• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 230 Views, 4 Comments

Rising Dawn - SpiderDungeon

Celestia moves the sun during the day, but what happens when it sinks below the horizon?

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Khepri began his daily trek across the underworld along the same path he followed every day since forever and ever. Gripping the strand of energy in his claws, he brought it to his horn and fastened it into a pretty little bow. Doing such things usually unusual for a male according to society made him feel important; he also found it amusing for a time. Once again pushing aside the negative thoughts that tried to take down his middle tower, Khepri adorned a cheerful attitude, and a matching smile to boot. Armed with his new bubbly attitude (and a gigantic friggin' space nuke), the big beetle followed his usual beaten-down path. If he remembered correctly -- No. He doesn't need to remember; he follows the same 12 hour-long path every day through the same 7 planes of oblivion the underworld, past all the horrifying monsters who try to kill him, but end up being little more than a minor annoyance, and right up to the end of the world. Of course, only the stupidest of creatures would ever try to kill a big bloody beetle dragging the sun itself behind him like a child's balloon.

Which, now that Khepri thought about it, isn't actually that bad of an analogy. In fact, despite being hard to drag along due to it's mind-boggling amount of inertia, it actually feels pretty light.
Khepri chuckled at his unintentional yet appreciable pun.

Now, all he really needs to do is follow the path, but going over the locations he needs to pass through to get to the outer Farlands makes it feel more like an adventure than a job. Somehow, this never gets old. But let's be honest, no one would complain about that in Khepri's position. Now, if he recalls correctly, his first destination is the Lost Woods.

While most who approach the mysterious forest decide to turn around and never enter the cursed woods, Khepri never feared the strange magics inside. It felt as if the forest wanted him to pass through, almost like it knew how important his job was. Which was creepy. Forests aren't capable of a higher consciousness. But Khepri didn't know how important his job was. He's just been doing this all his life because he's afraid of what might happen if he didn't do it. It IS the sun after all. For all he knew, if he left it alone, the sun would build up so much heat around it from being in the same position all the time that it would set Tartarus ablaze! Haven't these tortured souls suffered enough!? No. Khepri refused to let that happen. Wheither or not it was out of compassion or selfishness, he doubted anyone cared. Or maybe they didn't even know... Did they?

...No. If Khepri had such thoughts, it was inevitable that others had the same thoughts as him. If he learned anything from his long life, it's that-- he had been thinking for so long he already passed clean through the forest without a hitch. Huh. Being distracted for so long, the solar scarab hadn't even noticed what happened while he was traversing the Lost Woods. Based on his prior experience, however, he can vividly describe every oak, birch, and pine tree along his route. Even that extremely out of place golden maple tree that has it's trunk split in two and shaped like a heart.

That tree concerned him greatly. It always did, every time he passed it. It's not like it did anything bad, but it just had this sort of... Aura about it. Not necessarily a bad one, but not good either. Neutral. Khepri hated neutral. Pick a freakin' side! Sheesh. The scarab paused, catching himself before his thoughts got too out of hand.


Huffing at the thought of how arrogant he can be sometimes, he checked back to make sure the sun was still being towed behind him, As if the sweltering heat wasn't enough of a clue. Khepri smiled again, but this time with excited mischief as he began forming a phrase of pure evil within his mind.

"I thought I lost the Sun once, but then it d- no wait, I said that already..." He said. How clever.
His positive attitude now gone, Khepri trudged on, frustrated by the fact that he was incapable of making a decent and original pun. If you could say puns were decent in the first place, that is...

After an hour of walking, Khepri came across a pillar of carved stone beside the path, one of twelve that he had placed strategically along his route to let him keep track of his progress. He admired the expertly carved design that he had engraved himself; the way the lined danced around each other, and the expert placing of the carving itself, which allowed the curves and shapes of the vivid picture to be expressed as they interacted with the seemingly random jagged edges, rises, and valleys of the rock, each pillar showcasing it's own version of the masterpiece...


