Everything from Shifting Melodies that wouldn't quite make the T rating. Things are going to get hot and steamy in here.
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first again? cool. love these side chapters.
In regards to 4A cloptional, wouldn't it make more sense to publish it before publishing actual bonus chapter 4? After all it would be in chronological order.
That might be just me missing the obvious, but I didn't think anything at all happened between Lucky and Yearling between chapters 3 and 4, and definitely not THAT, so when I was reading 4A I was like "waaaaait, they did it? That kind of changes the context of the proper chapter a bit."
Just my 2 cents.
7211778 if im downvoted for being supprized, then the downvoters need to give up the alcaholic haterade. makes them unreasonably hatefull and blocks the mind from its proper function
but a downvote is just an opinion. and each opinion for any individual is slightly different.
so, who cares about them
7213890 people would downvote because you pointed out the fact that you got first comment and nothing more.
because people really are assholes.
7214382 thats true. but my point still stands. opinions.
i was just supprised i was first to make a post on anything.
7214467 that it does.
7214469 i respect anyones opinion. i see there points. i dont normaly take a side in anything. but i dont let others harm anouther ither. i can feel no pain. and i have literaly jumped into a knife fight with only my hands to stop it. got cut to hell, but id dather be hurt than others. i heal like wolverine lol. got a skull like him too!! lmao! oh the look on there faces... a solid brick wall, not even a chip in the morter. my head knocked a brick out of it. and a footlong, 4 inch thick ice sheet, was turned to icecubes by my head... i never felt it!
[groan]...that made think of a story called "changeling sex education"...i didn't like it. simply put, the changelings take turns raping each other-NO consent is ever given...