• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 1,140 Views, 12 Comments

Mein Kleiner Fuhrer: Triage at Death - Omicron Omega

Omicron Omega, A ageless tyrant with a Merciless heart. What could be the creator's option to him?

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Chapter V: Our Arrival and Our Appearance to The Enemy

Talk about staying in a storage room for a week, without entertaining things and events going on, Eating the same food that i hate over and over again, I totally find out that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy liked the food we eat and YET we are still waiting till this wretched Spacecraft reaches it's destination towards Equestria. Every time some soldiers enter this room, we immediately went back in the box and hide ourselves for long minutes, until they go out. But i still don't know why are these vegetables are still in Production even if Adolf Hitler died? Maybe the New Fuhrer is also Vegetarian, I guess. For now we are still here waiting, bumming around at these wooden boxes until i created a new Conversation.

"Do you probably feel embarrassed, When you put a quarter in a parking meter, Not knowing that it was a parking meter. Then waited 30 minutes for a gumball?"

Both of them spoke "What?"

I think they didn't know what is a parking meter... But I can't explain it in this possible time. The book I have from the nazis is still on my hooves, Intending to read it having some strong frustration. If i only have hands instead of hooves then it would be plain easy to switch pages, rather than doing a one by one switch page with my hooves.

Suddenly a massive impact came, bringing all of us down to the solid metal. So i look upon a large futuristic window but didn't open it, As I saw some clouds blocking my view to the land, Maybe we have reached Equestria. I wonder why nazis built this window.... I can utterly escape by jumping out of this window with a Parachute, Atleast these nazis brought some Parachute in this storage room.

For now I spoke "So... The Spacecraft reached Equestria... So many clouds blocking the land..."

Rainbow Dash came and look into the Window. She is somehow excited about it, But for me.... No facial expressions......

Rainbow Dash spoke once again to me "Okay Omega, Since we are in Equestria. We are going to jump and fly to the Palace."

"Wait? What!? Jump out of the Window from more like 30,000 feet on the air? Maybe I'll pass. Since i find out that there are parachutes in this room, I will certainly use that to support me."

"Don't worry, Omega. We can simply carry you, It is much easier to just fly through the Palace, Instead of using that thing just to make a soft landing at the ground"

I got no exceptions or any other reason to create against Rainbow Dash, But now I have no choice, I must do what Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Okay.... but first.... i must take something, For days i have been examining a nazi weapon. And i think it is the best weapon to take down some small ships."

I headed towards, where the weapon is and lift it with my hooves.

As then i continue "WELL this could be a little heavy. But let's go-"

I was stopped by Rainbow Dash "Wait.. Is that a tube?"

"It's a rocket launcher or a tube that shoots some exploding obstacles to bring down some large opponents...Now open the window.."

Rainbow Dash tries to open the window, but it doesn't open.

As then Rainbow Dash requested Fluttershy to assist her

"Fluttershy, Can you give me a hoof?"

Fluttershy replies "Well.... Umm yeah"

Fluttershy just acts and assisted Rainbow Dash, But it still doesn't open. For the sake of my eyes, I don't like to see them taking a hard time and get nothing. So i got another option....

"Rainbow Dash... Fluttershy... Can you get out of my view?"

Rainbow dash nodded "But why?"

"I'm going to blow that up as a test from this weapon"

Fluttershy replies "What?!.... we can't just.... alert the enemies-"

"I know this will alert the enemies, But we can't open that window because we only got hooves instead of hands, So get into a safe distance, Once i blow up the window, You will start to carry me and fly through the air.."

Now i load the Rocket Launcher with some missile and pointed it towards the window, I was nervous to myself with the weapon. I am thinking that what if something bad happens from the weapon? Will the weapon explode once i pull the trigger? or will the missile that i launched somehow instantly turns into a 90 Degree angle and hits something, Alarming the Spacecraft. Well i hope that will not happen.

But now i pull the trigger and so does the missile launches and blows the window up, But as then someone quickly opens the door. I saw two nazis with their Upgraded MP40 and shouts in our distance.

"EINDRINGLING! Schnell den FEIND VERNICHTEN!" they point their weapons to us, But their weapon is not formally loaded so we got no time to wait.

As then i shouted "GO GO GO! JUMP!!!"

And so we jump our of the window I'm still carrying my weapon and some of it's ammo, But then i fall through the air I stay calm to my mind and think that those two pegasus' would catch me and fly through the palace. As then it truly happens, They both carry me and we fly through the lucsious skies with clouds. As we fly away from the spacecraft, The Spacecraft just release some small spaceships or fighters. The Spacecraft has spotted us, and they are sending fighters to eliminates us.

For now i spoke "Rainbow Dash, we got a problem.... That Spacecraft just send some fighters... and now they are picking our trail to eliminate us"

Rainbow Dash replies "Then what are you waiting for? Shoot those fighters down..."

