• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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Enemy of My Enemy

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 1
By Honored Service

This is the sequal to the story The Equestrian Honor Guard and is not a stand alone. You should read the first part if you want this to make any sense.

"You... you are dead. There was blood everywhere and the guards searched everywhere and couldn't find your body." Fast Skies stammered out staring in disbelief at the human standing in front of her. "You were gone for a year!" She leapt up and knocked the startled human to the ground. The Pegasus threw punches into the chest of the human. "You died and left me all alone." She cried and sobbed uncontrollably into the brown and red hair of the man beneath her. Her punches turned into slight pushes and then stopped altogether. She wrapped her hooves around his neck and planted kisses all over his face and neck. "Don't ever leave me again!"

The human hugged the mare close and whispered into her ear, "Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere." Honored Service smiled up at the light red mare that was perched on top of his chest. "I promise."

"Honored, what happened a year ago? All I saw after you got the princesses, the Elements of Harmony, and myself into the castle, was Queen Chrysalis attack you and chase you off into the gardens. What happens?" Fast Skies asked as she let the human get up and dust off his old war torn brown duster.

"Ah well that's a long story all on its own." The human smiled and winked. "But I can think of a few other ponies that would like to know what happened." The bipedal creature began to walk towards the exit of the gardens and motioned for the dumbstruck pegasus to follow him.

Fast Skies flew to catch up to the human and joined him as he neared the castle. The pair passed two guards who broke their stony appearance to stare in awe at the human that walked by them, jaws hanging open.

The human walked up to the throne room doors and knocked loudly three times.

"We asked to be left alone guards. We are both in mourning for the time." The voice of Celestia came through the door. It was shaky and wavered if on the verge of tears.

Honored Service called out, "Black Sun can be lifted don't you think Princesses?" The doors to the throne room were ripped open and the human was yanked into the air by a golden aurora of magic and floated into the throne room followed by a giggling red mare.

"Honored Service?" Princess Celestia asked to the upside down creature suspended in front of her. Princess Luna sat next to her sister and stared in amazement.

"The one and only!" The human spread its arms in a flourish. "And do I have a story for you; but the Elements and Saddle Company might want to hear this."


The human had seated himself in chair with a red mare sitting half way on his lap, in a small circle with the ponies he felt deserved an explanation to his disappearance for a year. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were both seated next to the human on their thrones ready to hear the tale of the human. Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy all sat around the creature whispering and conversing about what had occurred to the mysterious male in the last year. And the last ponies to join the group were the 4 other members of Saddle Company: Hammer Strike, who’s leg was healed, Battle Plan, Short Blade, and Quick Flurry, who all awaited eagerly to hear about their old friends tales; but more importantly why he was alive after falling off a cliff.

“Well now that everypony is here, I guess I should start at the beginning.” All the ponies nodded to the human. A purple unicorn levitated a small forest worth of paper and an army of quill to her side and began to write as the human spoke.

“It started one year ago when I faced off against the Queen.” Honored Service sighed and began to tell the story that would later be known as Honored Above All.


“This is how you die Nightmare.” I lifted the rifle up with my right hand and placed the barrel right under her chin. She tried to move away in time but it was too late. I squeezed the trigger on my beautiful rifle.



The bullet passed through her jaw and out the top of her head exploding its way out sending green blood and brain everywhere. The Queen’s lifeless body toppled forward and landed on me plummeting both of us over the edge of Canterlot and towards the lake below.

I hit the water right after the queen’s body hit it, that’s what saved my life. If she hadn’t broken the water’s surface I would have broken every bone in my body on impact. I struggled to get to the surface but I was just too weak and hurt from my fight with the Nightmare to get to the surface, so I just let myself go; I was ready to die I had served my purpose of protecting the ponies.


“So you did die? So that means right now you're a spooky ghostie right?” The pink part pony bounced up to the human and slammed her head into his chest. She stumbled backwards and landed on her rump, eyes spinning in her head. “Nope definitely not a ghost.”

“May I continue Pinkie?” The human stared at the pink mare.

“Oh please do.”

“Is it going to be like this all night?” Honored crossed his arms across his chest.

“More than likely yeah sugarcube.” Applejack said getting up and patting the human on the back. “But it’s only natural to have some questions after you’ve been gone a year.”

Okay, now where was I…” The human tapped a finger on his chin.


