• Published 25th Jul 2012
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Mein Kleiner Fuhrer: Triage at Death - Omicron Omega

Omicron Omega, A ageless tyrant with a Merciless heart. What could be the creator's option to him?

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Chapter II: New Journey, New Beginnings, New Feelings...

Now that our journey has commence, time passes and the sun goes down and the moon appears. It is already night, we are currently sitting infront of the Bonfire i created, having some good conversation with each other. Until now she asked

"For you're life, how do you feel from being a cruel leader or a tyrant?"

I somehow close my eyes and began to explain my life "As for me, I'm a tyrant that trembles upon the face of my Homeland, Eliminating thousands to millions of innocent people, My empire rises to power that no other empires or alliances will perish my empire... From what i felt from being a tyrant is being happy and merciless to my enemies, my heart never gets warm in the past centuries.... Even now, My interest on power fades away and so does my Empire falls into ruins because of my wretched Creator, I certainly knew he can hear both of us, Even he is very far away, But he doesn't come up and reply to us."

The silence goes back again, I only hear the Bonfire burning and clashing woods. Time is passing, and so does Rainbow Dash cuts the silence

"So... that means you're a superior leader from the past?"

Well that was an easy question, no wonder why she always ask questions agaisnt my luscious mind, so that i act like a gentleman "Well certainly, yes. But even so my leadership will slowly fade away from my mind, And my creator is the one who is responsible for this."

Even though something bad happens to me, I always blame him in my mind, But i can't commence it in real life, since he is the one who created me, He can be the one who can simply destroy me. Time passes, temperature is getting lower and lower, Atleast my robe covers me agaisnt this cold air, But for Rainbow Dash... It's not, she is chilling from the cold air. My mind became soft to her, Like taking off my robe and giving it to her just to keep her warm and i totally do it, I simply take off my robe and gave it to her like a blanket, and so she stops chilling and sleeps peacefully.

Then all the sudden i felt my heart again beating, I touch my chest and literally feel it. Does that means i have this new feeling from the past centuries? Well in that case i need to take some sleep now, I need to restore my energy and mind to continue our journey to the south tommorow.

As the sun rises from the face of this world, the sun rays hit my sleeping eyes and so does i woke up. I stand up and try to stretch myself so i can move my body more freely, But Rainbow Dash is still asleep, so i decided to take a walk first although there are low chances of getting loss in this small area, As i walk between the grasses until i reach.... something more like a Hot spring to me, And so i get closer to the hot spring and think of something that maybe a good bath would replenish my mood. I take off my shoes but then i sincerely stop and saw someone floating on the hot spring.... I start to get closer until i fully saw it..... It was another pegasus but with pink hair or mane and more like a cream colored skin. As then i was more like spying her, I see that she is more like enjoying herself or something like unconscious, sweating, and flushing from her skin from the water's heat

As the sudden, my beating heart goes faster, that i can't breath, I began to clear my mind and stay calm, but i thought of something. From the past the only type of a girl that i like from style is from having a pink hair, gentle and also can be shy. But this pegasus got everything, But the only bad thing that she is a pegasus and I'm a human.... if she is a human, then i would definitely win her heart. I'm a merciless human, but when it comes to friendly girls I'm very gentle to them It's because girls do not like me because they think that I'm too depostic, but they didn't know my true identities from girls . I got no options on what to do, I don't know if she is enjoying or unconscious, But i got one option. Get closer and take her out of the Hot spring, If she could be unconscious then it would be a bad threat to her or there could be a Deep fried Pegasus roaming around in this world.

So i sank upon the hot spring and it is surely hot, I've never been in a hot spring for years though. As i go closer to her i put my finger at her neck to make sure if she is alive or not, As the sudden i feel a pulse so i think she is alive but unconscious. I am definitely right, I take her and put her away from the hot spring, her skin is somehow smooth and also hot that it can literally damage my hands. But as then, i need to find some cold material to replenish her skin, But there is no water in this area, I need to find some moisture or just wait till her skin cools and became conscious again.

But for a sudden her eyes just open and literally saw me carrying her. She flipped out and struggle to escape from me, but as then i dropped her and she literally spoke...

"Please stay away, Don't come any closer. You just sent me into this world"

She shakes and trembles in fear upon me, But What? I Send her to this world? Did she literally met my creator too? or she did something bad? Now I'm confused again, But i cannot refine it. I must act now

"Woah, Stay calm, fellow pegasus" As then, Rainbow Dash came just in time. She gasp from seeing that cream colored pegasus.

"Fluttershy! I'm so glad i see you, once again" She somehow hugged, that pegasus from what i heard; Fluttershy? is that her name? What a cute name to admit it in my mind, but not in the reality, now i have met another pegasus'?

"Rainbow Dash! I thought I'm the only pony in this world, But who is that creature? and why are we both here?" She point her hoof to me, but i still ignore it and let Rainbow Dash explain about it

Rainbow Dash sits and starts the conversation, "Well you see, if we are here, then we have met his creator" She somehow points her hoof towards me as then she continue "If you have met a magician looking human, like him then you actually met his creator. The point is, why did she sent us here?"

