• Published 1st Nov 2015
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Path of Kindness and Blood - CommanderX5

Fluttershy was a very kind pureblood vampony who suffered a terrible tragedy. Will she find a place to call home in Ponyville? Will it be filled with friendship and acceptance, or will she face fear and hostility?

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Secret Meeting - Broken Heart

Path of Kindness and Blood


Chapter 6

Secret Meeting

Part 3 - Broken Heart

Applejack’s POV


Applejack ran through her farm, or rather what was left out of it as all the trees looked as if they were cursed. Rotten apples and cut off branches decorated the field among smothered grass. Not that one could admire such abnormal scenery as the sky was dark and the moon barely provided any light. She stopped immediately at the sight of the ruins of her barn and approached with slow, careful steps while wind flapped her tail and mane. She hesitantly peeked inside by a hole in the door, only for her eyes to open widely.

Her parents were lying dead in a puddle of blood as only a lack of light hid the horror of their torn-open insides.

Applejack walked backward with her mouth agape but unable to scream, only to nearly trip on something squishy while tears blurred her vision. She jumped forward and made a 180 turn towards the object she tripped over, only to flinch again. The drained corpse of Granny Smith presented itself under her hooves. Skin looking far older than ever, as if an apple left under the scorching sun for months. ”G-Granny…” She knelt and embraced the corpse. “Not you too!” as it suddenly turned into mere dust and slipped from her strong embrace, making contact with the earth she always worked on for so long.

Applejack stood back to her hooves and looked around before a weak noise reached her ears. “Big Mac!” She ran across the ruins of her farm while screaming her brother’s name, only to pull herself into a full stop at the sight of massive object lying under a tree. Slowly approaching as her heart tried to escape her chest, she noticed several destroyed hunter weapons scattered around and… her brother’s motionless body. She didn’t dare to approach any longer, her raised foreleg refusing to make a step.

“A-A-Apple Bloom…” she murmured to herself with worry, fearing her sister shared her family’s cruel fate, before a familiar bark caught her attention. She felt as if her stomach turned inside out at the sight of the undead dog, Winona, whose bones were clearly exposed through rotten flesh that fell off her as if she was a lizard losing its skin. Next to the loyal dog however was a pony she had recently learned to hate, Fluttershy.

“Have you been looking for this?” the vampony said devilishly as she pushed Apple Bloom’s corpse towards the farm mare’s hooves. The filly’s neck snapped to the side as two wounds from fangs were visible on her neck. “Your big strong brother had plenty of blood to spare, but it wasn’t as tasty as the snack I made of this filly. It turns out that small young apples are the best ones.”

Applejack grit her teeth as her blood was boiling from anger. She jumped towards the pureblood in rage, only to be tackled by her own dog who pressed its teeth against her foreleg. With a solid buck, she kicked Winona away and rolled back to her hooves, her eyes scanning for weapons. She quickly jumped towards a broken blade, but Fluttershy’s hoof struck it first, shattering the silver into small pieces. “Ah’ll buck off that head of yers, even if it’s the last thing Ah do!”

“Is this how you thank me for keeping your animals healthy and for saving your dog? Bad, bad Applejack,” Fluttershy scolded the farm mare before pointing at the approaching pet. “Just look at her, she’s better than ever and will fit perfectly among my animal servants.” She quickly grabbed Applejack’s foreleg before she could react. Much to the farm mare’s pain and shock, blood started to escape from bite marks left by Winona’s teeth right into vampony’s mouth, who then licked her lips in satisfaction. “You’re quite a vigorous apple, I think I’ll keep you.”

Applejack stood on her good foreleg and bent it while turning around, her legs flexed before delivering a double kick, one hoof striking against the vampony’s belly while another hitting the head. With her opponent pushed away, she retreated her bleeding foreleg towards her neck, her breath heavy and filled with fear. “S-s-stay back ya rotten snake. Ah w-warn ya!”

With slow steps, Fluttershy approached Applejack, who in response walked backwards on her three legs while maintaining a defensive stance. “Why so stressed? Maybe I should give you a small massage. That’s what friends do, right?”

“Ya killed mah family. Don't ya dare to call yerself mah friend!” Applejack responded by throwing a nearby rock at the approaching monster, only for Fluttershy’s hoof to smash it into dust with one firm strike. Winona joined the vampony’s side.

Much to Applejack’s horror, another figure approached, his legs and body strong as ever, but eyes not showing any signs of life.

“Winona, Big Macintosh, would either of you be a dear and hold my friend for me?”

Both ghouls nodded before following their orders, easily overpowering the farm mare as her head was pressed against the ground. She struggled to raise her head and looked at the towering Fluttershy. “Ya can turn me into a vampony, but Ah’ll never serve a monster like ya.”

