping on one of the stairs as she went down. She quickly caught herself, but when she looked back up again, the pony was gone.

“Hey babe? You alright?” Teddy, already at the bottom, was looking back up at her quizzically.

“Ya...I’m fine. I just lost my balance, that’s all.”

When they came to the restaurant, they both sat down and ordered some food. They enjoyed some friendly banter before Teddy got up to use the restroom. Evening patiently waited, occasionally checking her appearance with her makeup mirror. In a few minutes the food came, but Evening wanted to be polite and waited for Teddy to return before eating. She waited for about fifteen minutes before she started to suspect something was wrong. She got up from the table and went over to the stallion’s restroom and knocked on it.

“Teddy? You in there?”

She waited a few seconds for a response, but there was none. She noticed the door was unlocked and peered inside. It was empty. She was puzzled. She never saw him leave the hallway leading to the restrooms, then her attention turned to a door near the restrooms. It was a back exit door. Thinking that he must’ve went outside for some fresh air, she went outside through the exit to find herself in an alleyway between the buildings.

It was a long, dark and narrow alley that had some dimly lit lamps hung by the exit doors for both customers and employees. There was nopony in sight in either direction. Then she heard a faint sound of crying, like it was a pony in agonizing pain. The sound was coming from her right, and upon heading in that direction it led to a much larger opening that served as the intersection of four alleyways that were in between the buildings. She immediately spotted Teddy as the source of the sound who was lying on the floor in the corner, writhing in pain.

“Tedd! Are you alright!?” She rushed to him and put her hooves around him. In response, he let out a sharp cry of pain. She quickly released her grip. “Oh Celestia! I’m so sorry!” She looked down his body and gasped. He was riddled with bruises as if he was severely beaten, and one of his back legs was broken. She began crying. “What happened to you?”

Teddy struggled to speak, with each word filled with affliction. “You’re...not safe here. You need to leave. Now…”

“I don’t understand. Why? Why would anypony do something like this to you?”


“Who’s here?”

Evening saw Teddy slowly raise a hoof to point at the alleyway behind her. She turned around to see that same familiar dark figure standing right at the entrance of it. He emerged from the shadow and removed his hood to reveal a very pale unicorn with jet black hair. On his face were two wide, bloodshot eyes with a wide disturbing smile.

“Gloomy? Is...Is that you?” said Evening with a bit of fear in her voice.

Why of course it’s me, silly. You don’t recognize your ex?”

Something in his voice didn’t settle right with Evening. “What are doing here? And...what happened to you? You look like you haven’t slept in weeks?”

“More like days, but who’s counting? I really came to say my last goodbyes and ‘bury the hatchet’ so to speak.”

Teddy got her attention as he gained enough strength to speak again. “He’s...the one who...did this to me. He’s not a pony. He’s something else.”

She looked back at Gloomy in disbelief. “You...did this to him?”

“Well, he was going to make things difficult. I just thought there shouldn’t be any interruptions between us.”

“Oh, Celestia...What has gotten into you? I never thought you were even capable of something so...so terrible.”

“Oh but you misunderstand, my sweet sweet Evening Star. This IS who I am. I know now more than ever that that wasn’t me before. It was my past holding me back all this time, keeping me from who I was meant to be. But not anymore.”

Evening was shocked by his words. She didn’t want to believe what she was hearing. “No! This isn’t you! I’ve known you for a long time, Gloomy. You’re sweet and gentle. You’d never hurt anypony! No matter how much they’ve hurt you.”

“That’s funny, cuz I remember you saying how much I was a coward and a love-needing sob story. Or was that what you meant by sweet and gentle?”

“Gloomy...I’m sorry I said those things to you. And I’m also sorry for using you to pay for school. I know those things were hurtful and I regret it looking back, but I want you to know that it was because things weren’t working between us. WE don’t work as a couple.”

“I know, and I’ve already forgiven you. That’s why I’m here.”

“What?” Evening was now beyond confused. “Then why did you hurt him?”

Gloomy started laughing in an unsettling manner. “You really need to listen better. I said he was going to get in the way.”

“That’s no excuse to attack somepony! What is wrong with you?”

