• Published 29th May 2018
  • 341 Views, 4 Comments

Macpone - Keystroke Cascade

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Act V

In the walkway of the castle, the Doctor was led by a maid through the walkway. They saw Rainbow Dash sleepwalking, the maid screeched with excitement.

“See? I told you she would be up I-” she was cut short by the harsh shush of the Doctor.

They watched as the Queen walked to the wash room, where she plummeted her hooves into water and made a great effort to cleanse them of something. The Doctor and the maid watched in horror as she was screaming into the water.

“What is she talking about?” asked the maid, as now the ladies words were now incoherent.

“I think she is trying to get blood off her hands, but I see no blood” muttered the doctor. “I think this is beyond me.”

Now, the lady with raw hands walked straight past then in a trance.

“she will go straight to bed now” whispered the young maid.

The doctor said his good-nights then went off to bed himself.


In the fields of Equestria, near Appleoosa, the four war leaders were discussing the positions of Luna and her army.


Twilight was walking through a room with a good vibe.

“I can’t lose, Flash Sentry is surely born of a mare. I can’t lose I can’t!”

A servant came up.

“There be ten thousand of them!”

Twilight looked annoyed.

“Of what? Pokémon? Geese?”

“No ma’am, soldiers ma’am”

Twilight wasn’t bothered by this he told the servant to go and get Big Mac. When the old pony came into the room Twilight asked for his armour.

“Back ’n my day we didn’t use armour! We walked fifteen miles in the snow to the battle with bare hooves and chests! we fought like stallions and we liked it!”

After he got his armour on, he went off to see some swords at the armoury.


Luna and his army were in the forest cutting down branches and using them as camouflage, Luna was excited.

“Yes, with these branches we have +5 stealth! They’ll never see us coming.”


Twilight was getting ready for battle, when a sound that can only be described as intense pain was heard. Twilight looked around trying to find the source.

“What was that?” she asked Big Mac, who didn’t hear anything.

“It must have been a twig snapping.”

Twilight told him he is going deaf, But he didn’t hear that either. Then a maid came downstairs screaming.

“The lady’s dead! The lady’s dead!”

She then fainted and fell the last two steps. Big Mac muttered about back’n his day ponies would see if the mares were alright. Twilight who still unfazed from the whole drama told Big Mac that he didn’t check either, Big Mac then muttered something about his bad back. Then a messenger stepped over the maid to get to Twilight.

“Ma’am I have some news, the forest is moving towards the castle, I-”

He got cut short, Twilight slapped him and told him that if he was lying, he would hanged and used as target practice. Then Twilight and her followers charged out.


Luna and her army were preparing for battle. Luna was talking to the youngest soldier, a kid named Joey, who looked only eleven but was apparently seventeen.

“Ma’am, can I ask you a question?”

Luna told him he could continue.

“Can I wear shorts instead of these pants?”

Luna asked why and Joey replied with “I like shorts! They’re comfy and easy to wear!”

Luna couldn’t argue with that fact. She went off to talk with the leaders.


The battle has begun, Twilight is in the upstairs main room about to enter a battle, then a wild tree appeared. It was actually young Pippington, he asked where he could find the traitorous demon called Twilight. Twilight told him that person was her, young Pip blushed a little.

“Oh, sorry I thought you would look much scarier.”

Without warning they engaged in combat. As soon as they made contact, young Pip knew he wouldn’t make it out of this alive, Twilight had him cornered then she pushed him out of the window.

The final words heard of young Pippington were “I teleported bread!” then he fell on his neck.

He was one of the many who didn’t live to see the next day. While Twilight was watching the poor fellow fall to his death, she didn’t notice Flash enter the room, luckily Flash forgot what he was doing and walked past her.


Twilight walked onto the battlefield, took a quick leak then set of to find Flash. Then in a deep booming voice from behind she heard her name, she looked around and saw Flash Sentry.

She called out “Come at me bro!”

Sentry replied “come face me tyrant!’ they kept yelling insults at each other.

Then Twilight had enough and charged at Flash, the fight only lasted a few seconds, Flash Sentry arched his sword overhead and lopped Twilight’s left leg off. She fell to the floor in a scream of agony but that was cut off, literally, as Flash sliced off Twilight’s head and attached it on a spearhead for the world to see.

Underneath it read: “Twilight tyrant of Equestria, killed by Flash Sentry thane of Fife and one with no mother”

Luna stood up on a stump and was about to make a speech but everyone had a life and just went back to normal stuff.

Nobody forgot the story of Twilight, the tyrant of Equestria.

Comments ( 2 )

So Twilight kills Celestia? Why did I spoiler that? It’s common knowledge!

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