Death is a natural part of life. Exploding out of your anus, however, is not.
Dedicated to TGM, Rainedash, and Kamikakushi, who gave their lives in the prereading of this work. May they rest in peace.
Every time you read one of my stories, an orphan is allowed to be happy. Do it for the orphans.
Death is a natural part of life. Exploding out of your anus, however, is not.
Dedicated to TGM, Rainedash, and Kamikakushi, who gave their lives in the prereading of this work. May they rest in peace.
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A little insight into how this story came into existence:
He deserves it.
You will always be remembered.
We'll not risk another frontal assault. That rabbit's dynamite.
Have a like, favorite, and a brand new car you magnificent SOB
Okay, while the angel hate here is strong, I can't deny that Fluttershy made this story. Her reaction, dialogue, it was all gold.
Only reason I bring up the angel hate is that typically these types of stories are just there because the author hates that bunny. I can understand why, but I tend to try and stay objective: he has to have some redeeming qualities, otherwise even Fluttershy would have done something about it. Regardless, you really made this work. Have a like and a fav.
damn that's funny ( I feel so dirty / nope)
RIP my sides.
I knew exactly what I was getting into when I started reading this.
Somehow I didn't know what I was getting into.
It's just the circle of life.
Explosions and tea.
What a perfect combo.
I like this far more than I should. Surely it's not because I despise Angel Bunny, right? Actually, that's exactly what it is. Serves the little bastard right.
What makes this story, though, is Fluttershy's utterly blasé reaction in the face of Twilight freaking out, and the slow reveal of exactly what happened and why. The only thing that would have made this better would have been for Twilight to also be fed a "special meal" by Fluttershy, but then that's also my preference. I am a terrible person.
Well, I can't say it was not entirely justified...
Well...that happened
I somehow knew this would be... this.
The only thing I would like to note is that some of the stuff Twilight says seems more like what Pinkie Pie would say in this particular situation.
"...Who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
I am a bad person, yes.
The only people that could downvote this were those dirty Rabbit Sympas.
You mean the infamous Fuzzy Hoppers? I'm not one to split hares, but lettuce see what happens if bunny rabbit carrot cotton tail salad.
7007808 Lel.
7004287 Explains sooo much.
7005456 No, I'm pretty sure it's because we all hate Angel Bunny. The little fuzzy bastard.
7004690 I thought it was called the splash zone?
This story is representative of a tumultuous period in my life, when I was passed around between my parents and aunts and uncles, never able to settle down and make a home for myself. Times were difficult; more often than I care to think about, I would spend the night in a cardboard box in the alleyway, with only Mr Ruffles, a stray dog I found, for company. Then Mr Ruffles, bless his single floppy ear (he lost his other ear in a fight with a particularly ferocious tomcat), got leukemia and then was shot and then hit by a car, all in the span of a few seconds and right before my innocent, five-year-old eyes. Afterwards, I always carried his worn leather collar around to remind me that the best friend I'd ever had was dead, and also somehow unluckier than even I was. And then I went blind and deaf.
So before you roll your eyes and "what" this fic, remember one thing--Mr Ruffles wouldn't do that. In part because dogs are dumb, but mostly because he's dead. Like, real dead.
7014488 Wow, you're really pulling at my heart strings there.
I cri everytime
Like I said earlier:
That reminds me of the time I drew a smiley face on the entirety of Africa.
Wanted to give the starving African children a present, but nooooooooooooo.
Lmao, good story
.... I don't get it
Why wasn't Fluttershy upset?
Because she's the one who did it.
It's kinda what the entire story is hinting at, really.
That makes a lot more sense. She was probably covering it up when she was talking to Twilight about it.
You know what? I don't even care. I love this story. The banter felt like an episode of Archer. 10/10
I think I cracked a rib laughing at the popcorn kernel bit!
Out of all the fics I've written, this is the first to rack up a body count from the readers.
I reviewed this as part of Read It Later #52.
My review can be found here.
I'm gonna have to go against the grain here and say that I actually didn't care for Fluttershy's indifference here. Twilight's colorful metaphors are what sold this one for me. I haven't laughed that loud in a while.
If you think they were good to read, you should try writing them. It's, like, the most fun I've ever had writing about bunny rabbits going splorch like when Princess Celestia accidentally sits on an eclair.
I like this...I don't know why but I did....I feel like I shouldn't.... But I did...haha jk I know exactly why I liked this.
What isn't to love about detonating bunny rabbits?
I knew exactly what i was getting into when i clicked this...yet still I am surprised by reading it. you have earned yourself a like on this and a new sub
Edit: apparently am already following you lol
The last line is what made this one for me.
Yup, bunnies explode all the time. What are you gonna do, cry about it?
I don't know why I enjoyed this story so much. Maybe it's because I was raised on Looney Tunes, and think exploding animals are funny.
Yeah, I know, it wasn't that kind of explosion, but that was the only funny "exploding rabbit" gif I could find.
Have a Spikestache.