• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 337 Views, 1 Comments

Aurum - Golden Dash

Two strange figures found the CMC out in the forest and no one knows who or what they are.

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The Everfree Forest, 3:00pm, Timberwolves: 3 fillies

On their own.

"Are y'all sure that we should be here Scoots?" Asked a southern accented yellow earth pony filly with a blood-red mane wearing a matching red bow and amber eyes, earning an annoyed stare from her companion. Her friend, a pegasus, also a filly with a dark purple mane and tail, a brownish-orange coat and light violet irises.
"Of course we should be here Apple Bloom! The Everfree forest is the perfect place for us three to find our cutiemarks. Right Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo said irritated at her scared friend, looking for support from their last attendee. A unicorn filly with a white coat, a purple mane and tail with rose pink streaks and green eyes.
"I don't know Scootaloo, I agree with Apple Bloom on this one. I mean, didn't we learn the last time we were here from that there cockatrice accident?" She replied worriedly, taking Apple Bloom's side for danger.

"Oh come on, are you serious?! Do you really not want to get your cutiemarks and instead get bullied by Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon for the rest of your lives?" Argued Scootaloo, looking very angry at her two friends.

"Well, Ah guess you have a point Scoots but Ah have just one tiny question: Where in the hay are we?" Looking around themselves, they found themselves in an unknown part of the forest, even in this dangerous area there are parts of it that have been explored, but not this one. They were utterly, and truly lost, and when you are in the deadliest forest known to ponykind, you're screwed.

amongst each other, namely blaming Scootaloo who was the self-appointed leader, the three fillies decided to go to the closest place they know that would be safe; the zebra, Zecora's hut. They didn't make it to the hut though for two reasons:
1. They went in the exact opposite direction to the hut and
2. Even if they did go the right direction, lingering in the shadows were their predators and even physical form of their nightmares, Timberwolves.
Timberwolves that were currently surrounding the Cutiemark Crusaders. The numbers between them vastly outmatched the three children, by about 10:1. Terrified for their lives, the CMC try to run away screaming from the savage canines only to fail because they were flanked from all sides.
"Well y'all, it's been great knowin' ya." Said Applebloom as the timberwolves came closer towards them.

"Same here." Said the other two.

Preparing for their imminent deaths, the three young fillies cuddled close together hoping it would be swift. But what do you say to the god of death when you still have a full life ahead of you?


A melody began to ring throughout the forest, stopping all actions. Even the timberwolves stopped to hear what was going on. Chatting amongst themselves, the little fillies began to wonder who or what was creating the sound and where it was coming from. Their answer came from the shadows once more, two strange beings wearing large, black cloaks with hoods that covered all of their appearances aside from their outer figure while playing two violins were walking towards them, showing no hesitation in their steps.
The timberwolves, upon seeing the newcomers, attacked on sight believing they were predators about to take their kill. Two wolves went after the bigger one first, but the being kept on playing it's violins simply kicking the oncoming wolves away from it and back to their pack with no trouble whatsoever. Ten wolves were sent next, once more being kicked metres away from the strange beings but the timberwolves showed no signs of stopping the onslaught. All of the remaining wolves plus the ones that had recovered enough were preparing to attack for the kill.

But still the beings played their music.

All at once did the timberwolves attack. Going for all possible areas, vital and non-vital, they collided with their targets. Or so they thought when they realised they only collided with each other. The cloaked figures jumped at the last second to avoid the fangs of solid wood, suspended in mid-air, you could swear one of the beings was smiling. But the violin still played and the figure's legs were swayed, colliding with every branch limb of the wolves. From an outside perspective, like the Cutiemark Crusaders for example, the cloaked figure looked like it was dancing instead of fighting.
In a mere matter of minutes, it was over. Timberwolves lay everywhere, broken, battered and bruised, glowing green sap of what could be their blood sprayed all over the trees and ground. Ending up in front of the three fillies with its back turned, was their mysterious saviours who had finished playing their song. 30 timberwolves were put down in a three minute melody, only one word came to the figure's mind and out its mouth.
"Nice." It said. The smaller figure then turned around to the three children who the bigger just saved. "Are you three okay? Nothing hurt?" She asked, worry in her voice.

"Ye-yeah, we're fine. And it's all thanks to ya two!" Said Apple Bloom with relief filling her voice.
"That. Was. AWESOME!! You were all like 'Pow!', 'Whack!' and that was only with your legs! Still not as awesome as Rainbow Dash though." Said a rather overexcited Scootaloo who just five seconds ago was about to be killed, earning blank stares from everyone and everypony around her.

"Excuse me for saying this little one but what part of you being in the Everfree alone and nearly getting mauled to death by a pack of timberwolves awesome? Does this Rainbow Dash teach you to go waltzing into the most dangerous forest to ponykind?" The bigger one said with a tone that could kill, directing it at the tomboy. In response, the little girl just hung her head in shame and looked to the floor feeling very upset.

"Look, what happens if you come here again and someone or somepony else isn't here to protect you? Next time you may not be so lucky. You have to understand the consequences of your actions. One wrong move and it can cost you your lives, much like myself." He, the bigger figure, said ending his words in a whisper. "Let's get you girls home okay? The nearest town isn't very far from here. Just stay close to me and I'll keep you safe alright?"

The three fillies nodded, not wanting something like that to happen once more. The trip was pretty much completely safe except for one manticore that thought they were trespassing. Didn't take much for the big cloaked figure to beat it though, after avoiding its scorpion tail, three punches to the abdominal region and a knee to the face was all that was needed to knock out the wild beast.

The little girls couldn't stop themselves from bombarding them with questions, who they were, how were they so strong, where they were from, etc. they only answered one question though, they gave them their names, or what the fillies thought was their names: 'Gold' and 'Sky Maiden'. The trio were so awestruck thinking how cool and awesome his name fit with Gold's awesome strength. Eventually, they all made it out of the Everfree and made their way into town of Ponyville. But before entering said town, Sky Maiden asked the three young ones to not interfere with what might happen, confusing the children.

The outcome for the two was to be expected as they entered the settlement, stares. Stares of worry, stares of fear, stares of anger, you name it. They even received a stare of bewilderment and happiness from a certain aquamarine mare. The fillies behind Sky Maiden were a bit worried by the town's reaction towards them but she simply said to them without looking that it was fine, that she was used to this. To add insult to injury, literally, Gold was delivered a speeding kick to the side of his head from a cyan and rainbow coloured blur. His body was sent flying for a few metres, falling face-first into the ground.

"Take that ya freak! You won't be terrorising my home anytime soon with the great Rainbow Dash around. So you better stay down if you know-" said the rainbow-maned pegasus with triumph in her voice but was to be disappointed when she saw the monster she had just kicked, with her full strength, stand back up with very little trouble. In response, Gold simply cracked his neck and turned to face his attacker.

"Listen, I'm not here to cause trouble." He said with a small frown that could be seen under the hood he was wearing. Rainbow Dash for her part was both amazed and furious as to how the intruder (in her mind anyway) could just stand up after her strongest kick and come back like it was nothing. Afraid that he could attack her friends and family, Rainbow set off like a bullet to face her enemy, exchanging blow after blow. This was another thing Rainbow Dash was amazed by, he could keep track of all her moves and dodge them accordingly, he was as fast as her when it came to fighting. All Rainbow Dash thought was just who were these two?

Author's Note:

So, this is probably not the best time for a story about wendy but with what just happened she deserves to be happy, dang it!

Comments ( 1 )

This Is my first story so feel free to put down any errors you find with my grammar. Constructive criticism only please.:heart::twilightsmile:

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