• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 3,144 Views, 221 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 3) - ocalhoun

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

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S03E09 Spike at Your Service

Spike tied the wayward balloon carefully, then looked around. "That was a close one. I... If I didn't know better, I would swear that I was in the middle of the dark and scary Everfree Forest."

A twig snapped somewhere behind him.

"What was that?! C'mon, Spike," he said to himself. "Just because this forest is full of wild dangerous animals, doesn't mean that you're gonna see one!"

But then the smell came, the reeking breath of three huge timberwolves.

Spike screamed, and he was about to run... but then he remembered he was a dragon. A fire-breathing dragon. Instead of running, he blew thick green flames at the approaching timberwolves.

They didn't seem daunted at first, but once the flames hit one and he caught on fire, all three beat a hasty retreat deeper into the forest.

"Heh. Nice one, Spike," he congratulated himself. "No problem at all."