Everything from Shifting Melodies that wouldn't quite make the T rating. Things are going to get hot and steamy in here.
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Yeah, no - I think this is the point where I'll stop reading this. While Ledger's bedroom conduct has been somewhat ... questionable ... once or twice in the past, this is the chapter where he passes the line of being a creep. If your partners tells you "no", and you know they mean it, but choose not to respect it anyway - then I consider such a person to be frankly disgusting, and he honestly deserved a kick in the nuts that would leave him walking funny for a week afterwards.
One would guess having sexual actions he wasn't consenting to being forced on him by that Yellow nymph would have made Ledger aware of the fact, but apparently he needs a reminder. Which he obviously won't be getting given how this side story has been panning out lately, so ... dropped. I just hope this chapter doesn't make me think of him as hypocrite every single time he is upset about what happened to him in the past in the main story.
Agreed, even if I would be less harsh in my words. Still, Ledger did cross a line here - a pretty serious line that should be addressed, one I sincerely hope the story takes the time to acknowledge in all its seriousness, because it is an issue. Ledger's line of thought in this chapter can be summed up as "I know she isn't comfortable with it and I know she is sincere about not wanting it, but I want to do this to her, which is more important to me, so f*ck it, I'm going to do it anyway".
That is ... bad, and says pretty non-flattering things about Ledger, the amount of respect he has for his would-be mates and their wishes and comfort, and about the powertrip he has been on general as of late. If this issue about his developing personality and actions, which finally crossed a line in this chapter, isn't going to be addressed or treated with the seriousness it deserves, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep enjoying the story for much longer.
first of all
a picture should be made of twi looking like that... THE PEOPLE DEMEND IT!!!
i think i'll have to agree to disagree in this case... stuff like this do happen, it is feared more in a coltural, and it is not something most people would like to do at first so there is a line one would had to cross.
don't get me wrong, i don't say NO=YES, but i do feel that if twi would want him to stop at that moment she could have told him more firmly that "we are done here" (also why safe words are important)
Yeah...hate to say it but I have to voice my discomfort here. Ledger's been getting a little Gary Stu-ish as of late, and his response to Twilight's objections kinda supports that opinion. While I have been enjoying your story (for the most part), this was hard to swallow (pun intended). Unlike Ledger, this kind of conduct isn't something I can get behind.
Twilight can level a city. She is actually a lot better than Ledger is in Magic. Midnight is better than him in fighting. Apple Cider is also not someone you can push around. If any of Ledger's mare want to stop right then and there, THEY CAN. And he did not actually cross any line...He convinced her to try something different from normal.
Seriously guys. Throw your double-standard feminist goggle away for a moment and consider. None of Ledger's mares are the damsel in distress type. They can stop him right then and there if they wanted to. In this situation, Ledger had managed to convinced Twilight to try new thing. that cannot be considered crossing a line when there are no line to cross.
7247812 Gary/Mary-Sue/Stu used to meant something...Now they are just overused meaningless words that are used when someone doesn't like something...
It's just a personal opinion, dude. I've enjoyed pretty much everything else you've put out so far, it's just that I didn't care for this one. Sure, I have some criticisms but nothing's perfect, right? You're a good storyteller but not everyone's gonna agree with what you do, that's all. Have a wonderful evening.
Maybe you should consider taking your own personal blinders off and take a good look at how Ledger has been presented recently - arrogance, disrespect and being inconsiderate seem to be his most defining personality traits these days (which is kinda ironic, considering that in the main story the advice Ledger gives to the other males is to "put her first" - while in reality it feels like that's something he hasn't done in a long time, and his own "fun" comes first and foremost) and The Lost Stanzas in general reads increasingly like the author has developed a pretty serious case of MaleDom fetish; it's getting pretty bland and monotone at this point, because that's all it is about, these days.
And the observation of him being Gary Stu-ish is a pretty legitimate one, considering the narrative of the story seems intentionally blind to whatever flaws he might posses and props him up as always being in the right by authorial fiat, not because the situation would actually look like that from the outside. Granted, most of the time that's not too much of a problem and doesn't impact the enjoyment of the story, but if something looks, walks and quacks like a duck, let's not pretend that it isn't.
7247988 You did not help your case at all.
Meh...I'm done with arguing about this. This is getting no where.
If it quack like a duck isn't a good arguing material. That is a stupid judge something by its cover way of thinking.
Here's my take on it: If it quack like a duck, but it has a gun pointed to your head, then you should be a duck. In other words, it is a silly line of thinking.
Except we aren't judging anything by it's cover - we have been exposed to Ledger and all his behavioral quirks and patterns for quite some time now, and can make a pretty informed and in-depth opinion on him and his overall presentation in the narrative, which includes a whole lot of questionable behavior from him recently, and how the story generally tends to gloss over and ignore his flaws.
Whether the specific analogy was successful or not is pretty immaterial as far as Ledger's actual presentation and his qualities as a person, and whether the story is willing to acknowledge them, is concerned.
so i see 2 pepol agering about a fanfic a bout ponys...why jest why...i shoud stop drinking and posting...buuuuut i wont~
I must admit this kind of rubbed me the wrong way, too. Just a few tiny little phrase changes and it would have been fine, but as it is... eh...
Ten bits says that if it had been Ledger that had been pulled out of his comfort zone instead of Twilight, then there would be no complaints.
He loves her and wants to share something that he enjoys, even though she does not want to at first. Certainly, many people would have not been okay with that. But it's up to Twilight to decide if she is unhappy with this treatment, or if she is okay with what happened. It is NOT right for others to tell her how to feel.
Imagine this: Pinkie goes up to Twilight and says "Twi! You gotta try this! It'seems the most amazing cookie ever!", and Twilight says "No thanks, I don't like cookies," but Pinkie shoves a bit into her mouth anyway. Some would think Pinkie pushy, but no one would actually be angry with her on Twilight's behalf. After all, Twilight is perfectly capable of getting angry if she wants. She can also spit the cookie out. But no, she eats it and finds it enjoyable. Any passerby or one of her friends would see the described event, look at Twilight happily eating a cookie, then shrug and be on their way. But because the same thing happened and sex is involved, people get up spun up.
while i agree that choices are up to the one to make them, things like sex can be a bit more touchy. takeing into account the need for comfort zones, one must respect there partner.
still, you seem to forget pinkies... eagerness to make others happy. regardless of boundarys. (time and space included, im suprized reality survived the reflection pool...)
this reminds me of a crazy comic strip where someone had 2 penises...and two girls sucked him off at the same time!
edit: now i remember: it was Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog...