• Published 27th Nov 2011
  • 8,211 Views, 260 Comments

Purple Skies - WinterTwister

  • ...

Day 4 of the Festival. Part 1

Spike was walking from Sweet Apple Acres in the moonlight with a large smile on his face. 'I can't believe she likes me too! I owe alot of thanks to Soarin'.' Spike couldn't wait to tell Soarin' the news, but he heard a roar from the road ahead. He strained his eyes to see headlights coming his way. A grey Delorian screeched to a halt in the middle of the road he was traveling on, the door opened horizontally and inside he saw Pinkie Pie.

"Spike! Get in!" Pinkie said in an alarming tone.

"What? Pinkie where did you get this thing?"

"No time! You have to get in Spike, its your kid!"

"My what?" Spike said as he slid into the car.

"In the future you and AppleJack have a kid, and hes in danger right now."

"What? How are we going to get to the future?"

"By traveling at 100 miles per hour and then activating the Flux Capacitor."

"Um.. I don't think this thing can even reach 100 miles per hour, especially not now, there's not enough road to accelerate on."

Pinkie smiled and turned to Spike."Roads? Where were going...we don't need roads." The Delorian started hovering into the air with Spike panicking in the passenger seat.

The landscape had changed as Spike looked outside after recovering from the flash that illuminated around them.

"Pinkie is this really the future?" The night had turned into day after the blinding flash.

"Yes, and we have to find you kid very soon."

"Do I get to meet my kid?"

"As long as your disguised as your future self, then yes."

"What do I look like?"

"Taller, stronger, and you have wings."

"How do I do that?"

"There's some stilts,fake wings, and clothes in the back. Put them on."

Spike did as he was told and put on the attire Pinkie had left for him in the back of the delorian.

"Hows this?"

"Perfect." Pinkie said as she landed the Delorian on the ground. "Okay, lets get going Spike."

Spike and Pinkie exited the Delorian and started walking towards future Ponyville. After a few moments of walking, a ball of fire struck the ground a few yards in front of them.

Spike took a few steps back in fright. "Pinkie are those normal..?"

Pinkie had an angry look on her face. "No.. Get behind me Spike!"

A figure emerged from the crater the ball of fire had made. It was a metallic pony that slowly walked towards Pinkie and Spike. "Come with me John..."

"No! I wont let you take him!"

"Who's John!"

"Don't play dumb. You're coming with me, John." The metallic pony said as he continued his advance.

"Hold it right there, Mate!" A pony wearing an outback style jacket jumped out of the bushes.

"Prepare to be terminated." The metallic pony turned to the strange Australian pony and tried to tackle him.

The Australian pony jumped over and landed on top of the metallic pony. "This ones a fighter, he is!" he said while the metallic pony tried to buck him off.

The Australian pony grabbed a wire that was on the neck of the metallic pony and ripped it out of it's neck. He jumped off of the metallic pony as it fell to the ground.

"Thanks for saving us!" Pinkie said with a smile.

The Australian ponies accent changed as he kept his back turned away from Spike and Pinkie Pie. "I didn't want that tin-can taking that kid out." The Australian pony turned around with his hoof inside of his jacket. "If anyone's going to do it, its going to be me." He pulled out a metal object that flicked out into a red double sided beam sword, while doing this he also splattered red paint on his face.

"Hes a Sith!" Pinkie yelled in anger

"Whats a Sith?" Spike said, his fright returning.

"Get ready to become one with the compulsion." He charged at them spinning his beam sword.

A strange ticking noise entered the air, the noise had stopped the rampaging pony in his tracks, just inches away.

"No...." The pony turned his head towards the direction of the ticking noise.

Suddenly a large alligator emerged from the forest knocking over several trees and scooping up the pony his his mouth.

The alligator turned to Pinkie, who was giggling.

"Thanks Gummy!" Pinkie bounced over and petted the enormous alligator on the nose.

Spike just stood, completely confused from the actions that took place in that 5 minuet span. "I-is that r-really Gummy?"

The alligator returned into the forest and Pinkie bounced back to Spike. "Of course! Hes huge in the future, he grew far above average size because of all the love I gave him."

"He just ate that guy!"