As then i nodded and replied "It's because of me, I was a tyrant so i need to get what i deserve, changing forever and beyond the call of duty Maybe my Creator just thought that lovable pegasus' would change my heart, But it can be possible to me, since I'm a cold hearted tyrant slowly becoming a soft hearted man"

Rainbow Dash replies back "But you already had change easily, Look how your mind is-"

I stopped her and reply again "Well my true facts that I'm very gentle to friendly girls, But when it comes to enemies, I'm merciless; like an insane Fuhrer or tyrant"

As well, why the hell did i say a german word, producted by the nazis? BUCK THAT! Atleast this 2 pegasus' don't know about history in my homeland. If they sincerely knew it, then they will think that I'm Faildolf Shitler ranting agaisnt this world. For now i continue

"He send me to this world, to maintain peace. But i don't think I'm going to do that, This punishment will last long until he sents me to Oblivion or death"

As then Fluttershy breaks the ice "He talks....weird...."

God, everything is connected to her except she is just a pegasus. I literally can't marry a pegasus, That's zoophilia. But first i must intend that she would join us getting out of these world. So i created a request to fluttershy

"Pardon me Fluttershy, That's you're name right? I would be attending if you join us from getting out of this world. But it would be a risky one, Since we need to find some powerful wizard that can send us back to where we belong, Will you join us to finish our journey?"

As then Fluttershy gladly accept softly "Well.... Yes, Maybe.... But what is you're name?"

"My Name is Omicron Omega, a great leader from my homeland which met it's own tragedy"

Well now i have another companion, I felt kinda embarrased. A boy leading two females or girls? well i still cannot refine it though, We must go now. While i was walking at side with Fluttershy, Every time i see her mane swaying by the wind with leaves flying upon, My beating heart goes faster. I'm getting frustrated to myself that she is a pegasus' But the worse thing is when she looks at me, I felt like a nervous scum with a useless mind of my own. But as then i totally ignore it and just look straight while walking.

Another bad option is that my eyes are just keep staring to her even my face is pointing straight, that is making me feel really frustrated that i want to punch my eyes, drag it and yell at it to look at where am i going. This is currently my first feeling in my whole ageless life, But atleast these 2 pegasus' doesn't notice my actions. Now we walk towards south, facing some hard, sliperry rocks that always make me slip from one false move. It's a good thing for the pegasus' that they can fly, If only i got wings to fly and head towards south easily, without any recent problems. Every day i always request Rainbow Dash to fly up in the air and check the area if there is a village or more like a Kingdom. But from every request none is being sighted, Until now she informs me that she saw a smoke not too far from here. So we went towards that smoke, if there is a village or Kingdom. But for my calculations maybe we could reach that area for a day.

As the night shatters with the full moon. We are taking a break, having the same conversation, Over and over but this time It is for Fluttershy.

"So Fluttershy, How did you met my creator?" I asked

She slowly acts, from just what girls i like "Well.... When I was going in to my cottage, the lights are out. As so does i opened it.... I saw somepony standing between the dark area. As i go closer, I spooked somepony else, At first i thought it was just a lost pony with a weird magician suit, But then all the sudden. I saw his face with his orange eyes glowing like a fire. For my reaction, I totally freak out but as then, he spoke of something.... I don't know, It is not our language though. But without expectations, he sends me onto something. Due to my fear rising and trembling, I fainted. As then when i wake up, I saw you, Omega carrying me, with a satisfied emotion agaisnt me"

I totally got embarrased about it, But atleast i didn't blush or something attracting. It was also an intresting incident on how she got here, Now we got some many conversations to let it out.

After our small chit-chatting to each other, I take a shut eye to restore my senses from what i used earlier. In the courtesy of sleeping, I felt something weighing me at my shoulders, As i open my eyes, I was shocked, My eyes goes very wide like a golfball and saw fluttershy using my left shoulder like a pillow and Rainbow Dash using my right shoulder like a pillow too, Now that is very touching to me. My heart beats so fast, that it is just like a machine gun firing overtime. But as then i must not think of this or i will get a heart attack due to these two pegasus' I close my eyes and think of something heroic to take out this touching situation in my mind. Now i sleep again, sleeping with these two luscious pegasus' against the glory of my ageless life.

As the sun shines upon my eyes, I wake up and still saw them using both of of my shoulders. Now my shoulders hurt due to their actions upon my shoulders. As so I'm always the first one to wake up, but for them; They are still using my shoulders like a pillow. Although I don't like disturbing girls in their sleep, So i decided to wait for them to wake up, so they can get off of my shoulders. For a couple of minutes have passed, they finally woke up, and saw me with a poker face starring at the endless sky. Now they both back away from me.

Finally the weight upon my shoulders are gone, I literally spoke "Finally after a century of waiting, Now i can stand up"

I literally stand up and strectch my body again, I can feel the pain in my shoulders. But as then we continue to travel towards south. From every obstacle we have faced, now we encountered a large wall of rocks. The wall is more like a hundred feet tall, Will i climb it? or find another way? Finding another way would sincerely waste our time, So i got one hard task to myself; Climbing that wall of rocks. It is easy for the two pegasus' that they can just fly on top of the wall, rather climbing.

Now I'm more like i reach the half height of this wall, I saw Rainbow Dash and fluttershy with a weird stare towards south. As then Rainbow Dash started

"Omega you need to look at this one"

I reply while i was climbing "Okay, Just wait till i reach the top"

As i reach the top, and look at the same direction, My eyes goes very wide again, But this time it is not about the Pegasus' situation. I was wrong, It was not a kingdom, It was a futuristic factory with a Swatiska symbol.

Home come they are still here? From the history of Earth; they dissapeared in 1945 but why are they here? Did they escape from earth?

From the past, back when I'm still a soldier. I was in their army, As then i survived their downfall agaisnt the russians, Now they have returned..... The Nazis have returned once again.....

-End of Chapter-

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