“Oh, but you will, not as a vampony though, but rather as a slave and blood source,” Fluttershy said with a smug on her face as she slowly dug her fangs into Applejack’s neck, whose vision became blurry.

Feeling a strong headache overtaking her, Applejack opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Was Ah…dreamin’, or Ah’m on the other side? Confused, she tried to move her legs, only to feel cold metal keeping them in place. With some more effort, she wriggled against the chains. Did they blindfolded me? Sure seems like it. All of a sudden, she felt something sharp piercing her neck and blood escaping her body. She didn’t find it painful, rather unpleasant. If things couldn’t get any worse, she felt the blood returning into her body with something else. If having blood sucked was gross, what was happening now was outright disgusting.

“Stop that this instant!” Applejack shouted. “Once Ah'm free, Ah’ll smash yer heads into a jam.”

Applejack felt the fangs slowly leaving her body and next sticky tongue making contact with her neck. While pain from the wound was gone, her blood felt as if it was on fire. Applejack wriggled with even greater strength and grit her teeth as the burning sensation lasted for several seconds. Once the pain was gone, she took a heavy breath and asked, “Who's there, and what did ya do?”

The silence lasted for a few more seconds before a familiar voice reached Applejack’s ear, though it didn’t seem to be directed at her. “It is done, she should be under my absolute control... as promised.”

“Fluttershy? Horseapples, Ah should have know!” Applejack said in agitation.

“Sup, AJ?” said another voice, this one harder to recognize.

“And who in tarnation are ya, another of those creeps?”

“Creep, who do you think you’re calling a creep? I’m Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ Pon-3!” she said in an offended tone before adding in a more sore one, “And you’re a huntress as it seems. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of a secret life where you kick flanks left and right, but working for a monster hunting guild… not cool AJ, not cool.”

A noise that sounded like fighting reached Applejack’s ears as Vinyl’s voice became muffled. What in Celestia’s name? Applejack thought as she mentally facehooved. Only chains preventing her from doing the same with her hoof. Was she still dreaming? Or was this vampony so stupid to tell her name and occupation to a blindfolded enemy? They’d better kill me before Ah kill them... or mahself.

Once the stupid pony seemed to be restrained and pulled away, Applejack could hear another voice, this one professional and firm. “My master wishes for a demonstration.”

Master, are there more purebloods in this cursed forest? Applejack thought as sweat started to fall from her forehead. Surely she ended up trying to bite off more than she could chew. Her heart sank at the thought of all these monsters sinking their teeth into her until she was as dried as a prune. But she would not scream for them. She would die like a true huntress. Applejack sighed and thought, Ah wish Ah could say goodbye to mah kin. Who knows? Maybe Ah’ll be avenged.

“As you wish.“ Once again she could hear Fluttershy voice, this time more commanding and filled with confidence. “Applejack, tell me, what were you doing in the Everfree Forest and why did you attack me?”

Tartarus will freeze before Ah tell, Applejack thought, but her mouth opened on her own. “Ah was on a mission to track down a vampony that entered the Everfree Forest after one rookie hunter lost track of it.” If not for her eyes being blindfolded, the vamponies would have seen utter shock in them. Ya rotten, cursed bloodsucking… an avalanche of curses went through her mind as her mouth was working. “Ah know the forest well, so Ah was to find this bloodsucker and follow it. When mah hidin’ spot was found, Ah attacked.”

“Does your family know you’re here? Are they monster hunters as well or know you are a member of the guild?”

Applejack grit her teeth as she fought against desire to speak with all her will. Just like in that damn dream. Ah won’t let it come true. The memories of her dream surfaced in an instant, the pain of seeing her family slaughtered, the hate she felt towards Fluttershy for murdering them. Was she going to becoming a slave?

After several seconds of resisting, her mouth broke loose. “Mah brother is a damn good hunter. He takes down big beasts. Granny was a huntress but retired. Apple Bloom’s not, but she knows we are and wants to be one. Winona fights by mah side. Ya aren’t a huntress, Fluttershy, but now ya know we are.”

Why did Ah just say that? Ah can understand why Ah would consider Winona as more than just a pet, but why in Tartarus would Ah even think of Fluttershy, of that demonic spawn, as family? She frowned. It must've been some sort of curse, forcing me to lie.

“As you all can see–” Fluttershy started, her tone much sadder than before.

’You all?’ How many of those damn undead are here?

“–She cannot disobey my orders, and her family won’t as well.”

Something in Applejack broke as she yelled with all her lungs could let her, “Touch mah family and Ah will take out yer heart and put on a pike!” she took a deep breath. “I’ll cut yer head and smash yer skull, and then burn yer remains to ashes! Ah’ll find every single last one of ya bloodsuckers and send ya straight back to Tartarus where ya belong! Ah swear to Celestia! Ah swear on mah parents graves!” the chains started to crack, slowly overpowered by the enraged earth pony. “Ah’ll kill ya Fluttershy, ya hear. Ah’ll stop ya from hurtin’ mah family or die tryin’!”

