• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,332 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

  • ...

Day 2 Part 2

Day 2 Part 2

“So let me get this straight, you regenerate in the sunlight, you’re body slowly eats radiation inside you but only to the point that it doesn’t affect your ability to not break limbs, You’re a cyborg with uncountable modifications both mechanical and genetic; your skeleton itself has been coated in a nearly unbreakable substance, and to top it the pipboy gives you the ability to temporarily stop time?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Mhm.” Ethan replied with a nod. “There’s other stuff too but you don’t need to worry about it, like that eye tentacle penis I had for a while” He added; Twilight just stared at him.

“He’s joking Twilight, don’t worry you’ll get used to it.” Sarah said from where she sat next to Ethan, suddenly the vertibird jerked slightly and Sarah turned back to the controls. “We’re here.” She told the other two with a smile.

“Great I can’t wait to get my new gun.” Ethan told Sarah with a grin, the blond woman rolled her eyes. “By the way Sparky you’re probably going to have around a dozen scribes chasing after you asking for fur samples, be nice.” He told her with a grin. Twilight raised her eyebrows at the thought but shrugged, she knew how it was to be a scientist suddenly presented with a new species.

“I think I’ll be able to handle it.” Twilight replied with a shrug.

“You say that now…” Ethan said with a smirk. The vertibird landed with a soft jolt and Sarah walked over to the hatch and pushed it open before stepping out into the sunlight. Ethan followed with Twilight beside him a few seconds later.

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat as she looked around the courtyard of the Citadel. She’d never seen anything that looked quite like it before. Brotherhood members in powerarmor stood at a shooting range firing deadly blasts of laser at targets while initiates did pushups in the background. Ethan let out a long happy sigh at the sight and said.

“It’s good be home.” He said with a content smile on his face.

“It is good to see you again my friend, I take it that your time in Vegas was satisfactory?” An old man in blue robes asked as he walked up to Ethan, the two shared a firm handshake.

“Very Elder, oh and Elder Nolan sends his regards.” Ethan told the old man who sighed.

“I’m sure he does… So who is your new friend Ethan?” The old man asked turning to regard Twilight with a slight frown on his face. Ethan was about to say something but Twilight beat him to it.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle; it’s an honor to meet you Elder.” Twilight said giving the man a bow. The old man chuckled to himself and then offered Twilight his hand to shake; she took it and felt a surprising amount of strength in his grip.

“I am Elder Lyons, and it is nice to meet someone who knows how to be respectful.” He told her with a glance towards Ethan who just smiled causing the Elder to roll his eyes. “If you don’t mind me asking how did a unicorn make her way to the Capital Wasteland?”

“Can we wait till we’ve got everyone who will want to hear it, because to be honest I don’t feel like repeating it a few dozen times?” Twilight asked him with an embarrassed blush when she realized that the old man was probably the local equivalent of Princess Celestia (without the ability to raise the sun or the extremely sexy flanks) “If that’s alright with you.” She added quickly drawing another chuckle from the old man.

“Of course my dear, although I suggest you stay close to Ethan otherwise my scribes may want to examine you and I’m not sure if they’d be able to stop themselves from trying something invasive …” He said trailing off and then shrugging.

“Hey Sparky I’m going to go get my new gun from Gallows, I’ll see you in the briefing room.” Ethan told her before giving Twilight mock salute and walking off. The Elder sighed and rolled his eyes.

“You know if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s so cheerful and helpful I would probably have killed that boy by now.” Elder Lyons whispered to Twilight who giggled.

“I wish you the best of luck with that dad.” Sarah said as she walked up to them (she’d been yelling at an initiate who was pointing his laser rifle at others) “So what’s the plan?” Sarah asked her father.

“I suppose we get Rothchild and a few other important members and then discuss this news of a new supermutant leader.” Elder Lyons said with a sigh. “I swear sometimes it seems like this damnable war will never end.” He added.

“We’ll get them eventually dad, who knows maybe this time will be the last time they’re able to organize.” Sarah said with a shrug.

“If you don’t mind would you tell me about this war while we wait?” Twilight asked.

“Sarah why don’t you two meet in the conference room and I’ll get a few others, you can use the time to sate Miss Sparkle’s mind.” Elder Lyons said and Sarah nodded.

“So what do you want to know?” She asked as they walked along the halls of the Citadel.

“Tell me everything.” Twilight replied while she glanced nervously over her shoulder at the large pack of men in red robes who were either really interested in her flanks, or they were the scribes who the Elder had mentioned. Either way they made Twilight uneasy (They were talking in hushed voices and Twilight heard the sound of pens writing on paper). Sarah caught her glance before looking for herself and sighing.

