• Member Since 14th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen July 6th


If yer a pony and ya know it, stomp yer hooves!


Everyone has one, this is mine. A collection of Speedfics written under duress (and a timeline).

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

What's with the (Trotcon 2018) in the title of the first chapter?

That's where the story was written, during the Speedfic panel at Trotcon last weekend (I was in it too).

it's a warning that if you attend future conventions in Columbus, Ohio, you may be exposed to more horrible writing as a result.


This was such a fun read. Thanks again for participating! Glad you posted it up.

Author Interviewer

Fast like turtle; strong like odor.

To say nothing of the story (which was amusing!), this had me absolutely dying with laughter. XD

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