“C-calm d-down,” another command was spoken as Applejack’s muscles froze, refusing to give her the privilege of revenge.

The silence was heavy as Applejack felt a storm of emotions and countless words she wished to speak. “Ah… hate ya so much. Ah’ll never... forgive... ya,” she said coldly and calmly.

“Are the r-results… s-satisfying?” Fluttershy asked.

After a moment of silence, the professional pony spoke, “My master agrees to untie her and wishes for another demonstration.” An unrecognizable whisper followed.

The sound of breaking metal followed as Applejack was no longer restrained. Metal falling onto the floor with a weak thump. She immediately tackled whoever was in front of her and was about to take blindfold off her eyes, when another command reached her ears, “Do not take the blindfold off.”

With hoof refusing to heed her command, she switched targets and delivered a punch at whoever she was pinning to the floor. Another hit quickly followed, and next another as a weak yelp of pain left Fluttershy’s mouth. “Don’t attack me and let me stand.”

Applejack growled before doing as she was told, feeling like a puppet with Fluttershy pulling her strings. She would shoot the pureblood a hateful glare if not for the band covering her eyes. Unable to see anything, she focused on memories she had whenever she encountered Fluttershy. Times when she attended to her animals and healed them, when the shy pegasus talked with the critters to help her farm.

To think that after being wounded by a monster, Winona was bein’ healed by an even crueler one. The good memories were quickly replaced by the nightmare she had just a few moments ago. To think that such a calm and shy pegasus that could barely throw a horseshoe was in reality an immortal undead with power to turn innocent ponies into monsters. Never judge an apple by its skin.

“Now bow to our guests on the left.”

Applejack fought against the order, her pride on the line, but after a short moment, her trembling legs bent.

“Was this demonstration proof enough?”

The ongoing silence was replaced by a vampony’s firm response. “Indeed. As per agreement, my master will allow you to keep the huntress and her family under your control and jurisdiction.” A short whisper later, he added, “This meeting is over. My master wishes you safe trip on your way home and fun with your new pets.”

“T-thank you,” Fluttershy responded before her voice became louder and commanding. “Applejack, please follow me.”

Despite being blinded, her legs followed the command, step by step moving towards the source of voice. “Ya think ya can just take pony’s free will and own us. Just wait till mah guild finds out about ya. They’ll make sure ya don't enslave anypony else and send ya where ya belong!”


Rarity looked at Fluttershy, who was leading Applejack out of the ruins as the farm mare nearly tripped three times, and next at one of the fellow thestrals who placed a collar on the farm’s mare neck with a rope for Fluttershy to pull. It wasn’t taken lightly as several swears that made her fur straighten upward left Applejack’s mouth.

“Fluttershy...” Rarity said hesitantly, her voice depressed. As a thestral herself, she could sense heart-rates and notice small details even more easy than before. While Applejack’s hatred was obvious, she could also see a huge amount of pain, guilt and self-hatred in her poor friend.

“Pureblood or not… she placed far too much of a burden on her delicate withers,” Rarity murmured to herself. She raised her hoof, wanting nothing but to cheer up and assist her friend, but her body refused to take a step. She bit her lips and turned to the side, closing her eyes in shame. I am sorry, Fluttershy, I really am… but I cannot let Applejack know… what I have become.

“Are you feeling okay?” Fluttershy asked with concern as she lead Applejack through the Everfree Forest. Rope temporarily released from her mouth while the collar still decorated the farm mare’s neck.

“Buck you,” Applejack responded.

"I’ll take that as a no.”

None spoke a single word as leaves flapped against the wind. Many noises were audible amongst the trees and bushes. No creature however bothered to approach the pureblood thestral they knew from her many strolls.

Time passed as both mares were deep in thought, every second of silence raised Applejack’s anger and deepened the wound in Fluttershy’s heart. Suddenly, the blinded huntress tripped over a root right onto her face.

Fluttershy ran over immediately and said, “Here, let me help,” only for Applejack to slam her hoof before standing on her own. The vampony retreated her trembling foreleg and grabbed the rope with her teeth as they continued walking.

Finally, both mares arrived at the cottage. “Wait a moment, please,” Fluttershy said as she walked towards the door and looked outside. Her ears straightened and pupils dilated as she scanned the area, searching for even the smallest of movements and the quietest of noise. After several seconds that seemed like minutes, she slowly closed the door and curtains on the windows before sighing in relief. “We’re alone.”

Angel quickly ran to Fluttershy and poked her in the foreleg. He jumped few times and pointed at Applejack. Fluttershy knelt and whispered, “It’s a long story. Can you please take the other animals upstairs and look outside the window to make sure no one’s approaching?” Angel responded with crossed paws and a suspicious glare. “I’ll explain it later, I promise, but now I have to talk with Applejack.” Her stare become more firm as she added, “And no matter what you hear from downstairs, do not interfere. I and my… former friend have a harsh dispute that we need to address.”

