• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,330 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

  • ...

Day 3 Part 2

Day 3 part 2

Luna breathed deeply and sent her mind out into the world of dreams. The world of dreams appeared as a windswept brown plane. Scattered haphazardly around the never ending plane were glowing portals that led into different dreams. Luna couldn’t pick out Twilight’s signature so she decided to look for strong sources of magical power instead. Her mental radar was quickly filled with possible candidates and with a sigh she chose the nearest. Luna looked around and found herself standing in a darkly lit alley. She heard the sound of cars rushing by and the stench of garbage rotting all around her.

“Hells bells!” A man exclaimed. Luna whirled to find herself facing a man in a leather duster carrying a staff. “Who are you and what’re you doing in my head?” The man asked her brandishing his staff.

“My apologies, I’m looking for a friend and I seem to have taken the wrong door.” Luna said with a sad sigh. The man looked conflicted for a few seconds then his face softened.

“I’m a wizard and a part time detective maybe I can help.” The man offered but Luna only shook her head.

“Thank you sir, but this is something that I have to do by myself; although if you see a talking purple unicorn named Twilight Sparkle tell her that Princess Luna is looking for her.” Luna told the man who nodded.

“I’m Harry Dresden; I’ll keep an eye for any purple unicorns I happen to run across.” The man in the duster told her.

“Thanks.” Luna replied before she exited the same way that she’d come.

Luna looked for another portal on the plain and headed towards it not in the least bit discouraged. She looked around herself and discovered that she was in a dark room nearby she spotted a window and took a few seconds to peer out it. To her shock she saw nothing but desolate wasteland.

“By Celestia’s great flaming solar tits!” A voice from behind her shouted. Luna turned to see a mare with a brown mane and an odd boxy cutie mark looking at her in shock. “It’s just a dream, I’m dreaming about Princess Luna showing up in Homage’s bedroom that’s all it is…” The mare said to herself.

“Umm… I apologize for interrupting your dream, I’m looking for a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, have you seen her by any chance?” Luna asked.

“By Luna’s icy cunt it’s not a dream!” The mare shouted.

“I wouldn’t call it icy, but have you seen her?” Luna asked.

“Technically I killed her, but I don’t think she was the one you were looking for…” The mare said rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.

“Was she always naturally occurring in your timeline?” Luna asked.

“Um yeah, look would you go I was having a really really good dream?” The mare asked and Luna chuckled.

“Of course, have fun.” Luna winked before vanishing. Littlepip stood there for a few seconds before shrugging and going back to the bed, the night was young and she wasn’t even at 20 yet.

Luna found herself back on the plane and marked off another portal from the list, for some reason she had the feeling that this was going to be a long process…


“Remind me again why I’m out here with you.” Twilight said in annoyance as they walked once more into the sunlight of the Capital Wasteland.

“Because otherwise the scribes would’ve lobotomized you by now.” Ethan replied with a grin.

“Oh right, I forgot about that.” Twilight said with a frown as she holstered her plasma rifle. “So where are we anyways?” She asked.

“We’re currently right outside the natural history museum located in the Washington mall.” Ethan told her as they walked up the cracked wooden steps.

“Ethan, is that a fucking purple unicorn?” A scratchy female voice asked from behind them causing Twilight to jump in surprise.

“Yep sure it Willow.” Ethan replied with a grin as he walked towards the ghoul woman.

“Oh good I thought I was high…” Willow said with a bark of laughter. “Well come over and say hello, it’s not every day that I meet a unicorn!” Willow shouted to Twilight who was standing a few feet away looking at Willow with an odd look. “I’m not going to eat you, stupid tourist.” Willow told Ethan who chuckled.

“Don’t be too hard on Sparky, she just got here two days ago, and by just got here I mean that she had never heard of the Wasteland before. As in she’s from a different dimension.” Ethan told Willow whose face softened slightly.

“I’m not going to bite you, and it would probably be better if you got used to ghouls out here instead of inside.” Willow told Twilight who nodded slowly and walked forward close enough to get a wiff of Willow. Her face went slightly green and Willow chuckled. “Yeah I’m a moving corpse; I don’t smell all that great.”