Gloomy shot out some magic from his horn that quickly wrapped around Evening’s neck and began to tighten. She moved her hooves up to her throat in an effort to remove it. “I think it’s time for you to stop talking, ay? Besides, you look so adorable when you struggle.”

Gloomy smiled sadistically as he continued to tighten the magical noose around her neck. He lifted her up so that she was forced stand on the tips of her back hooves in order to breathe. “Oh, this gives me an idea!”

He moved her away from Teddy to the center of the alley intersection. Gloomy also went to the center and when they were both in the middle, he bowed his head to her. “May I have this dance, please?” He forced her head to move up and down to imitate nodding. He then commenced moving her in a sort of waltz motion around him as he began waltzing himself. She was frantically trying to push herself up with her hooves whenever they made contact with the alley floor. She let out sounds of gasping and choking as they danced and was struggling to stay conscious. After a few minutes of dancing, he decided to put her back on all four hooves but still kept a tight grip on her. “Now wasn’t that fun?”

“Y-you’re a psychopath.” Evening could barely talk as she struggled to stay breathing.

“Don’t be like that. How about we try to do the Cha Cha next?” Gloomy let out an insane fit of laughter.

Then suddenly, Teddy leapt onto his back. The big stallion hit and kicked with his other three hooves with all his might. He even sank his teeth hard into Gloomy’s neck. The attack caused Gloomy to yell in pain and try to shake the earth pony off. In the struggle, Gloomy released his magical grip from Evening who fell on the floor. She began gasping heavily in an effort to regain her breath.

“Enough!” Gloomy shouted as he teleport himself out from underneath Teddy who fell onto the ground. Gloomy reappeared just a few feet in front of him and levitated Teddy’s whole body into the air. Gloomy was rubbing the bite mark left on his neck. “Ooooh! Feisty, aren’t you? Even with a broken leg, you just don’t seem to quit, huh? Well let’s see you try that again with no legs!”

Evening upon hearing those words was filled with terror. “Oh Celestia, please no.”

She watched in horror as she saw each of his other three legs slowly bend in on themselves. Teddy shrieked in agony as the distinct sound of bone snapping could be heard, and the bones near his hooves were bent in half. Two of them had fractured bone protruding from the skin. The pain was so excruciating that Teddy could barely stay conscious through the ordeal, begging for the pale unicorn to stop.

Gloomy laughed maliciously at him. “What’s the matter? Can’t take a little pain? I thought you earth pony types were built for endurance.”

“Gloomy, stop! You’re killing him!” Evening pleaded.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill him...yet,” said Gloomy as he stopped twisting Teddy’s limbs.

As Gloomy began lowering his limp body to the same spot he had been previously, Evening realizing the severity of the situation, got up and bolted for the alleyway that she entered from. When she got to the alleyway entrance, she was immediately stopped by an invisible wall that flashed for a second as she collided with it. In confusion, she pressed a hoof against the surface of it. It appeared in response to the hoof but didn’t move. She pushed harder. It wouldn’t budge. She then quickly went into a banging fit onto the force field in desperation.

“Help! Somepony help us! Please!” Evening cried, but it seemed nopony could hear her.

“Screaming won’t do you any good, my silly Eve. This whole force field is sound proof. But I do like it when you cry for help, so keep going. It gives me nice, warm, fuzzy feelings.”

After a few more attempts of yelling, she turned around to face him. “You’re sick. I can’t believe I ever dated you, you sadistic fu-” She was cut off as some duct tape magically appeared out of thin air and covered her mouth.

“Now, now. There’s no need for that kind of foul language.

She made muffled sounds, struggling to remove the tape when some red magic levitated her towards Gloomy. The magic held tightly around her body, restraining her movement. He brought her close to him to where their faces were inches apart. Her breathing became more frantic and her eyes started welling up in fear.

“Oh, shh shh shh, don’t cry. All those tears are going to ruin your makeup.” Gloomy placed a hoof on the side of her face in a caressing manner to which she recoiled, closing her eyes with tears flowing down. “You are truly beautiful, which makes it such a shame that we have to part ways. But we’ll make the most of this moment. You and me. Let’s start with a game, shall we?”