I reply positively "Okay, But be sure to dodge their weaponary. They can be dangerous, Fluttershy follow Rainbow Dash's lead"

Somehow she doesn't reply, But I don't needed to mind that first i must concentrate from taking down those fighters with the Rocket Launcher i took from the nazis. As then i fired, But it's not a good aim, Even when missiles launch at straight directions, those fighters are simply dodging. As then i did it again, but it still happens.

Another problem is rising, Fluttershy is being left behind. If she is too far away from us then she would get shot by their guns or get hit by a missile.


She finally replies "I can't go faster.... I'm not fast as Rainbow Dash"


Now i saw hew squeak again and literally tears, but for me i must make something that could make her faster without lowering her morality. As for now i shouted again "THE NAZIS ARE HERE BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO STEAL YOU'RE ANIMALS AND EXPERIMENT US MERCILESS!"

Fluttershy now utterly pays attention to me, but i still continue "IF WE ARE NOT FAST ENOUGH, THEN THAT WOULD LITERALLY HAPPEN!" Now Fluttershy struggles herself just to get faster, by now she reaches our side again.

Now all i needed to do is to take down those fighters, But how? As i saw a red button on the Rocket Launcher that i never saw before. I somehow push it and Now the Rocket Launcher itself got a Laser Pointer. But now things get really different and more epic. When i fire another missile, I accidentally guide the Rocket Projectile and hit one of the fighters, Now that is a cool Rocket Launcher.... Looks like a found the Half Life Rocket Launcher...

This could be plain easy to me now, Guiding the Rocket to hit the Fighters. Every Missile that i fire simply hit one fighter, and sometimes I destroy two fighters by one shot, Until all of the fighters following us are now utterly destroyed. Now Rainbow Dash looks to me while she is flying straight.

And finally, she spokes "Are the fighters gone?"

I nodded and reply "Of course they are, What the hell are you thinking that no-one is simply following us?"

As we continue to fly straight ahead, It is just another problem to outcome. We encountered a whole fleet of Spacecrafts by the Nazis, I commanded Rainbow Dash to quickly back away, But it is too late some of the Spacecrafts used their Capturing devices and captured Rainbow Dash, but i somehow avoided it by just jumping like a Badass MotherBucker I am. Now this is a real Major Problem; The Nazis captured Rainbow Dash and probably took her away from me, Fluttershy is somehow trying to catch me but it is no use, She is too slow to catch me. As i spoke my Last command on Fluttershy

"Fluttershy! Get out of this area immediately! Find one of you're closest friends and tell them they need our help! DO EVERYTHING TO MAKE THEM BELIEVE!"

I saw Fluttershy fly away, as i fall through the air. Rainbow Dash is captured, Fluttershy flies away to get some help and I was now here falling through the skies, I totally noticed it that we are now separated. I close my eyes and think about what I have done to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, Will this be the end of my journey? Suddenly i only hear is the sound of the wind due to the high velocity i have from falling. Now I felt that my skin are now in fire, But still my body will not surrender to anything. Till now i only hear nothing and saw nothing.... Am i dead?

In The Nazi Spacecraft

5 Hours Later

Rainbow Dash was captured by the Nazis, She was tied with strong ropes. Now A ReichFuhrer with his body guards came to see Rainbow Dash.

The Reichfuhrer speak "So... this is one of the horse that blow one of our ship?"

Rainbow Dash is in cosmic struggling to free herself but it is still no use, now she spoke "Let me out, You worthless scums! And HEY I'm a Pegasus, not a horse!"

The Reichfuhrer laughed as well "Let you out? Well that will not happen, We will experiment you first before we let you out, without any life. But for now, you will be lucky. We will gather you're intelligence first BEFORE we experiment you. The Fuhrer responded that it would be a good decision to have our great army to have wings, So we would gather you're DNA and test it to our soldiers. Making our Nazi troops to have wings and magic, alongside with our Technology... Now speak or you shall have a painful slow death.... We know that you can utterly speak..."

Rainbow Dash replies "No! The Stallion, told me to not tell everyone!"

"Body guard, Bring me a knife. So i can slowly stab her if she doesn't talk again"

The Body guard replies "Yes mein Reichfuhrer"

Now the Reichfuhrer got a knife on his hand, He pointed at at Rainbow Dash and he talks again "Now.... Talk or you will face the consequences"

Rainbow Dash gulped, She never felt this feeling before, breathing massively with cosmic sweat trembling upon her body. As then Rainbow Dash finally talks "Okay, okay. We have met this Human named Omicron Omega and he is the one who is responsible to ruin your plans, Unfortunately when he touched an Orb. I saw him that he is now a Stallion while we are on the face of you're planet. We sneak through the guards to get on board from one of the Spacecrafts to get here. But all of you just ruin EVERYTHING!"

