• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 1,191 Views, 2 Comments

War Games Equestria - Ghost-111

Two Strategists, Bad Intell., and ponies are in a bad light. *Warning*: Anthromorphic fiction.

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Hunting Experience

'I wonder if Микаил minds feline for dinner...'

I turned to face the growling, fully expecting to see some sort of forest cat, but was stunned to see the face of a man staring at me. My gaze quickly traveled past the face and saw that there was nothing but shadow behind him, the face seemed to be suspended in midair by the darkness itself. His voice rang out in the silence around me, deep, but gentle.

"What are you doing in my forest strange one?"

I could feel that something large was nearby, a sense of overbearing pressure that made my knees lock, an ancestral instinct of danger, of a larger predator.

"I'm only hunting a bit kind sir, I didn't mean to dis...."

I paused as I looked straight into its eyes.

'Now that's feral…and it looks like…’

I recognized the face slowly, like a picture slowly floating to the surface of a pond. My nightmares and memories of my childhood were filled by its face. The shape that would chase me constantly, its laughter filling the air, only surpassed by the inhuman yowling. It ALWAYS TOOK MY FOOD!!!

I immediately began to review every small, even minutely, important detail that I had seen or heard since the start of the conversation, and a little before. The immediate silence of the forest around me, the pressure, its eyes, the inhuman growl, the darkness clinging to the disembodied face, slit-pupiled eyes, the slowly swaying shape just at the edge of my vision…swaying?

"Ну черт" I cursed as I slowly reached for my spear, noticing how some light source was making the polished spearhead reflect small spots of light.

"What did you say? I'm afraid I didn't catch that"

I gripped my spear tightly and slowly moved the point back and forth in front of its face. I could see its eyes following the light reflecting point with something akin to stupefied curiosity. The long bulbous shape of whatever the hell was trying to flank me matched the rhythm exactly, it was now that I could see the small point that protruded from the end of it. It was here that I finally realized what had decided to face me this day…damn Микаил and his damn childhood fascination with Greek mythology.

Quickly weighing my options, I chose the most ridiculous one, twirled my spear…and slammed the butt of it into the creature's head so hard it broke in half.


I couldn't help but run away as the giant lion-like body reared itself out of the shadows, right in front of me, as its human face shook itself.

I backpedaled as quickly as I could, slipping the now club-like remains of the spear into my belt. As I ran, I heard a sound similar to whistling and quickly dived to my left, a scorpion-like tail and barb embedding itself into the ground not a foot away from me. I kicked it as hard as could, using it as a point of leverage to launch myself further to the side, hearing a sickening cracking sound as I did so.


‘Yep…he mad..’

Smiling to myself from the sheer amount of adrenaline that was running wild through my system I continued to run, zigzagging through the forest and listening to the cracking and crunching sounds of the beast pursuing me. When the whistling sound returned, I quickly grabbed onto a branch sticking out the side of a tree and used it to swing myself behind it.


"I didn't agree to this bullshit, all I wanted was food and enemies equal to me or lesser, not this shit!"

Glancing around the tree I watched as the beast sat several yards before the tree and waited for me to make my move.

"Who shall we go by in this battle Адриан?" I asked myself as I rummaged through my pack. I dug up a can of mace, a few firecrackers and a tazer…I grinned.

"To me death is better than the defensive. Ah well, Александр Суворов it is then."

Using my belt, I attached the mace to the firecrackers, before slipping it onto the remains of the spear. Then, steadying the makeshift chemical warfare missile in my right hand, I pulled my forgotten knife from its place in my jeans waistband. Saying a quick prayer, I gripped my knife by its blade and came out of my cover. Immediately, I was assaulted by several black spear-like objects that sailed past my head.

I took quick aim and threw the knife as hard as I could at the main body of the creature. I wasn’t hoping for a critical wound, but rather a slight distraction. It sailed end over end before embedding itself in the floating face of the creature. It let out a bloodcurdling roar as it lunged at me, mouth agape. I quickly pulled on the quick-start strip at the end of the fuse of the firecrackers and ducked as I threw it into the creature's mouth as it flew over my head. I dove to the ground and listened to the muffled pops followed by the horrible gagging and wet crunching sounds.

