• Published 27th May 2012
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

Calm an Quiet - RubyShores

A stallion from Manehattan searches relaxation in Ponyville.

  • ...


“Oh, Applejack,” Fluttershy said in a low voice. “You... you’re back?”

The pegasus put her head into the warm night’s air. A full moon shone down the orange filly’s face. Applejack looked very exhausted and tired. Applejack often looked like that, the poor thing working very hard, every day. And night, obviously.

“We cain’t find ‘im anywhere!” Applejack exclaimed. “We’ve checked every stone in this town, ah tell ya!”

The yellow pegasus looked left and right, then stepped out of her hut. Carefully, she locked the door. “Could you... tone it down a bit? The little ones want to sleep,” she said. “I mean, if it’s all the same to you and such...”

“Oh... of course,” Applejack whispered.

“It’s fine,” Fluttershy mumbled and stretched her wings. “I will help you looking.”

“That’s sweet of ya, but we’ve been looking everywhere. Simply everywhere!” She received a sharp look by the pegasus. “Sorray.” She cleared her throat. “Rainbow’s got the sky covered.”

Fluttershy blushed. “And... you did not find him?” she asked while she led her friend down the hill. “But have you looked everywhere?”

“Everywhere, I tells ya!” Applejack insisted. This was really getting on her. Her left eye twitched.

“Also the Everfree Forest?” Fluttershy suggested.

The earth pony stopped. “Ya... ya’re not suggestin’ what ah thinks yer suggestin’?”


“That’s scary ground, he wouldn’t run in there all alone.”

“Uh... are you sure?” the pegasus inquired. “I mean... you see... maybe he was curious?”

“That colt? ‘Ave you had a look at ‘im?”

Fluttershy blushed even deeper. “No,” she said after a moment of hesitation.

Applejack turned her head, as her friend seemed to have been staring as something behind her. Well, she knew Fluttershy, for years. The Fluttershy she knew would never lie to anyone. But the pegasus would smile in a strange way as she looked back at the other mare.

Applejack shook her head. “That colt’s a Manehattan boy all the way through, I tells ya. I know ‘em. Afraid of their own shadows.”

Fluttershy dipped her head and stopped walking. “Uh...”

“I dunno why he’d run off in the first place. Ya know, he’s a writer for the Weekly Pony.”

“Oh my,” said Fluttershy and blinked. “Is he now.”

“Fluttershy, it is important, ya hear, important he’s all the way content,” Applejack mumbled in an insecure voice. “He’s gotta tell everypony about about my orchard, and business will go boom!”

Again Fluttershy seemed to stare at something behind her friend. “Uh... maybe... maybe he doesn’t want to write... about the orchard?”

“Why else would a critic come out here? All the way from the big city.”

“Um... has he, you know... said so?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Dun’ matter, Fluttershy. I’ll be out and looking. Ya keep an eye open, will ya?”

“Um, actually...” Fluttershy began but again stared at something, as if in shock.


“Nothing,” the pegasus eeped in a low voice. “Am sure you’ll find him soon.”

While the earth pony trotted away, down the road, Fluttershy felt very guilty. Actually, Fluttershy felt guilty all the time, but this time even more so. She went over to a bush by the road.

“Now, Angel, do you think that is...”

A white rabbit had been hiding between the leaves, only visible to Fluttershy’s trained eye. No little critter could defy her stare in any case. Except for one. The hare narrowed its eyes and folded up his forelegs.

“Of course it is...” Fluttershy whispered. She looked up to the moon briefly, then trotted up the way again. Good, nice Angel, she thought, always knows best.

As she was just pulling up the doormat to retrieve the key, she heard a little sound above her. A moment later, four hooves touched ground.

“Hey, Fluttershy.”

The yellow pegasus turned and blushed. “Good d-... night, Rainbow Dash. W-what brings you here?”

“We looked everywhere,” Rainbow Dash yelled out. “Tell me you’ve seen him.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Seen who?”

“That big city colt!”

“Please, Rainbow Dash, not so loud...”

“I’ve shown him every of my tricks and then suddenly he was gone! You know what I think?” Rainbow trotted up and down the path, more talking to herself. “I think Applejack snatched him off, that pony does anything to sabotage me.”

Slowly, the yellow pony put the key back to its place and inched towards her friend. “I don’t think Applejack would ever do that. She’s our friend.”

