• Published 3rd Nov 2014
  • 1,854 Views, 103 Comments

Buck the Shut Up - Julia

  • ...

I'm So Mad, I Could Just KICK Something. Or Somepony.

"My goodness. My fucking goodness! All the guards of Celestia and all of the eyes ever to bear witness to my sweet little face, oh Celestia, allow them to not see my anger. Fucking white supremacist bunny! Cute or not, he's gonna fucking get it!"

Simply put, Angel had introduced the flower pot to Fluttershy's head. He had been patiently tapping his foot for ten minutes as Fluttershy catered to all the other animals' needs but his. He made rageful sounds at her as she flew past, giving food and drink to turtles, birds, and even a lizard. Did she forget about him? Or was she just ignorant of his needs enough to skip him like a rock over a river.

"Oh, don't worry little mousies, I have your food for you," the gentle pegasus said as she giggled in delight at the mice's happiness of her serving to them. She spun happily in the air, turning to now get Angel's food, but the white bunny was not where she had last seen him. "Angel? Did you run away again? I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, but you have to understand that some animals here are new, and their not used to the cluttered feeding schedule I have. They deserve to be fed first so they don't get out of hand... I hope you can understand... Angel?"

Angel Bunny dropped a flower pot onto the pegasus pony's head, angrily squeaking at her with his fist balled up. He hopped down in front of Fluttershy as she drove her face into the ground, holding her head in severe pain and waving her fanny in the air, frantically flapping her wings so fast they were like flies buzzing. Angel tried to match her wingbeats with his foot tapping, and his usual scowl was on his face. He smirked as he heard Fluttershy sniffling, seemingly trying to hold back tears, but being the smart little bunny he was, he noticed immediately that the pony was bleeding from the head. He began to lament from his actions, and now saddened by his owner's ail, he tried to pet her mane to make her feel better.

Fluttershy swiped the bunny away with great force, knocking him into a wall. She stood up, with fire burning in her eyes, glaring at all the other animals who had seen what she had done. The animals chattered in curiosity at her outburst, and when Fluttershy noticed this, she muttered quietly, "Shut the buck up!"

The animals looked to her, shaking uncontrollably in fear, all holding onto one another, too scared to make any sounds or sudden movements. Fluttershy held onto her head once more, murmuring "Ooooo, ooooo!" in agonizing pain. Every second a spike of pain throbbed into her nervous system, and despite her deep breaths and constant pillow soft rubbing, the pain only got worse. And it could only keep getting worse.

"Buck...buckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuck...FUCK!" Fluttershy cried, flying out of the window, screaming with such a great magnum force and sharp pitch it shattered all of her windows and ground the stray pieces of glass into dust as they floated in mid-air. Down to a molecular level, the glass bits split, and imploded upon themselves out of existence as they had run out of matter to split. Flying through the trees and kicking them as she flew, she ran first into Applejack, who greatly appreciated her party-soft pegasus friend holding a high caliber level of Kindness helping to get the apples down from the trees.

"Thanks, Flutters!" Applejack exclaimed, until getting a good look at Fluttershy and seeing she was hurt and bleeding. "Hey, Fluttershy! What's wrong with ya? You're angrier than a bull in a red room with no horns!"

Fluttershy had gotten to the point where everything that came out of her mouth was a mindless swear to let off the rage which was constantly being built up in her body and had to be distributed upon the outside world in some random way. The pegasus tried to hold back her anger enough to not have Applejack suffer any consequences that she did not deserve, but the pins were piercing each and every nerve in her body and slowly tearing her apart from the inside out. There was no time to explain, and even less time to calm herself; Fluttershy discovered she had kicked Applejack's face in and knocked her out-cold. Uncontrollable and untamed, Fluttershy jumped high into the air and dropped down onto her hooves, distributing enough power and force among the tree orchard to not only knock all the apples off of the trees, but turn them into applesauce with the leftover resonating force and vibration left in the ground from her hulking landing. She even managed to trim the grass and leave it floating off of the ground as she had destroyed all of the friction within however many square acres which made up the orchard was. She ran, not flew, but ran into the inner village, trampling the Cutie Mark Crusaders, flattening Sweetie Belle to a mere fraction of the 1000+ page width which she originally was, turning Applebloom into Applejuice, and making Scootaloo into a rubber chicken that squeaked. Seeing her mortal enemies effortlessly crushed by even the gentlest of all the ponies in Ponyville, Diamond Tiara cackled like a witch, unable to even stand at the comedic effects which followed in the settling dust of Fluttershy's rage.

"Looks like you three are--" No, Fluttershy could not let the arrogant, rump-bumping slore of a filly to get away with anymore smart remarks on how much the Cutie Mark Crusaders were less fortunate than her. The pegasus stuffed a crown into the crater of a spoon that day, regardless or not of whether Diamond Tiara was even with Silver Spoon at the moment, Diamond Tiara had still found herself gummed together in Silver Spoon's intestinal track, tasting last night's tea and cupcake dinner. Fluttershy did not do this act of rage accidentally, but rather acted upon an impulse which she had been tempted with ever since ever since she gazed her eyes upon the newest WORST generation. It utterly disgusted her that this filth was allowed to trot upon the graceful grasses of her home of Equestria.

