> Purple Skies > by WinterTwister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, I am happy with my life here in Ponyville. I have friends that are always there for me, the towns' population are all very nice ponies! What else could I possibly want?.....What else could I want? Each day goes by the same, I wake up, I meet my friends, I study, and then I go back to sleep. It's all wonderful and I thought it was everything I needed to be happy.. until recently. The days start to drag as I forgo my normal routine, each day growing staler and one day I decided to research why I was feeling in such a lonely manner, but to no avail towards the answer. I decided to start new routines, involving walks around Ponyville to relax me. During my walks I found myself usually annoyed with colts trying to 'pick me up'. I thought about the colts in Ponyville, none of them interested me, most of them were just annoying or just plain stupid. Big Macintosh was seemingly the only colt tolerable, he was strong and very polite, but he didn't really pique my interest. The concept however..did interest me.. I started to dream about having my own coltfriend, I found myself feeling something I never felt before in those dreams,I never wanted to wake up. In the daytime most of my reading had gone to my, usually overlooked, romance stories and I found myself constantly blushing as I replaced the main female character as myself; but as I finished reading I felt the emptiness once more so I always scattered to find another book to return the feeling. I realize that these are false feelings.. but they have kept me happy, but even as im happy I realize that I'm also sad for knowing the truth about the unreality. Will I ever find the colt of my dreams? > Hey, I'm Soarin'! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, my name is Soarin' and I live the fast life of being a WonderBolt! The speed, the wind in my mane, the adrenaline rushing through my body it's all I could ever want! Fans always cheering for me and I get several new friends a day, being a WonderBolt also pays very well...but recently I've felt...weird. Something is missing but I gave myself a headache trying to think about it. One day I was in a canterlot bakery ordering a pie when another WonderBolt came in to pick up an order. "More pie Soarin'? I think you would love pie more than a marefriend." The WonderBolt chuckled while teasing him. I just stood there at what he said, was that my answer? A marefriend? The thought of it made me smile and feel good again..yes! That must be the answer to my problem! Later that day I was in my bed thinking about a marefriend, I guess I had a large selection because I had just noticed how many of my fans were single mares.. I didn't want just any mare, I wanted one that I could have a deep connection with. I thought of the WonderBolt's members, the mares that were in the WonderBolts didn't interest him, they were too laid back and most of them already had coltfriends. I thought about SpitFire, she was my best friend, of course she was awesome but I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. After thinking about it I thought I might never find my special audience.. I hope one day that I do. > Preparations. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was reading one of her favorite romance books 'Above and Beyond' Blushing at the page the was reading and felt slightly angry towards the knock that came from her door and snapped her out of the trance she was so thoroughly enjoying. Twilight walked downstairs and opened the door to Rarity and Rainbow Dash. "You're not going to stay cooped up in that house forever are you, Twilight?" Rainbow said while flying into the library. "Yes, you should come outside darling! I cannot allow you to turn pale from the lack of sunlight." Rarity said smiling. "Sorry, guys you know how my studies occupy me." Twilight just said plainly. "Ha ha! Yeah studies.." Rainbow was reading the page Twilight was on before she answered the door. Twilight stuttered a bit while trying to grasp the book with her magic. "H-hey! Give that back!" Rainbow finally stopped moving away from Twilight's aura after finishing the page. "I don't like romances anyway." she said while the book was being carried away by the glow. Twilight placed the book back on the shelf while blushing with embarrassment. "Please don't look through my stuff upstairs, Rainbow." "Sorry, I was just curious to what you were 'studying'.." Rainbow said putting emphasis on the word, studying. "Well please don't do that again." Twilight said looking away from Rainbow in annoyance. "Twilight my dear, there's nothing wrong with reading romance stories, I read them myself from time to time." Rarity said while putting her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. Before Twilight could say something Rainbow Dash landed right next to them. "Well, we should go outside and help with the decoration." "Decoration?" Twilight asked. "Yeah for the Welcome Summer Festival. Ponies from all over come to Ponyville to celebrate it." Rainbow told her. Twilight had forgotten all about the festival. "Yes! Come darling, you must come and aid us at town square!" Rarity said while pulling Twilight from her hoof out the door. "Okay, that sounds fun.. I could use some exercise." She said while squinting from the sun's harsh rays. The three mare's had walked to the town square and Twilight saw as the mayor was directing ponies on where to add streamers and balloons. They went up to the mayor and rarity was the first to ask. "We are here now, where do you need us?" She said while smiling. "I need you three over at Sweet Apple Acres to help out the apple family, we have much to do before the festival starts tomorrow!" The mayor said while turning to direct more ponies. "Awesome, this year's festival is going to be..well..awesome! I heard the WonderBolts are even coming this year!" Rainbow dash already started day-dreaming about them. "That does sound fantastic, does it not Twilight?" Rarity asked, also excited for the festival. "It sure does. We should hurry over and help Apple Jack." Twilight said, anxious to get busy with the preparations. The three mare's started on their way to Sweet Apple Acres. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The WonderBolts were all circling the air and then came down in a large single-file spiral and each landed in a perfect line. The one that landed first flew in front of the line of the WonderBolts. "Great job guys, I think we are all set for the Welcome Summer Festival!" SpitFire said with a smile on her face. The WonderBolts cheered and congratulated each other. SpitFire enjoyed watching the team perform perfectly and it always made her happy to see the team so tightly-knit as friends, but she noticed a WonderBolt looking down at the ground. She walked over to see what was troubling him. "Hey Soarin', whats up?" SpitFire asked. "Oh.. it's nothing.. just got alot on my mind, that's all." Soarin' said while looking up from the ground. "Yeah, the stress can be killer. We can all relax after we open the festival tomorrow." SpitFire said hoping to make Soarin' feel better. "Yeah..relax.." Soarin' returned to looking at the ground. SpitFire decided not to say anything else to him, seeing that she couldn't change anything and returned to the front of the line of WonderBolts. "Alright, everpony rest up for tomorrow, we need to be at our best for the festival." All of the WonderBolts flew off heading to their HQ to rest up for tomorrows big event. AN: This is my first true shipping Fan-Fic, If a Character is out of his/her normal behavior feel free to warn me so I can fix it. > Day 1 of the Festival. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mayor readied the microphone at the town square, and then cleared her throat. "Ladies and Gentlecolts! I now announce the Welcome Summer Festival now open!" The town square was flooded with ponies all cheering at the week-long festival beginning. "Now without further adieu...I give you... The WonderBolts!" The mayor said as she raised her hooves in the air and the WonderBolts shot up in the air from behind town hall and started widening their lines. The WonderBolts all flew off in several directions in a star pattern but then turned around and started flying in a circle that made a weak tornado with lightening sparking out of it. Then WonderBolts stopped the rotation and the tornado followed afterwards and exploded sending shock waves of air in all directions. The WonderBolts ended their performance by flying in a single-file line in a tight spiral and landing in order with perfect landings. The crowd went wild at the end of the performance, all cheering on the WonderBolts. Twilight was in awe at the performance stomping along with he crowd in a smile. She could tell why Rainbow Dash obsessed so much about the WonderBolts. Twilight scanned the WonderBolts to see the talented pegasi's faces. She stopped at a single WonderBolt that was near the end of the line, her heart skipped a beat while watching him wave at the crowd. Her gaze was glued to the sight of the colt and his bright smile. Soarin' landed and closed his eyes until he heard the sound of the crowds cheering before he opened them up. He heard the raging screams of the crowd so he started waving at his fans with a smile on his face feeling loved. He scanned the crowd while waving at them to see the faces of his fans that he enjoyed entertaining. Soarin' almost did a double take when he saw a lavender pony in the crowd, it felt as if he was in slow motion as he connected eyes with the mare. His jaw dropped slightly at the beauty of the lavender unicorn and time moved slower than before, it felt as if an invisible line was pulling him towards her. He fixed his dropped jaw and smiled even harder than before at the mare, but his heart sank as she tore her eyes away and started walking away from the large crowd. 