Approaching the creature, I watched as it thrashed around trying to spit the foreign object out. All it could manage was a bloody froth that seemed to come from behind the face…in fact, the face wasn’t moving at all…so where was the gagging coming from?

My question was quickly answered as the pale face locked eyes with me and roared, peeling itself from the body of the creature and flying at me, pitch black smoke billowing behind it. I didn’t hesitate, pulling the tazer from my waist and firing point blank into the eyes of the ghost-like being.


I held the tazer's trigger down to keep up the current of electricity, frying the thing until it finally gave in and died, dissipating into a pale smoke.

I approached the beast that the monster had possessed. It had now returned to its original lion like form and was making pitiful gagging sounds as blood began to fill its lungs as well as spasming as the noxious chemicals of the mace spread through its bloodstream. It pained me to see such a magnificent creature in pain, a victim to the cruel life of a demon.

I sighed as I kneeled down next to it, slowly pulling my knife from its now resting position on the dirt, where it had fallen from the floating face. I aimed between its ribs and plunged the knife up to the hilt, hoping to the merciful lord that I had chosen the correct area. I knew that I was right as the beast slowly relaxed and gave a shuddering breath.

“In honor of your glorious life, and rebirth of purpose, as well as the happiness that your remains shall bring, I christen thee…Mr. Fluffles Jr. after my ferocious, seemingly immortal chicken who loved to kill and eat rats…”

I heard the snapping of twigs and rustling of the undergrowth, along with the familiar cursing of Микаил approaching through the bushes behind me.

I grinned, "Well finally, I was starting to think I had to carry this thing back there on my own."



Following my discovery of Adrian standing over the body of the largest lion I had ever seen, and his recounting of what had transpired, I couldn’t help but wonder what in the hell we had gotten ourselves into. The beast that he had killed, wouldn’t let me call it anything but Mr. Fluffles, was a manticore, albeit a simple one. Lion body, scorpion tail, and bat wings wasn’t much to see, the sheer size of it however was truly impressive.

Good thing he didn’t run into a Chimera…if they exist here…dammit Mike don’t jinx it!


During the trip back, we managed to create a makeshift sled to drag the body along with out of tree bark and sap, the rope being substituted by vines. Along the way, Adrian decided to supplement his catch with several side trips.


Looking towards the shaking bushes I saw the most terrifying thing that I have seen to date. (Adrian charging with a platoon of tanks not withstanding)

Through the many rustling bits of foliage I saw an orange and green colored monster erupt from the shadows. Adrian had discovered one of most potent substances that I have ever encountered.

"Hey man, I didn't know these came in white!"

I could see him sniffling and his eyes tearing as well as the insane smile that covered his face. I spoke softly so as to not upset him.

"Adrian put the Habanero bush down...please."

He squinted at me and slowly pulled the bush of ulcer inducing peppers closer to his chest, only to start tearing up even more; whether from the spice or from happiness I couldn't tell, and that made the situation even more terrifying.

"No..." he said in a short tone.

I slowly reached out towards the bush and made as if to take it, only to have him jump back out of reach.

"MINE!" he yelled before jumping onto the carcass of the manticore and planting the bush on its back like a flag.

I sighed and felt a shiver run down my back. There was no arguing with him over something like this, but I could at least try to keep him from killing half of our makeshift allies.

"Ok...ok," I said gently trying to calm him down before I became the target of one of the hottest peppers known to man.

He gave me a crazy smile and slowly climbed off of the carcass. I walked slowly to him to give him a hand in pulling the sled but he refused, keeping the rope hugged close to his body like a stubborn child refusing to give up his bottle.

I sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day. I have never understood how Adrian could go from being someone who can tear you apart in a debate, to the mentality of a 5 year old when it came to food.