Apparently he had missed more than he thought in that forest. A gap in his memory concerned him a lot... Probably even more so than the creepy heart-shaped tree. Still, this was his two-hour mark, and the sun's momentum decides the pace that he travels at. Khepri was reminded of this as the flying hydrogen reactor tugged on the ethereal rope, urging him to continue. He has a schedule to keep! So onward he went.

Going to item two on his checklist, Khepri sighed in relief. The upcoming location, known to the inhabitants of the underworld as "World 2" for some reason, was a vast desert. Hot as... Well, he was already IN hell basically, so there's nothing to compare it to since it's already hot as it can metaphorically be. But as hot as it was, it had several large bodies of liquid relief.

No, not that kind of liquid relief! Get your mind out of the gutter you warped little... Actually, why was Khepri having such otherworldly thoughts? It is not unnatural for one to think such dirty things from time to time, especially considering he is a male no less... It is perfectly normal. What is NOT normal, is talking to people who aren't really there about things... That... Khepri lost his train of thought surprisingly fast. Perhaps his old age is finally catching up to him. Or not. No, probably not. Immortals don't get old. Physically. Mentally, it depends on the environment in which the deity ages.

So in Khepri's case, no, he is not as old as he suspected. That is a comforting thought. For a minute there, he thought he was going crazy! Ha! What a ridiculous thought that now that he thinks about it is not that much of a far-fetched idea.

Psychosis: a mental disorder characterized by symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, that indicate impaired contact with reality.


Impaired contact with reality

Perhaps he was going crazy after all. Still, it's not like it mattered anyway. Even if he was, he had a job to do, and ye gods was he going to do it, psychotic or not. Although hopefully the latter.

Khepri was broken out of his thinking when he spied another one of his masterpiece pillars. Ever proud of the handiwork and unparalleled quality if the creation, he approached the tower of art.



How could this be? The pillar must be wrong. No! The pillars were never wrong! Khepri made sure of this himself! Had he really been determining his mental state for so long that he had missed the desert entirely? Mindlessly repeating the same turns surprised him not, but how could he have passed pillar 4? If 5 broke his concentration then why didn't 4? What about number 3? Something was undoubtedly wrong. There's no possible way there could be gaps in Khepri's mind. Not this big, and not twice in one day.

And then it hit him like a truck or timeline-restricted equivalent of a truck.

"Something to finally break this endless cycle, even if just for a moment."

Well, here is that something. Endless cycle successfully broken. Very funny, okay joke's over!




Khepri had arrived at his destination. With a lack of recollection from any of the day's journey. A very scary lack of recollection. This was by far the most concerning part of his life. One could even say scariest. This had never ever happened before, so why now? Why did this even happen? What did he do? What if it's what he didn't do? These thoughts raced uncomfortably around in his mind as he, for the first time in his life, panicked. But at least the scariest point in his life is over. All he has to do is wait and let the strange force take the sun back to the surface world.

Khepri stared off into the endless void at the sheer drop that was the edge of the world. Strange grey particles floated around amidst the lightless void of the, uh... Void. The way they twirled and danced, rose and fell... It was surreal to anyone who watched. Even after seeing it every 24 hours for literally trillions and trillions of hours of his life, it was the one thing in it that always filled him with wonder and hope. Hope that the next day will bring something different... In fact, if Khepri ever truly died, this is where he would want to end up; a freed spirit able to float alongside the infinite dust. Sometimes, during the longer nights in the overworld, he would sit at the end of the world and just lose himself to it's peacefulness, never even noticing exactly when the strange force takes the sun above the ceiling.

That brought him back to reality. The magical grip should whisk the sun away any second now and solve all of his new and unwelcome problems!

Just let the strange force take the sun back. Just as it always has. Eeeeeevery day.

. . .

"Oh no."

Author's Note:

I probably should mention that I do, in fact, have a plot line for this. Although it might not show well because the last bit of the chapter just crumbled up and violently threatened to fall apart.

I really hope it didn't.

EDIT: Reenforced the structural stability of the chapter as well as wiped away the inconsistencies and tyops (intentional) with grammar windex.
Gramdex? Grindex... Windmer... Wh...

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