My eyes slowly opened and I coughed loudly spitting up water. I rolled over to my side and threw up what felt like gallons of water. My everything hurt. And when I say everything I meant everything. From every hair on the top of my head to my feet, everything hurt. Most of the pain was coming from my midsection where there still was a large wound from the queen’s horn. I sluggishly pulled the backpack off my back and winced as it came to rest next to me. Something was fractured on my arm. I pulled out some basic first aid supplies and began applying them to my wound. The fact I was still breathing and you know…living was a good sign that it wasn’t a mortal wound.

I applied some bandages to the wound once I realized I had no idea what I was doing. “I'm not a damn doctor. SHIT!” I put on the rest of the bandages and tried to get up. Once I was standing did I stop to look around and see where I was.

I picked up my rifle and cradled it in my arms. “I don’t think we’re in Canterlot anymore rifle.”

The Everfree forest that surrounded the river was long gone. The dark dense forest was replaced with rolling lush green hills. Near the bank of the river where I had washed up on, was an area of thick reeds and cattails. I stiffened up when I saw what was also resting in the reeds near my position.

A large dark black figure.

With shiny black shell like armor.

Queen Chrysalis!

I staggered falling hard onto my ass and backing up into some more reeds. I was panting heavily; sure that the evil bitch had seen me, and was going to finish me off in my weakened state.

I fumbled with my holster and drew the pistol in my shaky hand. I tried to hold the gun steady but the pain shooting through my arm was making it impossible. The barrel dipped and swayed as I strained to keep the sights on her body, but my arm was having trouble staying locked.

But the attack never came. I watched the body with intensity but nothing happened. Queen Chrysalis never charged. She stayed in the water caught in the reeds. I slowly calmed myself and crawled closer to the queen.

“I think you're dead.” I said to the corpse of the evil ruler of the changelings. Now that I was calm I could see the large hole on the top of her head that most likely was the cause of her death. The final battle came back to me. I slumped down next to her and tucked the pistol back under my arm. I winced again at the pain that came when I moved my left arm.

“You just had to fall forward didn’t you?” I cocked my head at the dead body. “If just had accepted your defeat and fell to the right or god forbid the left, I could be sitting happy in the hospital… not talking to a corpse.” I looked down at my hands which were covered in cuts and scratches. “I guess this is falling on…dead ears.” I turned to the queen and waited for a response.

Of course nothing came. I let out a deep sigh and reached a hand out towards the queen. I may be a warrior, but I had some respect for the enemy that I had fought. I would drag her body on land and make a fire… well if I could find anything to make a fire with; and cremate the remains.

I gripped my fingers around her horn and pulled with as much strength as I could muster in my current state. Her horn was cold in my grasp. Almost freezing. It felt like someone had poured near freezing water on my hands. That feeling slowly spread up my arms. I let go and moved back from the corpse but the sensation of ice continued to travel through my veins. I could feel it moving into my chest and spreading over my entire body.

I tumbled backwards and landed on the grass near the river as the ice cold numbness reached my head.

Ah so this is the mind of a human? It’s been to long since occupying one of you.


“The Nightmare was inside your mind!?” Celestia yelled at the human, jumping to her hooves and knocking Honored back with a quick burst of magic. The human slid to a stop and stood up, brushing himself off.

“It still is.” Everpony in the room gasped and the two alicorn sister’s horns began to glow as the moved in front of the ponies.

“But it is not in charge. I am. Me, Honored Service, am in 99.99% control of myself.” The creature held its hands up in a sign of submission.

“What about the .01%?” Luna asked as the glowing magical energy in her horn slowly dissipated. Celestia still was tense and held her magical energy at the ready.

“Ah, well that’s only if I get angry, you know blind with rage; but instead of fuming with anger imagine flaming with anger and becoming unstoppable power filled demon.” Luna’s horn resumed glowing and Celestia’s horn began to glow brighter.

“Look, just let me finish explaining my story and then you can get rid of me if you wish. I have openly told you about this, and made no attempt to hide it Princesses. I am still me. Just trust me.” Honored Service pleaded to the two alicorns. They turned to each other and back to the human. Their horns died down and they took their seats.

“We will wait to discuss actions once your story is complete Honored.” Celestia’s normally calm and caring voice was cold and stern.

“Thank you.” Honored Service said, a bit of hurt could be heard in voice as he slowly walked back over to the ponies and sat down.


Ah so this is the mind of a human? It’s been to long since occupying one of you.