“Oh, no, no, no, no,” Rainbow Dash denied. “Ever since I’ve become Iron Pony and not her, she’s been out onto me. Surely she wants to stop that guy from writing about me.” She turned and took the time set off a glare up to the moon.

“Well... he’s her guest...” Fluttershy started.

“So? And that makes her think she can hog him all the time and deny me my fame?”

Fluttershy thought fast. “But everypony already knows about you. You were topic number one in Cloudsdale.”

Rainbow moved up to her fellow pegasus, until their noses touched. And there Fluttershy looked into her eyes and saw nothing but pure despair. “He. Did. Not.” Rainbow Dash was almost shivering. “He said he did not know me! He’s never heard of me!”

“Uh, that can happen,” Fluttershy whispered and inched backwards until her tail was pressed to the walls. “Maybe he is not into pega-” she said but the next thought was just unbearable to think. “He’s an earth pony.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and took off into the air. “That is no excuse. Every single pony should know how awesome I am.” She flew some yard up into the night sky, as she stopped. “Hey, how come you know he’s an earth colt?”

Fluttershy inched backwards once again, looking down to the ground. “Er... uh... I’ve seen him in the evening...”

Rainbow turned sharply. “You did? Where’d he go?!”

Think fast, the yellow pegasus thought. Angel peered down from a branch. Does he ever sleep? “Down to Everfree, as I recall,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin with a hoof. “Why would he run down to the Everfree Forest?”

“Uh... enjoy nature?”

The blue pegasus floated higher. “Maybe he got lost! Ow yeah, gotta rescue him!” And then Rainbow dashed off into the night.

Fluttershy sighed, half in relief. Doesn’t anyone ever sleep? Come to think of it, she should sleep herself. But this was ridiculous. Everyone was suddenly so obsessed with just one colt. They should really leave him alone.

Angel is right, Fluttershy thought. It’s really better if he stayed with me for the night. And the day. And maybe... another night... Suddenly Fluttershy blushed deeply red and giggled. She dared not to think any further.

Slowly she turned the key to open up the door. Maybe... maybe we’ll even hold hooves, she thought, the upper limit of her fantasy abilities. That alone painted her cheeks into a colour like red wine.


The yellow pegasus jumped and banged her head on the door frame. She staggered some steps backwards. In the half-darkness of the night, she saw something white galloping up the road. “Lality?” She bitten on her tongue, oh swell.

“You simply must help me. I just saw Rainbow Dash fly off and Applejack run by.”

Fluttershy just dipped her head. “I know.”

“You know? What did they tell you?” Rarity’s horn enlightened the scene and flickered as she got more excited.

“Uh, they have not found him yet,” Fluttershy said in a low voice.

“You know about him? He’s not a looker, I can tell you, I’d need hours to make him reasonable looking, but...”

“What,” Fluttershy yawned. “Is it you want.”

“Okay, nopony has seen him. If only Twilight was in town. She seems to sort these things out in no time at all!” Rarity let out a sigh. “This was surely my big breakthrough. Manehatten is the thriving centre of fashion!”

“So what do you want of me,” Fluttershy said, feeling a bit annoyed. Just a bit. A tiny bit.

“Whenever you run into him, don’t let him run away again. I will give him the makeover of his life and he’ll surely mention me. Or do a full page on me. Or... can you see me on the cover?”

“Uh,” said Fluttershy, who had been on a cover once, several, in fact, and not enjoyed it. And she just remembered that it had started similarly back then. “See, maybe he’s already gone back to the city?” she tried.

Rarity froze and stared at her friend. “Oh no, he wouldn’t... he couldn’t. Oh, darling, that is surely Applejack’s fault! Her rudeness drove him away on the first day!”

“Or maybe not...”


“He could also have gotten lost in the Everfree Forest... Applejack went there...”

“You don’t say that...” Rarity walked down the path. “I can’t let this chance get away again!” she said and broke into a gallop, disappearing into the direction of the Forest.

Fluttershy looked left and right, then up, then under her hooves. Finally. Slowly she retreated into the hut, holding the knob with her mouth.


Twitch-twitch went her eye. “What! Is! IT!!” she yelled right at Pinkie Pie, who stood as shocked as she ever was.

“Nothing,” the pink pony responded and turned to gallop away.

Fluttershy slammed the door shut and locked it. Then she ran over to every single windows and closed it. Carefully all lights were put out. Lastly, she pulled up a chair to the door and blocked it additionally. That should do it.