“Hey knock it off, she’ll talk to you in a little while, in the meantime I know that there are dozens of laser rifles that need repairing!” Sarah shouted at them. The scribes let out a collective moan.

“But Sarah she’s a goddamn unicorn!” One of them cried.

“You’re very observant.” Sarah replied.

“Come on you have to let us run some tests, besides she shouldn’t be around you in the first place!” Another scribe whined.

“Why not?” Sarah asked incredulously.

“Because you’re not a virgin, and according to myth unicorns can’t stand to be around non virgins.” One of the scribes said pushing his glasses up his face.

“What; where would you get an idea like that?” Twilight asked in surprised shock.

“Myth and legend is very clear on it, unicorns drive their horn through the hearts of non virgins and can only safely interact with young maidens.” Another answered; Twilight looked at Sarah in confusion.

“I’m not big on myth.” Sarah told her with a shrug.

“Well it doesn’t work like that where I come from, so would you please stop following me?” Twilight asked politely. The scribes huffed but eventually walked away somehow managing to move at once despite the fact that there were around fifteen of them.

“Anyways you wanted to hear about the supermutants right?” Sarah asked.


“Wow Gallows, this is awesome!” Ethan said as he hefted the modified anti material rifle. “I think I’m going to call him Tom.” Ethan added with a grin as he looked through the scope at a group of supermutant masters who thought that now would be an opportune time to take a walk near the citadel.

“I thought you would approve.” The black man told Ethan with a slight smile. Ethan pulled the trigger and one of the mutant’s was eviscerated in a shower of gore as the bullet punched through its chest. The other mutants looked around in confusion and through the thermal scope Ethan could see their every movement. Ethan took another shot this one pulped the head of a mutant of blood and brains.

“Why do they even come here?” Ethan asked gesturing at the mutants who he continued to snipe.

“They are performing recon, although they are very bad at it.” Gallows told Ethan as he shouldered his own rifle (it was a normal sniper rifle, Gallows generally avoided the larger variant being the spec ops soldier that he was) and took a shot that nailed a supermutant between the eyes.

“So did I miss anything major while I was in Vegas?” Ethan asked the man between the whisper quite shots of his rifle.

“We hit a supermutant outpost and killed ten.” Gallows replied. “There were supposed to be more.” He added with a frown.

“Then we’ve got a problem.” Ethan said as he caused the last mutant’s left arm to fly off before Gallows shot it in the neck.

“Sloppy.” Gallows told Ethan.

“I was going to shoot the other one off too.” Ethan said with a shrug.

“You shouldn’t take pleasure from it, it is a job.” Gallows said quietly. “At the very least you should give them the mercy of a quick death.”

“Which is a mercy that I’m sure they’ll repay in kind.” Ethan said sarcastically.

“It is one of the things that separates us from them, well that and the smell.” Gallows said wrinkling his nose.

“And here I thought you didn’t have a sense of humor.” Ethan joked.

“I do, it’s just to dry for most people’s tastes.” Gallows replied with a shrug.

“Gallow’s humor.” Ethan said with a snicker.

“I could always push you off the edge.” Gallows told him but a small smirk was spreading across his face.


“May I say something?” Twilight asked when Sarah had finished relating their war with the mutants.

“Sure.” Sarah replied with a shrug.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but it seems to me that you’ve been going about this the wrong way.” Twilight told Sarah who raised an eyebrow but motioned her to go on. “My brother went through military training and I read all of his textbooks, and I know that they may not exactly translate well but I’m going to try to this te.” Twilight said.

“Go on I’m listening.” Sarah told her.

“Well you don’t seem to respect your enemy.” Twilight said.

“Of course not they’re unintelligent beasts who’d rather use a sledge hammer then a gun.” Sarah replied slightly annoyed.

“If they’re stupid then why are you losing?” Twilight asked; Sarah stared at the purple unicorn. “Think about it, could an unorganized group of stupid beings really manage to hold you to a virtual standstill?” Twilight asked.

“No, no they couldn’t.” Sarah said (more to herself then to Twilight).

“Exactly, they must have some form of command system or at the very least someone in charge that’s capable of making key strategic decisions.” Twilight told her.

“But who?” Sarah asked in frustration.