'No...' Twilight was in a locked gaze with the WonderBolt who she thought was staring right back at her, she couldn't find the ability to move. She felt time itself stop as they connected eyes and that beautiful few seconds felt as if it lasted hours. Twilight blinked her eyes and thought to herself. 'No.. he can't possibly be interested in me...hes a super star and im a nopony...' Twilight started to tear up a little and decided to get away from the crowd in case her crushed hopes would start to show. She made her way out of the crowd and started into a gallop after feeling her heart break from her thoughts about the colt. Soarin' just starred at where the mare had just been, feeling his heart yearning to meet the mare. 'Is she the one I have been hoping for...?' Soarin' redirected his attention to the front where SpitFire was giving her speech to the crowd "-and we hope to continue to entertain you ponies for a long time! Enjoy the festival!" SpitFire finished her speech and the crowd cheered again. SpitFire returned the microphone to the mayor and turned to her team. "Alright guys, lets have some fun!" The WonderBolts cheered as their captain released them to enjoy the festival. Soarin' was in a frantic mind-rack to think about what to do. He finally decided on a course of action and dove into the town hall. He removed his WonderBolt uniform and wore a jacket over his wings that he found on a coat hanger and started trotting out of the town hall in the direction he saw the mare leave. 'I have to find her!' Twilight had stopped galloping realizing how stupid she was. 'I didn't even talk to him.. what am I so worked up about? I should just enjoy the festival..' She turned around and started heading towards the attractions that the festival had to offer. Soarin' was searching all around Ponyville to find the lavender unicorn. There was one lavender unicorn he had spotted and from the back it looked like the real one, but it turned out to be a guy. Soarin' was still embarrassed from the encounter. Soarin' had been searching for about an hour now and started giving up hope. His heart sank and his pace moved from quick to very slow. He sulked into the art gallery, he always had appreciation for art and he hoped it might cheer him up. Soarin' walked into the art building and lifted his head up, and across the room he saw the most beautiful piece of art he had ever laid his eyes on. The lavender mare had a long flowing dark purple mane with red and light purple highlights, she was admiring art that was on the wall in front of her. Soarin' was awestruck at the sight of the mare and his jaw dropped again freezing in the entrance. Twilight was admiring the art along the wall, she stopped at a portrait of Princess Celestia. She stared at it for a few minuets remembering her times with the Princess, Twilight felt like she was being watched so she turned around and saw a colt in the doorway staring at her. She felt angry for a moment thinking it was just another perverted colt...but then as she connected eyes, realizing he was the WonderBolt, with him time once again slowed as they walked towards each other. Inch by inch they ignored the crowd around them and closed in on each other, Twilight stopped a few feet from the colt. "H-hello." Twilight stammered a bit while trying to speak. "...Hey..." Soarin' said, still not believing his eyes. Twilight gave her head a light shake and repeated herself with a smile. "Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle." Soarin' did the same and returned the smile with hope in his heart. "Hey, I'm Soarin'." They both starred at each other thinking of the same thing. 'This was who I was looking for...' Soarin' held his smile and thought to himself. 'Stupid! Say something!' "I..uh...I like art..." Soarin' forced himself to say. 'Idiot!' Twilight giggled. "Yeah, me too." 'Her laugh is so cute...Ugh! Say something else!' "Uh...Would you like to..um... talk?" Soarin' said, his mind blank. Twilight smiled and walked next to Soarin'. "Sure, where do you want to go?" "I'm new to this town, you should lead.." Soarin' said, hardly able to belive he was talking to her. "Okay, I think I know a quiet spot, follow me." Twilight said while smiling. The two weaved through the crowds that were enjoying the first day of the festival and they finally were freed from the sea of ponies. Twilight led Soarin' to Sugar Cube Corner, and they sat at some of the tables they had set out for people to use for the festival, to their luck they were inhabited. Twilight sat at one of the small tables and Soarin' sat across from her and they started to talk. "So are you really a WonderBolt?" Twilight asked with her eyes shining. With confidence Soarin' removed his jacket to show his wings. "Yeah.. it's a fun job." "That's incredible, I loved watching you fly today." Twilight said while clapping her hooves. "Yeah, I love flying more than anything." He paused for a moment and moved his hoof across the table to touch Twilight's hoof. "Well, I used to love it more than anything...." Twilight's eyes grew a bit while she blushed and looked down at Soarin's hoof over her own. 'It's just like in my books...' Twilight shivered a bit, the sun was setting and the cold night wind started to roll into town. Soarin' saw her shiver and moved to sit next to Twilight and he extended his wing over her shoulders. He smiled down at her as she moved closer to him and nuzzled the side of his chest. "..Thanks.." "No problem.." Twilight looked up at Soarin' he was a bit taller than she was, but she slowly started to lean towards his face. Soarin' did the same thing, slowly edging toward her face. Twilight tore away and felt embarrassed. 'No..I can't go too fast or I might scare him away...' "S-sorry..." "For what?" Soarin' was confused. "I didn't mean to do that.." Twilight looked down and fiddled with her hooves. "I-its getting late.. I better get home." Soarin' removed his wing and let Twilight get up. "Will I see you again tomorrow?" "Of course!" Twilight said before she walked away, she came back quickly and pecked Soarin' on his cheek before walking away again. Soarin' watched Twilight walk away, dumbstruck, after he came to his senses he almost jumped into the air with joy. 'She likes me! I better go to bed myself and rest up for tomorrow...' Soarin' flew up into the sky with grace as he thought about Twilight. > Day 2 of the Festival. Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight trotted home in the night with Soarin' on her mind. 'I don't know why I like him so much... maybe this is whats called a soul-mate? I remember reading about it in my book...' Twilight almost ran into the library door thinking about the precious few hours she had spent with Soarin' today. She entered the library and something inside of her snapped to realization. 'Wait, I kissed his cheek, is that alright? Is that still going to fast? What if i confused him?' Each word came faster than the last as she thought about it. She started grabbing every book on the subject 'dating' and 'colts' and started reading them in a frenzy into the night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soarin' walked out of his room in the very large apartment Ponyville had supplied them with and stretched his wings. He slept like a rock that night, he had a dream of himself with Twilight under a tree in Celestia's glorious sunlight, Twilight had her back to his chest as Soarin' leaned on the tree with Twilight in his hooves. They had said nothing the entire time and they had their eyes closed just enjoying each others company. He stood in his place focusing all of his thoughts on the dream, until a WonderBolt waved a hoof in front of his face. "Yo Soarin', you alright?" Soarin' only saw an image of himself and Twilight, but when he heard the voice the image diminished and he only saw a WonderBolt trying to get his attention. He gave his head a light shake. "Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff..." The WonderBolt laughed. "Well, we have some left-over pie from last night, you can have it for breakfast if you want it." Soarin' said something he never thought he would after being offered pie. "No thanks, I'm not hungry." The WonderBolt had wide-eyes, not ever expecting Soarin' to turn down pie. "Alright, I'll just save it for later then. Later." The WonderBolt trotted off into one of the bedrooms. Soarin' looked out of the window to see how early it was, the sun had recently risen. He had nothing to do, but was in luck that the Welcome Summer Festival started as soon as the sun did. He headed for the door and started to make a grab for his jacket but heard a voice behind him, it was SpitFire. "Hey Soarin', I told you to have fun, but not that much fun!" SpitFire said snickering at Soarin'. "What are you talking about, fire?" Soarin' felt nervous. "Not wanting pie, getting up early? I think you found someone special." SpitFire could read any of her teammates like an open book. Soarin' smiled and blushed a bit. "Yeah.. shes wonderful." "You should bring her by later so I can meet her!" SpitFire had a friendly smile on her face. "Alright, that sounds good.. I better get going" Soarin opened the door and put on his jacket that hid his wings. "Have fun!" SpitFire said, teasing him as he left the apartment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soarin' was enjoying the festival's attractions, the early competitions, the delicious food, and talking with a few fans that noticed him through his disguise every now and then. The whole time he was thinking about what he was going to do today with Twilight. He started thinking to himself. 