• Published 4th May 2016
  • 13,119 Views, 1,052 Comments

Cheer Princess - MythrilMoth

After following Sunset Shimmer through the portal and becoming stuck in the human world, Princess Celestia struggles to adapt while blocking Sunset's ambitions with her own popularity.

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Book One, Chapter 4 (Side Sunset)

"Sunset, this is my daughter Fluttershy. Fluttershy? This...this is Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset Shimmer offered her a hesitant wave and a halfhearted smile of encouragement. "Hi," she said gamely.

"Oh...oh my," Fluttershy whispered, eyes wide and terrified.

Sunset's smile faltered. "Oh," she said, rubbing her left wrist with her right hand. "I...I guess you've heard...things."

Fluttershy squeaked, ducking behind her curtain of cherry blossom pink hair.

"Fluttershy," Sunset Satin said calmly and gently, "Sunset Shimmer...she's completely lost her memory. She barely knows who she is."

Fluttershy blinked, brushing her hair out of her face. "She...she has amnesia?"

"Afraid so," Sunset said gamely. "Everything before I woke up in the hospital a couple of weeks ago is gone. I mean, I recognized my folks, I know how to read and stuff, but..." She gestured haplessly.

"Oh my," Fluttershy whispered.

"She hasn't left the house since she got home from the hospital," Satin continued. "We've been talking about it the last couple of days, how she needs to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine now that her ribs are better." She smiled encouragingly. "How she needs to make some friends since she'll be starting at CHS in the fall."

"Oh! Oh, umm..." Fluttershy shifted awkwardly, picking at her top as she eyed Sunset the way a wary deer might observe a lion.

"You were planning to go clothes shopping today, right?" Cherry Rose said. "Maybe show Sunset where you like to shop?"

"W-well..." Fluttershy swallowed. "A-alright."

"Great," Sunset said. "Let me go change real quick."

"I'll give you some money," Satin said. "In case you see anything you like."

"Thanks," Sunset said. A short while later, she and Fluttershy left the house, walking up the sidewalk. Fluttershy kept shooting awkward, uncomfortable glances at Sunset and toying with her hair. After five minutes, Sunset sighed. "What did your mom tell you about me?" she asked resignedly.

Fluttershy squeaked. "Oh, um...n-nothing..."

Sunset stopped and turned to face her. "Fluttershy, look. Whatever it is, just tell me. I have a pretty good idea what it must be. From what Mom and Dad have told me and from, well...from what I found on my old laptop..." She sighed.

"W-well," Fluttershy stammered nervously. "I...I just know that...that you ran away from home, and your parents moved to...well..." She ducked her head and whispered, "They couldn't stay, not with the way everybody they knew, umm..." She sighed.

Sunset winced. "Ouch. The whole town turned on them because of me?"

"Y-yes," Fluttershy said. Her eyes widened. "O-oh! Um..."

"It's cool," Sunset said. "I...kinda figured out for myself that I was a total bitch before." She jammed her hands in her pockets, head bowed.

Fluttershy tilted her head. "You...you really don't...remember? Anything?"

Sunset sighed. "Not a thing," she said. "Where I went to school, who my friends were, favorite food, favorite band, favorite TV show, anything from before is just gone." She grimaced. "Probably for the best. I know Mom and Dad like me better now than before I ran away. I, uhh...I heard them talking."

Fluttershy winced. "Oh," she whispered. "That...that must've hurt..."

"Not really," Sunset said. "I mean, I...I got into my old MyStable page when I was looking at my old laptop. I...kinda pieced together some of the stuff I did back then, and...I gotta say, I really don't like who that girl was." That much was true. The more she'd learned about this world's Sunset Shimmer, the more she hated the girl and honestly hoped she'd ended up dead in a ditch. "From what I can tell, I had it bad for this real asshole named Thundercracker. Apparently, I was..." She shuddered genuinely, wrapping her arms around herself. "Having sex with him."

"Oh my," Fluttershy squeaked, her cheeks burning red.

"Yeah," Sunset said. "I can't imagine what the hell was wrong with me. There's pictures of the guy on my laptop and..." She chuckled. "Would not touch him with a ten foot pole, you know what I mean?"

Fluttershy giggled. "I know a few boys like that," she said. Under her breath, she muttered, "Like my brother."

"Yeah, so..." Sunset grimaced. "Near as I can figure out, apparently I thought he'd gotten me pregnant, I freaked out, and I ran away from home."

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my god," she breathed, eyes wide. "Were...were you...?"

Sunset shook her head. "Last couple of status updates I posted before I disappeared completely seem like it was a false alarm. Evidently, Thundercracker had ditched me long before that."

