Everything from Shifting Melodies that wouldn't quite make the T rating. Things are going to get hot and steamy in here.
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And thus started Flash sentries waifu stealing career
7021267 Your comment just ruined it in the greatest of ways.
Good job.
~Crystalline Electrostatic~
With the amount of punishment bronies give Flash, even knowing what you were about, I had half expected this to end with him waking up in a bathtub minus a kidney.

Good to see Flash getting some love (literally) for once.
Though admittedly Flash was also on my list of second stallions for ledgers herd.
I aim to please
I don't get why flash gets so much hate, so I'm happy for the guy.
Apologies, one and all. I accidentally released the next lost stanza before the corresponding chapter was released.
Note to self: not all the chapters have lost stanzas...
Though the next one certainly does~
You tease.
Wow, a mistaken upload and it still got to the feature panel

Shouldn't this be chapter 60?