He levitated her to one end of the alley intersection near a wall and released his magic grip on her. He then made a wall of red fire surrounding her to keep her from escaping. “Teddy and I had some fun playing this before you showed up. I’m sure you’re familiar with the game dodgeball, right? I remember it being my least favorite because I always got singled out. Well, this game is a lot like that except...you don’t get out with just getting hit by one ball. You’re only out when you, let’s just say, are unable to get back up. Oh, and one more thing! If you can survive all the balls I throw at you, you win!”

Gloomy started to materialize several red balls and levitated some in preparation to throw them. Evening was shaking and waiting for the inevitable onslaught.

“Ready? Set? GO!” Gloomy hurled the first ball at her, which she managed to evade. The ball, instead of bouncing like a regular dodgeball would, hit the wall with a hard thud which left a small crack on the wall. Evening was startled by the sound and examined the ball on the floor.

“Oops! Silly me. Did I mention that these are actually bowling balls? I thought it would make the game more fun, you know?” He began throwing the hard surfaced balls with more and more frequency. Evening was finding it harder and harder to dodge them until one of them hit a front hoof. She cried in pain as she stumbled to the floor. “Looks like I barely got you. Come on, get up. I’ll still give you a fighting chance.”

He waited for her to stand back up, although she was limping. Not many dodges later, she got hit on her side and collapsed on the ground. It took her much longer to recover, making pained grunts and moans through her taped mouth. Again, another ball hit her thigh. This time, she was making no effort to move as she laid on the ground.

“Aww, did you give up already? I know Teddy lasted much longer on account of his size, but I expected you’d last more than just three hits.”

As he finished speaking, he noticed she starting moving again. She was struggling with all her might to get up, stumbling a bit here and there. When she was finally able to stand, she turned to look at Gloomy with pure hatred on her face.

“That fire in your eyes. It’s what I love about you, Eve. You’re so determined to keep going. Something I wish I had.” He charged up the last ball. “This one’s for all the marbles!” It shot straight at her, but she was too physically drained to move in time. She only managed to sidestep a bit when the ball hit her directly in the chest. She let out a muffled scream as one of her ribs fractured, causing her to fall back down onto the floor. She began sobbing in pain. There was no more energy left in her to even bother moving.

“Ouch! That’s gotta hurt!” Gloomy laughed to himself for a bit before taking notice that Evening still wasn’t moving. “Alright, game’s over. I win. You can get up now.” She still didn’t respond. “Somepony’s being a bad sport. Guess I have to do everything myself.”

He magically extinguished the fire, lifted her whole body over to him, and turned her upright to face him. She was in terrible pain but still conscious. “Ah, you’re still awake. Perfect!” She began making muffled noises to him as though she was trying to speak. “I’m sorry, are you...trying to say something? Here, let me help you with that.” He grabbed the duct tape on her mouth and ripped it off fast, which elicited a painful yelp from her. “There, that’s better. Now, you were saying?”

She coughed a bit of blood, then struggled to speak. “W-why? Why are you doing this?”

“Why?” Gloomy paused with a look of confusion. “Why…” He began to chuckle softly until it turned into a laugh and then an insane fit of laughter. Calming down, he said, “You know why. We both know. We’ve always known since we first met eyes. We’ve just been ignoring it all these years though it was right in front of us.”

“W-what are you...talking about?”

His smile grew wide. “Our destiny.” Those two words sent chills down her spine. She didn’t even recognize the pony before her anymore.

Gloomy turned to look at Teddy still wallowing in pain and then back to Evening. “I want him to see what’s about to happen next. He deserves a front row seat to the finale.” He magically adjusted Teddy’s head to face them and forced his eyes open.

Gloomy levitated himself and her several feet into the air. He then materialized a large red thorn the size of a dagger and hovered it over Evening Star’s chest. He drew himself near to her as her breathing became more rapid. “Are you ready, my dear?”

She could see death in his eyes and not a shred of remorse. Evening began to well up in tears as she tried to cope with the reality of her inevitable fate. “You...you don’t have to do this...please…I’m sorry for whatever I did to you.”

