• Member Since 19th May, 2015
  • offline last seen June 9th


Have you ever wanted to sit down and write? Well, I have. Curse my muse. Why does everything I work on take so long?


There is no plot to the works I put on this story. All chapters are part of a three hour challenge. For anyone who wants to know the rules, they are as followed:
1. Throw on some music. The more diverse the tracks the better. Be sure to randomize it if you can. (I prefer Pandora for this challenge.)
2. Between the five, choose one. Try to make your chapter reflect the song in some way. Get creative.
3. Three hours max! Spend the time as you like. Some people like to spend an hour planning. Others, like myself, make a chapter on a whim. We're all different so there is no right or wrong way to do it.
4. While not a rule per say, its best to challenge yourself. (Hence the key word 'challenge'.) Try things you normally wouldn't. Maybe you're bad at something and want to improve. This is a good way to do so.
Now, for the works I submit, I include everything within my three hours. Spelling and grammar included just as a heads up. Still, I try and leave thirty minutes to review so hopefully only few errors remain.
I hope to hear some excellent criticisms from everyone. The titles will always be the name of the song and artist I use for my challenges.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

Hey killer I really hope you get to posting more. This was an awesome peice and in only 3 hours, concept and all? The spelling and grammar were minimal and overall I love it. The tone is so dark and unsettling in a way I'm sure many people could relate even if the situation is foreign. Just to have a slow build up into a huge emotional payout that leaves questions of the past wide open and so much room for a future story but ties such a neat bow on the conflict presented that it's nothing less then a gift to the fandom. Cheers!!

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