• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 295 Views, 0 Comments

Dweller of the Dark - Hope24

There he sits...there he waits...darkness coursing through him...surrounding him...to his utter bliss.

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Dweller of the Dark


How long has it been since I've entered this realm? Years? Centuries? A millennium? All I know is that my timeline while being in this abnormal abyss have all but faded from my mind; becoming mere mists that have been rendered unattainable...even if I even wanted to grasp them again. However, the winding days and before that occurred up until coming to this lightless void...those are times that had not been forgotten. I see it, as clear as day in my mind.

Knowledge...that was all that scholars of my time had ever wanted, had ever craved, though some have had their fill from the nutrients of erudition coupled with the end results of their past mistakes and experiences. The called the end solution...wisdom. Poor, pitiful fools. If they were truly wise, they would know that one could never be filled to reach satisfaction. The world had always been filled to the brim with unrealistic ideals from unrealistic minds. But I am not one of these minds.

Unlike those poultry seekers of enlightenment, my thirst for answers is insatiable. No what how much I've learned, more questions arise to me and I thirst for those answers, like a deer that panteth for water.

He…how long has it been since we’ve last encountered. Ah yes, that stallion. I remember that day when fate had paved our roads the meet one another. Like me he too had a mind that hungered for the answers that starved his cognition. Also like me, he was blessed with an extraordinary gift for the arcane arts. From that day onward, we strove to best each other in the mystical arts. Competed our minds to prove which were sharper, more intuitive. Years of competition he became the bearer of the title ‘rival’. However there was yet another title that I crowned him: friend. Through the years that brilliant unicorn and I became inseparable, I would even go as far as to call him my brother. Brother…that wretched stallion. I do wonder…what had become of my former comrade? Have he been visited by the death angel centuries long ago? Hmm I doubt it. In my day, he was my equal. The only one to be so. Where I have an unextinguished loathing for him, I must admit that I also respect his power.

What? What was that? Oh yes, I’ve almost forgotten about you. These creatures, just another one of my many discoveries I’ve made on my quest for knowledge. These creatures devoid of thought, devoid of motions…nothing more but dwellers of this cold, dark realm…like myself. Restless they are. Hungry they are. In a way, I can sympathize with these obdurate beings. I lust for answers, and they lust for…something. Isn’t that right my friends? My pets.

The world…what’s this? I sense a change in the world apart. Yes. My quest has rewarded me with acute, heightened senses…a gift from the arts that many would condemn me for learning. That smell…it too is familiar to me. The outside world is tainted with the same darkness that surrounds me. No…there’s more. That smell, that feeling…it is far more sinister than the darkness in this realm. I wonder, what terrible wrong had been unleased onto the world. It is both fascinating and infuriating. I’ll just keep to my senses to see how this…debacle will pass over. For the sake of knowledge, it had better be rid from the world.

These dwellers…they are becoming increasingly restless. What is it that they are sensing? Is it the same darkness that has gripped the outside world? Yes…when was the last time you all had fed my pets? Pitiful creatures. Unknowing of the benefit of waiting for the most opportune time to feed. They’re primitive minds have robbed them of good judgement rational thought. I don’t blame them however after all…they are base creatures.

Magic...that wondrous, arcane power that my kind had been blessed with. Where did such a power come from? Why we the only ones chosen to wield it? And not those other base, races that had spawned at the same time we had? Those dull, ordinary, talentless creatures...in tuned with the earth and sky and for what cause? What purpose? The very thought of them only heightens my disgust and discontent. Such a cursed reality that had been made. For us to share this world with them was a fact that was maddening to the brink of insanity...if it wasn't for the great discoveries that I have made.

Could it be? A magic that takes one such as myself far beyond than anypony could even imagine? Such strength, such power. By learning this magic, I have been opened to abilities unattainable to others who yen for such strength. And yet to the ignorance of those who failed to acquire such power deem it unnatural and so they call this power...Dark Magic. The envious lot, oblivious to the power this so called, 'Dark Magic' could provide. But even that couldn't compared to my greatest discovery.

Yes. An unearthing that encompasses all that had been and all that will be. But still from this discovery, a plethora of other questions arise, such as the nature of knowledge. But no matter how powerful one becomes. No matter how much that we've learned this is the reality that cannot be overcome: we cannot escape the scythes time. And surly, to retrieve the answers to the questions the rings inside cannot be obtained with this frail body. But this...pinnacle of scholarly exploits cannot be passed up. My path had been set. For the sake of such knowledge, I shall cast my body away and shall submerge myself in the very Dark Arts that so many have come to fear. And so here I am.

Power...such pure, glorious power. It courses through me with each passing second. Such as the power of the Dark Arts...of Darkness itself. And it is in this very darkness shall I unveil the greatest mystery that had ever presented itself to this world. I shall see what is hidden beyond that seemingly forbidden door shielded from equine eyes. For doors exists only to be opened.

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