“Oh Eve, Eve, Eve. You don’t have to be sorry. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve never found this amulet. I would’ve never embraced who I truly am. And we would never have met like this so I could thank you for what you’ve done for me. Don’t you see? You are everything I could ever want. I always dream of you, for you…” He brought her close to him and he whispered gently in her ear. “...are my Evening Star.” He then thrusted the thorn deep into her chest which caused her to scream in pain.

“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Teddy yelled in despair and struggled to move his crippled body. Tears flowed down his eyes as he was powerless to stop him.

Gloomy continued to push the thorn deeper, causing blood to ooze out of Evening’s chest around the edges of the thorn. Her screams started to turn into gargled coughs as she began coughing up blood. “Don’t worry. It’ll be over soon.” The thorn eventually reached her heart and pierced right through it. She started convulsing as large amounts of blood left her body to form a pool underneath. The Alicorn Amulet’s gem started to glow brightly as her eyes became lifeless. She eventually stopped moving and her body became limp. Gloomy gave her one last kiss, tasting the blood that was in her mouth. He then lowered them both down and laid her body on its side in the pool of her own blood. He smiled, relishing every bit of the moment.

It’s finally over.

“You sick bastard!” shouted Teddy, full of rage and anguish.

“Oh, right. Almost forgot about you. Glad you enjoyed the show, but now it’s your turn.” Gloomy approached him when he was stopped by something. He was suddenly able to see down one of the alleyways leading to the center. He didn’t understand what was happening, but he also noticed two security guard ponies walking ahead on either side down the alleyway. He could sense something was coming to his location. Turning to look at the alleyway, he saw the guards, but he also saw somepony he recognized. It was a tall, dark grey earth pony with a dark sea green mane. He was wearing a black gear vest with a cape as if he was a night OPs agent. “I remember you. You’re that pony I met back at the theater. What was your name again? Aviary? Amorous? Aardvark?

“Avarice,” the aged earth pony calmly stated.

“Well whatever it was, it’s nice of you and your...friends to join us. After I’m done with Ol’ Tedders here, we can have some REAL fun! I do have to ask, though. How come I can see what you’re seeing? Cuz let me tell you, it’s a bit disorienting being able to look at myself and you at the same time.”

“That’s because we share sight with one another. We’ve been sharing it for over a day, but you had no knowledge of it. You remember I mentioned the Eye of Arimaspi? How it can locate anypony but comes with the price of the two always sharing vision? That’s how I found you. All I had to do was keep a blindfold on while directing my guards to your location.”

“Well, I’m impressed. So did you come all this way to kill me and take back your precious amulet?”

Avarice, with a determined face, nodded.

“Well, sorry to disappoint you.” Gloomy magically created three spears, each one pointed at them. “...but you should’ve known what you were getting yourselves into.” He hurled the spears with great speed towards them. Avarice quickly reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a little pink ball. He threw the ball against the ground and after one bounce, it expanded into a large flat disc shape in front of them. The spears impacted the pink rubber before bouncing off. The pink rubber disc then retracted back into the shape of a pink ball which Avarice put back into his pocket. He gave a slight grin to Gloomy.

“I know.”

Gloomy smiled back with delight. “Now this is gonna be fun…” His horn glowed with red electricity as he began to charge up his next spell.

The guards motioned forward to attempt to interrupt the spell when they were stopped by Avarice. “You two need to leave. I’ll stay behind.”

“Are you crazy? He’ll tear you apart!” said one of the guards.

“Don’t question me! I paid you to do a job and that was to escort me to him. You’ve fulfilled your duty. Now go!” Avarice’s tone of urgency made the guards reluctantly obey and left him alone with Gloomy.

When he turned his attention back to the unicorn, he had already create a twister spell that started to pull in anything facing its gaping mouth. Avarice was being pulled in when he took out a grappling hook and tethered himself to a nearby wall. He then took out a spiky metal cube, pressed a button on one of its sides, and threw it straight into the twister. The cube beeped for a few seconds before exploding, causing many spikes to fly out of the twister. Some of them hit Gloomy and got lodged in his skin which made him shriek in pain. The distraction gave Avarice enough time to pull out another item, this time a black jagged stone with holes in it. He also pulled out a clear glass ball with green liquid in it. He began shaking the ball vigorously, making the green substance inside start to glow.

