• Member Since 21st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 18th, 2016



odditys in life · 11:14am Jul 9th, 2016

is it odd at all that i am starting to shut one eye whenever i read? its always my right eye too. anyhow... im quite tired. night world. (or morning, afternoon, evening... whatever your timezone is)

another day. anouther firetruck wakeing me up at 7 am sharp... god the nearest firestation is 4 miles away. why is it so hard not to wake up to one?!

Report cronus · 295 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
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That would actually be interesting. On chapter 2 or 3, I find you injured on the outskirts of Ponyville.

2244077 hows a ling that was banished from his hive sound? starving, alone, and wounded?

Sure man! A Changeling friend would mean the greatest threat to all evil. Unless you are already a 'ling. If you go into the mirror and end up as a 'ling, then we could make it a 'fight evil' thing.

2243740 if it goes on mine, full credit will be given to you. so i dont mind either way.
and earler would be good. that way i can help spot errors at the start and add input that may enhanced the plot.
btw, could i have an OC in it? a ling?

Now, I have two questions.
One, do you want to be included at the beginning or later on?

Two, do you want to post this on your user or mine?

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