Applejack frowned.

Angel looked between Applejack and Fluttershy before nodding. He whistled as it summoned all the animals, from birds to mice, all in line-formation by species and awaiting orders. With a firm movement of his paw, he pointed upstairs and stomped his little feet as all the animals saluted and followed the order.

With the room empty, Fluttershy approached the huntress and took off both the collar from her neck and the band from her eyes. As she expected, the glare she received was filled with rage and hatred.

With her heartrate speed increasing and sweat falling from her forehead, Fluttershy took a deep breath and said, “I know that you’re angry, Applejack–”

“Angry?” the huntress cut her off. “That’s like sayin’ lava’s hot like hot water, or a forest fire’s like a burnin’ candle. Ah despise and hate ya with every part of mah being, ya backstabbin’ wolf in sheep skin monster!”

Fluttershy took a step back. “I know how it looks like, but I was just trying–”

“Tryin’ what? To enslave me and mah family, take away our freedom for yer amusement?”

“Stop it, please!” she responded in panic as Applejack’s mouth was sealed. Fluttershy quickly raised hoof to her face as her eyes widened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...” The huntress just turned her head to the side.

“Applejack, please listen to me,” she said, which forced the farm mare to turn towards her and listen carefully, though she could easy see disapproval in Applejack’s eyes. “I didn’t have a choice. It was either this, or I would have to take your life. Please, believe me.”

“Ya might as well killed me. Ah would prefer it over bein’ yer puppet,” Applejack responded as she looked around for anything sharp. With smash of her hoof, she shattered a teacup and grabbed the sharpest piece she could find. With her foreleg trembling whenever she aimed it at Fluttershy, she struck her own neck. Her action failing to leave a single mark on her battle hardened body. Frustrated, she threw it at her enemy, but her foreleg turned a bit to the left against her will and attack missed.

Fluttershy took a few quick breaths, startled by the huntress’s statement. “And your family? Would you have them killed too?”

With a stomp, Applejack made hole in the floor as wooden planks shot upward around her hoof. “Don't ya dare.”

“This isn’t what you think. What I’m trying to tell you is that you’re from a family of hunters. You all are a threat to our kind. The only way to convince the others to spare your lives was to show them that you would no longer hunt us, that you would keep me being a pureblood thestral as a secret. I didn’t have a choice.”

“Excuses,” Applejack responded harshly. “You’re makin’ excuses to justify yer sins. Cut the act and stop hidin’ behind lies.”

“I am not lying!” Fluttershy shouted in desperation.

Applejack growled. “Ah know ya are. All purebloods are the same, building up yer power on innocents’ misery. Ya can talk all ya want, but yer actions speak louder than words.”

Fluttershy’s legs trembled as she gulped. “You tried… you tried to kill me…and I spared your life.”

“Just to get a servant out of it,” Applejack responded in accusation. Only Fluttershy’s orders preventing her from tearing her apart.

Fluttershy approached on her trembling legs as she said with all the confidence she could muster, “I didn’t want to take away your freedom. I just had to convince others that I would enslave you and your family so they can be spared.” Applejack just crossed her foreleg and frowned, her head turned to the side. Fluttershy closed her eyes as a hard decision was to be made.

She couldn’t keep the farm mare on a leash, it was not in her nature nor in her parents teachings, but what she was about to do would have dire consequences. Fluttershy scowled. She already carried a huge burden, adding a bit more would hardly make a difference. She raised her head and looked at Applejack with renewed determination as she steeled herself for incoming pain.

“You wish to see my actions rather than words? As your master and owner by blood hypnosis, I hereby release you from my control so you can do as you please.” Applejack looked back at her with confusion, once again feeling as if her blood was on fire, but only for a short moment. “You are free Applejack, as you can see, I was telling the tru–” she failed to finish her sentence as she was tackled to the floor.

No longer restrained by any magic, no longer under order to stay calm and not attack her master, all of Applejack’s gathered fury was unleashed at this very moment. “Ah don’t know what sick game yer playin’, but if ya think ya can trick me not to trash ya, yer dead wron’. Ah'm goin’ to make ya regret ya were ever born.”

Fluttershy just stared back in silence, at least until Applejack grabbed a lamp from the nearby table and slammed it against her face. A punch in the muzzle quickly followed.


“Ya purebloods are the worst monsters we have to fight. All vamponies ya created and we kill were once innocent fellow ponies. Only by killing the source of infestation we can stop it from spreadin’.”