“It’s not that noticeable.” Twilight said while trying and failing to keep her voice polite. Willow laughed a bit more before extending her hand to shake Twilight’s hoof. Twilight accepted the shake and her face got a little greener at the squishing noise and the touch of two hundred year old dead skin. Ethan for his part snickered.

“You’re alright for a smoothskin Sparky; you’re welcome in Underworld.” Willow told Twilight with a small smile.

“Thank you.” Twilight said nicely before she turned to Ethan who led her towards the door.

“Not bad Sparky; although I’d try and hold onto my breakfast if I were you, the only food that I’ve got on me are some brahmin stakes and I know you don’t want them.” Ethan told her as they entered the museum. To Twilight’s surprise the second that they entered the museum Ethan was hoisted off of his feet and into a hug by a towering green/orange creature.

“Ethan you are back! It is good to see you again my friend!” The large supermutant said before setting Ethan back on the ground.

“Fawkes it’s good to see you to.” Ethan said with a grin. “Sparky this is Fawkes; he’s a friend of mine.”

“Hello?” Twilight said offering her hoof to the looming supermutant who took it readily and gave it a single gentle shake.

“Hello to you as well Sparky, I must say that I haven’t met many unicorns in my time.” Fawkes told her with a grin.

“And I haven’t met many mutants who want to talk to me in my time.” Twilight replied and Fawkes gave a little chuckle.

“Yes that does seem to be a problem around here doesn’t it?” He asked with smile before turning back to Ethan. “So my friend what brings you to underworld?”

“I’m here to see the ferry man and his merry crew.” Ethan replied with a smile.

“My friend one day your humor is going to get you shot.” Fawkes told him with a flat look.

“Well then he should change his name because my nickname is technically accurate.” Ethan replied smugly, Fawkes sighed (Twilight had been noticing a trend of Ethan saying things and people sighing).

“They are in the usual place, I wish I could accompany you but I am guarding the door in case any of my brothers feel the urge to study history.” Fawkes said with a shrug before he pulled an absolutely massive rectangular device off of his back. Twilight stared (it was as long as she was!)

“Have fun.” Ethan said with a wink before he led Twilight away from the mutant and into a large open area then instead of heading for the door straight ahead he headed for the door on the left.

“This part of the museum used to be abandoned till I cleaned it out, then a friend of mine set up his own group of mercenaries; I think you’ll like them.” Ethan said with a grin as he pushed the door open. They were met by a comically dressed ghoul wearing the oddest poncho and a sombrero sitting behind a desk.

“Is that a unicorn?” The ghoul asked.

“Ella sí que es un unicornio!” Ethan said giving the ghoul a grin.

“That was terrible; I still don’t know why the boss married you.” The ghoul said rolling his eyes.

“Because I’m the baddest son of a bitch in the wastes, also I have pretty eyes apparently.” Ethan told the ghoul with a smile.

“So is the ferry man himself in?” Ethan asked.

“Yes he’s in the cafeteria with Nikita and Doc.” The ghoul said jerking his head to the left.

“Thanks Raul.” Ethan replied with a grin as he headed towards the cafeteria. Twilight followed after him and Raul tipped his hat at her before returning his gaze to the door. As they walked towards the door Twilight heard loud voices conversing.

“So there we were our backs against the wall, there were mutants everywhere and Nikita turns to me and he asks me if my new drug is safe. I say ‘of course not!’ then we slaughtered every one of them. It was a good day.” A thin accented voice said happily.

“It was quite fun experience; I cannot believe that you missed it boss!” A much deeper accented voice agreed.

“I was busy.” Came the calm response as Ethan pushed the door open.

“Hey Ferry Man meet Sparky the unicorn.” Ethan said with a smile as he gestured towards Twilight who was doing her best not to stare at the three ghouls sitting around a table. One was tall and thin wearing a slightly stained white doctor’s coat while another was a truly huge man who towered over the one in white even while sitting down. Finally a tall ghoul in black combat armor strapped across his back was a large shotgun.

“Ethan, what do you need?” The third ghoul asked with a slight groan before he grumbled something.

“Oh stop the grumbling Charon; I’m just here to see if you have any information on the supermutant movements.” Ethan said with a smile.

