• Published 19th Jan 2016
  • 447 Views, 2 Comments

So Far Away - Portable Dingus

Twilight writes to Celestia about life.

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So Far Away

Dear Princess Celestia,

Wow, it has been a long time since I've written those words. Brings back memories, good memories. Times were simpler then weren't they? No power hungry centaurs trying to steal all the magic in Equestria, and no cults based around liberating ponies from their special talents. Not that that hasn't been an adventure in of itself, it's just that sometimes you just have to look back on your life to really appreciate it. All the joys and precious moments it holds, and even the gut-wrenching sorrows it throws at you. At the end of the day you feel as if you wouldn't trade any of it away to start over fresh. I know I wouldn't at least. The events that happened in my life up to this point are why I'm me, and I wouldn't want to be anypony else. I'm happy to be me, and I'm thankful for all I have. I'm Especially thankful for all the loved ones I made along the way: they are truly the most precious things in my life.

Heh, I must sound an awful lot like Rarity right now. Being all melodramatic about my life, and getting caught up in my own nostalgia. Rarity is such a lovely friend, isn't she? Always willing to spend her time to help a pony look their best for anything they might do, and showing the utmost care to uphold her standards. The rules of Rarity as she calls them; There truly is no other pony worthy of the title, Element of Generosity.

Then there's the most cordial mare you'll ever meet, Fluttershy. Although she might appear meek and feeble, she more than makes up for it by having strength where it truly matters: the strength of the pony soul. If there was any pony I would guess take the blame for a crime of any kind just to make sure no other pony would get upset, it would be Fluttershy. Always keeping the girls and I happy, and tending to any other pony, animal, or creature in need. Element of Kindness really suits her doesn't it?

Oh, you can't forget the most down to Earth, reliable pony around, Applejack. A family mare if I ever saw one, sticking to her blood ties and making sure all the hard work gets done. She is also very honorable, and would never tell a lie even if a sword was drawn to her neck. I would never hold her accountable of any false conduct: she is too good of a mare for that. That's why she bears the Element of Honesty.

There's never a time in the day to feel blue, and gloomy when Pinkie Pie's on the patrol. The incarnation of exhilaration itself, it would be out of her character to be even remotely sad--at least without a really good reason. Always keeping the good vibes flowing, and throwing parties for just about anything. She even threw a party for it just being a Friday, she could find any excuse to throw a party. The funny part is that we wouldn't even question it, at least not for long. We would just shrug our shoulders, and join in on the fun. No one would ever deny a Pinkie party after all. I guess that's why she is the Element of Laughter. Even if you would think that to be a silly idea for an element, well, you wouldn't question that after meeting her.

Speaking of not questioning, you wouldn't have a doubt in your mind that Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty after getting to know her. Athletic, competitive, and always there for her friends. Rainbow Dash wouldn't put the opportunity to get a gold medal in an important competition over her friends. For her friends are much more valuable to her. I remember when we had to cross a ridge, and she was on the other side to secure the bridge across. We could hear her talking to some group of ponies, but we couldn't make out what they were talking about. All we knew was that Rainbow Dash returned to us, bridge secure and a smile on her face. She later told us that a group of ponies called the Shadowbolts were trying to seduce her to join them: that way she could abandon us. Even though she would have gotten her dream of being on an elite flying team, she chose us instead. Makes me feel warm and delighted inside that we are that important to her.

Oh my, I'm terribly sorry. It seems that I derailed from what this letter was supposed to be about. I just got caught up in the moment, I mean you already know all this anyway. Well, back to what I was trying to say earlier before I went on a tangent, it truly has been a long time since I moved here to Ponyville. I was reluctant at first, thinking that this was going to take away from my advanced studies. I could have never been any more wrong than I was back then. Still, it makes me smile anyway knowing that I used to think that way.

I think when I truly started to reminisce back on my past was when me and Moon Dancer made up. Who would have known that the choice I made back when this journey first started would have made such repercussions in the future? Me and the other girls have been hanging out more, Minuette is even going to move down here to Ponyville. Isn't that great, she's going to be working at the local dental facility. I guess that's one dentist I can actually trust: I still have nightmares from when I was a filly.

You're probably wondering how Starlight is holding up? Well, she's a work in progress to say the least. Even though she gave up her misguided intentions on Equestria, she still has a long way to go. For one she needs to get used to giving more than taking. All those years having full control can do that to you I suppose, making you feel as if the world caters to you. Well, at least she's trying. She has even been working at Sugarcube Corner in order to get herself more connected with the townsfolk. I'm positive Pinkie will be the best source for that department, that mare knows things that even surprise me. I still can't believe she found out about my secret fear of quesadillas... why did I just write that, now you will know. Oh well, it's not like it’s that big of a deal anyway, albeit a little embarrassing.

It could be more difficult, though. I could be trying to teach Tirek the magic of friendship, just imagine the thought. On second thought, ignore that image, it frightens me.

We should talk like this more often, I really do miss it. Call me nostalgic or whatever, but this has really lifted a weight on my chest. I just needed to vent these thoughts onto somepony, and I guess this was such a familiar way of doing so. I miss the times we used to do this, but it's behind us now, and there is other tasks to be done. If you have any spare time, though, I would appreciate it if you could send a reply back to me. Something along the lines of how you've been holding up, and what's on your mind. Kind of like pen pals, but a little different since we see each other too often to be pen pals. Speaking of seeing each other, how does a little time to hang out sound to you? It's been a little while since it was just you and me and nopony else. The last time we truly were alone with each other was before I moved here to Ponyville. The wonderful town I call home, and the place I would never want to move from.

Your fellow Princess,

Twilight Sparkle

* * * *

Twilight just got done putting down her signature when she heard a knock at her door.

"Twilight, you been there for awhile now. Dinner's been done for at least ten minutes now, are you coming or what?" Her number one assistant Spike spoke to her outside the door.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'll be out in a minute." Twilight replied to him looking over the letter she just written. "Hey Spike, could you come in for a minute?"

The door opened and Spike walked in. "Yeah Twi, what's up?"

"Well, I've been busy writing a letter to Princess Celestia, and I finally finished just a moment ago. I was hoping you could send it off to her."

"A letter to the princess?" He raised an eyebrow. "Been a while since you've written anything to her hasn't it?"

"Yeah, a little too long." She replied. She then rolled the paper with her magic before levitating it over to Spike. The dragon took it from her magical grasp before spewing a green flame from his maw, turning the letter into magical dust to be carried off to Celestia.

"So, what was the special occasion?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just felt like writing a letter, a bit of nostalgia came over me I suppose." She smiled sheepishly.

"I see. Well, your carrot soup is getting cold and it's not going to eat itself." He said to her quizzaciously.

"Right." She rolled her eyes. She then departed from her room, Spike right behind her. Leaving behind the thoughts of the past she had just a few moments ago, and enjoying the new memories she was making in the present.

Comments ( 2 )

It's nice to see such a heartfelt and simple reminder of why we love this website: a really fun show with an amazing fanbase! Keep on writing, and great work!

She's romanticizing a bit, but one would think that'd be normal for a letter such as this. Rarity? Actually generous? Oh well, I can suspend my disbelief. Good job!

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