• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 309 Views, 1 Comments

Viva Las Vegas - RodTheBrony

Applejack and Fluttershy find a new music icon while they visit Las Pegasus.

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The King Lives (Part 1)

August 16th. This was the day both Applejack and Fluttershy were called to Las Pegasus by the Cutie Map located in Princess Twilight Sparkle’s castle. This map itself is still unknown to some extent but the basic functions of it is whenever there was a friendship problem somewhere in Equestria, the map would call normally 2 ponies from the Mane 6 to go fix the problem.

All of the previous locations that they were previously sent to, was well known to some extent. Well, with the exception of Starlight’s Village but that doesn't matter. Anyway, the only pony out of Twilight's group of friends that had gone to Las Pegasus before now was Pinkie for a birthday party as the pony that supplied the nessetities. Both and Applejack were confused why they were being sent. Even Applejack mentioned something about Pinkie should of gone. Regardless, they obeyed the map’s orders and took the train over to Las Pegasus.

Once Applejack and Fluttershy had got there, they could instantly hear the sound of slot machines and loud music. Now, that made scence since the train station was right beside a casino but that still worried the 2 on how loud it was going to be on the inside. As the 2 started to walk around, Fluttershy finally broke the silence as none of them said anything after they left the train.

“So uh, where should we start?” Fluttershy asked nervously looking around the busy city around her. “I mean, Las Pegasus is huge. It is going to take a long time to find the ponies in distress without very good luck.”

“Hey, for all we know, two stallions could just be arguing over who should use the slot machine first,” Applejack said trying to reassure Fluttershy. “It could be that easy.”

“Doubt it,” Fluttershy responded looking even more nervous than ever.

Applejack shrugged. “Well, even if it isn't, we will make do.”

Fluttershy nodded back nervously as the 2 mares entered one of the hundred casinos in Las Pegasus.

“Well, I guess we’d better start somewhere,” Applejack said looking around the casino. “If I had to assume, there would be problems in the cassino.”

Fluttershy looked at AJ nervously. “Are you sure it's a good idea to start wandering anusly? If we have bad luck, this could take-”

Fluttershy was interrupted by the sound of 2 stallions arguing over something. What the argument was about, was hard to hear from where they were.

Applejack signaled Fluttershy to follow her. “I think we found a way to start.”

Fluttershy gulped nervously as they approached the stallions. She tried to say something but all that came out was a little squee that got the stallion’s attention.

The first stallion was a bodybuilder with his mane dyed blue. The second stallion was a sumo wrestler with a natural brown mane.

“What do you want?” The 1st stallion said with aggression in his voice. “And it better be VERY important.”

Fluttershy gulped again before Applejack said something. “My friend and I overheard you arguing over somthing and thought we could help.”

“You can't help,” the 2nd stallion said with even more aggression than the 1st. “Now get lost before my friend here gives you a punishment you will never forget.”

“But if he is your friend, why are you arguing?’ Fluttershy said, studdering through every word.

‘It doesn’t matter to you,” The 1st said.

“And it shouldn't to you ponies,” The 2nd added. “Now get lost. Before I get security over here.”

“Sorry, sorry,” Applejack said slowly backing away. “We will leave you alone.”

“Goo- wait,” the 2nd said, changing sentences quickly, looking at the 2 mares. He paused. Aren't you friends with the princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle?”

“So what?” The 1st said snapping at the 2nd. “I don't care if these ponies are friends with royalty. This is our argument. This is our problem!’

The 2nd looked at Fluttershy and Applejack. “You know how to fix friendship problems right?”

“Yep,” Applejack replied smiling. “We are experts in fact.”

The 2nd signaled the 2 mares to sit with them. “Sit. We can solve this”. He turned to the 1st. “RIGHT?”

The first grumbled back but nodded a little.

“So first, what are your names?” Fluttershy asked as she sat down on a near by stool.

“We need to know so we can make this story more interesting,” Applejack added. “Also, Twilight will want to know what happened.”

“Right, I'm Shuddermane and my friend is Thundercloud.”

“All right. So what are you arguing about?” Fluttershy asked smiling.

“Well, we arguing over if we should go to the Gladmane concert or the Contess Coloratura concert,” Thundercloud said finally saying something. “I was for the C.C concert and Shudder was for Gladmane.”

“I know Countess Coloratura but who is this Gladmane?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow.

The entire casino filled with gasps. Applejack looked at Fluttershy and then back at Thundercloud. Thundercloud too was shocked.

“YOU DON'T KNOW WHO GLADMANE IS?!” Shuddermane finally said in shock. “ He is only the king of rock n roll himself!!!”

Applejack still looked confused. Fluttershy was starting to look confused too.

Shuddermane turned to Thundercloud. “Is it OK if we miss the C.C concert so we can teach these new ponies who-” He started to say.

“Of course. As long as we can see next week's C.C concert.” Thundermane replied. “Besides, I like introducing ponies to Gladmane. Isin't the first time we have.”