Fluttershy frowned. "What a jerk," she said sourly.

"I know, right?" Sunset sighed. "Anyway, that's pretty much all I know about Sunset Shimmer, thirteen-year-old runaway."

Fluttershy blinked. "Thirteen? You were...when you were thirteen?! You mean you're my age?!"

"Well, yeah," Sunset said, blinking. "Why?"

Fluttershy blushed. "O-oh," she said, fidgeting. "I-it's just, with your voice and, umm...and your figure..." She ducked her head. "You kinda seem older than fifteen."

"Uhh...thanks? I guess I'll take that as a compliment." Sunset looked Fluttershy up and down with a smirk. "You're no slouch yourself," she said. "You could be a model."

Fluttershy squeaked, hiding behind her hair again. "Oh, n-no," she whimpered. "I...I don't really like people looking at me..."

*Yeah, good luck with that,* Sunset thought. *Face like that, body like that, no bra?* "So, shopping?"

"O-oh! Right." Fluttershy composed herself, and they continued on the way. As they walked, Sunset struck up casual conversation with Fluttershy, pumping her for information. The longer they talked, the easier it was to get Fluttershy to open up, though she was very reserved. If she wasn't Sunset's first exposure to her peers in this world, she probably wouldn't have bothered with such a shy, scared, recalcitrant girl. Still, once Sunset figured out how to probe past the wall of shyness Fluttershy built around herself, she was able to learn a few useful things about Canterlot, as well as finding out what Fluttershy's hobbies and interests were. She became very animated when the subject turned to animals, and sullen and snarky when she spoke of her brother, Zephyr Breeze. Apparently, Fluttershy didn't have very many friends herself—her best friend, it seemed, was a girl named Rainbow Dash who played on most of the sports teams at school; she also mentioned a girl named Rarity who worked at a local boutique, who she had gone on a couple of day spa trips with in junior high.

It wasn't long until Sunset met Rarity in person. Fluttershy took her to a small boutique that was tastefully decorated, with neatly arranged racks and shelves of clothing, shoes, and accessories. There were only a few customers; Fluttershy led Sunset to the counter, where a bored-looking girl with flawless white skin and long, curled dark purple hair was reading while she minded the store. "Hello Rarity," Fluttershy said.

Rarity looked up and smiled. "Oh! Fluttershy, darling, hello! How is your summer going?"

"It's going fine," Fluttershy said. "We just got back from our vacation. Umm...this is Sunset Shimmer, she's...she's Mom's friend's daughter, and she'll be going to CHS this fall."

Rarity eyed Sunset critically. "Hmm. I don't remember you from junior high," she said. "And with that glamorous hair, I absolutely would."

"Uhh...new in town," Sunset hedged. "Just...just getting settled in."

"Ah, I see," Rarity said. "Well! Any friend of Fluttershy's. Please, look around, there's no finer selection anywhere in town!"

The girls spent the better part of an hour browsing the boutique and trying on outfits. Unfortunately, the heavy activity ultimately put a strain on Sunset's ribs; as she laid a couple of purchases on the counter, she suddenly staggered, hissing in pain and clutching her side.

"Goodness! Are you alright, dear?" Rarity asked.

Sunset gritted her teeth. "Ribs," she hissed.

"Oh my goodness...! I'm so sorry, we walked all the way here, we could've gotten a ride, I..." Fluttershy covered her face with her hands.

"It's...it's not your fault," Sunset said. "I'm just...I overdid it a little for my first day out of the house."

Rarity clicked her tongue. "Why don't you take her upstairs, Fluttershy?" she suggested. "You can rest in my room. Do you have any pain medication?" At Sunset's nod, Rarity said, "Take some and rest. I'm about due for my lunch break anyway, I'll close up down here and get us all something to drink and some ice cream upstairs."

"Come on, Sunset. Can you get up the stairs? I'll help you," Fluttershy said gently, guiding Sunset upstairs. She soon found herself in a small apartment, decorated much like the boutique below. Fluttershy led her to a bedroom at the back which, even though Sunset had only just met the girl, screamed 'Rarity', and propped her up on a chaise lounge, offering her a couple of large, plush velvet throw pillows which Sunset leaned against gratefully.

Rarity arrived a few minutes later with a pitcher of iced tea and three glasses. "I'll get us some ice cream in just a moment," she said. She tilted her head. "Whatever did you do to your ribs, darling?"

"Got hit by a car," Sunset said shakily as she got a couple of pills out of her pocket while Fluttershy poured the tea. Sunset swallowed her medicine with a huge gulp of tea, then leaned back.

Rarity gasped theatrically. "Good heavens! I hope you sued the driver into bankrupcy."

