• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 678 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Mages: Sojourn - Rienhardt

Drawing inspiration from Didjargo's art I decided to create a little something.

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The beginning

Never thinking anything unusual could happen to him Akin had become complacent, happy to simply exist. His life wasn't one that was truly 'lived' or anything. He went to work, he came home, he played games, he went to sleep. So it was day in and day out for him without fail. That was until today at least.

Making his way home after a long day Akin felt sore. He'd agreed to work a double shift due to multiple individuals calling in for that day. He needed the money and such an opportunity was rare. The day had proven even more exhausting than he had imagined though and now that he was out all he wanted was a good nights sleep, even deciding to deviate from his usual path in order to take a shortcut. He did not normally like to go down the path, particularly when it was late out but he was past the point of caring now. It wasn't like a mugger would get much off of him anyway.

As soon as he stepped into the alleyway something felt....wrong. The air felt heavy and thick but he assumed it to be a mere side effect of his exhaustion. Making his way through,however, made him realize the contrary. The world around him was starting to darken, the exit of the alleyway seemed to disappear before his eyes. Struck by panic Akin made a sudden about-face and attempted to run out but so too had this path faded into oblivion. The darkness encroached and sweat began to bead. A single cry of dismay left his lips before all faded into nothing.

Twilight was up late studying the previous night. Being an accomplished mage and, in fact the one and only student of Arch-mage Celestia, Twilight thought herself more than capable of practicing a new spell. She was quite efficient at teleporting herself short distances with little trouble. Long range on the other hand was a major problem in the magic using community. Indeed she could find no way to simply empower what she had for the distances she desired and many mages who tried wound up disappearing, or lodged in some sort of inanimate object and being crushed or suffocated. A bit of time/space magic though...It ought to be able to, with a slight variation of the teleportation spell, open a stable portal between areas so one might look before they leap.

The theory had been researched tirelessly for weeks and now...it was time to attempt practice. Twilight had decided she wanted to go for the furthest possible goal. She wanted to open a portal to the other side of the known world. Due to the volatility of such magics as she was to employ though she made sure to send spike on a nice, long errand to keep him busy for the duration. With a motion of her hand and a spark of magic she opened a small portal before her the size of a single gold coin. Only...the image she got from the other side was...blackness. "Well...that's not right...Maybe if I..." The girl began to focus upon the portal more now, pushing more of her will upon it. Still nothing. "Okay...No more games." The horn upon her head began to grow bright as she began to focus every bit of her power upon the portal, her eyes becoming a soft white color that bathed the room in unnatural light.

Twilight could not quite recall what happened after that. She thought she saw something for just a moment. Then everything kind of faded out. When she awoke the library was a total mess. Books were everywhere and a couple seemed to have singed their spines. "Oh no...." Though immediately after taking stock of the condition of her books she noticed something else. A boy! There was a boy there that wasn't before. And he was wearing strange clothing she'd never seen before. She must of pulled him through from the other side of the globe! Progress!

The night came and went and he still was not getting up. It was starting to worry her. Fluttershy and AJ were fairly gifted in the art of healing...Perhaps she out to go get them? And Rarity might recognize where his clothing originates from... "Spike! Could you please head off to the Crystalline Boutique and ask Rarity to stop buy? Our guest still hasn't so much as moved." Down from the stairs came a young half dragon. With green hair and slitted eyes, sharpened nails and pointed ears the boy certainly didn't look human. "The Boutique? Yay! I'd love to stop by. I mean...if you need me to." Without hesitation the youth ran out the door. Twilight merely smiled affectionately and shook her head. He had such an obvious crush it was cute. Still there were other things to deal with. She needed to make way to Sweet Apple Abby and then to Fluttershy's cottage. A busy day today.

Akin felt the sun on his eyes and the warmth upon his body. He'd left his window open again...He needed to stop doing that... "What a dream." Wait... The sun!? Akin awoke with a start realizing he was late for work. His window was on the west side of his building! Only....this wasn't his apartment. He was sitting upon a sofa in the middle of....what looked to be a very rustic library. "Wh-what...?" The place was well organized... Immaculately so. Nothing seemed out of place...Except that stuffed owl in the corner. "Who?" Akin jumped back with a start when the creature made a noise. "Gah!" falling backwards over the sofa and landing upon his back with a groan. Not stuffed.

Taking stock of his surroundings Akin would look over all the books...A surprisingly large number had to do with the mystic arts and being in tune with the magic around you. Great. He blacked out and got taken in by some sort of wicca practicing weirdo...As soon as he could ask where he was he needed to get home. He'd reach into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone...The screen was completely black and cracked. Busted. "Great..." So much for calling his boss. He'd step outside and froze. "What...the...?" A town with little buildings...all colorful and surrounded by a thick forested area to the west. Where ever he was...It wasn't ANYWHERE close to home.

Comments ( 5 )

a review

a my little mages fic it has been done before

beh it is all centered

hmm a turk?

As soon as he stepped into the alleyway something felt....wrong. The air felt heavy and thick but he assumed it to be a mere side effect of his exhaustion. Making his way through,however, made him realize the contrary. The world around him was starting to darken, the exit of the alleyway seemed to disappear before his eyes. Struck by panic Akin made a sudden about-face and attempted to run out but so too had this path faded into oblivion. The darkness encroached and sweat began to bead. A single cry of dismay left his lips before all faded into nothing.
your prose is now purple

Twilight was up late studying the previous night need a something to act as a scene break

spike on a nice, long errand to keep him busy for the duration ... in my little mages spike is just a lizard.

The horn upon her head began to grow bright as she began to focus every bit of her power upon the portal
in the pics the horn appears to be some sort of headdress like thing

Sweet Apple Abby how do an artificer and sage fit into an abby?

overall a ... meh not good but I could not call it bad.

One more thing your writing is too... flowerly.

It's just something that I felt like doing. I did this knowing that it's been done and I don't know if I can promise to bring anything new. I merely had the inspiration.
Well I understand that spike was a lizard. I didn't personally like it and I mentioned that I was taking some artistic liberties. And as for the Abby it's based off of the fact that AJ and Big Mac are holy classes so it made sense in my mind. And I appreciate the honest review. Already this story is getting a lot more attention then my actual original work so...I call it a win win.

1002554 you didn't fix the formating.

There. No longer centered.

More mages...more mages...rah rah rah!

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