• Published 12th May 2017
  • 174 Views, 14 Comments

  ×✖× ×✖×   - silverspawn

Rarity is visited by an old friend

  • ...
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Comments ( 13 )


am I mistaken or isn't "solidarity" rather close to the opposite of solitude

No, this is an example of me messing up the meaning of two words because of the way I learned the language & how my brain works. Thanks.

Hmm... I can't really say that I "get" it. Is it, perhaps, something about a theme of "accepting death is nonsensical and meaningless"?

Haha, no, for once this has nothing to do with the singularity.

It's simpler... I was on a train ride home, listeneing to this song and suddenly imagined a story where the lyrics happen. No explanation, no reason, just out of nowhere and boom, done. (I imagine Fluttershy narrating.) It probably tickles some unsatisfied morbid part of me...

Damn. 10/10 on the fridge horror scale.

.......What the?

What is going on? Then again I skimmed through this story. While skimming this story, I didn’t understand what was going on but as far as I could tell, it had good grammar, punctuation and overall good writing. Now I’m going to read it more slowly.

This is going on. >L<

Also, thanks :raritywink:

I was listening to the song before I started to read the story more slowly and thoroughly. The song was obviously about life after death using lines such as ‘see with our new eyes’ and ‘we want to see’. Most people would fear death but this song takes a complete 180 on that. The words Sea and waves are used a lot in this song. ‘Tumbling in the waves’ and ‘The sea treated us kind’ must be symbolic for life. Life can be kind to you but in the sea, waves are everywhere. The waves are probably symbolic for hardships in life(the sea). ‘And tumble in the waves to die with the earth all around’ to be struggling with the hardships of life just to die. In this song, the hardship seems to be with a loved one with the line ‘And when knew this was the point when we would meet for real’. This song further proves with the continuous use of ‘we’ and ‘us’. Back to the line ‘when we would meet for real’ hints in the after life. I could be farther from the truth and completely wrong about the song and the story but it does have a beautiful yet sad meaning to it, as far as I understood it.

Also how do you have 8 dislikes out of 17 people who decided to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down? This story has a beautiful yet sad meaning behind it if people looked deep in it. Most of those dislikes are probably from confused pre-puebesents who couldn’t get a deeper meaning of porn if they could.

On the connection of quality to downvote ratio, I’ve updated over time from ‘quite strong’ to ‘eh kinda related, at least in one direction’ to ‘basically zero.’

The worst story I’ve ever read ever with god-awful grammer had I think 30/1 or something before I downvoted it, which is unbelievable. (And when I say awful I mean awful, not bad.) My own most popular story has 39/4, and I consider it one of the weakest things I’ve published. Certainly not as well written as this one. Meanwhile, my friend RawCringe has primarily red stories, and his stuff is all well edited, well written, and mostly well thought out.

Case in point, most people don’t downvote based on not liking something. Most people downvote based on – this is a complicated question and I’m sure I won’t get it quite right, but I can at least give an answer that is much closer to the truth – status.

Basically, the question you need to ask is “is the author’s status sufficiently high to allow for the story’s weirdness?” RawCringe is not high status because his stories are blatantly ‘troll’ fics – therefore they suck, never mind that they are technically superior to 95% of stuff on here. I’m not sufficiently high status on this story because I’ve done nothing to signal status. This story is actually shocking; the twist is actually a surprise. That is not a popular thing to do.

If you want to write a popular dark story, you have to do it like this. This story signals being “serious” because 1) it is very direct about being horror 2) it has a matching title, cover image, and description, 3) it is not very weird, only dark 4) it is decently written 5) it takes its time getting to the horror stuff, and does it all in a fairly predictable, straight-forward way.

I downvoted that story; it wasn’t bad but it bored me and I felt let down, because I wanted to be scared and it didn’t deliver. But It nonetheless has 1700/24, over 98% green... because it’s very high status and not actually that weird or experimental. It had about one overt spelling error per chapter, which is worse than what you’ll find in my stories... or RawCringe’s.

.out.of.character. is actually weird and doesn’t do as much to signal status – it does some things, though – but in this case the author is sufficiently high status for it to be acceptable. This is a case where if a new account had published this, it’d probably be red – perhaps not just because skirts is legitimately ridiculously skilled in terms of technical writing... but probably anyway... it would at least definitely be much redder than it is currently.

Another example, I recently published a super weird story (much weirder than even this) which is also decently written on an alt account. It was red, as expected, but how exactly it went was very interesting: from about 5/10 to 5/21, so the first 15 votes were 33% green and the following 11 0%. In that case, the additional loss of status from being downvoted caused it to receive numerous additional downvotes, and I’d bet that most didn’t even read it. Moreover, I also wrote a post about about the Simulation Hypothesis there which related to the story: the post was well argued – at least compared to other stuff I write – and very polite, and it got 0/3. This would never ever have happened had I posted it in another context and with another account, I am almost certain of that.

And conversely, if you do not signal high status but write something very normal, you will also not get a lot of downvotes, because who would downvote this poor new author who’s really trying?! That’s just mean! Come one! Oh the story has awful grammar and is a complete trainwreck? ... yeah but the author is cute and trying, that’s what matters! I’m not challenged and I can feel morally and technically superior if I do not downvote it, so why should I??

So... yeah. People don’t go “do I like this,” they go “is this author allowed to do this?” Which is as sad as it sounds... and this behavior is not limited to FimFiction, either. Relevant.

Hm, I just explained my entire model for story reception to you. I had planed to make this a blog post...

You are completely right. I have the same problem like your friend RawCringe, I made a troll fic for this New Years celebration but I got heavily down voted and my story was revoked. Apperantly if it got revoked once, it can’t be submitted even if it passes the standards to be published on the site. The worst part was that I put random shit but I heavily edited it and look over it. It took me a total of about 10 minutes to make but most of the time was spent on editing and polishing the story. While 10 minutes doesn’t sound like a lot. It was a decent story as I did get positive comments but I got many downvotes at the same time. I also have a similar problem as you as well. My first story is doing good but I really can’t say I enjoyed making it as I did my second story. I enjoyed making my second story but it got so many downvotes compared to upvotes. With my first story, I have many more upvotes than I do downvotes. I deleted my second story and I was sad. To see something I enjoy working on being bashed on while the story I don’t enjoy working on as much does better.

Scott, this was great.

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