“I don’t know.” Twilight replied with a shrug. “Another of your problems from what you’ve told me that it takes the Brotherhood about four years to make a knight right?” Twilight asked and Sarah nodded. “And from what you told me it takes them twenty minutes to an hour of being exposed to some chemical correct?” Twilight asked and Sarah nodded again. “They’re simply going to outbreed you if nothing else, and at the rate they’re going they won’t even have to do that.”

“Thirdly you’re way to spread out.” Twilight said simply.

“What do you mean?” Sarah asked.

“From what my brother’s books said (along with some of the reading that Celestia made me do in case I ever wanted to pursue an army career) you ideally only want to defend up to four areas at the same time. Otherwise you risk you risk overextending yourselves and being unable to secure the places that are of the highest strategic importance. Quick list the four most important fortifications and why those are the most important!” Twilight said suddenly.

“The Citadel, it’s our home base and holds the majority of our forces. The Washington Mall because all major traffic runs through it, it’s the nexus of the city. Threedog’s recording studio, he’s proven an invaluable tool in our war and he’s highly dependable.” Sarah stopped because she couldn’t come up with a fourth place of any importance.

“Alright, then why do you have patrols running all over the city? From what you’ve told me you haven’t even completely secured the Mall.” Twilight asked Sarah.

“We go out to keep their numbers down.” Sarah said readily.

“And how many men do you typically lose when a squad goes on patrol?” Twilight asked.

“One or two, it’s war people die.” Sarah said simply.

“Yes people die in war, but as we went over you can’t afford to lose any people.” Twilight replied.

“What are you suggesting Twilight?” Sarah asked.

“Stop sending your people out to die on pointless extermination runs, grab the Mall and hold it in a choke hold, find the supermutant leader and kill him.” Twilight told Sarah harshly as if it should’ve been obvious (and now that Sarah thought about it it was)

“Rothchild I believe that we were just proved to be fools by a purple talking unicorn.” Elder Lyons intoned from the doorway.

“That’s magic talking unicorn Lyons.” Ethan said from behind them. Twilight looked up and blushed deeply as she saw the eight or so pairs of eyes looking at her.

“Or at least that’s what I would suggest if my rough understanding of military tactics is in any way applicable.” Twilight said quickly blushing a deeper shade of red. “How long have you been listening?”

“I suppose that long enough would be an acceptable answer?” Elder Lyons replied with a sigh.

“Way to go Sparky; if I’d known you knew so much about tactics I’d have talked to you about it earlier.” Ethan said as he walked in and took the seat next to Twilight.

“Yes, that was very informative.” A bald man in a red robe said thoughtfully. “I would like to speak to you alone after this meeting is over Miss Sparkle.” The man told her with a small smile on his thin lips.

“Umm sure.” Twilight replied still somewhat embarrassed that she’d mocked the strategy employed by the Brotherhood in front of its Elder.

“I mean you no harm, I simply have things to discuss, I’m Scribe Rothchild and I’m very interested in you.” The man in red said.

“He’s cool Sparky, don’t worry.” Ethan added from where he was leaning back in his chair.


Celestia stared across the sandy pit at her sister, Luna stared right back at her, a smirk firmly in place upon her lips. The watching ponies faded into the background and Celestia smirked back. Without warning Luna shot forward, her long silvery saber Tremere held aloft as it streaked towards Celestia’s head. Celestia simply stepped backwards and raised her own sword (a golden rapier) Lux and easily blocked the oncoming sword with an almost contemptuous block. They spun away from each other and their swords cutting and slashing at each other as they went.

Luna broke the exchange first and backpedaled to give herself a little room and to see how her sister was doing. Celestia for her part had raised an eyebrow and was smirking slightly. Luna grinned back at her before looking up at the sun with a mischievous gleam in her eye. Celestia could practically see the gears turning in her sister’s head but before she could stop her Luna had already summoned a large bank of clouds that blocked out most of the sun’s light leaving only enough to cast the battlefield under an oppressive grayness.

“Is it going to start raining now for added drama?” Celestia asked.

“I was thinking about it but I thought that that would be a bit much.” Luna confided.

The ponies in the spectator’s stands were all watching with amazement as the two gods politely talked to each other after (what appeared to the ponies) to be a furious clash of enchanted steel.

“Have you caught your breath yet sister?” Luna asked looking over at the larger alicorn who chuckled.

“Luna I haven’t broken a sweat.” Celestia replied lightly before charging at her sister.

Celestia channeled the little sunlight available in the dim arena and reflected it off of her blade and aimed it directly into Luna’s eyes as she charged. Luna said some very choice words which were not meant for the ears of the average pony (sun humping cunt, for those who are interested) and quickly turned herself into black mist which dissipated just before Celestia’s glowing golden blade passed.

