• Published 25th Jul 2012
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Mein Kleiner Fuhrer: Triage at Death - Omicron Omega

Omicron Omega, A ageless tyrant with a Merciless heart. What could be the creator's option to him?

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Chapter IV: The Trip of Their Plan

Meanwhile in The Greater Reichstag

An Informer was formally walking towards the Fuhrer office, As he Informs the Fuhrer of the Greater Nazi Empire. From what the Informer saw, It was a machine with a Brain organ in it.

"Mein Fuhrer, One of our noble factory was destroyed. But we covered some survivor and it was an Oberstgruppenführer. The Survivor explains that someone touches the Main orb of the factory into it's Breaking Point, following the explosion of the Factory. Although the survivor didn't make it after he explains the incident"

The Fuhrer speaks "Yet, we have recon this world, that there would be no enemies.... No other political life forms, But for now. I'm hoping that we have conducted a Traitor to our glorious empire"

"But Mein Fuhrer, The survivor literally knew who is the Traitor. His Name is Omicron Omega"

The Fuhrer has it's own machine expression "IMPOSSIBLE! How come that Traitor is still alive?!....."

The Informer doesn't talk, minding with Nervous feeling.

As then the Fuhrer spoke again "Very well then.... Maybe that Traitor we hired 85 years ago was not a traitor, But an Ageless Traitor.... Prepare to search and capture him. But from what my orders, Our invasion will not be denied."

For becoming a Stallion, only my Hat and Robe are the only clothes left, I wonder where did my inner clothes go when i became a stallion.

Time is passing, we are having a rest from a comfortable area, But in the same time, over and over again, I only hear the Bonfire clashing and burning some wood, I am currently patching all my wounds up to prevent some possible infections. There is one thing that i only hate from transforming into a Stallion.... It is difficult to read the book i get from the nazis, It makes me frustrated when i tried to switch it at the page topic that i liked, But utterly rumbled the book when i created a False move at my hoof and i have to do it again, Even using my mouth, doesn't seem to be quite working to me.

But for now, I close the book, Maybe i will try again later. But maybe i would now read their documents and Intelligence. But first i read their Intelligence First. I spoke first, to pronounce it.

"Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. I think you need to hear this one, So we can reassure and ruin their plans"

They get closer to me, to hear it clearly. As then i read the Enemy Intelligence orally.

The Greater Nazi Empire
June 21, 20 A.E

From our recons from the Solar System, We discovered another planet that is rich in resources, And super natural livings that we may experiment it. The Fuhrer ordered us that. Before we need to invade that Planet, We send some of our Probes to recon the whole Planet if there could be any military power, defending that world.

As we send our probes we discovered some Undetermined Horses.... Horses with wings, and Magic. Maybe their magic can strengthen our power, We could start our invasion on that Planet in the next 3 weeks, But once we experimented and capture their Magic, We can invade Earth again and take revenge against the Russians and the Americans.

But as then. The Fuhrer is happy to hear that we have now successfully built the Landkreuzer P.1000 ratte, It is the Largest tank that we have ever built along side with other new technologies that we may have created, Even spacecrafts. And we would simply test that monster once we Invaded the Planet that we have discovered.

We have enough Technology to transport the monster into military combat, as we presume to Built a way larger tank; The Landkreuzer P.1500 Monster. Everyone cannot stop our empire and it will last forever for the Fuhrer.

-Helga Schleiden

Gemeinschaftsleiter (Community Leader) of the Greater Nazi Empire

"Well that is un-expecting... I did nazi that coming"

Rainbow Dash nodded with unexpected shock "What?. Are they going to invade Equestria!?"

My mind gets confused upon Rainbow Dash, So i created a question "Equestria?"

"That's our homeland"

As then i felt an actual shock in my head "Then why you didn't tell me earlier before i rode that Enemy Intelligence?"

"Because i simply don't know what could be their plans. Once you rode that thing, i think of it that they will Invade Equestria."

"Well, atleast the intelligence help us, But we must find their Spacecraft base or their organization base...."

Fluttershy finally replies upon me "Then... Wh- Why?"

I answer her question "Well, since their going to invade Equestria. Finding a magical way could be useless, we are going to do the sneaking way.... Well this is another objective, but significantly risky. All we need to do, Is to get in a prepared spacecraft, Hide ourselves from the rest of the flight. Once the spacecraft reaches Equestria? We should tell you're ruler that Equestria is in danger."

Rainbow Dash nodded "You mean Princess Celestia?"

"Well.... yeah, Maybe she would help us. But if she doesn't believe our warning, Then I'm going to do it by myself"

"Well if Celestia helped, what could be their weapons?"

I nodded and answer her question "It's easy.... Magic and Technology are matched powers, created in this Universe, There are magics were you can destroy the world and there are some devices came from technology that can utterly destroy a world too. But for some reason, My Creator can destroy a world, But he doesn't help or accept anyone's request. And what from the Intelligence said, that You're world is magical. You're magics can help us repel the nazi Invasion."