Applejack jumped back and stood on her forelegs, her hind legs aimed at Fluttershy who slowly got back to her hooves. With one solid kick, she slammed her against a wall as it cracked from all sides, leaving the vampony stuck in a pony shaped hole. “Mah Pa and Ma once went to free this world from one of yer kind, they never returned!” Applejack shouted as she kicked a table towards Fluttershy who was still stuck in the wall, the table bouncing off her back onto the floor with a part of it falling off.

Angel ran down the stairs against his master’s wishes to find out what was behind the commotion. He quickly noticed the farm mare throwing bird houses at a barely resisting Fluttershy, blindfold and collar no longer on the prisoner. He facepalmed swiftly before returning to his post. Of all the feared and respected purebloods he had pleasure to work under, this one had to be such a doormat with no charisma whatsoever.

“Ya think that ponies are for ya to control, yer puppets to play with. Ya all think ya can do whatever ya want!” Applejack said as she kept throwing anything near her hoof, each strike causing more bruises to appear on Fluttershy’s fur, but failed to make her let our even the smallest yelp of pain. With the room now a one big mess and most objects in shreds, Applejack jumped at the vampony, her rear hooves pressing into Fluttershy’s belly and left bat-like wing while forehooves pressed against neck.

“Ah trusted ya. Ah thought ya to be a shy and innocent mare with a very kind heart.” She loosened her hold against the neck, only to press against it with even greater strength. Sweat formed on Applejack’s forehead as she grit her teeth from the effort “Ah hate to admit it, but when ya saved Winona’s life, Ah thought of ya as family.” Tears flowed down her cheeks. “But in the end, it was jus’ a show, a sick mind game for ya. Were ya planning to turn mah family into yer undead slaves, or make a dinner out of our blood and flesh?”

Fluttershy coughed in response as floor under her neck cracked and her head was pinned against the wood. Despite the huntress’s efforts, her bones refused to snap.

Unable to choke the manipulator to death, Applejack released the neck and swung her foreleg, delivering Fluttershy a powerful hit against the muzzle while the head sunk a few centimeters deeper into the wood. “Ah ate with ya,” she said before another hit came, blood from a broken nose covered her hoof.

“Ah played with ya.” Another hit followed. “Ah believed in yer fake smile every single time.” Another hit. “Ah let Apple Bloom play hide and seek with ya.” Punch. “And ya were scoutin’ us, yer fangs ready to sink in mah sister and brother’s necks.” More attacks followed as more tears flowed down, mixing with the blood that streamed to the floor. “Yer kin took mah Pa and Ma away, and now ya want mah sister, brother and granny, Ah won’t allow it!” At least six more strikes followed as her last hit struck against the eye, causing it to bleed as for the first time, Fluttershy yelped.

“Yer a despicable, worthless blood sucking bag of hay, disease that ruin families’ lives and soulless heartless monsters!” With each word, the strikes became slower and weaker. “Why won’t ya just dieee…?!

Applejack forelegs trembled and stopped supporting her as she fell next to Fluttershy, landing in a puddle of blood of her own making. More tears escaped her face as she added with tired voice, “Just die… please.”

The huntress stood back to her hooves and breathed heavily, all rage and frustration she gathered until now, all her hate she felt towards those despicable monsters after losing her parents, all of it unleashed in the past minute. She looked once again at the stubborn traitorous mare whose skull refused to break. Her muzzle broken and bleeding left eye closed.

“B-better?” Fluttershy asked before coughing even more blood onto the floor, her right eye producing tears while the left eye produced a diluted red liquid.

“W-what?” the huntress asked, blinking in confusion.

“Are you feeling better?” Fluttershy asked with a sad and hoarse voice. Feeling as if her delicate soul was torn apart. “Is your heart lighter after unleashing all of your fury on me?” Noticing a weak hesitant nod, she forced a smile and added, “I am… glad.”

"Why... why did ya free me? Why did ya keep mah life spared? Yer supposed to be a merciless monster, so why?"

Fluttershy took a heavy breath and spoke, "Because... I am your friend. You may be my enemy who wants to hurt me… to take away my life…” She barely stood as her body was shaking. “I know I’ll suffer because of my decision, but I’d rather struggle myself and not hurt anypony… than let you and your family die... for my sake.” Suddenly something inside of her snapped. Her eyes opened widely, even the wounded one, and her lips started to tremble. Much to Applejack’s surprise, Fluttershy fell to the side as blood on the floor splattered from the impact. She put foreleg on her eyes and burst into uncontrollable crying.

Applejack could only stare in disbelief as her mind tried to process what was happening. Is she… really cryin’? It has to be act, right? With stored anger and frustration no longer clouding her judgement, what she saw caught her completely off guard. In front of her was her sworn enemy, a pureblood vampony… who was crying in a puddle of her own blood. A creature who had recently saved her dog and spent an eventful day with her and her family.