Sunset chuckled weakly. "It was my dad," she said. "Long story, don't...don't wanna get into it."

"Oh," Rarity said, blinking.

Sunset looked around. "You live above the boutique?" she asked.

"Yes," Rarity said. "Well...it's more that the owner isn't doing anything with this apartment and had a bad experience the last time he tried renting it out, so he let me have it as my own space to use as I please. It's convenient because it lets me keep the boutique open late on school nights, gives me a place to work on my own designs..." She grimaced. "Gives me a somewhat better environment to entertain guests than my actual home, with my embarrassing parents and frustrating little sister..."

"Sweetie Belle isn't that bad," Fluttershy chided.

"Isn't—!" Rarity huffed theatrically. "Fluttershy, she does nothing but make messes wherever she goes! She's the only person I know who can burn orange juice!"

Fluttershy blinked at that. "W-well..." she began. She paused. "Umm...I've got nothing," she finished lamely.

"How the heck do you burn orange juice?" Sunset wondered.

"Sweetie Belle found a way," Rarity muttered. "Well, I'll just go get that ice cream now." She bustled out of the room.

Once she was out of earshot, Sunset looked over at Fluttershy. "She's a drama queen, isn't she?"

"Well...yes." Fluttershy tilted her head, surveying Sunset critically. "Are...are you sure you're alright? Should you call your mother to come get you?"

"I'll be fine," Sunset said, waving her away. "I actually did need to get out, get some exercise. I've just...I've been putting it off because I needed to study. To, well..." She shifted slightly, adjusting her pillows. "Remember what I said about my amnesia? I'm...I'm having to learn how to be a teenager again. Not just all the stuff about my own life I forgot, but everything. When I woke up in the hospital, I didn't even know what a telephone was."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh my," she said. "That's...that's awful." She frowned. "What do the doctors say?"

Sunset shook her head. "They don't know. It's not a physical injury. It's..." She flapped her hands in a vague gesture. "My mind just went blank at some point. Everything except how to talk, read, and do math went away."

Fluttershy sat down, folding her legs underneath her. "That's terrible," she said. "Maybe you suffered some kind of terrible trauma?"

"It's about as good a guess as any." Sunset shook her head. "Anyway, I've spent every waking moment since I first woke up in the hospital studying, relearning how to be a normal teenage girl."

"I can't even imagine something like that," Fluttershy said, her eyes sad.

Rarity walked back in with a tray bearing three tantalizing ice cream sundaes and an ice pack. "I thought this might help, darling," she said as she handed Sunset the ice pack.

"Thanks," Sunset said. She pulled up her shirt and shifted her breast around to place the ice pack where she needed it. As she did so, Rarity let out a mild shriek of alarm. Sunset's eyes widened. "Oh! Sorry," she said sheepishly, hastily covering her chest with one arm. "Didn't mean—I mean, sorry for just flashing you like that—"

"That's not it at all!" Rarity exclaimed, eyes wide. "Sorry, darling, but...your poor breast is an absolute mess of bruises!"

"It does look pretty bad," Fluttershy said with a wince.

Sunset relaxed. "Yeah," she said. "It's still a little tender and I'm not supposed to wear a bra for a while. It looks worse than it is, though, really."

"Still..." Rarity frowned as she handed Fluttershy a sundae, then offered one to Sunset once she finished with her ice pack and pulled her shirt back down. "And during bikini season, of all times!"

"I...think Sunset Shimmer has more important things on her mind than bikinis and the beach this summer," Fluttershy said. "Besides, there's always Spring Break or...or next summer for that."

"Yes, I suppose so," Rarity agreed. "So, where did you attend school before, darling?"

Sunset grimaced. She glanced at Fluttershy, who gave her an encouraging smile. "Go ahead, tell Rarity what you told me," she said gently. "She'll understand. You need friends who understand what you're going through, right?"

Sunset gave her a half-smile. "I guess so, yeah." *It will make it easier to cover any slips I make if I have people around me who can back me up...* Sunset once again launched into the spiel about her "amnesia" and the troubled past she'd evidently completely forgotten. As she spoke, Rarity leaned forward, literally hanging on the edge of her seat, eyes wide.

When Sunset finished, Rarity let out a dramatic gasp, placing the back of one hand to her forehead. "What a tragic tale," she declared. "I must admit...the runaway you describe sounds like the last sort of person I would ever associate with. But..." She eyed Sunset critically, pursing her lips. "Whatever your past...ahem...boo-boos, if Fluttershy has taken a liking to you, you must be a decent person. And you have been through quite an ordeal, it seems." She smiled. "I would be more than happy to help you readjust."

"Thanks," Sunset said.

The girls finished their ice cream after that, with Sunset sitting back and letting Rarity dominate the conversation, which mostly turned to light gossip and talk of upcoming movies and Rarity's latest celebrity crush. Once Sunset's pain pills kicked in, she decided it was time to get out of Rarity's hair. After exchanging phone numbers and social media information with both girls, Sunset and Fluttershy left the boutique.

"Well, she's...interesting," Sunset said.

Fluttershy giggled. "She's very nice," she said. "And a good friend to have. She's always doing things for her friends. One time, a not-so-nice boy in our class spilled punch all over my dress at a school dance because I wouldn't, umm...take a walk with him." Fluttershy wrung her hands in front of her, bowing her head. "The dress was ruined, and it was a very nice, very expensive dress. Rainbow Dash wanted to beat the boy up, but Rarity had a better idea. I, umm...I'd rather not get into what she did, because it wasn't very nice, but...he hasn't bothered anybody since then. Oh, and Rarity made me a brand new dress that was even nicer than the one he ruined."

"Huh," Sunset said. *Mental note: Be careful around Rarity. Keep on her good side, never know when I'll need a favor.* "So, what else were you planning to do today?"

"Huh? Oh, well, I was planning to go by this little pet shop I like," Fluttershy said. "I need a new brush for my bunny Angel, and I wanted to see if they have this new brand of pet treats in yet. But I can do that later, if—"

"No, that sounds fine to me," Sunset said. "I don't have anywhere in particular I want to go, so—" Sunset broke off mid-sentence, eyes drawn to something on the other side of the road. A familiar mane of multihued pastel hair, tied up in a high ponytail. Her heart skipped a beat. "Celestia," she whispered.

"Sunset? What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked, following her gaze.

"Nothing," Sunset said. "Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we go over this way? I'd really, really like to see what's over this way."

"Well...okay," Fluttershy said, casting a worried look over her shoulder as Sunset led her off aimlessly down a side street. All she saw were Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, and an unfamiliar girl who was chatting animatedly with them. A girl with pale strawberry-milk skin and beautiful pastel hair, whose eyes drifted briefly in their direction.

Fluttershy saw the girl's eyes widen before her line of sight was cut off by a building.

* * * * *

The two girls spent the next two hours wandering around town aimlessly, visiting this shop or that. After a couple of hours, Sunset's ribs started bothering her again, and Fluttershy decided enough was enough; she called Sunset Satin to pick them up, and stuck around for a few minutes at their house while Satin clucked over her daughter's ribs. "I need to get home now," Fluttershy said after a time. "Umm...I'll come by tomorrow, see how you're doing," Fluttershy said. "Maybe...maybe see if there's anything I can help you with?"

"Sounds great," Sunset said with a genuine smile. "Thanks."

Once Fluttershy left, Sunset waved off her mother's hovering, saying she just needed to lie down and rest, then retreated to her bedroom. She stripped down to her panties, checking her ribs and left breast in the mirror; wincing, she applied the analgesic ointment the hospital had given her, then put on a clean tank top and flopped onto her bed, folding her arms behind her head.

Princess Celestia had always harped on and on about how important it was to make friends. Sunset had never paid heed in the past; she'd always felt she was so far above her peers that interacting with them would only hold her back. They were only there to be awed by her achievements, after all.

Now, though, she realized how misguided her notions had been. Friends were a useful thing to have: they were allies, allies one could rely on to advance one's goals and plans. Today, she had made two potential allies. Rarity, she could tell, would either come to loathe her or be a great asset. Clearly a social butterfly and no stranger to putting on airs—who did she think she was fooling with that fake accent?—Sunset saw in Rarity a girl with ambition. Sunset could respect ambition.


Fluttershy could be useful to her. If she was careful, if she took her time and didn't push, didn't press...it could take months, but Sunset was confident she could turn that shy, quiet girl into a useful weapon, an ally in her quest to prove her superiority.

*Besides,* she thought, *she's...really pretty.* Sunset closed her eyes, thinking about Fluttershy's gentle eyes, soft smile, round face, and long cherry blossom pink hair.

For the first time she could remember, Sunset Shimmer looked forward to having a friend—if Fluttershy was willing to be friends on her terms. Whatever those terms ended up being.

The faintly warm feeling she felt ebbed as she remembered the one moment of her day that had not been pleasant.


*Was that really her? Was that Princess Celestia? Or was that this world's Celestia? Does this world even have a Celestia?*

Mind drifting back and forth between the brief glimpse of Celestia and Fluttershy's kind face, Sunset drifted off into a light sleep full of half-dreams and conflicted images.