The Body Guard gets pissed and points his Weapon at Rainbow Dash's head, but the Reichfuhrer stopped him

"Stop!.... So that Ageless traitor is still alive..... so that's why we have reported that we lose some of our fighters.... But not for long.... Assume some fighters to scout the area, We shall find that ageless traitor and bring him back into a human again. The Fuhrer would be delighted once he got a new ageless body....."

"Wha- What do you mean?!"

The Reichfuhrer replied "We shall capture you're fellow companion, Omicron Omega. Once we captured him we shall experiment him, From the Fuhrer's plan he is wishing to have a new formed body that doesn't die in age. And so we utterly found one and that is one of our Nazi Traitors, Omicron Omega Traitors will not be tolerated in our empire, WE WOULD DO ANYTHING JUST TO ELIMINATE THEM!. Once the Fuhrer got his new body, We would gather all the magic in this world and use it against another world that we were used to live...."

Rainbow Dash replies back "You... Monsters!"

The Reichfuhrer commanded the body guards "Take her to the prison chamber. Then we shall experiment her in the future, For now we shall concentrate first on capturing the Gruppenfuhrer who is simply a traitor...."

The Reichfuhrer's body guards took Rainbow Dash to the Prison Chamber, alone in the darkness....

30 Minutes Later After Omega's Fall From the Skies

I gained my consciousness back, I felt my back that it somehow landed on a haystack, Looks like I'm in a barn and I totally damaged it. I look upon my body and i noticed that there is a pierced large wood on my hoof, I notably stay calm, but i felt the pain now going through my whole body.

I whisper to myself "Stay calm, Stay calm, stay calm stay calm...."

As now I will try to move the large piece of wood that pierced through my hoof calmly. But as then i touch the wood, a stealth sudden pain occurs in my body, I scream so hard like a little b!tch and punched the ground with my left hoof. Now I formally saw that someone opens the door. I saw an Orange colored pony, with a blonde mane and wearing a hat. She rushes towards me and saw that I'm massively injured.

She responded to me "What yer doin here?.... I think yer need some help... I'll go tell somepony for yer help-"

I quickly reply "No, no...... Just don't bring the others, But could you give me one task?.... Would you help me get this FREAKIN large wood, pierced in my hoof"

"Okay, yer must stay calm, Sugarcube"

Did she just called me Sugarcube? well that is un-expecting, But i stay calm to myself and let my sanity sealed.

Now she replies again "Are yer ready, Sugarcube?"

I replied "Yes I'm ready....."

Now she tries to take out the pierced wood with her mouth, But i ignore it. I close my eyes and get ready for the agonizing pain approaching.... Now she hardly pulls the wood out of my hoof. The pain i felt is more like hell, having some traumatic movements, But atleast the pierced wood is now gone, I open my eyes once again and saw her with the wood in her mouth. As for now i struggle myself to stand up, but the pony dragged me back on the hay stacks.

She spoke "Don't struggle yerself, sugercube. I will be back"

I replied quickly "Wait! Don't go, just let me stand. I can somehow heal myself, to be active again. Now just don't tell the others, please."

She nodded and reply "Well okay, Sugarcube. But how's yer feelin?"

I reply "Getting better"

I struggle myself again to stand up. It takes me some time to stand straight up, But now she tries to assist me.

Now she ask me a question "Tell, me Sugarcube. What happened?"

I explain my answer to her "Well in this world..... I know you would not believe this, But some invaders arrive in this world-"

I was utterly stoped by her "Then we shall destroy em with our elements"

"Uhh... Okay.... Since these invaders are strong, My two companions were separated, by these wretched invaders...." I put out one of the nazi medals and show it to her "Now these is their symbol, They are called Nazis, And they love to experiment anything they saw... MERCILESS! Now they have come to invade this world, Just to strengthen their power, just to invade other strong planets."

She nodded and replies "Are yer Kiddin me right?"

"No.... Look, just bring me to Princess Celestia, So i can inform her to prepare her magic... For us we will battle Technology"

She ask me another question "Then what is that tube thingy?"

"It's just my other weapon....And a dangerous one...."

Looks like I've met another pony, But I got some questions to her "So.... Since you live in this world, My companion Rainbow Dash needs my help."

"Yer what? Rainbow Dash needs yer help?"

"Rainbow Dash was captured by the NAZIS! and they will experiment her, I must act quick before she gets tortured by those nazis. Tell me where is Princess Celestia, And i would leave now"

Now she tells me the location, but then she ask me another question. I wonder why she always ask me some questions, but now i think this is her final question "But wait, What's yer name, Sugarcube?"

"My Name? Heh, you will know it... when I destroy the nazis..." Now I left the barn and rush towards the palace. Once I have met Princess Celestia, Maybe a Rebellion would destroy the Nazis....

- End of Chapter -

Comments ( 2 )

Also, we need less YAAs. :facehoof:

I shall have Goring eat this story so that I never have to see it's terrible grammar again.

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