Pinkie laughed. "Don't worry hes fine! Gummy only swallows people to give them a time-out."


The Australian pony landed in the stomach of the alligator. "How am I supposed to get out of here?"

"You don't lad." Said a pony across the stomach, he had a hooked hoof and wore a large red hat over his frilly mane.

"So what now?"

"Just wait till he decide to let us go. Care to join me in a chess match? I've been wanting an opponent for some time now."

"I got nothing else to do." The pony walked over to the pirate pony and they began the chess match.

(30 minuets later)

"Checkmate!" Said the pirate pony.

"Crickey! You're good at this."

A small wooden pony had walked up to them, entering from the back of the stomach.

"Hello sirs, is this a giant whale?"

"No, sorry there lad, this be an alligator." After the pirate said this a ticking noise went off in the stomach and he put his hoof over his ear and the other almost poking his ear with a hook. "That infernal noise!!"


"Wow, Gummy sure got big!" Spike said, still amazed at the sight of Gummy.

Pinkie continued to giggle. "Yeah! Most ponies call him the big green alligator now." Pinkie returned to her earlier serious face. "We better get going if we are going to save your kid, Spike."

"Right." Spike said walking to Pinkie's side.

They continued to walk on the road, but then they heard the Delorian roar behind them. It screeched into a halt and opened up. A large, very furry, pony beckoned them inside the Delorian while also pointing at the horizon where they saw an army of robots heading their direction.


Pinkie pointed to the delorian. "Get to the deloriahhnn!"

"I'm not getting into the car with that thing!" He said while pointing at the furry pony.

"He's harmless, now get in!"

Spike jumped into the Delorian and Pinkie started shooting a beam pistol at the charging droids as she dived in after Spike. She had also been wearing a Tru-Spec Street Ready BDU Coat while shooting the pistol.

"Start going!" Pinkie yelled while taking aim at the droids again.

The Delorian lifted into the sky again and started flying through the air at high speed. They eventually stopped in an open field and Pinkie and Spike got out again.

"Why didn't we do that in the first place?" Asked Spike.

"It's complicated time-travel stuff." Pinkie said while leading Spike further into the field. "There's your son." she pointed to a small dragon in the center of the field.

"Is he alright?" Spike said looking concerned to see him in the grass with his eyes closed.

"He will be. Take him this box." Pinkie handed Spike a light box.

Spike quickly moved next to the dragon and tried to make his voice a bit deeper. "Son?"

The dragon shot up from his nap. "Whoa dad, you scared me."

Spike handed him the box. "Here take this, it will help you on your journey."

The dragon took the box and opened it, inside was a sandwich. "Whew! Thanks dad, I was getting hungry."

Spike's eye twitched at what he saw. 'A Sandwich!?'. "Okay son, I'll see you later." Spike hurried back to where Pinkie was hiding.

"Pinkie! Did we really come all this way into the future and past all this crazy stuff just to give my son a sandwich!" Spike was really annoyed.

"Yep! Now lets get you back to the past." Pinkie hopped back to the Delorian.

Spike followed still angry about what Pinkie had made him go through.

"Take us back will you please?" Pinkie said to the hairy pony.

He nodded and started speeding off and activating the flux capacitor.

The day turned into night as the flash went off, taking them back to their previous time. The door opened and Spike was ready to get out of the Delorian he was stopped by a new voice. He looked into the back and saw Pinkie sitting next to two ponies, one was wearing a large amount of gold chains, and the other an army helmet with 4 stars on it.

"Always remember kid, don't be a fool!" Said the pony with the gold chains.

"Son, always remember, no son of a bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. They won the war by making the other son-of-a-bitches on the enemy side, die for their country." The pony with the helmet saluted to Spike with his crop whip.

That small speech made Spike salute back without thinking. "Yes sir!"

"At ease. Now get home."

It was Pinkie's turn to say bye. "Well Spike.. it looks like.." Pinkie put on her sunglasses. "We went for quite the ride." After she said this a distant yell went off, but Spike had been through enough tonight to ignore it.

The Dalorian's doors closed and flew off, and as it did, a thought finally entered Spike's mind. 'What the hay just happened?'.

Authors note: Lol.