• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 289 Views, 0 Comments

Equestrian battle of the bands - Hugoo

Pinkie's past return's in the form of a pony she used to know. battles, bands, ponies what more could you want

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part 4: sneaky deed's

The friendship express slowed down and came to a stop in the Ponyville station it let a low thick cloud of steam from the tracks which floated towards the onlooking ponies and faded away.

the doors opened themselves by some magic or mechanism allowing those inside to leave, of the three band members pinkie was the first to leave, she bounced out in a bubbly fashion towards her friends bring smiles to their faces and hugs to their bodies, although vinyl was the pony on everyponies minds.

Particularly rainbow's, she had been through something similar and she could sympathies. after hugs were dished out and a tired vinyl and monochrome left the train rainbow approached Vinyl, she needed her to know she was there for her.

"Hey Vinyl, i, urm i heard what happened between you an' Tavi, and i just wanted to say i'd be there for you 'kay?"

this was strange yet comforting for vinyl, she never really knew rainbow well, in fact at all, the only reason she knew this one was called rainbow was due to the fact one of pinkie's friend was and she was the one with a rainbow colored mane.

she smiled "thanks, i don't mean to sound so disdainful but I've been getting a lot of that lately so.."

rainbow put a hoof upon vinyl's shoulder and looked her in the eyes, or rather shades, to say. "i know what you're going through."

Vinyl smiled, and it's safe to assume that some point that evening the two traded numbers as i sign of being there for each other, maybe everypony did...

the following hours were filled with tedious shifting of instruments and various pieces of tech into pinkie's place, by sun's set the band were to tired to do any actual practice, but not to tired to celebrate with a drink and some tacos.

the inside of Sneaky deeds had a very distinct atmosphere, it was warm and brought those who had had been to a university back to that time, it felt like knocking a Friday on the head and heading to a brewery for a piss up.

a round of laughter waved around the circular group of eight ending with mono who flipped out a zippo and lit it across the table.

It just occurred to Rainbow dash that mono was really bucking cool, like a full 120% of coolness, it also occurred to her that she hadn't smoked in a while and it might be a good way of becoming 360 degrees of awesome, after all she was more careful now, more controlled, more restricted, she wouldn't let herself down that road.

"hay can i have one?" she spoke through a grin which came from whatever joke started this scene.

"You smoke!" said twilight who was most shocked to say the least.


"Since when?" cut in applejack

"Well not often!"

fluttershy coyly interrupted. "Urm i think this is a no smoke zone so urm mono if you could urm not give her a cigarette that would be fine."
she forgot to add that she should put out her own.

"Nah it'll be fine have you seen the staff round here?"

although she was technically breaking the law she made a good point the staff would pretty much only come out from behind the bar if a new customer sat down.

she placed a cigarette in rainbow's mouth lit it and sat back down.

"'scuse me everypony i just need to talk to dash for a moment"

Applejack pulled rainbow aside and led her down the hall, they felt nervous, both of them.

Applejack felt this way due to rainbow's apparent feelings, she anticipated that something was happening between rainbow dash and mono at least in rainbow's mind, and she knew she had to be there for her.

Rainbow on the other hand didn't know why she felt this way, she was scared and weirdly... she felt adrenaline flowing through her.
they reached the toilets and entered, applejack's orange hoof first touching the mahogany door before swinging it open.

the atmosphere in the toilets was totally different from that of the main establishment, firstly due to the natural atmosphere, the softly buzzing white bar lights on the ceiling, the pen drawn graffiti above the sinks, the smell of over compensating deodorants in the cubicles
then there was the atmosphere both ponies gave off, the hyper real vibes.

Applejack opened the conversation.

"Look sugar cube, i know what's goin' on out there and you've gotta listen to what i have to say okay?"

rainbow dash hadn't the slightest cue what she was talking about but she decided to let her run her course.


"good, look..."

she was silent for a minute and rainbow could see that she felt a sinking feeling inside, she swallowed and carried on.

"i know mono's kinda new here. and i can see you've taken quite the shinning to her, but i don't want that to change your life to much, don't start smoking again just for her. okay?"

Rainbow dash felt an ocean of blood pour through hundreds of veins and rteries around her body all directly into her face.
she was blushing and scared and confused, but most of all panicked.

she rushed in to make sure AJ didn't keep her wrong idea in fear it might not go.

"No No NO! you're completely wrong you couldn't be further from.. it's not like..."

applejack cut in with a laugh forcing rainbow to pause and reconsider, why was she being so defensive? did it really weather anypony had this idea she had feelings for mono, not that it was true but why did it matter if Aj thought otherwise?

"it's okay sugar cube, i ain't angry! we're all friends... you don't have to hide anything from me."

as she spoke applejack put a hand on rainbows shoulder releasing electrical pulses through her entire being, and it hit her like a brick, all signs had pointed to it...

the weird feeling of adrenalin before she got into the toilets, the defensiveness and now this new feeling from one orange right hoof on her shoulder.

she had feelings for applejack, strong ones, were they romantic? were they purely physical? a million questions, seconds to think, what could she say right now, how could she recover from this situation.

applejack spoke "come out when you're ready okay? i can see I've given you a lot to think about.." she nodded at the door behind them before leaving.

leaving rainbow, leaving her alone, to her own mind, to her thoughts, to the questions, and to these new or maybe simply unknown feelings, with her cigarette, and with pulses still alternating through her body.

Author's Note:

Boom secondary story... hope y'all like

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