“I’m sorry sister did you say something, I couldn’t quite here you?” Celestia asked with a smirk spreading across her face.

“I said that you’re slow sister.” Luna said from above her as she drove her saber into Celestia’s neck.

The ponies in the crowd gasped in shock as Celestia’s head rolled from her body, but before anyone could react further there was a puff of smoke and the head turned into a log.

“Really Tia?” Luna asked in annoyance, she hadn’t thought that she’d meet her old enemy The Log again…

“Well I just remembered how much you used to like enjoy it when I did that and I thought that you would appreciate it.” Celestia whispered in Luna’s ear. “By the way, you’re the slow one.” She added as the ground sucked Luna down and encased her in mud.

“Well played sister, but there is something you seem to have forgotten.” Luna replied with a smirk.

“And what would that be?” Celestia asked as she prepared swing the final slice. Instead of answering her Luna disappeared with a loud pop and Celestia found herself surrounded by ten Lunas.

“That I cheat.” Luna replied with a grin.


“I call this meeting to order.” Elder Lyons said.

“All hail chief buffalo.” Ethan intoned just loud enough to be heard, Lyons rolled his eye and continued as if he hadn’t heard Ethan’s horribly outdated joke.

“As I believe you are all aware Ethan has news of the gravest importance, don’t you Ethan?” Elder Lyons asked, Ethan’s ever-present grin faded and he rose to his feet.

“My contact has word that the supermutants have decided on a leader and that they are going to be making a major offensive soon. I believe that their leader is a Nightkin.” He said; his words made an immediate impression on the men and women assembled in the room. All most everyone’s face blanched except for Knight Captain Dusk who snorted.

“What’s the big deal, they’re all muties?” Dusk asked in annoyance and standing up from her seat, Ethan rounded on her.

“Have you ever fought something so insane that it has become sane again who also has the ability to turn invisible as it silently stalks you through a dark basement? No? Then you cannot possibly grasp the severity of the threat, sit down and shut up .” He told her calmly and Dusk flinched but she kept on standing.

“You know what? Fuck you, ever since you and your deadbeat dad showed up everything’s gone to shit. First the goddamn Enclave attack, then we’re responsible for carrying water across the wastes, and now you’re trying to scare me of all people! How the fuck you get away with all kinds of shit that would get anyone else thrown in front of a firing squad in under a minute is a complete fucking mystery to me, but I know that I sure as hell won’t stand for it you prick!” She shouted at him angrily before she swung her fist at Ethan with a lethal right hook that caught Ethan under the chin.

His teeth cracked together loudly as hit neck snapped back and Twilight heard the newly familiar sound of his neck snapping (or whatever the fuck his neck did). Then ever so slowly he lowered his head until his eyes were even with Dusk’s, and popped his neck back into place. Dusks stared at him in fascinated horror as Ethan’s eyes met hers and then he smirked.

“Not bad, for an initiate.” He replied conversationally before flooring her with a punch to the nose that sent Knight Captain Dusk of the Lyons’ Pride that sent her flying into the back wall. Her nose shot blood as she went and ended up getting several of the other members of the meeting wet. “I was the one who defeated the Enclave with your organization’s help, not the other way around. And if you ever call my father a deadbeat again I will remind you just how I managed it.” Ethan told her his voice had dropped into the tone that Twilight recognized from when he’d been interrogating the mercenary.

“Go fuck yourself.” Dusk replied rising to her feat.

ENOUGH!" Elder Lyons shouted with enough volume and strength that Twilight thought Luna would be impressed. “We are here discussing the enemy at hand, not our own petty squabbles. Night Captain Dusk you will go to the infirmary and have your nose tended to, you will not return for the rest of this meeting. Ethan after this meeting is through you will find Night Captain Dusk and beg her forgiveness for breaking her nose.” Elder Lyons said with great finality.

At first Twilight thought that they would both continue to argue, instead they both shared a glare before turning back to the old man and saying. “Yes Elder Lyons.”

“Good, I believe that we were discussing the Nightkin.” Elder Lyons said restarting the conversation. Dusk shot one last glare at Ethan before she stalked out of the room, Ethan for his part stood up to talk again.