Shuddermane nodded as they lept off their stools. Just as that happened, Fluttershy’s and Applejack’s cutie mark started to glow. This meant their job was done. Officially that is. They still wanted to do some more things.

“Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought,” Fluttershy said as her and Applejack started to follow the 2 stallions they had just met.

“Yeah, you're right,” Applejack smiled nodding. “Now, let's go find this Gladmane fella and see why he is so popular.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I agree.”

“C’mon, this way,” Thundercloud said signalling the mares to follow him. And of course, they did.

Applejack and Fluttershy followed Thundermane and Shudder cloud for about a half hour before making it go the concert. On the way, Fluttershy kept complaining that the walk was going on for too long. However, every time she did, Applejack mentioned the fact that refugees from outside of Equestria walked for 5X as long at least every day and that got her quiet, well at least for a bit. Anyway, when the 4 ponies got to the stadium where the concert took place, a lot of other ponies have gotten there. And I mean ALOT. Like 200.

“I hope we will be able to find a decent spot,” Applejack said looking around as Shudderhoof started to pay for tickets. Once AJ realised that, she stopped him. “No,no. I'll pay for Flutters and I. I insist.” Applejack started to take out her bit pouch.

Shudderhoof looked at the honest orange apple horse with insistence. “It's fine. This is your first Gladmane concert. I'll pay.”

Applejack stared at Shudderhoof. “Alright, if ya say so.”Applejack put her bit pouch back in her bag as Shudderhoof finished paying.

“Enjoy the show,” said the stallion in the ticket booth as he gave Shudderhoof the tickets.

As the 4 went through the gates that were just opened by the ticket stand guy, Shudderhoof gave out the tickets.

“These are for in case you leave the stadium area,” Thundermane explained. “Just show it at the stand and you be let back in.”

Fluttershy and Applejack nodded. After that, it took them about 10 minutes to find a spot to sit due to how busy it was. They found a spot in Row 12, Seats 5-7. Close enough to enjoy the performace without being at the dead front. The 2 mares didn't get a good chance to look around the stadium till now. It was a stadium like the one in Vanhoover where the Blue Jays play baseball. The only difference is that the roof didn't open. At least, it didn't seem like it did.

“We can't thank you enough,” Fluttershy said smiling. “I can't wait to-”
Fluttershy was interrupted by a male voice on the loud speakers.

“Attention mares and stallions,” the voice said, clearly trying to be as loud as possible. “The show is going to start in 5 minutes. However, I'd like to announce that there will be a draw for a meet and greet with Gladmane himself.” The next bit of the announcement was hard to hear due to the audience cheering in joy. “... 5 bits per pony and 1 entry only. 5 ponies will picked at the end of the concert. Pay for entry is beside the entrance. Good luck and enjoy your show.” The voice was cut off.

Thundermane looked at Applejack and Fluttershy. “So I assume you are going to enter?” He smiled.

“You bet,” Applejack replied getting up. “I'll be back as soon as I can.” She looked at Shudderhoof and Thundermane. “You guys want to enter?”

“Oh, no thanks,” Thundermane replied shaking his hoof. “First, we've already met him in person thanks to one of those raffles.”

“We also have a few important jobs to do after the concert,” Shudderhoof finished.

“Alright,” Applejack said, smiling a little. She looked at Fluttershy. “You want one Flutters?”

“Sure,” Fluttershy responded with a smile. “Thanks AJ.”

Applejack smiled back before heading over to the counter as fast as she could.

It took her 3 ½ minutes to get there, pay for the 2 tickets to the draw and came back to her seat. By the time she got back, the lights were starting to dim.

“Here we go,” Shudderhoof said quietly to himself.

Once the lights were fully dimmed, an announcer came on stage.The announcer cleared his throat before talking. “Mares and stallions, welcome to the 5th out 10th show in Gladmane’s Journey Actions Equestria Tour! Now, without any further delay, please welcome the King of Rock N Roll himself, Gladmane!”

The entire stadium was filled with cheering and clapping as the announcer left the stage and Gladmane came on stage. When he did, the cheering just got louder. Gladmane waved across the stadium as he brought up his microphone and an instrumental track of a song started.

“Of course he would have Viva Las Pegasus,” Thundermane said whispering to Shudderhoof.

Of course, neither AJ nor Fluttershy knew what this song was but to AJ, it sounded good just by the instrumental.

Glademane started singing. “Bright light city, gonna set my soul, gonna set my soul on FIRE! Gotta whole lotta money that's ready to burn so get those stakes up higher! Well there is a thousand pretty mares, waiting out there, they're all living, the devil may care and I'm just the devil with love to spare, so Viva las pegasus. Viva las pegasus…”

The song went on went on for another 1 ½ minutes. After that, Gladmane sung some of his most popular songs like Hound Dog and Don’t Be Cruel. After, the song some lesser known songs like In The Ghetto. The last song he sung was a song that was never heard before titled Suspicious Minds. After each song, he talked a bit about the next song. Overall, the concert was just under 3 hours long.