'I hope I'm not pressuring her in anything..I don't know what I would do if I lost her, and we barely know each other...' Soarin' was giving himself a headache and decided to stop thinking and just walk around aimlessly. He started wondering away from the crowds, he wanted to see more of the town than just the festival. Soarin' noticed that he was being followed and turned around to see who it was, It was a rainbow maned pegasus that had a large smile on her face. "Soarin'? Is that you? I'm so glad to meet you! I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in Ponyvile!" Rainbow Dash landed next to Soarin. Soarin' smiled, he was always happy to talk with fans. "Hello Rainbow Dash, can I just call you rainbow?" Rainbow Dash smiled harder and moved closer to Soarin'. "You can call me anything you want Soarin'...I have some questions I want to ask." Soarin' was used to ponies in his personnel space so he just continued to smile. "Sure thing rainbow, shoot away." Rainbow Dash calmed down a little before she spoke again, keeping her voice steady and in an odd tone. "Well... ever since you joined the WonderBolts I've had.. well.. you could say a crush on you... and I was wondering.. If you had a marefriend?" This took Soarin' by surprise and his eye twitched a little. He couldn't speak right. "I.. uh-uh... um..." Rainbow edged a bit closer and fluttered her eyes a bit. "It's okay, I know I'm awesome.." Rainbow continued to lean closer to Soarin'. Soarin' was dumbstruck by the pegasus and her sudden actions and he couldn't move. 'Get away you idiot!' Rainbow Dash was centimeters from his face before Soarin' finally acted. "No! Please, I'm sorry, I do have a marefriend." Soarin' ran off and left Rainbow Dash there, confused, angry, and depressed. Soarin' was still confused about what had happened a few minuets ago. 'If I hadn't moved..Twilight wouldn't ever talk to me again.. I'm not going to screw this up, I'm going to find her and make sure she has the best day ever!' Soarin' started checking the moving crowds for the lavender mare, but gave up seeing as there were so many ponies. He decided to check the place that Twilight had taken him last night. Soarin' found Sugar Cube Corner from memory and saw that a few ponies were sitting at the benches, but no Twilight. Soarin' felt hungry so he walked inside the bakery to buy something to eat and he saw a cotton candy pink mare behind the counter. "Hi! Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, I'm Pinkie Pie, what can I get you?" Pinkie asked. "What do you recommend?" "Well, if you don't mind the wait I have some apple pie in the oven right now." "Yeah... that sounds fine." Soarin' was feeling a little down for not being able to find Twilight, and Pinkie noticed it. "Whats wrong?" "It's nothing..." Pinkie giggled. "You can tell me anything and I can help." "Well.. I have been looking for someone but I can't find her." "I know everypony in Ponyville, whats her name?" "Twilight Sparkle." Pinkie started laughing. "What?" "Shes one of my bestest friends! I can tell you where she lives if you want." Soarin' found his hooves on the counter leaning close to Pinkie. "Where?" "She lives in the library!" Pinkie smiled, but was surprised to see Soarin' running out the bakery. "Wait! Don't you want your...ugh. Lost another customer... Oh well!" Pinkie started cleaning the table while whistling a catchy tune. > Day 2 of the Festival. Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight slowly lifted up her head from the open book that was laid on the desk. She rubbed her eyes with her hooves and looked at the open book, it had a little drool on the page but she didn't care at the moment, her mind was still buzzing from the lack of sleep. "What time is it..?" She said out loud with a slight croak to her voice. "Past lunch." Spike said while bringing Twilight a glass of water. "Okay, thanks Spike.." Twilight started drinking the water, and in mid drink her eyes shot wide open and she started coughing. "What?!" "Yeah you were up all night reading, what did you expect?" Spike said coolly. Twilight's mind went from a buzz to a large reminder of her promise to Soarin'. She shot up the stairs and started grooming her mane and trying to fix her baggy eyes in the mirror. A knock came from the door and Twilight called to Spike. "Can you answer that Spike?" Soarin' trotted to the library, anxious to see Twilight again. He fixed his mane that was out of place from the rush before he knocked at the door. He waited a moment before the door was answered by a small dragon. "Hello, is Twilight home?" Spike eyed Soarin' suspiciously. "Who are you?" "I..uh.. I'm a friend of Twilight." Soarin' replied. "Okay one second." Spike turned and brought a claw to his face. "Twilight! There's a guy here to see you!" "Who is it?" Twilight yelled back. "It's me, Twilight." Soarin' said slightly raising his voice so she could hear him. "What?!" Twilight sounded rushed and a crash came from upstairs. Soarin' flew up to Twilight's room to see what the crash was. He saw Twilight on the ground next to a broken stool, rubbing her hoof. He ran to her side to see if she was alright. "Are you hurt?" Twilight tried to get up, but her front left hoof was injured. "Y-yeah.. umf...ahh!" She tried to get up again but collapsed on the hoof and hit the floor with a thud and started tearing up at the pain. Soarin' picked up Twilight and flew her downstairs. "Hey Spike, you got a first-aid kit?" Spike scrambled to go grab the medical supplies. Twilight looked up and saw that she had been carried down the stairs and was in Soarin's arms suspended in the air, he had a worried look on his face and Twilight blushed at the sight of him caring so much about her. Spike returned with the supplies and Soarin' sat Twilight down in a chair. Soarin' was holding Twilight's injured hoof and started poking at it in several areas. "Where does it hurt? .. here?" Twilight winced at the pain as he poked in the injured area of her hoof. "Spike hand me a medium splint, a bandage wrap and two safety pins." Spike did what he was told and Soarin' went to work to patch up the injury. It didn't take long for him to finish his work and let go of Twilight's hoof. Twilight tested the hoof on the ground and it held, she felt alot better. She looked up at Soarin' who still had a worried look on his face. "Thanks Soarin'... I feel alot better now." Twilight started blushing at Soarin'. He blushed back. "N-no problem... I really hate seeing you hurt..." They starred at each other intently, both with large smiles on their faces. Spike decided to take his leave from the room, but he kept the door to the next room slightly cracked. "Soarin'... I didn't know you cared this much about me.." "Of course I do.. your the best thing that's happened to me since I joined the WonderBolts." "But we hardly know each other..." "That's true.. but I can't help but feel like I lo-.....really like you." Soarin' remembered his thoughts about pressuring Twilight. Twilight's heart jumped. "I really like you too Soarin'....Maybe we can spend the day getting to know each other today? Unless you want to go to the festival that is..." Soarin' didn't care about the festival anymore. "I want to get to know you better, Twilight Sparkle. The festival is all-week, and I would rather spend time with you more than anything in the world." At that moment, Twilight forgot everything she read in her books and leaned forward into Soarin'. Soarin' was surprised at first, but the normal kiss turned into a passionate embrace. A loud gasp came from behind the door, but neither of them heard it. The world melted away and they entered a dark abyss that only showed Twilight and Soarin', to them, only the pony in front of them was all that mattered at the moment. They slowly retracted from each other after several moments of the intense passion, both with their eyes half closed from the bliss. They both tried to talk, but no words came out of their mouths, both unwilling to ruin the moment. Twilight felt as if her heart was going to jump from her chest, Soarin' felt the same way. They stayed in each others hooves for what felt like hours, just starring into each other's eyes. Twilight cleared her throat and pointed to the chairs. They both sat down and took each others hooves again over the table continuing to stare at each other. Twilight, still blushing, was the first to break the silence. "So what would you like to know?" Twilight and Soarin' talked for hours about their preferences, their childhoods, and exchanging stories about exciting events that had happened. Twilight told Soarin' about fighting NightMare Moon and Discord. Soarin' told Twilight about how he got into the WonderBolts and all of the things he did while being a WonderBolt. They talked the rest of the day away, and started moving into the night, but they had still kept the conversation going. Twilight would have never read a book again to stay with Soarin' and Soarin' could have never flied again as long as he was with Twilight. Hey guys, Winter Twister here, I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I am. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or any type of criticism, I'm wide open. ~Winter Twister. > Day 3 of the Festival. Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up to the morning sun, she had never slept that well before. She could hear the snores of Soarin' downstairs where she offered him to sleep that night. Twilight now knew a great deal about him, and it only increased her love of him. Twilight heard a knock at her door so she raced down to answer the door to prevent another knock that would wake Soarin', it was Rarity. "Good morning, Twilight. Are you all set?" Rarity said with a smile. "Set for what?" Twilight was confused. "My word, Twilight! You haven't forgotten have you?" "Uh... Maybe?" "Today is the Iron Pony competition and we promised AppleJack we would watch her compete!" Twilight remembered the promise she made to AJ while working at her farm before the festival. "Oh! I completely forgot! Let me go back upstairs and fix my mane." Twilight turned and started heading for the stairs before she heard a loud whisper from Rarity. "Twilight, who is this?" Rarity said while snickering and pointing a hoof at the snoring Soarin'. Twilight turned back around and went up to Rarity. "That's Soarin', don't wake him up please, he was awake all-night." Rarity blushed and giggled. "Doing 'what' exactly?" She had put alot of emphasis on the word what. Twilight was confused. "What do you mea-...." Twilight blushed and gave her head a shake. "No, Rarity, we didn't." Rarity continued to giggle. "Okay, Twilight. I believe you." Twilight knew she was lying, but ignored it and continued back up her stairs to use her mirror. Rarity looked over at the sleeping Soarin' and recognized him as a WonderBolt. 'Oh my.. how lucky Twilight is. I must tell the others later!' Twilight walked down her stairs. "Okay, lets get going Rarity." "You aren't just going to leave your dashing new coltfriend here on his own are you?" Twilight thought for a moment. "Here, I'll leave him a note telling him where we went." "I can't wait to meet him when he wake up." Rarity said while walking out of the door. "He's just wonderful, you'll love him." Twilight said while closing her door and joining Rarity on her way to the competition fields. Rarity brought her phillyish giggle back. "Now, Twilight, don't hold out on me, you must tell me 'everything' that had happened last night!" Twilight face hoofed and just sighed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (30 minuets later) Spike poked Soarin'. "Hey pal, wake up." Soarin yawned and turned over. "Just 5 more minuets..." Spike poked him again. "Hello?" Soarin' rolled over with a sleepy smile on his face. "Twilight?" "Nope." "Oh, well good morning uh.." "Spike." "Spike, Right." "You want anything to eat?" Soarin' felt his morning hunger set in and looked up at Spike. "If it's not too much trouble." "No problem, I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around often anyway." Spike turned to walk into the kitchen. Soarin' got up from the couch and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the table next to him and saw a small piece of paper, he picked it up and read it. Soarin', Sorry to leave you, but you were sleeping so well. I promised my friend AppleJack I would watch her compete today. Spike should offer you breakfast, hes a great cook! I'll be at the competition fields. ~ Love Twilight. Soarin' thought of Twilight after reading the note. He already missed her bright smile and beautiful mane. 'I should go soon to join her.' Spike called from the kitchen. "It's ready, I'll bring it to you at the table." Soarin' went to the table he found in another room and waited for Spike. Spike came into the room with a plate of pancakes and set them in front of Soarin'. Soarin' took a bite of the pancakes and his eyes lit up. "Spike these are delicious!" He started shoveling in the pancakes with a laugh from Spike. Soarin finished his pancakes and asked Spike, who was still eating. "Hey Spike, where are the competition fields?" Spike swallowed a mouth-full of pancake. "I'll take you there, I told AppleJack I would watch her today too." "Oh cool, is she your girl?" Spike choked on another piece of pancake. "N-no! .... well maybe. I'm not so sure... hey Soarin' can I ask a favor?" Soarin' raised an eye-brow. "Yeah?" "C-can you tell me how to talk to girls better?" Soarin' had never been asked this question before. "Oh..uh.. I have no idea, sorry." "But you and Twilight got together so fast, you sure you don't have any tips?" Soarin' thought for a moment. "Well, I guess if you really like her, stuff should play out just fine, just do whats natural!" Soarin' said smiling at Spike. Spike scratched the back of his head with a light smile. "Alright thanks, Soarin'." Spike grabbed his and Soarin's empty plate and took them to the kitchen. Spike came back and Soarin' stood up. "All set to go?" "Yeah lets go." Soarin' said while he and Spike exited the library. > Day 3 of the Festival. Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Soarin' had walked to the field together, telling their favorite jokes and getting to know each other. "So he said,Bunker? I hardly knew her!" Spike started laughing hysterically at one of his favorite jokes. Soarin' was enjoying getting to know the dragon, it was the first dragon he ever met and they quickly became good friends. They reached the competition fields and the games were just starting. The two looked over and saw that the first event was a lifting competition. Spike led Soarin' to the stands and they started watching the competition. Spike waved at AppleJack who was in-line for the lifitng sport, AppleJack waved back with a light blush. Twilight and Rarity had appeared next to them in the stands, Twilight took the seat next to Soarin'. "Hi, did you sleep well?" Twilight asked as she sat next to Soarin' "Yeah, and you were right, Spike is a great cook." Soarin' smiled and extended his wing over Twilight. Twilight snuggled close to Soarin' and then directed her eyes to AppleJack who was having her turn at the sport. "What sport is that?" Twilight whispered into Soarin's ear. "Shot-put." Soarin' replied Rarity leaned over and spoke. "Hello there Soarin', I'm Rarity." "Hello, Rarity." "I see that Twilight and yourself have found each other well, I hope you two have had alot of 'fun' latley!" Rarity said putting very slight, but very suggesting emphasis on fun. "Uh..yeah." Soarin' noticed the enthusiasm on the word fun and got slightly confused. "Just ignore those statements of hers, Soarin'." Twilight said as she nuzzled his chest. They had watched a few more events before Twilight had remembered something and turned to Rarity. "Rarity?" "Yes?" "Where's Rainbow?" Soarin' jumped slightly at the mention of Rainbow Dashes name. "I went to her home earlier and she sounded a little depressed, but she did say that she would join us later." "Okay, I hope shes alright." Twilight returned her attention to the competition. Soarin' was getting a headache. 'Man..I cant believe that Rainbow Dash girl is Twilight's friend... I just know this is going to be awkward...I hope it doesn't effect me and Twilight..' Soarin' was in a slight panic and Twilight noticed it. "Whats wrong?" "Oh, its..n-nothing." Soarin' decided that he wouldn't say anything and that Rainbow might not even mention anything. They kept watching the games as AppleJack was competing with ease. They all cheered for AppleJack, but nobody cheered as loud as Spike. Several games had past and AppleJack had a large lead over all of the ponies, and they were joined by a rainbow maned pony who was trotting up to them. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late." Rainbow took a seat next to Rarity. "Rainbow, darling! You must meet Twilight's new coltfriend, hes quite the catch." Rarity said while snickering. Rainbow Dash leaned past Rarity with a smile. "Hey there! I'm Rainbow Da-" She stopped and her eye twitched when she saw who it was. "Uh...Hey.." Soarin' scratched the back of his head with his hoof and tried to smile. Rainbow trotted away from the stands and flew off. "What just happened...?" Twilight was confused. "Um.. Well.. I met Rainbow yesterday.. and it was really akward." Soarin' had a huge headache and started rubbing his head. "Really? What made it awkward?" Twilight realized what he meant after she asked. "Oh..." She remembered Rainbow's obsession with the WonderBolts. "I should go talk to her, I'll be right back Soarin'. Soarin' removed his wing and let her leave, Twilight gave him a light kiss on the cheek before she left. Twilight trotted off in the direction she saw Rainbow fly in, she found Rainbow sitting under a tree looking up into the sky only after awhile of trotting. "Rainbow?" Twilight slowly approached and Rainbow Dash snapped upward. "Twilight?" "I came to see if you're alright." "Oh, I'm fine, my best friend only took the colt I love." "Um..." Twilight couldn't reply. Rainbow got a little angry. "You know I love the WonderBolts!" "Yeah, but I never knew like that!" Twilight raised her voice a little bit as well. "I love Soarin', and you took him because you knew I wanted to be with him!" "How can you say that?! I thought you were the element of loyalty!" Twilight wasn't going to let Rainbow tear her away from Soarin' "Yeah, I'm the element of loyalty, that means I know when someones not being loyal!" "You're acting childish Rainbow. When you get your act together you can apologize to Soarin'!" Twilight turned and started trotting back to the competition fields. Rainbow Dash got angry and flew off. Twilight returned to the bleachers and went back to her seat next to Soarin' with a slight bit of annoyance in her face. "Is everything alright, Twilight?" Soarin' asked as he placed his wing back over Twilight "Yeah, we had a little fight.. I can't believe she would act like this.. and how she acted to you." "So will you be alright?" "Yeah, I'm sure Rainbow will come around soon." Twilight started nuzzling Soarin's chest and he laid his head on top of hers. "You don't have to worry about anyone else with me Twilight, I only have eyes for you..." Soarin' looked down and saw Twilight looking up at him, blushing. They watched the rest of the day's competition, the sun was setting as it ended they saw that AppleJack won by a landslide. Spike ran over to congratulate her, Spike looked over his shoulder at Soarin, and Soarin' gave him a hoofs-up. "Soarin' I'm not tired yet, want to go for a walk?" Twilight asked with her eyes shining. "Yeah, that sounds good." Soarin' said while smiling. They left the fields and started walking around aimlessly, enjoying each others company. They started walking into the night passing other ponies that were still out enjoying the festival. Twilight and Soarin' were walking down one of Ponyville's main streets and they saw two drunken colts heading in their direction, they ignored them, but the drunken colts didn't do the same. One of the colts stood in their path. "Well hello there, beautiful." The other colt had come closer to Twilight. "You looking for a good time?" Twilight tried to ignore them. "Just keep walking, Soarin'." The first Colt came up and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "You can't just leave now..." The second colt pushed Soarin' away and sent him stumbling. "You're coming with us." "No, I wont." The second colt sneered. "Grab her!" Twilight struggled with the colts and was eventually pushed to the ground with one of the colts jumping on top of her. "No! Get off me!" Twilight couldn't shake the colt off of her. "Just shut up you dirty little slut." Soarin' got up and as he saw what they were trying to do to Twilight he became furious and entered a state of rage as he headbutted the first colt off of her and then bucked the second colt in the face and sent him flying into a wall. The first colt got up and went into a running punch at Soarin, but was too drunk to hit his target. Soarin' threw his hoof with all of his might into the nose of the colt and he stumbled back and slowly went down after being knocked-out. Soarin' walked over to Twilight who was shaking from fright. "Did they hurt you?" Twilight slowly got up. "no, I'm fine..I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here to save me.." She started weeping at the possibilities that ran through her mind. "Don't worry Twilight, I wont let anything happen to you, ever." Soarin' was still in his state of rage as he spoke. "Here, lets get you home." Soarin' led Twilight home. "Thank you Soarin'... would you like to stay the night again?" Soarin' saw Twilight blushing more than normal. "Yeah, that would be nice." Twilight led Soarin' inside of the library and locked the door behind them. Hey guys, WinterTwister here, somepony requested a story summary and here is the plot so far. Twilight and Soarin' both hope to find the love of their life, The Welcome Summer Festival starts and the WonderBolts open it with a small performance. After the performance Soarin' sees Twilight in the crowd and he falls in love, Twilight also falls in love with Soarin' but runs away after thinking that she wasn't good enough for him. Soarin' searches for Twilight and finds her and they become more in love with each other, each day they realize how much more they love each other. and that's the story so far. ~ WinterTwister > Day 4 of the Festival. Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was walking from Sweet Apple Acres in the moonlight with a large smile on his face. 'I can't believe she likes me too! I owe alot of thanks to Soarin'.' Spike couldn't wait to tell Soarin' the news, but he heard a roar from the road ahead. He strained his eyes to see headlights coming his way. A grey Delorian screeched to a halt in the middle of the road he was traveling on, the door opened horizontally and inside he saw Pinkie Pie. "Spike! Get in!" Pinkie said in an alarming tone. "What? Pinkie where did you get this thing?" "No time! You have to get in Spike, its your kid!" "My what?" Spike said as he slid into the car. "In the future you and AppleJack have a kid, and hes in danger right now." "What? How are we going to get to the future?" "By traveling at 100 miles per hour and then activating the Flux Capacitor." "Um.. I don't think this thing can even reach 100 miles per hour, especially not now, there's not enough road to accelerate on." Pinkie smiled and turned to Spike."Roads? Where were going...we don't need roads." The Delorian started hovering into the air with Spike panicking in the passenger seat. The landscape had changed as Spike looked outside after recovering from the flash that illuminated around them. "Pinkie is this really the future?" The night had turned into day after the blinding flash. "Yes, and we have to find you kid very soon." "Do I get to meet my kid?" "As long as your disguised as your future self, then yes." "What do I look like?" "Taller, stronger, and you have wings." "How do I do that?" "There's some stilts,fake wings, and clothes in the back. Put them on." Spike did as he was told and put on the attire Pinkie had left for him in the back of the delorian. "Hows this?" "Perfect." Pinkie said as she landed the Delorian on the ground. "Okay, lets get going Spike." Spike and Pinkie exited the Delorian and started walking towards future Ponyville. After a few moments of walking, a ball of fire struck the ground a few yards in front of them. Spike took a few steps back in fright. "Pinkie are those normal..?" Pinkie had an angry look on her face. "No.. Get behind me Spike!" A figure emerged from the crater the ball of fire had made. It was a metallic pony that slowly walked towards Pinkie and Spike. "Come with me John..." "No! I wont let you take him!" "Who's John!" "Don't play dumb. You're coming with me, John." The metallic pony said as he continued his advance. "Hold it right there, Mate!" A pony wearing an outback style jacket jumped out of the bushes. "Prepare to be terminated." The metallic pony turned to the strange Australian pony and tried to tackle him. The Australian pony jumped over and landed on top of the metallic pony. "This ones a fighter, he is!" he said while the metallic pony tried to buck him off. The Australian pony grabbed a wire that was on the neck of the metallic pony and ripped it out of it's neck. He jumped off of the metallic pony as it fell to the ground. "Thanks for saving us!" Pinkie said with a smile. The Australian ponies accent changed as he kept his back turned away from Spike and Pinkie Pie. "I didn't want that tin-can taking that kid out." The Australian pony turned around with his hoof inside of his jacket. "If anyone's going to do it, its going to be me." He pulled out a metal object that flicked out into a red double sided beam sword, while doing this he also splattered red paint on his face. "Hes a Sith!" Pinkie yelled in anger "Whats a Sith?" Spike said, his fright returning. "Get ready to become one with the compulsion." He charged at them spinning his beam sword. A strange ticking noise entered the air, the noise had stopped the rampaging pony in his tracks, just inches away. "No...." The pony turned his head towards the direction of the ticking noise. Suddenly a large alligator emerged from the forest knocking over several trees and scooping up the pony his his mouth. The alligator turned to Pinkie, who was giggling. "Thanks Gummy!" Pinkie bounced over and petted the enormous alligator on the nose. Spike just stood, completely confused from the actions that took place in that 5 minuet span. "I-is that r-really Gummy?" The alligator returned into the forest and Pinkie bounced back to Spike. "Of course! Hes huge in the future, he grew far above average size because of all the love I gave him." "He just ate that guy!" Pinkie laughed. "Don't worry hes fine! Gummy only swallows people to give them a time-out." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Australian pony landed in the stomach of the alligator. "How am I supposed to get out of here?" "You don't lad." Said a pony across the stomach, he had a hooked hoof and wore a large red hat over his frilly mane. "So what now?" "Just wait till he decide to let us go. Care to join me in a chess match? I've been wanting an opponent for some time now." "I got nothing else to do." The pony walked over to the pirate pony and they began the chess match. (30 minuets later) "Checkmate!" Said the pirate pony. "Crickey! You're good at this." A small wooden pony had walked up to them, entering from the back of the stomach. "Hello sirs, is this a giant whale?" "No, sorry there lad, this be an alligator." After the pirate said this a ticking noise went off in the stomach and he put his hoof over his ear and the other almost poking his ear with a hook. "That infernal noise!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow, Gummy sure got big!" Spike said, still amazed at the sight of Gummy. Pinkie continued to giggle. "Yeah! Most ponies call him the big green alligator now." Pinkie returned to her earlier serious face. "We better get going if we are going to save your kid, Spike." "Right." Spike said walking to Pinkie's side. They continued to walk on the road, but then they heard the Delorian roar behind them. It screeched into a halt and opened up. A large, very furry, pony beckoned them inside the Delorian while also pointing at the horizon where they saw an army of robots heading their direction. "RUUUUUrhrGUGUGHRhghghghrRURURUghGHrrrrrr…" Pinkie pointed to the delorian. "Get to the deloriahhnn!" "I'm not getting into the car with that thing!" He said while pointing at the furry pony. "He's harmless, now get in!" Spike jumped into the Delorian and Pinkie started shooting a beam pistol at the charging droids as she dived in after Spike. She had also been wearing a Tru-Spec Street Ready BDU Coat while shooting the pistol. "Start going!" Pinkie yelled while taking aim at the droids again. The Delorian lifted into the sky again and started flying through the air at high speed. They eventually stopped in an open field and Pinkie and Spike got out again. "Why didn't we do that in the first place?" Asked Spike. "It's complicated time-travel stuff." Pinkie said while leading Spike further into the field. "There's your son." she pointed to a small dragon in the center of the field. "Is he alright?" Spike said looking concerned to see him in the grass with his eyes closed. "He will be. Take him this box." Pinkie handed Spike a light box. Spike quickly moved next to the dragon and tried to make his voice a bit deeper. "Son?" The dragon shot up from his nap. "Whoa dad, you scared me." Spike handed him the box. "Here take this, it will help you on your journey." The dragon took the box and opened it, inside was a sandwich. "Whew! Thanks dad, I was getting hungry." Spike's eye twitched at what he saw. 'A Sandwich!?'. "Okay son, I'll see you later." Spike hurried back to where Pinkie was hiding. "Pinkie! Did we really come all this way into the future and past all this crazy stuff just to give my son a sandwich!" Spike was really annoyed. "Yep! Now lets get you back to the past." Pinkie hopped back to the Delorian. Spike followed still angry about what Pinkie had made him go through. "Take us back will you please?" Pinkie said to the hairy pony. He nodded and started speeding off and activating the flux capacitor. The day turned into night as the flash went off, taking them back to their previous time. The door opened and Spike was ready to get out of the Delorian he was stopped by a new voice. He looked into the back and saw Pinkie sitting next to two ponies, one was wearing a large amount of gold chains, and the other an army helmet with 4 stars on it. "Always remember kid, don't be a fool!" Said the pony with the gold chains. "Son, always remember, no son of a bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. They won the war by making the other son-of-a-bitches on the enemy side, die for their country." The pony with the helmet saluted to Spike with his crop whip. That small speech made Spike salute back without thinking. "Yes sir!" "At ease. Now get home." It was Pinkie's turn to say bye. "Well Spike.. it looks like.." Pinkie put on her sunglasses. "We went for quite the ride." After she said this a distant yell went off, but Spike had been through enough tonight to ignore it. The Dalorian's doors closed and flew off, and as it did, a thought finally entered Spike's mind. 'What the hay just happened?'. Authors note: Lol. > Day 4 of the Festival. Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike walked back to the library with a large headache from the ordeal with Pinkie. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He picked up the spair key under the mat in front of the door and opened the door. Spike yawned and stretched his arms while heading to the stairs, eager to get to bed, but stopped as he reached the foot of the stairs. He heard noises upstairs that made his eye twitch. 'I'll just...sleep on the couch then...' Spike collapsed on the couch where Soarin' had slept last night and immediately fell asleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The warm sunlight had shone from the window into Twilight's closed eyes. She gently woke up and saw Soarin' still cuddled up with her. Soarin' woke up seconds after Twilight and stared into her eyes. "Good morning, Twilight." "Good morning, Soarin'." She said, and then leaned over to kiss Soarin'. They held the kiss for several minuets, now knowing true love for each other. "Here, I'll make you some breakfast downstairs." Soarin' leaned up wards and tried to get up, but he was still bound by Twilight's hooves. "I'll make it." Twilight got up and left Soarin' after another light kiss. Soarin' watched Twilight trot down the stairs from Twilight's bedroom, thinking about everything that happened last night. He smiled realizing that there was no doubt that Twilight was everything he ever wanted. Soarin' got up out of the bed and trotted down the stairs and saw Twilight in the kitchen. He turned and looked into the other room and saw Spike still passed-out on the couch. 'I hope everything went alright with AppleJack yesterday.' Twilight focused on something simple to make Soarin'. She called from the kitchen hearing him in the next room. "It will be ready soon, I'll bring it to you." Twilight blushed thinking about what she and Soarin' had done last night. Twilight finished cooking the meal and took the plates to the table. She sat next to Soarin' and they had a quiet breakfast. After they finished Twilight took the plates back to the kitchen and came back and nuzzled Soarin'. "I love you so much." Soarin' stood up and returned the gesture. "I love you too, today I was hoping that you would like to come meet my team captain today." "That sounds like fun, should we wake up Spike and tell him where we are going?" "No, he looks tired, he probably went through alot last night." "Really?" "Yeah, he really likes AppleJack and I told him that he should find out if she felt the same way." "I hope it went well.." Twilight said while peering at Spike. "I'm sure it did. Ready to go?" "Mhm.." Twilight and Soarin' left the library and walked at a slow pace, happy to be together. They stopped at several places along the way, watching the young phillys play the festival games and having light conversations with other couples. Soarin' had led Twilight to the apartments where the WonderBolts were staying. He opened the door for Twilight and went inside after her. "Hello? Anyone home?" SpitFire had turned the corner and smiled at Soarin'. "Hey Soarin'! Where have you been?" "Oh.. I have been in town." SpitFire looked at Twilight. "Hi there, I'm SpitFire." Twilight extended her hoof with a friendly smile. "Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle." SpitFire had shaken hooves with Twilight. "Nice to meet the girl that Soarin' fell head-over-hooves for!" SpitFire let go of her hoof. "Sorry, but you can't meet any of the other WonderBolts right now." "Oh that's fine. I'm glad to just meet Soarin's friends." "I have something cool to show you, follow me." SpitFire led Twilight to her room while Soarin' decided to stay in the living room and read some fan-mail. As he sorted through the mail he read one that read. Dear Soarin', I saw that you added something funny to one of your performances, I enjoy a laugh too, but you should have stayed professional. Soarin' couldn't help but feel a little betrayed, was it wrong to do something he enjoyed? He go a slight headache so he just threw the letter in the trash and shrugged it off. Twilight and SpitFire returned laughing. "Man Soarin' you picked one hilarious marefriend!" SpitFire wiped her eyes. "Well, I better get going, the WonderBolts get to organize a fireworks show today. Sorry I didn't tell you about it Soarin' but I thought you needed time to have with Twilight here. You should bring her around later at the town square to watch it!" SpitFire finished and waved by to them and headed out the door. "That sounds like fun. What should we do now Soarin'?" "No, idea, the show starts a few hours from now." Soarin' said while rubbing the back of his head