Still in public, Fluttershy had caught the attention of the mares and stallions of Ponyville, and instead of them running in fear as they usually would do, they applauded her for her newest and most impressive act of Kindness this day. She had done what they had failed to do, and through her act, they realized they should spend less time loving and tolerating, and more time whipping the flanks of their foals. Their constant clopping of their hooves annoyed her to a universally magnificent level, sending bullets of sound into her ears which batted at her brain, making her head pains even worse. Her eyes went wild and she pulled her mane, screaming like a mad-mare. Her shrill screech of a squeal cut effortlessly through the eardrums of the ponies around her, making them bleed blood like running faucets from their ears, eyes, and mouths. The pegasus spread her wings and used them to fan her head to try and ease the pain with cooling, but it was no use. She looked on at the carnage she had caused and darted to the skies, searching for a large body of water, to see if cold water could numb the pain and stop any possible swelling. Spotting a river in the distance, she flapped her wings with such force it ripped apart space and time, jetting her faster than the speed needed to generate a Sonic Rainboom, and as a matter of fact, Fluttershy created a Fluttering Fireflower. This was not that special a concept as pretty as it looked, and was merely a butterfly made of magic rotating in the air after a pegasus flies faster than top speed, which was the speed needed for a Sonic Rainboom.

"Fuck this fucking shit, kiss my ass, send me to hell, fuck it all to hell and lick my bleeding clit!" Fluttershy screamed, burning a hole in the air she traveled through until she cannonballed into the water she targeted. A dome of water rose up and exploded like a hydrogen bomb (which it technically was, due to it being H2O), sending all of the water of the lake flying into the sky and spreading outwards towards the direction of Ponyville. Fluttershy's angered sigh of sweet relief was as loud as the sound of splashing water itself, and caught the attention of the Ponyville community before they even saw the flood which was to become of their nice weather that day. The sound caught their ears, and what a sweet sound it was not, like a bear having an orgasm is what it sounded like. But they saw the gigantic wave of water flying at them, and soon, they could taste the anger of the Pegasus.

Fluttershy crawled out of the lake she had just cleared, coughing up a mix of water and fish. She rubbed the top of her head and sighed in relief. She smiled and sqealed in pure zeal, now jumping for joy. Thank Celestia. The pain was gone.

Author's Note:

A great day to be Fluttershy.

Comments ( 103 )

...and that, little fillies and colts, is why you never mess with Fluttershy :flutterrage:

Buck the what was that? :applejackunsure:

:rainbowlaugh: <- that's what it was.

I... what? How.... gu..... WHAT THE BLEEDIN' HELL WAS THAT?!?! :rainbowlaugh: THAT WAS BRILLIANT!! Oh my... WHAT?!

I can't.... words can't describe... what's going through... my head right now... WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT?!?!

You're terrible and you should feel terrible.

fkn fgt
i dnt red ur shet


5251631 you know you like it.
you're just jealous that i can do stories about anything when all you write about is Adagio x Every mare who isn't Granny Smith.
so, would you have sex with Goldie Delicious?

5468578 I don't know, and please... explain what the buck that meant?

5473806 oh, sorry Sakra... i meant that for 5468535 , my slave.

Unless they're old.
...Or too young, I suppose.

I'm no slave.
Especially not yours.
kil urself

5473955 2 spoopie 4 mi

Do not delude yourself thou wrenched fool.

5473972 i want a Piss Quadro

I... Don't know what that is.... >_>

Piss is PS is PlayStation
Quadro is Four is 4 is 8/2 is 4/1 is 4

(I've already got it, bitch~)

5473999 i will fuck your face you bragging son of a female dog that spews rainbows when you lick its vagina

*Thrives on your negative energy*
Jealousy is practically radiating from you...~

5474031 i wasn't even jealous, what you're feeding off of is really my vagina. how's it taste? i was always told it tastes like...

How does it feel being eating out by a siren?

5474047 *quivers suddenly*
it depends... how long can your tongue get?

5474089 *currently too horny*

5474116 *blushes as my head hangs low*

I still don't understand why you're so horny most of the time.
Not that it's a bad thing~

5474147 'someponies ask me why i don't get horny... the thing is, i just got a good way of hiding it

5474224 meditation. and music. and thinking about story ideas while listening to music. also, force horniness upon yourself in a public place and see how much you can beat it down before you've completely suppressed it. i may be young, but my experience is godly.
also, i must ask, how do you get horny? you seem to be the type that needs a father to tickle your clit before you even manage to blush

It's a very simple answer.

I don't.

5474276 so you don't get horny?
we're gonna have to fix that...
riddance of horniness is nature's natural stress relief. mindlessly fingering gets you nowehere.

Fix me?
How so?
Is it bad that I don't mindlessly finger myself?

5474334 you must learn how to masturbate.
you always seem so tense, and rigged... you must let loose... unless you already know how

I am not tense! Or ridged!
And even if I was what's the harm of not letting it go? (see what I did there?)

5474421 you'll never be able to please another lesbian, and definitely not me, if you keep up an attitude like that

or do like Hollywood Undead said
"Slit your wrists, get pissed, and go jump off a bridge!"

5476757 no, oh, no... they're a group.
but there is someone in America named North West.

5476790 I like to call him Yeezus

5476813 let's just call him Fucktardius MCXVIII

5476848 fuckie the fucktard. sounds legit.
legit means to read.
sounds read.

5476877 lol.
latin is funny.
the way to say "with" is "cum"
"Cum cum me!"

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