Fluttershy joins the conversation again "Well that was... a well created plan... No wonder where you get all those plans"

"Once I captured an Enemy Intelligence, I can somehow ruin their plan, and that's how I negotiate with my enemies"

Also I'm getting tired to myself, But studying this Documents overnight will not specify me, Tomorrow. So that i go to sleep again. We got more like 3 weeks left to find an Organization base or a Spacecraft base, Built by the Nazis and get on board of one Spacecraft.

Time is still counting down, No-one can stop time except my Creator, of course. It's been several days have passed since we are trying to search an Organization base. It is such a disappointment that i didn't find some practical map in this world, But i think the 20 A.E from the documents means 'After Escape' I guess they flee from earth and find another planet to regain their military power back. That would mean the Nazis came here 20 years from this world? Adolf Hitler or what i called to him Faildolf Shitler will sincerely be dead by now, But the Fuhrer topic..... Maybe they have a new Fuhrer or something like cloning, reviving or experimenting Shitler to be Ageless.

But for the sake of my eyes, from finding an Organization base, we Finally found one. But there is a slight problem, Some Assault Helicopters, Tanks and Infantry are Guarding the Organization Base. Engaging in combat would Impossible. Instead of having hooves, I can't use my weapon, So that it could be Impossible neither to sneak past through the Patrolling Infantry, Tanks and Helicopters.

But as then a new faith rises, I heard an announcement in the Organization base, calling all of the Patrolling nazis to get ready to board in the Spacecraft. They were too dumb that no-one guarded the entrance. So we just easily get through the entrance. But as when we enter i check the place if there are any nazis around, and there are typically none. We saw some of the Spacecrafts that are awaiting for further orders, But then the doors are shut from every spacecraft. But there is another option, As i saw some boxes are easy to open and they are being transported In every spacecraft. I open one wooden box and saw some weapons.

Maybe this is the only way to get in their spacecraft. Hiding in the Wooden Box and wait till they transport us in the Spacecraft. As then i created a new plan

"Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. 'WE!' got a new plan, we must hide ourselves inside this boxes, Until some nazi workers transport us in the Spacecraft, not knowing that we are in the box"

I open one of the large box and take out all of the stocked weapons. As i enter the Wooden box, I'm requesting Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to come inside. But then Fluttershy requests.

"Uhh Omega?... Since there are many Wooden boxes here, We might just have one wooden box per pony"

I nodded and reply "That could be a bad idea, We could separate each other If we do that, then maybe one of us will be transported alone in the other spacecraft and then get significantly captured by nazis. Plus if they captured us, They will somehow experiment us to death. So that we must stick together, Come now, Fluttershy or the nazis might see us."

As then Fluttershy squeak, That froze me while she enters the box with Rainbow Dash, I'm utterly froze that i can't move. Those 2 pegasus' just dragged me down to close the box. As then my memory regains again and now It's very dark that i can't see anything, There are no holes in this box. so it's good for us that no-one would ever see us. But it is really uncomfortable, As then i move my hoof and didn't know that i hit Rainbow Dash

"Ow, who hit me?"

I apologized to her "Sorry, sorry. Just having an uncomfortable feeling"

As then i heard some footsteps, Maybe their going to transport this wooden box now.

"Shh- Shh, never.. create... a noise..."

As i heard more like two nazi soldiers, talking to each other

"I heard that this box is the most fragile part, We better be careful for transporting this one, Or the Fuhrer will be mad at us"

The second soldier replies "Ja, we must be careful. Okay we must lift this wooden box now"

Once they lifted the box, We are all dragged at the left side due to the shaking. And the nazi soldier spoke again

"Woah be careful. This is a fragile one"

The second soldier doesn't spoke. But for us we are just keep rolling and rolling from both sides, hitting at each other. As now the shaking stops, I was on top of Fluttershy. I back away quickly, with an embarrassed feeling and waited for a couple of minutes. Now that we are in the Spacecraft, I open the box to take a sudden peek. I think that we are in the storage part of the Spacecraft, and i see no nazis around. So it's safe to go out of the box now.

Our objective is a success we are now in the box, But for some reason, we have no food or supplies to survive the whole trip. Atleast this nazis just brought some food in here, and they are still too dumb that they put weapons and foods in the same storage room, Lucky for us we could use this supplies to survive in the whole trip. As i open some boxes i saw some preserved meat and vegetables.

"Woot, maybe i could use some meat"

As then Fluttershy replies with a scared feeling "But.... ponies are herbivores...."

"I knew they are herbivores like me, But I'm a human. I could be an Omnivore to myself.... But if you're begging that i should not eat meat. Then i would not eat meat"

Well from the past when I'm a nazi soldier, I only eat vegetables.... Really crappy vegetables that i wanted to throw them away, Some of the others say that they really liked it, Even the Fuhrer does like it. But i don't like it. For my comment it is the most crappiest vegetable that i have ever tasted.

But when i open another wooden box, I can't believe in my eyes.... It was the same vegetable but in cans... I facehoofed and groaned that there are still production of these foods...

So i yelled softly "BUCK THIS!" I slam the box, with an un-amused face. and continue to wait... till the Spacecraft reaches it's destination or what we called Equestria. As then i grab a folding chair, Unfold it and sit on it, to wait till the Spacecraft reaches Equestria.