She fought against Fluttershy, a fight she should have lost, and yet she was still alive. She ended up becoming her slave, but was released soon after. For the past few minutes, she was treating Fluttershy as a punching bag who refused to fight back. “Is your heart lighter after unleashing all of your fury on me?” Fluttershy’s words echoed in the huntress’s mind. Is a supposedly powerful and cruel creature that curses this thriving kingdom with its very presence now really cryin’ in front of mah very eyes?”

“S-stop that, ya cannot fool me!” Applejack said loudly, but her words were clearly ignored. “Ah said, stop this charade!”

Nothing but the sound of crying filled the room as Applejack rubbed the floor with her hoof. No one in Hunter Training Camp ever told her how to deal with a crying foe. She was often warned to never trust her target when it begs for mercy or swear to change its ways, that it was a lie or even a trap, that hesitation would kill her. With a few quiet steps, Applejack walked to another room while looking around, quickly noticing that she was inside a kitchen. “Just what Ah needed.”

It didn’t take long before the huntress found a kitchen knife. It wasn’t made of silver and didn’t seemed to be enchanted in anyway, but it had to do. With the knife between her teeth, she walked back into the main room, slowly approaching her foe. She knelt in front of Fluttershy who was still in her devastated condition, unaware of her surroundings. She could see long faded pink mane and tail now soaked in blood, batlike wings lying motionlessly against the floor and ears lying flat against the vampony’s head.

Applejack’s determined and angered face softened slightly as realization struck her. If her hooves that could crush a rock and push a tree from its roots failed to damage the pureblood’s neck and head, why would a normal kitchen knife fare any better? Ah can’t kill ya with this, but Ah can still make ya suffer, thought Applejack. She could make holes in those thin wings, open a few wounds here and there, surely it would be proper punishment for all the evils this creature spread across Equestria, vengeance for her parents death. She lowered her head and aimed at the wing…

The strike didn’t come.

With one swing of her head and forehoof, she pushed the knife away as it bounced on the floor with a weak thump. She was a huntress and her mission was to eliminate dangerous monsters and protect innocents, not torture for some petty revenge. If she was going to face Fluttershy and kill her, she would do it with professional equipment and swiftly.

Seconds passed by as Applejack sat next to her crying enemy, unaware of the presence of Angel, who observed her from the stairs, more than willing to push his tiny teeth into her flank and waiting for an excuse to do so.

Feeling conflicted and awkward, the huntress spoke, “Flutter...shy, are ya… cryin’ for real?” she asked as it was the first thing that popped into her mind. Stupid question, Ah can see clearly that those tears are sincere. She slowly straightened her foreleg to poke vampony’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Ah ain’t goin’ to hurt ya… for now at least.” Maybe it was too honest.

The sobbing continued, causing Applejack to scratch back of her neck nervously. She sighed and thought, Ah'm goin’ to hate mahself for what Ah'm about to do. She stroked Fluttershy’s mane gently and said as calmly as she could, “It’s okay sugarcube, Ah'm no longer mad… Ah… Ah… Ah’m s-s…” She grit her teeth as word was stuck in her throat. “S-sorry,” she said before adding hastily, “Ah let mah emotions go full rodeo and Ah hurt ya as a common thug.”

Hearing a weak whimper and next murmur come from the crying vampony, Applejack lowered her head. “Can ya speak a bit louder?” After not receiving any response, she said, “Come on Fluttershy, listen, Ah'm really sorry, just stop cryin’ and speak with me, please.”

“You’re lying… You’re just saying you’re sorry... to calm me down... but you don’t mean it... You hate me... admit it.”

Applejack blinked as she barely heard the muffled voice between sobbing, but at least it wasn’t uncontrollable crying anymore. She opened her mouth to respond, but closed it immediately. Am Ah truly sorry, or did Ah just say that out of pity? Applejack thought before answering. “Maybe yes, maybe no, Ah ain’t sure. Ah need… time to figure it out.”

Fluttershy slowly raised her head from the blood covered floor and looked the huntress in the eyes, one bloodshot while the other slightly deformed from the punch.

Applejack found the stare somewhat uncomfortable as she stood to her full height and took a few steps back, smiling awkwardly.

Noticing it and after considering spoken words, Fluttershy looked down at the floor and whispered, “It’s better than nothing… I guess.”

The huntress looked over the mess in the house for any tissue or material to wipe the blood from vampony’s face, but found nothing useful. “Sorry about the mess, Ah’ll help cleanin’,” she said before picking up a damaged lamp, only for it to shatter into tiny pieces and fall back to the floor. Feeling the awkwardness grow, she asked, “Were ya honest with me; about lyin’ to those other vamponies… whoever was at that demonstration of yours, so Ah and mah family can live?” Noticing a weak nod, Applejack opened her mouth and struggled to say one word she never thought she would ever say to a vampony if she ever met one. She cleared her throat a few times with a cough, and after a few failed tries, she said, “T-t-thank… ya.”