“What? Who’s there?” I looked around trying to see who was talking.

Oh shut up you…what is it…Honored Service…how cute. Let’s see, no magic, no wings, no incredible stamina or strength, is there anything you can do that ponies cant?

“Well I can make good one-liners when I need to.” I said while sitting back up. Everything looked clearer; the colors were sharper and crystal clear. The water seemed to move by faster than before, but the debris on the surface moved normally. “Wait are you the Nightmare?” I asked the nothingness around me.

Wow I regular genius you are. Hmph and here I was thinking you would never figure it out. That just some other thoughts began occurring in your mind, or should I say my mind now.

“No, this is still my mind, now get the fuck out!” I screamed at the river.

It doesn’t work like that I'm afraid. You're alone human. You’ve always been alone here. The last of your kind, no friends here to help, no family. Your mind, your body belongs to me now.

I sat up, but I didn’t think it. It was like watching myself move through my eyes but not controlling it. I could only sit there in my mind and watch as I walked around and moved my arms and flexed my muscles.

Ouch. What the tartarus is going on? Oh that’s right I stabbed you with that queen’s horn. In retrospect, that may have not been the best decision since I had planned on taking you over from the beginning.

“Why would you want to take me over? No magic, no wings, no strength.”

But you are magic resistance and that strange weapon, what do your memories call it, one second… Ah that M16A2 is devastating. That’s why. And because you're the only human. You will have very little resistance to my influence.

“But I'm not alone!” I concentrated on my arm and focused it to stop moving on its own. It slowly came to a stop.

What? How!?

“I have lots of friends that care for me.” I thought of Saddle Company. The kindness that everypony had shown to me once I arrived. The friendships I made while going through the Royal Guard training camp together. Memories of Battle Plan, Short Blade, Hammer Strike, and Fast Skies rushed through my head.

“In fact, I have lots of friends.” More thoughts of my friends in Ponyville came forward in my mind. Memories of the mane six blew past my mind. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy filled my mind.

I moved my arm that held the rifle and sluggishly pointed it up at my head.

What are you doing! Stop this at once, I'm in control!

“No. This is my body and I'm in control.”

You won’t do it. You wouldn’t do it.

I brought forward memories of Fast Skies, the mare that had accepted me as a friend and even a lover. Those happy memories flooded my mind showing the Nightmare I wasn’t alone, nor that I would ever be alone even if I was the last human.

I clicked the safety off the rifle. “And I’ll do it to keep the ones I love and care for safe.”

For a tense moment everything around me came to a standstill as I kept the rifle leveled at my head, finger on the trigger and ready to end the Nightmare’s life once and for all; even if it ment my destruction in the process.

Fine. I give up human. I surrender to you.

“Good. Now kindly exit my mind and leave me and the ponies of Equestria alone forever.” I lowered the rifle and felt my body return to my complete control. I shrugged my shoulders and popped my joints as I got my sensitivity back.

It doesn’t work that way. Once I have secured a host, I'm in it permanently until am forced out or I find a more powerful host. And considering the host I just left was dead, you are now my host till something more powerful than you makes contact with us. And even then, they would have to be say an alicorn…?

“Nope, not going to happen.” I crossed my arms and shook my head.

Fine! I don’t want to die and you don’t want to transfer me to an alicorn; then I guess we’re stuck together…so why don’t we make nice and get through this and find our way to some kind of civilization.

“You stabbed me and attacked an entire city.” I said frowning at the water moving by the river.

Well yeah…but you shot me and nearly killed an entire species under my control. The Nightmare said, well thought in my head.

‘Touché’ I thought.

No response came from the Nightmare. “Um did you hear me?” I said aloud to myself.

No, what did you say?

“I thought touché.” I said while picking up my slightly torn backpack and putting it, wincing as the back hit my shoulder.

I’m not a mind reader, just a mind controller. I can’t hear your thoughts, so you’ll have to talk aloud for me to hear. Just keep it down; I'm trying to think about how I'm no longer in control of a host and just a passenger now.

“Well look at it this way Nightmare, at least now we have each other.” I said sarcastically and limped along the river. I felt pain every time I took a step. “And thanks for hurting me so bad. Dick.”

Hey listen here human, I feel this too. And I'm regretting a lot of things now.

I let out a long sigh as the pain in my legs joined the pain of the rest of body; numbing my mind from the other presence now lingering there.