After Gloomy pulled the spikes out and magically healed his wounds, he took notice of Avarice’s preparations. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you? What are you? Some kind of magician? I can’t wait to see what other kinds of stuff you got up your sleeve. Or up your intestines!” He shot a powerful bolt of magic at Avarice who had finished charging the glass ball. But before the bolt was able to reach him, he put the glowing green ball to the black stone which quickly absorbed the green energy to activate the stone. The bolt of magic was immediately sucked into the black stone which stunned Gloomy. He tried using a combustion spell next, but he felt the magic swiftly drain away as it was sucked into the stone. He tried once more to muster a spell to no avail.

“What is that thing and why is it sucking out all the fun?”

“It’s one of the shards of Queen Chrysalis’ throne. When activated by changeling magic, it sucks away any non-changeling magic in its area. That includes magic created by the Alicorn Amulet. In short, it renders you utterly powerless.”

“Ya, right! You think some silly little rock can stop me!?” Gloomy tried over and over to charge up his magic, but it was taken away faster than he could charge it. He became frustrated, trying harder and harder with each spell. Tons of magical energy was pouring out of him and into the shard.

“You’re wasting your time. You’re only going to exhaust yourself.” Avarice calmly untied himself from his grappling hook and walked towards Gloomy, still holding the shard in front of him. “The best thing you should do right now is run, but I’d imagine you’re not sensible enough for that.”

Gloomy finally stopped and was panting from all the energy he had expended. “Have...you...ever wondered...what a pony without skin looks like?”

“Is that supposed to intimidate me?”

“No. I just can’t wait to find out!” He readied himself as Avarice grew closer. He waited until Avarice was only a few feet away before he lunged at him with one hoof aiming for his face. Avarice easily moved his head out of the way and punched Gloomy straight in the gut. He went down almost immediately and started tossing and turning in agony. His moans turned into pained laughs.

“That was some punch. I-I can’t even get up. Bravo!” Avarice went over to him and pinned his neck to the ground with his hoof. Gloomy struggled to speak with the sudden pressure on his throat. “Well...that was certainly a quick fight. I was really hoping there’d be more action.”

“The Amulet really did a number on you. I knew the one it chose would be a desperate soul, but I never imagined it would find a pony this bad.”

“Wait...you said it chooses ponies. So it chose me? So it was fate.”

“The way I see it, you’re just an unfortunate bystander in the grand scheme. You see, it’s a little known fact that the Alicorn Amulet has a mind of its own. It chooses weak, desperate ponies and lures them with their deepest desires. Makes them less likely to take it off.”

“I know. I’ve already embraced the Amulet’s possession of me. I have now become its vessel.”

Avarice gave out a short laugh. You actually thought the Amulet was possessing you? It doesn’t possess ponies, it takes the deepest darkest parts of your mind and brings them to the forefront. You essentially become what you’ve suppressed in your thoughts throughout most of your life. That’s why ponies with great integrity can resist its corruption much longer than those living in denial.”

“So...this is really who I am deep inside? Wow. I am one screwed up pony.” Gloomy laughed again, but then looked curiously at Avarice. “Wait...how do you know so much about the Amulet anyway?”

“Because I was the one who studied it for years. And the one who stole it from that caravan. It seemed like the easiest solution out of all the other artifacts in order for me to obtain absolute dominance and authority over my inferiors.”

“But I thought it only works on unicorns, and you’re obviously not a unicorn. Also, why even steal the amulet for power if you put it up for auction?”

“It surprises me how dimwitted you are. Obviously, I couldn’t use it myself due to my race and its corruption. But I did find a loophole. The red gem that powers the amulet is the source of all its abilities and can be used by even earth ponies. The rest of the amulet carries the corruption and is tied to the gem with a powerful magical seal. The only way to break the seal is to offer it a sacrifice.”

“Sacrifice? I’m sorry, but are you talking like demonic rituals or something like that because that sounds right up my alley.”

Avarice was growing impatient. “You’re lucky I haven’t killed you already. The only reason I’m telling you all this is because I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, so I’d like to savor every bit of it, thank you.”

“So I’m not the only power hungry psycho. I was starting to feel like I was the only one.”