On her sofa, the red coated colt turned around. Fluttershy moved up and quickly re-adjusted the blanket. Then she let out a very long yawn. All this fuss for nothing at all.

There was a muffled sound from the fireplace. The shy pegasus tried to hide behind the sofa as a cloud of carbon black and splinters extended into the living room. What was it now?

And a moment later, a black rabbit hopped out and gave Fluttershy a very sharp look.

“Oh, I’m sorry I forgot you, Angel...”

But the rabbit crossed the forearms, shook its head and then hopped up the stairs, leaving black paw prints all over the carpet.

Fluttershy dipped her head. Everypony’s going to be very angry at you, she thought, before picking up the duster and went to clean the prints up.

The sun shone onto Red Note’s snout as the colt woke up. From a half closed window, bright sunlight spilled into a room he did not remember falling asleep in. He hardly remembered falling asleep, coming to that.

Slowly he got up and rubbed his eyes. At least he felt refreshed. What a difference a good night’s sleep could do. And waking up without any appointments and important meet-ups ahead. Actually he could just turn around and get back to sleep.

Although... in his foggy mind, he was very sure this was not the suite in the Apple Pension he had been assigned to. For example, this was a big sofa and not a way too small foal’s bed. And there was no plush unicorn.

He turned onto his back and almost jumped off the cushions. He was staring into a yellow filly’s face. And the filly stared back, equally shocked.

Fluttershy jumped up and retreated to the ceiling, emoting some whimpers.

Red Note fell onto the ground and and grunted. “Ow.”

The pegasus returned to the ground. “Oh! Are you all right?”

“Urgh,” he said. “Just... fine,” he said and stretched, whereupon some joints in his back cracked back into place. He winced. “All right...”

“I’m so so sorry if I hurt you,” she mumbled.

Red Note forced a smile and looked up to the blushing pony. “Hey, I know you. You’re Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy took a step back. “You... know me...?”

“Oh yes! I... I was the one editing the stories on you for the Weekly Pony.” He looked around. “That is, until you suddenly disappeared. No pony heard from you, from one day onwards.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“Ah... my... modelling.”

“You look still as dashing.”

Fluttershy tried to crawl into the wall while her head went completely red. “Thanks,” she squeaked.

The long, awkward silence was then only broken by the continued rumbling of Red Note’s stomach. “I do apologise,” the colt mumbled. “I’d... better be going... uh... where am I?”

Fluttershy swallowed a lump in her throat. “Oh, allow me to show you my house,” she said and smiled. She want over and picked up the blanket. “It’s surely not like at Manehatten.”

“I think it’s nice. Very calm and quiet, too.”

“Isn’t it just,” Fluttershy said and folded up the blanket. Then she nudged at a tray on the little table by the sofa. “I... fixed us a salad, so we can breakfast. If... that’s okay for you?”

“Of course,” the colt grinned and sat by the table. “I’ve never had breakfast with a celebrity before.”

Fluttershy turned away as she yawned, briefly. “Oh, please, don’t write about me ever.”

Munching, Red Note blinked. “Beg your pardon?”

“I just... want to be left alone.” Little moments of memory came up in her mind. All those flashing cameras and these eyes... watching every single move of her hooves, silently judging... And she remembered that the Weekly Pony had been always first making up stories about her. “Y-you wrote about me?”

“Not wrote. I was an editor, back then,” the colt said and buried his head in the bowl. “But they made me write about theatres when I refused to include that story about you and Soarin’.”

“B-but... they did bring it.” Fluttershy stomped her hoof suddenly. “And it was so not true!” she yelled. After a moment, she looked away bashfully and mumbled. “Not true at all.”

Red Note was frozen in a mild shock as the shy pegasus had exploded for just a second. “I know. Anyway, thanks for the breakfast.”

“Oh, it was a pleasure,” Fluttershy said. She had not touched a leaf of her salad. “What will you do today? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Red stretched and yawned. “I have no idea. I feel so nicely refreshed. Maybe have a walk around? What’s a pony do for fun in Ponyville?”

Fluttershy rubbed her chin. She’d answer to spend time with the critters, but she was aware that this was not what the colt had in mind. And otherwise... she only took a dip out from work in the Spa, but that is also out of question.

“Oh, did you direct a choir of birds yesterday? I seem to remember...”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, yes! They’re great...”

Red Note nodded. “Yes. I’d like to hear more.”

“Oh! Er... all right... I think I can gather them quickly.”

Red Note smiled softly. “That is great.” He trotted over to the door. “You know, yesterday was not a very good day here, but I think this one’s gonna be better.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I am sure it will be.” And as Red Note tried to open the locked door, she added softly: “Oh, wait for a moment.”

“What is this door locked?” Red asked as the sunlight streamed in and blinded him temporarily.

“Safety first!”

During this day, Red Note was finally able to fully relax. He attended several bird choir performances, though they did not sound as good as the evening before. Fluttershy seemed a bit tired, and so the song was often out of sync.

Generally, he would rate them much higher than any of these catastrophic amateur performances. Once he had had to attend a three hour performance with a filly in makeup drawing shapes with her hoof into the air. And he’d had to write something positive about it, too, as she’d been the chief editor’s daughter.

For some time, he wondered how good this would be for a show at Steed Way. She could be famous. But... she’s already famous. And she did not like it, as it seem.

“And this one’s a red-breasted meadowlark, he’s my favourite,” Fluttershy explained. The bird’s red chest swelled with pride. “And this is a hummingbird, he’s my favourite, too. Oh, and this is...”

“They’re great, yes,” Red Note interrupted. “Look, I should be going to the Pension, I am sure they have made lunch for the guests there.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh... yes...” she mumbled.

Red noticed her staring at something behind him he turned. “Aw, a little bunny. Never seen any of them up close.” He smiled. “They stay away from the city.”

Fluttershy whimpered briefly. “That is... Angel. He’s a good friend.” She blinked. “I mean, all the pretties are my friends,” she added meekly and forced a smiled, in case any of them had gotten an other impression. “Let’s have a picnic, right here.”

Red Note smirked. “Aw, what a cute little bunny he is.” He extended a hoof to pet the rabbit, but quickly retreated after meeting the hare’s stare. “Yeah... picnic?”

Fluttershy pulled out a basket from behind a stone. “I mean, if it’s all right with you...”

“I don’t mind,” Red Note said. He was hungry, again.

Suddenly, from all around birds and critters dashed across the grass. Within seconds, a big sheet was flown by, dropped and spread out by bunnies. Fluttershy put down the basket on the cloth, and mice and hamsters worked together to set up plates and bowls.

“Thank you, my friends,” Fluttershy mumbled. Angel nudged her with a leg, then made a complex, suggestive expression, grinned and scampered off.

Slowly, Red made his jaws obey and his mouth close. “That is amazing! You can control the wild animals?”

Fluttershy looked appalled. “No! No, no, no, no I don’t control them. They just do me favours. Because I care for them.”

Red looked down at an alfalfa and daffodil sandwich. “Heh. We seem to have many wrong ideas in the city.” He took a bite. “That is so... fresh.”

“What you mean?”

Red swallowed. “Freshly picked plants! I’ve not had that since I was a foal.”

Fluttershy blushed. “I’m glad you like it.”

The sun was slowly setting over the acres of the Apple Family Orchard, and Red Note was walking up the road, accompanied by Fluttershy.

“...and then I said: Oatmeal, are you crazy?” he concluded and grinned.

Fluttershy blinked, then emoted a nervous giggle. “Oh, you,” she said and blushed. And there they were at the barn. “Uh,” she said. “I guess Applejack will have dinner for you.”

“You should stay for the evening,” Red invited. “After all, you let me sleep at your place.”

“Oh, that’d be nice,” Fluttershy said and knocked at the house door.

They waited. Nothing happened. Fluttershy knocked again. The house was quiet. Red stomped his hoof at the wood. The door was locked and closed.

“Maybe she’s at the trees,” Fluttershy mumbled, hopefully.

“Yeah, what a way to treat a guest, she should’ve given me the keys,” Red said. “I can’t be looking for her every time I need to get in.”

Fluttershy swallowed. “We can eat at my place?” she said, but the colt was already walking towards the barn.


The yellow pegasus spun around. From the other side of the house, a violet unicorn approached her.

“Oh, Twilight. You’re back from Canterlot?”

The unicorn nodded. “What is up? I’ve not seen anyone since I came back.” She looked over the acres. “I was half expecting Pinkie Pie to spring up with a surprise party at the library, but the Cakes said she’s not been at Sugarcube Corner all day.”