“The Nightkin were the Master’s closest followers and the mutants who possess the most intelligence. They are extraordinarily strong (their soldiers typically wield two super sledges at the same time, and those are just some of the lighter melee weapons that they employ). Nightkin are also severally insane, most are too lost in their own heads to provide much of a threat (well aside from ripping you to pieces of course) but occasionally one breaks out of the insanity completely sane. Those that pull off this feat are deeply intellectual thanks to the experience and have the ability to outthink most humans.” Ethan said. He got several astonished looks while he recounted this but continued without pause.

“I’ve fought them with my wife, they are a cruel and sneaky foe who can and will kill you if you screw up for even a second. The fact that they can also turn invisible thanks to years of using stealthboys make them an even more pronounced threat.” Ethan finished his speech with a nod towards the Elder.

“I am calling for all patrols to return to the Citadel to await redeployment; we shall decide where each one goes afterwards. For now I want every Knight, Paladin, and Sentinel behind a solid wall until I say otherwise with the exception of the spec ops department. No one is to leave the Citadel without my direct authorization” Elder Lyons said sternly.

“Yes Elder Lyons.” Everyone in the room said, even Ethan (much to Twilight’s surprise)



Celestia found herself looking at ten copies of her sister, some were mere illusions meant to distract her, but others had been infused with magic and posed an actual threat. Time effectively stopped as Celestia’s mid analyzed her position and its consequences. Celestia was overmatched, there was no way to tell which Luna was the real Luna (let alone which was simply an illusion especially in the little light that escaped the clouds. But wait! The clouds, of course! She could use that! Time snapped back into place and Celestia’s horn flared once before rapidly fading. Luna didn’t catch the glow because she was preoccupied with her gloating.

“What’s the matter sister dearest, do you surrender?” Luna asked with a large grin as she looked at Celestia’s bent head. Then Celestia’s head snapped up and her eyes were full of laughter.

“I will never surrender to you sister; not now and not ever.” Celestia said with a grin, which is when the rain began; it was as if a torrential downpour had started over the entire battlefield. Celestia smiled as her plan went into effect. Luna was temporarily blinded by the sudden torrent of shockingly cold water and Celestia used the time to quickly scan the Lunas in front of her looking for those who the water didn’t pass through. Casting illusions is easy, making them rainproof is another matter altogether. Celestia whirled through the illusions ending their false lives with quick well places stabs as she rapidly moved towards her real quarry.

Luna for her part was only just recovering her senses as Celestia’s blade tapped against her throat and a thin line of golden blood dripped from the wound. Luna stared at the golden blood as it began to slide off of her coat.

“Are you okay sister?” Celestia asked in concern but Luna only chuckled and embraced her sister in a hug.

“Of course sister, I’m behind you.”

And with that the Luna that Celestia was embracing puffed out of existence and Celestia felt a sharp pain on her right flank as Luna’s blade cut a shallow gash into it. Instead of turning Celestia bucked with all of her godly strength and sent Luna flying into the forcefield that protected the crowd with a loud bang. This Luna actually groaned as she regained her hooves so Celestia knew it was the real one.

“Want to give them a show?” Luna whispered in Celestia’s mind.

“I’m sure the stallions in the audience will enjoy that, along with several of the mares.” Celestia replied mentally with a smirk. Then without warning the bottom of the arena turned into thick mud and the two alicorns flew at each other before they collided in the air and fell into the mud together wrestling for dominance.

“I do so love it when they fight, would you mind passing me the popcorn?” Discord asked Pinkie who passed the bag over his way long enough for the spirit of disharmony to grab a pawful. “Thanks Pinkie.”

“Anytime, I keep metaphysical popcorn hidden around Equestria for metaphysical popcorn emergencies.” Pinkie replied with a grin as she watched the two alicorns roll in the mud.


As everyone began to file out of the meeting room Sarah pulled Ethan aside.

“If you ever touch one of my Pride members again I will hurt you Ethan.” Sarah told him sternly with a glare.

“She was asking for it, besides I only broke her nose.” Ethan replied with a shrug. Sarah’s hand flashed out and impacted against Ethan’s nose breaking it instantly.

“There and now I broke yours, how does that make you feel?” Sarah asked him.

“Not too bad actually.” Ethan replied as his nose snapped back into place with an audible pop.

“You’re impossible.” Sarah said with a groan.

“And that’s why you love me; in a sisterly way.” Ethan told her with a grin; Sarah punched him in the nose again.

“Yeah, but if I was your sister then I’d be a lot uglier. Now let’s go find Dusk so that you two can apologize to each other, and if you don’t I’ll tell your wife.” Sarah told him with a smirk.

“But, but, ba!” Ethan said throwing his hands into the air, for once he was incapable of producing a real response.

“That’s what I thought, now move!”