After the concert, Fluttershy and Applejack said goodbye to their newly made friends and waited for the announcement to say who won the draw. It took about 10 minutes for the announcement to come on.

“Attention mares and stallions,” It was the voice on the loudspeaker. “It is time to announce the winners of the meet and greet. First, ticket number 43, Berry Punch. Second, ticket number 7, Derpy Hooves. Third, ticket number 69, Fluttershy. Forth, ticket number 35, Applejack. Final, ticket number 127, Vinyl Scratch. Can these winners come backstage?” The voice was cut off.

The 2 mares looked at each other as they got up and headed backstage. They started slow because they thought it would polite but after a few seconds, Applejack broke into a sprint and Fluttershy did the same just after.

“I can't believe how lucky we are,” Fluttershy said between gasps for air as she was starting to slow down.

AJ looked at Fluttershy and slowed down even though she still had energy. “Yeah. Still, who cares?”

“I don't,” Derpy said as she passed Applejack.

Applejack smiled as they got backstage. They were the 2nd and 3rd to get there as Derpy was in front of them. As they waited, a mare, probably doing volunteer hours, checked for one of the 5 ticket numbers that were announced. Once that was done about 10 minutes later, Derpy went into a little room at the back. Fluttershy assumed that was were Gladmane was.

About 10 minutes in, Applejack asked something to one of the staff. “Excuse me miss,” The mare looked at AJ. “Is it OK if me and friend go in together?”

“I don't see why not,” The staff pony replied. “Just know that you will just get the 15 minutes. You can't add your times together.”

Applejack smiled.“Ok, thanks fine. Thanks.”

“No problem,” The staff pony replied just before turning around to something else that was in her job quota.

After that, Flutters and AJ talked about the show with each other since they hadn't got a chance to do that yet. 5 minutes later, Derpy came out with a big smile. Before their names were called, the staff pony told something to Gladmane that nopony else could hear.

After that, the staff pony looked at her list before saying something. “Uh, Fluttershy and Applejack, you're up.” As they past her, she mumbled something to herself.

The backstage room had a few posters of Gladmane and a laptop on the far corner shelf. As the 2 mares sat down, so did Gladmane.

“Well, well,” Gladmane said smiling. “It is a huge pleasure to meet some fans.”

“Well, thanks for the opportunity,” Fluttershy said still looking around the small room.

“No problem. I love meeting my fans,” Gladmane replied.

“Well, to be honest,” Fluttershy said before pausing to get rid of her nerves. “We only learned about you today.”

Gladmane paused for a moment. “Don't worry, there are plenty of fans that I meet that are new to my music. Now, I can't believe I didn't ask this at the start but what are your names?”

“I'm Applejack,”

“And I'm Fluttershy.”

Gladmane starred. “Wait a minute, THEE Applejack and Fluttershy??? How did I not notice?”

“Yep. The real ones,” AJ started. “Don't worry, we met 2 guys today that didn't recognize us at first either.”

“Well, it's an honour to meet with the real honer,” Gladmane replied.

“So, where are you from?” Fluttershy asked in a quiet voice.

“I grew up in Graceland. Oh, that is a wonderful city,” Gladmane said, daydreaming for a second then coming back to reality.

“When did you move out?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Oh, I probobly moved out around-” Gladmane paused and didin't continue, worrying AJ and Flutters.

“Hey, Gladmane, you OK?” AJ asked worryingly.

Gladmane didn't respond. He just remained there with his hoof on hius chest.

Fluttershy stood up and went behind Gladmane and shook him up. “Gladmane? Glademane? GLADMANE?!”

Glademane fell to the floor just in front of Fluttershy’s Hooves in a matter of seconds. He hit the ground hard.

“Get-h-help-p-p,” Gladmane barely said before closing his eyes.

Fluttershy screamed getting the whole backstage’s attention, screaming as loud as she can, turning to Applejack. “YOU HEARD HIM! GET HELP!!!” She was getting angrier by the second.

Applejack had never heard Fluttershy be so loud before now but she did as she said. Applejack ran out and told one of the staff as they freaked out too. As one staff member called 911, most of the staff stormed into the back room while the rest of the staff talked to the other 3 ponies in line about what was going on.

In the midst of all this chaos, everypony was not thinking that Gladmane’s life might be close to ending. That his entire fan base might shatter from this news. The next few weeks would be sad ones. Or will it? Who knows? Only time will tell.

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

When I saw the teaser for the episode Viva Las Pegasus, I saw Gladmane, I thought right away he would reference Elvis. And I was right by his dialuge. It wasent exact so this fic is what I thought Gladmane was going to be. I also wrote this in celebration or Elvis's 40th Anniversary of his passing which is happening this August

Comments ( 1 )

As for me, glorifying Las Vegas is possible only from the heart of Las Vegas itself. See the website and soon visit the city. You will not regret. Thanks for the post.

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