Fluttershy just stared back at her with depressed smile and those lifeless eyes. “You’re welcome,” she said absentmindedly.

Why Ah'm feelin’ so bad? Applejack thought with a sad smile of her own as guilt replaced her rage. She is a pureblood vampony. She can easily ruin others’ lives with her powers. She can take away freedom and enslave yer fellow ponies, she can turn them into undead monsters. Why should Ah feel bad for her? In any other circumstances, she would beam in joy for her accomplishment, for making a pureblood vampony feel miserable just as she and her family were when her parents were killed by one. But what she felt was anything but joy.

Both mares just stared at each other, neither daring to say a word as they rubbed the floor or their forelegs nervously, occasionally looking at the puddle of blood. Applejack's attention turned to the wounds visible on Fluttershy and asked, “Ya… don't look so good.” After what Ah did to ya. “Where do ya keep the first aid and bandages?”

Fluttershy looked at her blood-covered hooves before touching her face and saying, “Oh… right, this.” She chuckled coldly. “I forgot I was hurt.”

Applejack’s pupils shrank as she thought, How do ya forget that yer own face is bleedin’?

“Umm… does it hurt?”

Fluttershy nodded weakly and said, “Very much… but I’m used to it by now.” Her good eye flashed in red as puddle of blood started to move like a boiling soup, only for it to form a stream heading right into Fluttershy’s deformed face, returning it to its former glory. Applejack’s mouth was agape as she stared in disbelief. It was one thing when it happened in battle where she was too focused to kill her target to care, but seeing it now when bolts and blades weren’t swinging around was a completely different story.

Applejack closed her mouth and gulped before asking, “Why didn’t ya do that in the first place?”

Fluttershy touched her face to make sure it was free from bruises and next rubbed the back of her neck. “I… umm… forgot to do that,” she said calmly.

“Forgot? Yer buckin’ face was bleedin’ and ye forgot to heal it?” Applejack asked as she rubbed her eyes, wondering if this vampony was real in the first place. Forget Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy’s on a whole different’ level. “Shouldn’t yer wounds heal themselves or somethin’?”

The vampony flinched from Applejack’s outburst before nodding hesitantly. She pressed hoof against her chest and took a deep breath before lecturing, “It’s true, they should heal overtime. However, unlike normal thestrals who possess a high regeneration rate, purebloods like myself can command blood. This ability allows me to heal wounds at a far greater speed and recover blood loss… as long as silver isn’t involved.” Applejack nodded, somewhat interested. “I tried to be strong.” She wiped tears still present on her face. “But after what you said… I… I didn’t bother to heal my aching body… because the pain I felt in my soul was… far greater.”

Applejack bit her lips. If the guilt she felt came just from pity, now one more source of it was added as she felt horrible. The more she looked at Fluttershy, the more she talked with her, the less she saw a pureblood vampony, a lord of the undead, and more like the shy vulnerable pegasus she knew for years. An innocent pony with calm nature and love for animals. A pony she might have just broken. Applejack raised her foreleg and opened her mouth as she searched for any words that would cheer her former friend, but failed to find a single one.

“What will happen now?” Fluttershy asked, waking up Applejack from her thoughts. She looked at the farm mare with mix between fear and pain. “You’re free, Applejack. What will you do?”

The huntress closed her eyes while wishing not to hear this question. As much as she wanted to make it up to Fluttershy for all the physical and mental damage she caused, to put a cheerful smile on her face, she was still a huntress and Fluttershy was a pureblood. It was her sworn duty to eliminate threats to pony kind. On the other hoof, this pureblood showed her mercy, twice. She owed Fluttershy a big debt of gratitude.

With the vampony looking at her as if she were a prisoner awaiting judgement, Applejack spoke, “Ah hate to say it, but…” She broke eye contact and looked to the side at the shattered table. “While ya may spared mah life and returned mah freedom to me, yer still a threat. It’s mah sworn duty to protect the defenseless from the likes of you.” With heavy heart and lowered head, she continued, “Ah'm sincerely sorry, but…” Applejack grit her teeth and closed her eyes tightly, struggling to continue. After several seconds of inner fight, she sighed. “Ah’ll have to report the guild ‘bout ya or eliminate ya mahself. Ya’ll live for centuries, and while ya behave today, Ah can’t risk what ya’ll do tomorrow.”

“Oh…” was the only word that left Fluttershy’s mouth. She shook her head and spoke with a more depressed voice than before, “I expected this when I made my decision. I’ll… do my best not to hurt you or whoever will try to take my life, but I have the right to protect myself.”

“Ya sure do,” Applejack said in a regretful tone as she kicked a broken plant with her foreleg. Neither she or Fluttershy dared to look at each other.

“If you… if you or other guild members manage to kill me,” She started, capturing the huntress’s attention, “take your family and flee from here as far as possible. Stay away from Ponyville and Canterlot and never return.”