“Be silent!” Gloomy could tell Avarice had had enough of his retorts, so he smugly smiled and rolled his eyes. “As I was saying, the seal can only be broken through the current user of the Alicorn Amulet. It requires that the user must first kill the pony he values the most, and then he must perish with the amulet still on. Clearly one of those criteria have been met.” He pointed to Evening’s corpse.

“And now all that needs to happen is for me to die, right?” Gloomy smiled in full acceptance of what awaited him.

Avarice pulled a sharp dagger out of his chest pocket and positioned it on one side of Gloomy’s throat. Gloomy didn’t resist or panic, but just smiled wide at him. Then, he grabbed Avarice’s hoof holding the dagger and pulled it closer to his neck to the point where it started to cause a little bleeding. Gloomy’s face was filled with certainty.

“Go ahead. Do it. I’ve been wanting this for so long. I’ve wanted it ever since she left me. Make it be painful and slow.”

Avarice would’ve pitied him if it wasn’t for his lack of empathy for others. “You truly are the most pathetic creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.” In a quick motion, he sliced Gloomy’s throat from left to right. Gloomy grabbed at his throat reactively to the blood gushing out of his arteries. As Avarice wiped his dagger clean and put it back into its sheath, Gloomy managed to get out two words to him.

“Thank… you…” He relinquished his grip on his throat and soon afterward stopped breathing. A pool of blood formed around him and the expression left on his face was a peaceful smile.

Silence. Sweet Sweet Silence.

When there was no more life in him, the gem on the amulet began to glow a vibrant red. It started to separate itself from the amulet’s socket, floating just above it. Avarice could feel the power just within his reach.

Then, suddenly a net came out from one of the alleyways and wrapped around him. He became entangled in it as he fell to the floor. Avarice quickly grabbed part of Gloomy, turning him over on his side in an effort to grab the gem, but the net had already pulled him out of reach. As it was dragging him away, he attempted to pull his dagger out. But before he could, an electric current surged from the rope attached to the net and into Avarice. The shock completely incapacitated him.

Several royal guards stepped out from the shadows along with a light yellow pony with a purple suit and purple spectacles. The guards removed Avarice from the net, stripped him of his gear, and bound his front and back hooves.

“Avarice, you are under arrest for the theft, exchanging, and illegal use of dangerous artifacts. You are also under arrest for attacking several officials of the royal guard battalion, participating in an illegal conspiracy group, and murder.” As one guard read him his rights, Avarice’s former friend walked up to him.


“Vanilla Cream...How did you find me?”

“I knew I couldn’t find you without a little...determination.” Vanilla pulled out a shiny green medallion from his coat pocket.

“The Practitioner's Medallion? I thought that was smuggled far into the northern kingdom.”

“You’re not the only one with connections.” Vanilla got one of the guards’ attention and threw the medallion to him. “Here you go, sirs. Make sure it gets locked up with him and that cursed amulet.”

“You know what you’ve just done, right? You’re involved just as much as I am. If I go down, you go down with me,” said Avarice in a threatening manner.

“I know I’m in deep, but I managed to cut a deal with one of the princesses. My reduced sentence of only 3 years in exchange for the ringleader of AHPA’s whole operation. Sounds like a pretty good deal.”

“You know you’re gonna have a lot of important ponies out for your head, including me.”

“Well it was worth putting a stop to your whole plan once I realized what you were going to do with the Alicorn Amulet after you got your hooves on it.”

“Mark my words, Vanilla. You’ll regret this.” said Avarice as he was being escorted away by two guards.

One guard went to cuff Vanilla and lead him away when he turned to look at Gloomy’s deceased body. “I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of all this. You truly were my best friend. Goodbye Gloomy.”

As a grieving Teddy Bear was being taken away by emergency medical staff, a few guards examined the bodies that lay in the center of the alley intersection.

“What in Celestia and Luna’s name happened here?” said one of the guards.

“I...don’t wanna know,” replied another.

As they lay there, Gloomy Dusk and Evening Star each were on their side facing one another. Their eyes were fixed perfectly on each other’s. The pool of coagulated blood that had spread around them had miraculously formed into two halves of a heart.

And one small stream connected them together.

The End

Comments ( 1 )

Sorry for how long it took, but I'm glad I finally finished this story. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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