“So I went out looking for Applejack and nobody’s seen her since last night. Same goes with Rainbow Dash.” Twilight rubbed her chin. “But I am sure glad to see you, Fluttershy. I was beginning to worry.”

“They’ve not come back?”

Red Note returned from the barn looking pensive. “No one around. Not even the other guests, maybe an event? Oh, who’s that beautiful friend of yours, Fluttershy?”

Twilight’s mouth dropped open as she blushed. “T-Twilight Sparkle...”

“Very pleased to meet you. Name’s Red Note.”

Twilight grinned bashfully. “I’ve heard of Blue Note. Invented the ink dip pen.”

“Yeah, was my father. So are you employed here, too? Can you open up for us?”

“Ooooh, I don’t think so,” Twilight grinned. “I’m the librarian.”

Red’s face reddened. “Oh, very sorry, miss. I seem to be beside myself, ever since I came here.” He stepped up to the unicorn and moved a hoof to the face, whispering. “To be frank, I am quite concerned that all the ponies here are somehow...”

“Crazy?” Twilight giggled. “Ponyville’s a great town if you give the people a chance. But... back to our initial...”


The three ponies turned they heads over to the road, from where a cloud of dust moved up. Red squinted his eyes. There was a sudden crash, a rock shot past his face, and staring in shock he saw someone skip across the path, on the belly.

It took Red a while to realize it was a dragon. A baby dragon. He’d only seen one or two of them every before.

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight said, picking him up by magic. “Are you all right?”

“Rarity! Pinkie Pie! Forest! Argh!” the dragon winced as he was drop rudely on his rump.

The unicorn rolled her eyes. Fluttershy cleared her throat and smiled, giving Spike a nudge with her wing. “Calm down, Spike,” she said in a soothing voice. “You’re always so hasty.”

To Red Note’s surprise, it seemed to work instantly. There was something in the pegasus’ voice that even made himself relax. He felt the muscles in his shoulders drop. But it seemed to do wonders for the dragon. He took a mental note on that, out of habit.

Huffing, Spike came back up to his feet. “I’ve spoken to Cripps Pink... and she said she saw... Rarity head to the Everfree Forest!” Still breathing heavily, he sat back down. “And Carrot Top mentioned she saw Rainbow Dash over there in the morning, too!”

Twilight shook her head and brushed her forelock with a hoof. “Oh Spike, that doesn’t make much sense. These ponies know better than to enter the Forest.”

Red looked from Fluttershy to the dragon. Somehow, the pegasus looked more shy than ever. “What’s with the forest?”

Spike got up, exhausted. “I have no idea! They’re not anywhere else.”

Fluttershy blinked. “You really ran about all day to find them?”

“They would need a very good reason to go there.”

“Maybe Pinkie and AJ went into the forest, too?” Twilight mumbled. “Why would they do that.”

Fluttershy took some steps backwards and eeped as she slipped on a rock. All eyes were on her. “Maybe... someone told them to?”

The unicorn frowned. “Wh- Fluttershy?”

“Can someone...” Red tried to interlude.

“Do you know something, Fluttershy?” Twilight insisted.

“I...” the pegasus whimpered.

“Maybe someone can explain...”

“We must go save Rarity right now!”


“If you know anything, tell us.”

“You see, this isn’t...”

“She could be in grave danger!”

“They all could be!”

“But what is the matter with...”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “I told them all to get into the Forest so they would leave me and Red alone and he could get his rest!”

The following silence was only slightly disturbed by some birds singing by the apple trees.

“You?” Twilight asked, after she finally got over her shock. “Fluttershy, you did what?”

The yellow pegasus tried to sink into the soil and disappear from the surface. But it did not work. “Y-yes...”

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Somehow... I find that hard to believe.”

Spike pulled her tail. “There is no time for that! We must go to save Rarity!” he said. “And the others, of course.”

The unicorn sighed. “Fluttershy, I am very disappointed,” she mumbled in a low voice, then suddenly dashed off so quickly that Spike hardly had the time to hang on to her and swing himself into the unicorn’s back.

Fluttershy gave the red maned colt a short, bashful look, then took off to a float and went behind Twilight and Spike. Only Red was left standing by the empty barn, confused.

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, what the hay,” he told himself, took in a deep lungful of country air and set off to try his best and follow the girls.

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