with his hoof. "Spike has a large DVD collection upstairs in the library, we could watch a movie?" "That sounds great. We can check if Spike is up now too." Soarin' led Twilight out of the apartment and they started walking back to the library with Soarin's wing over Twilight. Neither of them could remember being so happy for so long. They were walking past the town square as they saw a rainbow maned pegasus coming their way. Rainbow Dash landed in front of them with a frown on her face, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "Um..hey guys.. listen, I was being a real mule yesterday so I came to apologize." She extended her hoof to Twilight. "I'm really sorry.. I should have been a better friend." Twilight took the hoof with a smile. "It's okay Rainbow, I forgive you." Twilight then turned to hug Rainbow. Rainbow smiled and was happy that she had earned her friend back, but then turned to Soarin'. "Sorry about what I did the other day, that wasn't cool." "That's alright, as long as there's no more awkward moments for us, everything's cool." Soarin' gave Rainbow a Hoof-bump "I'll see you guys later, I got to keep the sky clear for the firework show tomorrow." Rainbow Dash flew off "I'm glad nothing bad happened. I would hate it if you lost a friend." Twilight smiled. "Yeah, Rainbow can be a little blunt sometimes, I knew she would come around." Soarin' and Twilight continued on their way to the library having a conversation on what their favorite time of the year was. They reached the library and saw Spike exiting the building. "Yo Spike, where you heading?" Spike didn't see them coming up to him and jumped from the surprise. "Oh! Hey guys, I was just going over to Sweet Apple Acres to meet with AppleJack." Twilight patted Spike on the head and teased him. "Looks like my little brother is growing up." Spike just kept his cool and replied. "Yeah, and you know how little brothers like their sleep, was kinda hard last night." Twilight couldn't say anything and stepped back, slightly worried. 'We weren't that loud were we?' Spike went up to Soarin. "Thanks for that advice, it really helped me out yesterday. I'll see you guys later at the firework show." Spike walked off towards Sweet Apple Acres. "See ya Spike." Soarin' said while Spike walked off. Soarin' and Twilight went upstairs and picked out a movie called 'A Hitchhiking Pony's Guide to the Galaxy'. Twilight couldn't help but notice, even though it was one of her favorites, they hardly watched the movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soarin' stretched out and popped his joints. "It's almost time for the show, are you all set to go?" Twilight was putting away the last movie they watched 'Mare-do-well the dark knight' and replied. "Yeah, lets hurry." The two headed downstairs, Soarin' had gotten into the habit of opening doors for Twilight, making sure he was as gentlecoltly as possible. They both hurried to the town square, having a light hoof-race and enjoying playing around like they were little kids again. They had arrived just in time, the show was just starting. The balls of fire shot up into the air and exploded with deafening pops and dazzled the crowd with all colors imaginable. The beginning was slow, like a trickling faucet of simple colors with golden sparkling showers raining down on Ponyville. The midpoint segment of the fireworks became faster, arranging firework colors that climbed into the heavens of Equestria. The finale had started but nobody could resist cheering and gasping at the beautiful colors that intertwined with each other and created a spectical of amazement that at the end of the performance, the town square became dead-silent, but then erupted into cheers that put the cheers they gave for the WonderBolt opening to the Festival to shame. "That was beautiful!" Twilight said while smiling at Soarin'. Soarin' just stared deeply into Twilight's eyes. "Yeah..beautiful..." The mayor had brought a microphone on the front steps of the town hall. "Phillys and Gentlecolts.. I hope that you are enjoying the Festival, this year's has been the biggest yet. We have two more excellent days of fun left and I'm confident they will be something to remember!" The mayor stepped away from the microphone as the ponies cheered. Soarin' and Twilight returned to the library with warm hearts and deep love for each other, talking about the fireworks show on the way. Twilight wished that days like this would never end, Soarin' felt the same. > Day 5 of the Festival. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soarin' and Twilight were sleeping peacefully upstairs, but they were abruptly awoken by a loud knock at the door. Soarin' get out of bed and stretched his joints. "I'll get it." Soarin' trotted down the stairs and went to the front door to open it, seeing SpitFire outside. "Soarin', we have to get to town square." SpitFire said, slightly rushed. "Why?" Soarin' rubbed his head in confusion. "Don't tell me you forgot! We have a public practice today." "Oh! I forgot all about that. Give me a minuet ill be right there." SpitFire took off towards the town hall. Soarin' flew back upstairs. "Who was it?" Twilight said as she got out of the bed and trotted to her mirror. "I have to go to the town square and practice right now, you should come watch." Soarin' smiled as he walked up to Twilight. After a light kiss Twilight replied. "I'll be right there, you go have fun." Soarin' shot downstairs and flew as fast as he could to the town hall. Twilight finished brushing her mane and trotted down the stairs and saw Spike walking towards the door. "Are you going to watch the WonderBolts too?" "Yeah, I'm watching them with AppleJack, and I want to watch Soarin' fly." Spike said as he opened the door. Spike and Twilight both hurried to the town hall where they saw WonderBolts flying through the air. Soarin' was practicing his loops, the tricks he had the most trouble with, scanning the crowd, waiting to see if Twilight was here yet. He saw the lavender mare enter the town square with Spike and smiled and waved at them, who promptly waved back. Soarin' decided to show Twilight a trick he had been thinking of, he increased his speed to his peak and his signature WonderBolt trail started forming behind him with little sparks of lightening emanating from the trail. He looked down and saw Twilight's eyes shining in amazement and smiled to himself, and then he prepared himself by straightening his path after turning around to fly over the town hall. Soarin' quickly turned upwards and performed three quick loops and then started flying downward after created a heart in the sky for Twilight. Soarin' was glad he was able to pull off the heart in the sky, but he panicked after he tried shifting his wings upward but he kept plummeting towards the ground. The crowd erupted into cheers, enjoying the seemingly dare-devil stunt, but Twilight saw past the practice and saw Soarin's face. Twilight's heart sank as she knew what was going to happen next. Twilight's horn started glowing as she ran towards Soarin's path to the ground, but she wasn't fast enough. Twilight saw Soarin' hit the ground head-first in slow motion with tears flooding her eyes and she continued to run to Soarin's motionless body. The crowd stopped cheering as they saw the WonderBolt hit the ground, cheers turned into gasps and cries towards the medical tent that was positioned in town hall. Several nurses flowed from the tent and galloped to Soarin' who was on the ground, his blood slowly spilling from his head. They laid Soarin' on a stretcher with Twilight crying on the ground next to where Soarin' had crashed, the rushed Soarin' back to the medical tent with another nurse comforting Twilight. "Don't worry, we'll help him." The nurse said unenthusiastically, she had never seen an injury this bad ever since she became a nurse. Twilight couldn't reply in her breakdown, but mumbled through her cries. "Please...Celestia..no..." The nurse held Twilight up and slowly walked Twilight to the medical tent. Twilight stopped crying as she saw the nurses moving frantically, cutting the WonderBolt uniform off of Soarin' to help the wound on his head. Soarin' was losing alot of blood. Twilight froze at the sight of the blood and just sat down in the dust, staring at her hooves. Spike and AppleJack ran to join Twilight and the nurse outside of the tent. "What the hay happened!" Spike said, shaking at the sight of Soarin'. "He crashed in the town square. Right now hes critical, we're doing everything we can to help him." The nurse told them, stroking Twilight's mane. "And your friend here is in shock." Spike went over and started helping the nurse in comforting Twilight. "Spike do ya' think that he'll be alrigh?" AppleJack said as she sat next to Spike. "I hope so.." The nurse had left Twilight with Spike and AppleJack and hurried inside to aid the other nurses. The three had been outside of the medical tent waiting for about an hour before another nurse had come out of the tent. Twilight finally moved and looked up at the new nurse. The nurse cleared her throat. "Your friend has been stabilized, hes fine at the moment. We cant fully diagnose his condition though, we are having more medical equipment being transferred here now." "Can we see him?" Spike asked the nurse. She