I could tell one thing for certain though, if I didn't want to go hungry tonight I would have to deal with one of the worst cases of stomach acid I have ever had in the morning, if not the middle of the night.

"Oh ho ho ho..." *rustle rustle*

'Oh god damn it all! What now?!'

I turned once again fully expecting to see that Adrian had disappeared once again. Instead I saw that almost all of the free space on the sled had been taken up by piles of berries, fruit, and other local plant-life that I would not like to mention.

"Adrian? Where did..."

"Hey mate, can we take a break? The colorful rainbow trees are hurting my eyes...nice horns by the way."

'Oh sweet mother of all that is holy!’

He started shaking as a peal of insane laughter left the gaping maw that was his mouth. Looking closer, I could see that his pupils had practically engulfed his eyes.

I shook my head slowly and started to rub my temples to attempt to alleviate some of the growing pressure.

This was going to be a long night...




I suddenly found myself shakily gutting the manticore muttering nonsense under my breath. All I could recall was me foraging for berries and spices to add to the manticore.

I looked around and smiled as I bent over to the creature's head, looking around once more I grabbed one of the white habanero peppers I found and stuck it in my mouth as I licked the beast's head.

"Delicious" I said to myself as I got up to find Michael staring at me in shock…I smiled.

"Did I just see what I fucking think I saw?"

I chuckled and carried on with the cleaning of the carcass without further acknowledgement of his inquiry.

"Are you sure you don't want to stick around while I season dinner?" I said as I waved a milder green habanero in his face.

He immediately began to cough and tear up, "I think I have some maps to *cough* look over" he said, coughing as he went, “Make sure not to incapacitate everyone with the food…*cough*

I shrugged and crushed the pepper I was holding to begin rubbing it into the meat of the creature, along with some herbs and a particular kind of mushroom which oddly was the last thing I sniffed before blacking out earlier. However, as soon as I rubbed the mushrooms on the spice soaked meat, green smoke began to spew from the meat as the fungi seemed to disintegrate.

‘Hmmm…seems like the shrooms don’t agree with the Habanero…what a waste’

"Great" I muttered as I tossed away the remainder of the mushrooms. Moving on, I began to rub in the makeshift stuffing that I had created (out of garlic, pepper, onion, mint, sage, and some rosemary) rubbing it on every last internal morsel of the meat. This continued as I progressed, preparing the feast.

When I was done I began asking around for volunteers, very unsuccessfully though, every creature I approached began running from me as if I had a tear gas cloud orbiting around me.

I shrugged and returned to the carcass to put in on a spit, and move it over to the bonfire that the natives had prepared.

"Well I'll get no help here," I said loudly enough for those around me to hear, "I guess I'll just go get Mikail…"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone!
Since the Ghost is away, the Soviet shall play..isn't that right?
Anyways, since he's out and put me in charge of monitoring his account, I decided to put up the next chapter of War Games. Pardon me if it seems like some things are missing. i tried to make it so that it seemed as if Ghost had gone over the story with a fine toothed comb. I'm not sure if he thought that this chapter was ready yet, but I do first and think later, and in editing the chapter noticed that I had added another 1.5k words to th chapter.
hopefully he doesn't kill me for doing this.
If you all have any questions about the story or see something that needs to be changed, then go ahead and send the pm's to this account. Ghost trusted me with it, so I'm pretty sure you alll can trust me, at least until it comes to the subject of food.
Also as to how I got the documents, cause I know that someone will ask...I am currently at his house using his computer, and eating his food. It is okay for me to do this as he gave me a key for the door...even though his dog tries to kill me if I don't bring him a bone.

There's really nothing else for me to say, except that I'm to copy over the other documents that he has for War Games and see if I can't continue while he's away. I'll give him calls when I can concerning were the story is going.

I AM NOT the Fimfiction user Soviet Bacon.
I respect him and like his story, but I DO NOT have a Fimfiction account! so don't go looking for me.

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