“What? Why?” Applejack asked in confusion as she approached Fluttershy.

“Just… just trust me. If you value yourself and your family, stay away from here and Canterlot.”

Applejack was speechless as realization struck her. Of course other vamponies would want to avenge their master or fellow pureblood, how could she be so blind? Fluttershy… even after all Ah done to ya, after Ah sworn to ruin yer life, ya still care for us more than yerself. If only the circumstances were different, if only Ah never found yer secret, we would’ve become great friends, oblivious to the truth. Maybe ignorance sometimes really is bliss.

“Ah’ll be goin’ then. Ah already overextended mah welcome. Once again, sorry about the mess and harsh words,” the huntress said, but not received any reaction. She passed Fluttershy and was about to open the door, when a sudden rush of pain assaulted her mind. Her foreleg that was about to open the door was now pierced by a shuriken, most likely sharpened and enhanced to wound a battle-hardened earth pony.

Applejack took out the projectile and steeled her nerves before turning to Fluttershy. Ah should’ve seen this commin’, not that Ah can blame her. As she expected, the vampony was in a battle stance. The confusing part however was that Fluttershy wasn’t facing her, instead, she was turned towards the kitchen. Suddenly, three more shuriken flew at her from out of nowhere. Applejack jumped to the side as they hit the door, only for one more to head straight for her face. She braced herself for the impact, but it didn’t come. What in tarnation?” The huntress slowly lowered her guard as she focused on Fluttershy’s foreleg, which was now bleeding while blocking the way of the projectile.

Applejack’s eyes widened as only being trained huntress prevented her from screaming in fear. From the kitchen, a levitating head emerged out from nowhere. It spoke, “Leaving so soon?”

“What in Celestia’s name?” Applejack shouted before taking fighting stance as well. She winced as the bleeding wound on her foreleg reminded her of how sharp the projectile was.

Fluttershy was not surprised in the slightest as she spoke in a firm tone, “Sharp Eye! What are you doing here?” She pointed accusingly. “Is this… what I think it is?”

The head nodded before the rest of the body appeared out of nothing as he took a few steps forward. “Veil of darkness, correct.”

“B-but this spell is very difficult to cast and very draining. Only purebloods have enough magic to use it, and even we can’t keep it up for long. How did you manage to keep it up this entire time?”

Sharp Eye chuckled in satisfaction. “My poor naive Flutterbat. I’m nearly three centuries old, while you aren’t even one. I was a student of one of, if not the most powerful and wise pureblood lord in all of Equestria while your parents kept you sheltered and taught you about lollipops and rainbows. Pureblood or not, I wouldn't be surprised if you had trouble maintaining this spell.”

“Flutterbat? Veil of Darkness?” Applejack said in confusion, somewhat regretting for giving up some a course on theoretical education about vamponies for physical training.

Fluttershy hissed. “I take it you heard everything?”

Sharp Eye nodded before yelling, “I didn’t just hear it, I saw the disgrace with my own eyes. A pureblood vampony crawling in front of the huntress’s hooves. You sicken me!” His forelegs were stomping against the floor with great force, adding even more holes to the already massive mess in the room.

Fluttershy flapped her wings threateningly and exposed her fangs as she did her best to suppress her wounded soul. “You’re trespassing in my territory. According to the thestral codes, everypony in pureblood territory is under his or her protection. That includes Applejack.”

Sharp Eye laughed. “Your territory? My master let you keep Ponyville out of pity, for being the weak and pathetic fool you are. But you’re not even worth this pity, you traitor!”

Applejack quickly understood the situation and grabbed the closest damaged plank she could find between her teeth. Ah wish Ah still had mah weapons. At least this cottage has some lights, she thought, only for last working lamp and two candles to be destroyed with a solid push of telekinesis, leaving the huntress in complete darkness. Ponyfeathers.

“I have spared her life and I’m going to make sure she keeps it,” Fluttershy said hesitantly, her fake confidence not fooling anypony.

“Oh, she and her family will be executed, you have my word, but I have a bigger fish to take care of.”

Applejack’s glare hardened, only the wood in her mouth preventing her from shooting several insults and warnings.

Sharp Eye pointed at Fluttershy whose ears curled from fear. “For betraying your kind and abusing my master’s trust, I sentence you to a slow and painful death!”

Author's Note:

I know that I have presented Applejack in a very harsh light in this chapter, however it is the result of her teachings form her young age and grief after lossing her parrents. This is AU, dark and sad tagged story after all and some characters have diferent backstory than in the show.

I will understand if many of you would want to rain holly fire on AJ, but this chapter was finished long time ago and changing it would create some issues, so all I can hope for is that I didn't ruin this story by going to far.

As always, I am looking forward to your feedback.

List of editors:
ShipIsLove ShipIsLife
Rated Ponystar

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