gave her head a shake. "No visitors at the moment, not until we can be sure hes fine." "Okay." Spike turned to Twilight and AppleJack. "Twilight do you think you can get up?" Twilight got up slightly and dusted herself off, keeping her blank face. "have you eaten anything?" Twilight gave her head a shake to say no. "Here, lets get to Sugar Cube Corner." Spike led Twilight to the bakery that was only a short distance away. They walked inside the bakery and Pinkie saw Twilight's expression as they entered. Pinkie bounced over. "Whats wrong with Twilight?" "Soarin' had an accident, and shes taking it pretty hard, we came to try to get her to eat something to feel better." Spike led Twilight to a table and sat her down. Pinkie dashed into the kitchen and brought back some cake and laid it in front of Twilight. Twilight didn't even look at the cake, she broke down again on the table. "S-s-Soarin'... " She said through her sobs. They stayed at the bakery, allowing Twilight to unleash her emotions while Spike told Pinkie about everything. An hour had passed and Spike returned to Twilight's side. "Want to go check up on Soarin'?" Twilight couldn't cry anymore, her throat was sore from the crying but replied. "Yes please.." Spike led Twilight back to the medical tent and AppleJack stayed at the bakery with Pinkie. Spike and Twilight reached the medical tent, new wires were hooked up to Soarin' and the nurses were constantly checking the monitor. A nurse from inside saw them and walked up to them. "Hello again, hes fine for now. You may see him if you want." She opened the tent flap open more to make room for them to enter. Twilight rushed next to Soarin'. She saw his head bandaged up with splints to his side over his wings. Twilight leaned into Soarin and gave him a light kiss on his cheek. "I love you..." She whispered. Soarin's eye slightly opened and started moving his mouth, he mouthed a response to Twilight. 'I love you too.' It was silent but Twilight saw him slightly smile and try and move his hoof closer to Twilight, but his face showed pain and the monitor went off like a siren. Nurses came immediately and pushed Twilight away, yelling commands to each other. A nurse screamed after looking at the monitor. "His heart stopped! Get the defibrillator!" Twilight just sat down on the cold ground again, staring at the frantic nurses. "Remove those wires and start up the defibrillator!" Twilight silently started crying. 'No...' "Clear!" The head nurse brought the machine down on Soarin's chest. "No effect, try again!" "Clear!" Twilight put her head between her hooves and started hyperventilating. "Clear!" Soarin's body jumped each time the machine struck him. "His vitals are still cold, try again!" The head nurse rubbed the defibrillator and tried again. "Clear!" Soarin's eyes shot open and he breathed inward, but passed out from the pain. "His vitals returned to normal.. get a new I.V in him." The nurses all gave out a sigh, now that Soarin' was safe again. The nurse trotted over to Twilight. "We can prepare a cot for you, if you want to stay that is." "Yes please." The nurse unfolded a make-shift bed with the cot and helped Twilight lay down. "Don't worry, we will keep a close eye on him." The nurse trotted away. Twilight immediately passed out, she was exhausted, and very scared. > Purple Skies. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up and saw the nurses drinking coffe and trailing a doctor that had appeared. The doctor was giving the nurses orders while he examined Soarin's body. A nurse noticed that Twilight had awoken and came over to her. "Hello, do you need anything, dear?" "How long have I been asleep?" "Only 2 hours, you should sleep more." "Is he alright?" "Hes alive for now, but hes in a minor comma, don't worry we have our best doctor working on him." Twilight nodded and looked over at Soarin', she could hardly stand to see him but couldn't look away. Soarin' was barely breathing, his face still showing extreme pain while the doctor felt his ribs and neck. Twilight felt a wave of nausea that forced her back to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight dreamed of her and Soarin' laying down on a red checkered blanket in a gentle meadow by a slow flowing stream. Soarin' was back to normal, head and sides unbandaged, he was smiling and stroking Twilight's mane. Soarin' mouthed some words that Twilight couldn't make out, but soon after the world around them twisted into a chapel. Twilight looked down and saw that she was in a white dress, she looked forward and saw an isle with ponies staring at her from the sides, and at the end of the isle she saw Soarin' waiting for her. 'Twilight.' She started walking down the isle. 'Twilight, wake up.' Twilight reached the end of the isle and started walking up the red velvet steps to Soarin' 'Twilight wake up!' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight shot up from her dream and almost hit the pony standing over her with her horn, the morning sun was rising, and SpitFire was right next to her bed. "Twilight, hes awake." Twilight jumped out of her cot and rushed to Soarin's side. "Soarin'?" Soarin' smiled. "Good morning, Twilight." Twilight started tearing up. "Your okay?" Soarin' gave a dehydrated cough. "Y-yeah, I think so." A nurse brought Soarin' a glass of water and slowly poured a small amount in his mouth. "Thank you." The nurse nodded and set the glass down on a tray next to Soarin's bed. The doctor walked up next to them. "Hello, I'm Doctor Jolt. It seems that Soarin' is doing fine and should be able to leave in a few days." "Thanks goodness.." SpitFire sighed. "But..." SpitFire and Twilight tensed up. "The crash was too severe for a complete recovery." The doctor cleared his throat. "The crash made his spine shift, his wings are now disabled, he may be able to fly again someday, but never for longer than a few minuets." Soarin' tried to sit up was was too weak. "Really doctor?" Doctor Jolt nodded. "I'm sorry son." "So this means I can't be a WonderBolt anymore?" "I'm afraid so." Soarin' looked at Twilight and SpitFire, they were both crying, Soarin' felt bad as well, but he was grateful to be alive. Twilight had tears running down her face, put her hoof on Soarin's hoof. "I'm so sorry Soarin'..." "I'm just happy to be alive." SpitFire spoke up. "Me too, Soar..." All three stayed in silence for several moments. "Don't worry Soar, we aren't going to leave Ponyville till you get better." SpitFire gestured over outside the tent and they saw the rest of the WonderBolts waiting outside. "Thanks Fire.." Soarin' laid back into his bed and closed his eyes. "I need to go take care of some business, want to come Twi?" Twilight gave her head a shake. "No, I don't want to leave him." SpitFire smiled. "Soarin' really picked a winner. Later Twi." SpitFire left the tent Twilight nuzzled Soarin's hoof, he was asleep now. "I'm not ever going to leave your side Soarin'." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4 days later.) Soarin' exited the tent and took a deep breath of fresh air, the sun was setting. Twilight exited the tent with him, they both had large smiles on their faces. Soarin' had never missed being outside so much before, it felt like an eternity on that bed. Twilight nuzzled Soarin' and asked. "Anything do you want to do now that your out?" Soarin' looked up at the sky. "I want to go for a walk to stretch my legs." Twilight and Soarin' both slowly walked through Ponyville with waves and hello's from ponies all over town, everyone was happy that Soarin' was better. "Thank you for letting me stay with you at the library, Twilight." Twilight kissed him. "There's nopony else I would rather live with. Soarin' and Twilight continued to walk, Soarin led Twilight out of Ponyville into the country-side. "You were really next to me the whole time Twilight?" Twilight nodded. "I was so scared, I didn't want to lose you." "Let's stop here. I want to rest for a second." Soarin' and Twilight walked away from the road and settled down on a hill. Soarin' and Twilight were both laying the in the grass, holding each others hooves, staring up into the sky. The sun was setting in a perfect hue, showing a wide array of colors. They locked eyes as if they were staring into each others souls, and then they entered a long passionate kiss. They broke away from each other as they saw the sky change color, they looked at the sky in awe. For miles all they saw on the horizon, were Purple Skies. Hey guys, WinterTwister here, I hope you enjoyed Purple Skies, I had alot of fun writing it. I want to thank Jolttix for the idea of Soarin' and Twilight, and thewaffler for being a great enthusiasm boost and his amazing ideas. Again hope you enjoyed the story, it really touched me personally. ~WinterTwister > Note: Winter Skies. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Purple Skies was created, it was just me, but at the end of Purple Skies I had help from a friend, and with that Friend I formed an awesome writing team called, Team Joker. And now we want to bring you more quality fan-fics starting with a Holiday Special with Soarin' and Twilight! Winter Skies has been submitted and will be up soon. ~WinterTwister, TheWaffler, Jolttix. > Blue Skies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Skies is up ~ Team Joker