“They’ve withdrawn from the most of their outposts around the city and are massing in the capital building for an attack (most likely the Citadel) but I can’t confirm anything besides that.” Charon replied simply.

“Do you by any chance know any way to transport Sparky here back to where she belongs?” Ethan asked but Charon shook his head.

“No, it’s not my area of expertise. Sorry” Charon replied with a shrug.

“It’s fine Charon, by the way have you heard anything from Riley lately?” Ethan asked the ghoul who nodded.

“Yeah she was in a few days ago complaining that I was stealing business, and then we had a beer together.” Charon said with a dry chuckle.

“Yeah she’s like that.” Ethan said with a grin. “So how’s business been since I stopped by two weeks ago?” Ethan asked.

“Not bad, nothing extraordinary, here’s your cut by the way.” Charon said tossing Ethan a bag of caps. To Twilight’s surprise Ethan chuckles and tossed it back to the ghoul who grimaced.

“Charon you earned this money, use it.” Ethan said firmly.

“You still own my contract and are thus entitled to a percentage of any money that I earn even when not directly under your supervision.” Charon replied.

“Yes but I’m rich. Now if you find new advanced tech then I fully expect to be first in line, but as far as caps go I’m set, so keep them.” Ethan said told the ghoul who scowled but sighed and returned the caps to his pocket.

“As you wish, is there anything else you need?” Charon asked.

“Do you have any snack cakes? I think Sparky’s hungry and I know she doesn’t like steak.” Ethan asked and the ghoul chuckled before motioning towards the extremely large ghoul who got up and headed towards the fridge placed at the back of the room.

“I would give her amazing sandvich, but sadly we are out of bread.” The large ghoul said with a very sad sigh as he handed Twilight a container of snack cakes.

“Thank you sir.” Twilight replied respectfully.

“Sir, I like the sound of that!” The ghoul said with a smile.

“Oh no, she’s given him ideas again!” The tall ghoul said in exasperation.

“Could you two excuse us please?” Charon asked the other two ghouls who nodded and left the room. “Ethan, why do you have a unicorn following you?” Charon asked.

“Because she needs me.” Ethan said simply and Charon groaned.

“Always with the dames…”


“Luna you look awful, what happened out there?!” Celestia asked as her sister flashed into existence. Her mane was ratty and her fur was patched and covered in soot along with many other different stains.

“Get me some wine!” Luna said tiredly and Celestia quickly produced some from a nearby cabinet and levitated a bottle and glass over to her sister. To the elder Princess’s surprise the younger merely set the glass down and instead drank half of the bottle without stopping. “Ah, much better.” Luna said with a relived sigh.

“I take it that things didn’t go well?” Celestia asked and Luna chuckled.

“Tia do you realize how many universes I have access to, because I’d guessed a few hundred?” Luna asked “As it turns out I can access several million different universes.” Luna added and her right eye twitched slightly.

“Luna are you okay?” Celestia asked hesitantly.

“Not really sister, I’ve had a hell of a day.” Luna said whipping sweat from her forehead with a hoof.

“I mean do you need medical attention?” Celestia asked but Luna shook her head.

“No I’m fine physically minus a few bruises.” Luna said with a sigh.

“I take it you ran into a few versions of Nightmare Moon out there?” Celestia asked and Luna nodded.

“Yes I did but they weren’t the worst, the worst were the versions of you sister.” Luna said with a slight shudder.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked quietly.

“Well the nicest one that I found molested me.” Luna said frankly and Celestia winced.

“I’m so sorry Luna.” Celestia told her sister who shrugged.

“Turns out that she’s actually pretty nice besides the whole molesting thing, actually it’s thanks to her that I didn’t end up in any of the really bad places.” Luna replied with a tired sigh. “Look I’m sorry but I couldn’t find our Twilight Sparkle out there anywhere and I’m not trying again.”

“It’s alright sister I understand.” Celestia told her sister patting her on the back gently.

“Thanks sister, now if you’ll excuse me I’m sure my guards are frantic.” Luna said before teleporting away with a flash. Celestia sighed; it looked like Twilight was going to be lost for a little while longer.